Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering, Vol. 10, No.13, pp.1213-1224, 2011 Printed in the USA. All rights reser ved
Analysis of the Machining Characteristics on Surface Roughness of a Hybrid
Aluminium Metal Matri x Com posite (Al6061-SiC-Al2O3)
T.Sasimurugan 1*and K.Palanikumar 2
1Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering,Sathyabama University,
Chennai-600 041, India.
2Department of Mechanical Engineering,Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology ,
Aluminium metal matrix composites are finding increased applications in many areas. Adding of
the third element to the metal matrix make the composite hybrid. This paper presents the study
on the surface roughness characteristics of a hybrid aluminium metal matrix (Al6061-SiC-
Al2O3) composites. The experimental studies were carried out on a lathe. The composites were
prepared using the liquid metallurgy technique, in which 3, 6 and 9 wt % of particulates SiC and
Al2O3 were dis per sed in the base matrix. The obtained cast composites wer e carefully machined.
The characteristics that influence the surface roughness such as feed rate, depth of cut and
cutting speed were stud ied, which made the analysis come to a conclusion that the surface
roughness is increases with the increase of feed rate and it reduces the surface roughness with
the increase of cutting speed.
Keywor d s Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite, Machining, Cutting Speed, Depth of Cut, Feed
Rate, Surface Roughness
Nom enclatu re
S Cutting speed in m/min
F Feed rate in mm/rev
D Depth of cut in mm
Ra Average surface roughness in µm
Metal Matrix Composites are the newly engineered materials. Metal matrix composite consists
of at least two constituent parts, of which one constituent part being a metal and the other part
may be a different metal or another material, such as ceramic or organic compound. When at
1214 T.Sasimur ugan and K.Palanikumar Vol.10, No.13
least t hree materi als are p resent, it i s called a hybrid metal matrix composite. Hybrid MMCs are
made by dispersing a reinforcing material into a metal matrix. They have received considerable
research and trials b y Toyota Motor Inc., in the earl y1980s. The matrix is usually a lighter metal
such as aluminium, magnesium or titanium. The reinforcement material is embedded into the
matrix [1]. The reinforcement does not always serve a purely structural task, that is, reinforcing
the compound, but is also used to change physical properties. Such new class of materials are
characterized by light weight, high strength and wear resistance than those of conventional
materials. Due to such attractive properties coupled with the ability to operate at high
temperat u res, hybrid MMCs compete with super-alloys, ceramics, plastics and re-designed steel
parts in several aerospace and automotive applications [2].
Conventional tool materials such as high-speed steel cannot be used for machining of hybrid
MMCs as the cutting tool undergoes very rapid wear. Carbides, either plain or coated, suffer
significant levels of tool wear after a very short period of machining [3]. Several researchers
have indicated that polycrystalline diamond (PCD) tools are the only tool material that is cap abl e
of providing a useful tool life during the machining of MMCs [4]. PCD is harder than Al2O3 and
SiC and does not have a chemical tendency to react with the work piece material. PCD cutting
tool consists of a sintered layer of micrometer sized diamond particles bonded to a tungsten
carbide substrate.
Experiments were conducted at various cutting speeds, feeds and depth of cuts and the output
parameters such as surface roughness and tool wear rate were measured. The experimental
results were analyzed to study the influence of different factors on machining the hybrid MMC.
The microstructure of the hybrid metal matrix composite Al6061-SiC-Al2O3 (wt.6%) viewed
under an Optical microscope is shown in the Fig.1.
Fig.1 Microstructure of the hybrid metal matrix (Al6061-SiC-Al2O3 (wt.6%)) composite
The hybrid MMCs can be worked with standard metal working techniques, such as extrusion,
forging or rolling and may be machined using conventional techniques, but commonly would
need the use of polycrystalline diamond (PCD) tooling. The reinforcing materials used here are
alumina and silicon carbide. Among the three hybrid MMC manufacturing methods of solid,
liquid and vapour state methods, the composite produced in this task employed liquid state
method. In this method, stir casting technique is used, in which reinforcements were stirred into
the molten metal and is allowed to solidify. Figure 2 shows the hybrid aluminium metal matrix
400 X
Vol.10, No.13 Analysis of the Machin ing Characteristics 1215
composite (Al6061-SiC-Al2O3) fabricated at di fferent wt.% of 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. Among which
3, 6, and 9 wt.% specime ns were chosen for the experimental study.
