Copyright © 2012 SciRes. MRC
Figure 8. Effect of temperature on the conversion of phenol.
Reaction condition: Temp 303 - 333K, Cat; 0.2 g Bi(0.5wt%)
Pt(2wt%)/ZrO2, substrate 20 mL (conc; 10 g·dm–3), pO2 760
Torr and agitation 900 rpm.
4. Conclusion
Both bismuth promoted Pt/ZrO2 and Pd/ZrO2 catalysts
are very promising for the destructive oxidation of the
organic pollutants in the industrial effluents. Addition of
Bi improves the activity of Pt/ZrO2 catalysts but inhibits
the activity of Pd/ZrO2 catalyst at a high loading of Pd.
Optimal conditions for better catalytic activity are: temp
333K, wt of catalyst 0.2g, agitation 900rpm, pO2 101kPa
and time 180min. Among the emerging alternative proc-
esses, the supported noble metals catalytic o xidation was
found to be the most effective for the treatment of several
pollutants like phenols, at milder temperatures and pres-
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