Vol.8, No.2 Engineering Research 113
only engineers can better understand the nitty-gritty of the problem under study and write
algorithms for the software. Computer programmers often lack depth of understanding of the
problem and/or mathematical skills to express such.
In the light of this d i sclosure, some of our curriculum at the undergraduate and postgraduate
levels need revisiting to take into consideration the highlighted points. At least one object
oriented programming language and a c o u r s e i n m o de l i n g an d s i mulation need to be introduced
at the undergraduate level. At the postgraduate level emphasis will now shift to application of
modeling and simulation.
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Hansen, J. G. Conley, 632-63
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Marron.R.E, Wilkes.J.O and Pehlke.R.D (1970) Num erical Simulation of Solidification: Part 1: Low
Carbon Steel Castings’T’Shape. AFS Metals Research Journal, 184-187
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Eye on Stress Concentration under plane stress conditions” Journal of mineral and
materials characterisation and engineering, Michigan Tech.Univ., USA. 6(2),79-101