Fig.2 : Hybrid aluminium metal matrix composite (Al6061-SiC-Al2O3) at different wt.%
Aluminium oxide (Al2O3) or Silicon carbide (SiC) particles are mostly used to reinforce the
aluminium alloys, but it is costly because of the high machining cost due to the hardness and
abrasive nature of the reinforcers[5]. Aluminium oxide (Al2O3) reinforced metal matrix
composites are difficult to machine like turning, milling, drilling, threading due to their extreme
abrasive properties [6]. The presenc e of Al2O3 in aluminium metal matrix composites makes the
composite difficult to machine and they lead to rapid tool wear and thereby short tool life and
high tooling cost. Also, poor surface finish is seen after machining the composite. So, most of the
research work studies the wear characteristics of different tool materials during machining of
aluminium metal matrix composites [7]. Res earch o n t he characteri s ti cs o f to ol wear i s n e cessary
for improving machining. Research on machining indicate poor machinability due to abrasive
wear of tools. Also, the quality of the machined surface deteriorates with tool wear [8]. With
cemented carbide tools that are coated with Titanium Nitride (TiN) or Titanium Carbide (TiC),
the wear rate of the tools are very high and hence machining is highly expensive. Tool wear is
low if PCD diamond tool is used, but the cost of the diamond tool is very high [6]. Wit h respect
to the surface finish, the 1600 grade PCD inserts perform well followed by the 1500 grade inserts
[9]. The volume fraction, morphology and the distribution of the reinforcement phase as well as
the properties of the matrix phase are the factors that affect the overall machining performance
[10]. HSS tools are not preferred, cemented carbide tools are preferred for rough machining, and
PCD tools are good for finish machining [5]. The surface roughness of the aluminum metal
matrix composite is highly influenced by the feed rate, cutting speed and volume fraction of SiC
[11]. A model was developed to predict the surface roughness in precision machining of metal
matrix composites using PCD tools by including the tool nose radius, size and volume of
reinforcement, feed rate and depth of cut. The size of the reinforcements in the composite
influences the roughness of the machined surfaces more rather than the feed rate and the tool
nose radius [12].
The machining performance or machinability is defined in terms of tool life, material removal
rate or surface quality of machined part. The parameters of a hybrid MMC material influencing
the machining performance are the particle size, wt.%, temperature, hardness, the tool, its type
and grade. Along with these factors, the machining paramet ers that influ ences the machinability
1216 T.Sasimur ugan and K.Palanikumar Vol.10, No.13
includ es feed rat e, cutting speed and depth of cut. In this paper, an analysis of cutting parameters
were consi dered .
Hybrid MMCs form short cutting chips on machining and the cutting forces are moderate
and the range of machining parameters at which they can be machined is quite wide. However,
hybrid MMCs are highly abrasive and tools can wear rapidly. The most significant effect on
tool life comes from selecting the most suitable of polycrystalline diamond grade (PCD). The
most commonly used way of differentiating between different grades of PCD is by using
different micrometer sized diamond particle sizes to form the PCD layer[13]. The parti cle sizes
t yp ic al l y fall within the ran ge 2 -25 µm. A s t he grain size increases , the concent ration o f
diamond by volume increases. This results in an increase in resistance to abrasive wear[14].
Under less abrasive machining conditions the selection of an appropriate PCD grade is
determined by considering factors of tool fabrication, tool design, work piece material and
machining operation. The main reason behind the difficulty in machining of hybrid MMCs are
due to their relative hardness of the reinforcing materials[15]. Table 1 clearly presents the
properties of different materials which clarifies their machining characteristics.
Table 1 Properties of different materials
(G Pa )
(G Pa )
Densi ty
of thermal
18 – 23
350 – 380
20 - 40
27 – 30
400 – 480
80 - 200
50 – 75
Several researchers have indicated that polycrystalline diamond (PCD) tools are the only tool
material that is capable of providing a useful tool life during the machining of MMCs.
