Engineering, 2010, 2, 461-465
doi:10.4236/eng.2010.26060 Published Online June 2010 (
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. ENG
Hydraulic Domestic Heating by Throttling
Mohammad A. K. Alia, Tariq Younes, Hussein Sarhan
Al-Balqa Applied University, Faculty of Engineering Technolog, Al-Salt, Jordan
E-mail:, {tariqmog, sarhan_52}
Received February 3, 2010; revised March 15, 2010; accepted March 25, 2010
In this work an experimental investigation was carried out in order to explore the possibility of realizing a
domestic heating system by throttling hydraulic oil. Considering the continuous increasing price of diesel oil,
this work gains unique importance. Generating heat directly by throttling is realized using a simple environ-
ment friendly system which does not require oil transportation and storage, and eliminates the need for
chimneys and annual preventive maintenance, as it is the case with heating by utilizing oil burners, which is
prevailing in Jordan. Experimental results show that it is possible to raise the room temperature up to 70C
during 15 minutes which is not a limit value. Experimental results show that temperature rate could be in-
creased by selecting the appropriate pump power and by connecting a number of throttles in parallel.
Keywords: Throttling, Pressure Drop, Hydraulic Oil, Heating
1. Introduction
It is an established fact that heat is generated in a fixed
displacement hydraulic system whenever fluid is throt-
tled from high pressure to low pressure without doing
any work. This generated heat is normally taken as a
measure of system efficiency. Although many thermo
and fluid references [1,2], describe the generated heat as
“losses”, fluid flow and pressure drop may be converted
to work.
Nowadays, this phenomenon finds a practical applica-
tion in swimming pools in order to increase heating sys-
tem efficiency. For this particular case water circulates
through a hydraulic motor/turbine, via a heat exchanger,
where water is heated. Further it is directed through noz-
zles in order to be heated for the second time by admix-
ing it, by means of its turbulence with the pool water.
Another application is the adjustment of the temperature
of large area heating system by automatic adjustment of
the throttle degree, so that the temperature difference
between the feed-line and the return line of the heating
loop stays the same.
It is a common practice in our daily life to directly
convert electrical energy into heat energy by using elec-
tric wire coils. In such a case the wasted electrical power
remains a target. What we are suggesting is to make an
analogue process by converting hydraulic energy into
heat energy by utilizing a hydraulic resistance (throttle).
Considering the continuous increasing price of oil, it
becomes apparent that direct consumption of electrical
energy by throttling will be more economical then gen-
erating heat energy using separate individual domestic
oil burners, which is the prevailing heating technology in
Jordan. There will be no need for oil storage and oil
transportation. Add to this the suggested heating system
does not require chimneys and does not involve any
contamination. Moreover the system is very simple and
less complicated when compared with diesel burner equip-
ment. Building on the above, the target of this work is to
experimentally investigate the possibility of realizing a
hydraulic domestic heating system by throttling.
2. Why so Much Heat is Generated during
Heating by throttling is generated by friction due to
pressurized oil forced into restriction [3]. The higher
friction will be between the oil and the inner surfaces of
the throttling valve. By circulating the heated oil during a
specific interval of time a considerable temperature rise
will take place, and as a result of that surrounding envi-
ronment will be heated. Fluids in motion are subjected
by various resistances, which are due to friction. Friction
may occur between the fluid and the pipe work and
within the fluid as sliding between adjacent layers of the
fluid takes place, which is normally characteristic for
turbulent flow.