1232 T. Arumanayagam, P. Murugakoot han Vol.10, No.13
Under the reaction of 2-aminopyridine and 4-aminobenzoic acid with the ratio 2:1, high
quality nonlinear optical crystal was grown using slow evaporation technique. The optical
transmittance, band gap and optical constants of the grown crystal were studied. The
complex dielectric functions of the APAB crystal were studied. The SHG efficienc y of the
grown APAB crystal is 2.9 times that of KDP. The optical and electr ical conductivi t y of the
sample was studied and it reveals that the conductivity increases with increase of photon
energy. The dielectric constant of the grown crystal is calculated to be 32.5 at higher
frequen cy. The high optical transmittance and band gap with low dielectric constant and
low dielectric loss suggest that the APAB crystal could be used in nonlinear optoelectronic
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