PCD is harder than Al2O3, and SiC and does not have a chemical tendency to react with the
work piece material. PCD cutting tool consists of a sintered layer of micrometer sized diamond
particles bonded to a tungsten carbide substrate [16]. Polycrystalline diamond is typically
produced as a flat round disc, from which any shape or size of piece can be cut and brazed on to
a cutting tool body. The PCD is then processed by grinding, to produce the required cutting edge
geometry. Polycrystalline diamond tools, for turning, boring, milling, drilling, reaming, tapping
and sawing, are all possible to manufacture, and are widely available. A number of different
grades of PCD are available, and are classified in terms of the average micrometer diamond
particle size within the PCD layer. In most cases, selecting the appropriate grade of PCD is a
balanced decision between the life of the tool, the quality of machined surface required and,
sometimes, considerations of the tool manufacturing process [17]. PCD tools with a grain size of
25 µm better withstand abrasion wear by micro cutting than tools with a grain size of 10 µm.
Further increases in PCD grain size do not benefit the tool life, but rather cause significant
deterioration in the surface finish. This is because PCD grains with size > 25 µm are easily
pulled out of the cutting edge [18].
Vol.10, No.13 Analysis of the Machin ing Characteristics 1217
To study the difficulties in machining of hybrid MMCs, previous investigations on the
machinability of hybrid MMCs have covered the effects of machining parameters and the
properties of hybrid MMCs on the tool wear and the mechanism of the tool wear. M a ny sc holars
have studied and investigated various factors affecting the machinability of hybrid MMCs and
had derived different conclusions. Tomac and Tonnensen [5] studied the effect of cutting speed
when turning Al-SiC MMCs with polycrystalline diamond (PCD) and coated tungsten carbide
tools and found that high cutting speeds shorten tool life by causing excessive flank wear. They
invest igated the effect of feed r ate an d foun d t hat high feed rat e set tin g can reduc e the tool wear.
This is because, at higher feed rates the temperature of the cutting zone increases. This leads to
the softening of the metallic matrix enabling easier removal of the embedded SiC particle in the
work piece. It was repo rted b y Lane [ 7] that the tool life of the PCD cutting tool was found to be
inversely proportional to the depth of cut.
Various studies have proved that PCD is the ideal cutting tool material for machining hybrid
aluminium matrix MMCs with high efficiency. PCD tools showed better wear resistance and
produced better surface finish than carbide or alu mina tools. This was due to the hi gher hardness
of the diamond tools and the lower affinity with the MMC material [19]. The grain size of the
cutting tools has significant influence on the tool wear during machining of MMC. While a tool
with coarse grain has a high abrasion resistance required for increased performance, increasing
the size of the grains can result in drop in the rupture strength, which also i nfluences o veral l to ol
The present work deals with the machining characterization of hybrid MMC using PCD cutting
tool, and the resultant surface roughness and tool wear associated with machinability.
Aluminium oxide (Al 2O3) possess low coefficient of thermal expansion in the order of 6.5-8x10-
6/K and hardness of 18-23 GPa. Addition of Al2O3 particles imparts dimensional and thermal
stability, improves hardness, wear resistance, stiffness and reduces the density of the matrix
material [20]. Here Al6061 was selected as the matrix material to which SiC and Al2O3 were
added as the disperoids.
4.1 Composite Preparation
4.1.1 Liquid metallurgy – Stir Casting Method
A liquid metallurgy method was used to produce cast composites with better wettability and
particle distribution. The Al6061 alloy, which was in the form of bars, was cut into small pieces
and melted in a graphite crucible. The chemical composition of Al6061 by weight percentage is
shown in Table 2.
The preh eated calcul ated quan tity of mat rix materi al was fed into the cruci ble and mix ed evenly
using the stirrer operated by a motor. The temp erature was raised above the liquidus t emperature
of the aluminium alloy and then reduced slowly below liquidus temperature of the matrix
material such that the melt was kept between the solidus and liquidus temperature (semi liquid
state). The next step is addition of the pre-heated blended mixtures of SiC and aluminium oxide
1218 T.Sasimur ugan and K.Palanikumar Vol.10, No.13
particles into the semi liquid melt and manual mixing has to be initiated. Blending helps in
uniform distribution in the composite. After sufficient manual mixing, the melt has to be heated
again to above liquidus temperature, at this stage stirring was carried out for about 30 minutes at
an average stirring speed rate of 300-350 rpm. The slurry was then poured into a preheated cast
ion permanent mould. The procedure was repeated for increasing wt.% of SiC and Al2O3
disperoids (3, 6, 9, 12 an d 15 wt.%). The experimental set up used in fabrication of hybrid MMC
(Al6061-SiC-Al2O3) is shown in Fig.3.
Table 2: Chemical composition of Al6061 by weight percentage
0.40 – 0.80%
0.70% max
0.15 – 0.40%
0.15% max
0.80 – 1.20%
0.04 -0.35%
0.25% max
0.15% max
0.15% max
Fig.3 The experimental set up used in fabrication of hybrid MMC (Al6061-SiC-Al2O3)
4.2 Experiment
In the experiment, the hybrid MMC cylindrical rods of different wt.% of SiC particles (3, 6 and 9
wt.%) mixed with equal amount of aluminium oxi de (Al2O3) were used. The various specimens
are given in Table 3.
Among the three hybrid MMC specimens A, B and C, specimen B was chosen for the analysis
considering the fact that if the wt.% of these elements is increased above a certain limit, the
qualit y of work pi ece de creas es and machi nin g beco mes a di fficu lt t ask. Th is mad e the sp ecimen
Vol.10, No.13 Analysis of the Machin ing Characteristics 1219
B to be chosen as the test material. The experiment was conducted under three levels of cutting
speed, such that at each level, the selected specimen was machined in the lathe at a particular
cutting speed. The 1600 grade PCD insert was used as the machining tool. Machining was done
for different conditions such as cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut. A self-centering lathe
was used for the machining tests under dry machining conditions. The turning of the composite
was performed at three different cutting speeds ranging from 20 m/min to 60 m/min. The feed
rates were 0.20, 0.40 and 0.60 mm/rev. The depth of cut used for machining was 0.5, 0.75 and 1
mm. The surface roughness of the machined component was measured using a surface roughness
tester Mitutoyo Surftest 301. The average value of surface roughness, R a corresponding to each
machining conditions were measured for specimen B.
Table 3: Specimens and their compositions
Speci men
Comp ositions
3% SiC + 3% Al
+ Al6061 aluminium alloy (rest)
6% SiC + 6% Al
+ Al6061 aluminium alloy (rest)
9% SiC + 9% Al
+ Al6061 aluminium alloy (rest)
5.1 Average Surface Roughness and Cutting Speed
Figures 4, 5 and 6 shows the variation of Average surface roughness against different Cutting
speeds for different feed rates at various depth of cuts of 0.50 mm, 0.75 mm and 1.0 mm
0 .4
0 .8
1 .2
Average Surface Roughness, R
Cutting Speed, S (m/min)
0.20mm/rev feed
0.40mm/rev feed
Fig . 4 Ra Vs Cutting speed at Depth of Cut of 0.50 mm
Generally, the average surface roughness of the hybrid material decreases as the cutting speed
increases. In this experiment, considering 0.50 mm depth of cut, the surface roughness of the
1220 T.Sasimur ugan and K.Palanikumar Vol.10, No.13
hybrid MMC is maximum when the cutting speed is 20 m/min. Then, the surface roughness
value gradually reduces when the cutting speed increases to 40 m/min and finally it attains
minimum as the cutting speed increases to its maximum ie., 60 m/min. From Fig.4, it is observed
that the surface roughness of the tested hybrid MMC can be reduced to a larger extent by
machining the specimen at the feed rate of 0.20 mm/rev and cutting speed of 60 m/min,
considering the depth of cut of 0.50 mm.
Average Surface Roughness, R
Cutting Speed, S (m/min)
0.20mm/rev feed rate
0.40mm/rev feed rate
0.60mm/rev feed rate
Fig.5 Ra Vs Cutting speed at Depth of Cut of 0.75 mm
Fig.5 indicates sudden drop in surface roughness for a feed rate of 0.60 mm/rev and cutting
speed of 40 m/min. Also, the surface roughness is minimum at the feed rate of 0.20 mm/rev.
Similar to the previous figure, the surface roughness decreases with increase in cutting speed.
Average Surface Roughness, R
Cutting Speed, S (m/min)
0.20mm/rev feed rate
0.40mm/rev feed rate
0.60mm/rev feed rate
Fig.6 Ra Vs Cutting speed at Depth of Cut of 1.0 mm
Vol.10, No.13 Analysis of the Machin ing Characteristics 1221
From Fig.6, it i s clearl y seen that fo r a feed rate o f 0.2 0 mm/rev , the su rface ro ughnes s decr eases
to a large extend. The surface roughness decreases sharply after the cutting speed is increased
beyond 40 m/min. Hence the graphs shown under Fig.4-6 shows that the concept that the average
surface roughness can be highly reduced by lower feed rate and higher cutting speed.
5.2 Average Surface Roughness Vs Feed Rate
Fig.7, 8 and 9 shows the relationship between average surface roughness and feed r ate at various
cutting speeds for depth of cuts 0.50 mm, 0.75 and 1.0 mm respectively. As the feed rate
increases, the surface roughness increases.
Average Surface Roughness, R
Feed Rate, F (mm/rev)
Fig.7 Ra Vs F at Depth of Cut of 0.50 mm
Fig.7 shows that the surface roughness Ra increases with increase in feed rate for a depth of cut
of 0.50 mm. Also, for the cutting speed 20 m/min the surface roughness is more when compared
to the cutting speed of 60 m/min.
1222 T.Sasimur ugan and K.Palanikumar Vol.10, No.13
Average Surface Roughness, R
Feed Rate, F (mm/rev)
Fig.8 Ra Vs F at Depth of Cut of 0.75 mm
Fig.8 shows the variation of R a and F for a depth of cut of 0.75 mm, which reveals that as feed
rate increases, there is almost a large increase in the surface roughness of the hybrid MMC.
Moreover, the surface roughness is high for 20 m/min cutting speed and low for 60 m/min which
again r eveals the f act that the surface roughness i ncreases al ong with increase in feed rate and it
decreases with increase in cutting speed.
Average Surface Roughness, Ra(µm)
Feed Rate, F (mm/rev)
Fig.9 Ra Vs F at Depth of Cut of 1.0 mm
Fig.9 also shows the variation of average surface roughness at different feed rates, but for a depth
of cut of 1 mm. Again in this graph it is shown that the R a value is minimum for a feed rate of
0.2 mm/rev and cutting speed of 60 m/min. Hence the graphs under Fig.7-9 clearly points to the
conclusion that higher cutting speed and lower feed rate are preferred for reduced surface
Vol.10, No.13 Analysis of the Machin ing Characteristics 1223
Experiments are conducted to study the influence of cutting parameters on surface roughness in
machining of hybrid metal matrix composites. From the experimental observations, the
following conclusions were made.
1. The average surface roughness of the tested h ybrid MMC specimen B is minimum when
the cutting speed is high (60m/min). The result indicates that the increase of cutting
speed reduces the surface roughness and vice versa.
2. Feed rate is the highly influential parameter which influences the surface roughness in
machining of hybrid composites. The results indicates that the increase of feed rate
increases the surface roughness.
3. The minimum surface roughness is achieved at a cutting speed of 60 m/min, feed rate of
0.20 mm/rev and a depth of cut of 0.50 mm.
4. In order to obtain reduced average surface roughness it is recommended to use medium
cutting speed, minimum feed rate and lower depth of cut.
The Madras Institute of Technology, Chromepet, has to be thanked for providing infrastructure
support for manufacturing of the hybrid MMC. Also, special thanks to Mrs. Sowdhamini
Sasimurugan for her enduring support and encouragement in completing the experimental work
and related documentation. Sathyabama University has to be thanked for providing a conducive
environment for teaching and research.
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