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mainly caused by syntactic transfer from Chinese, the influence
of Chinese thought patterns, inadequate exposure to authentic
English and insufficient practice in English writing. The inter-
views with the students in this study showed that the students’
L2 writing process is a bilingual event. The proportion of L1
thinking decreased with the writer’s L2 development. It also
showed that it is more difficult for students to think in English
with respect to the interpretation of the writing topic, the
pre-writing thinking and writing process regulation, and it is
comparatively less difficult for them to think in English in ac-
tual writing and outline writing. Therefore, the ultimate solution
for decreasing Chinglish in students’ writings is to improve
their English competence, thereby achieving proficiency in
English. Chinese college students’ production of Chinglish can
be reduced if they are made conscious of the linguistic and
cultural distinctions between English and Chinese, and are ex-
posed to authentic English as much as possible, both to develop
their knowledge of English language, society, and culture, and
gradually adjusting their Chinese thought patterns to English
ones. Practice writing as a procedure is also helpful in over-
coming Chinglish.
This paper provides valuable information concerning the
causes of and remedies for Chinglish in Chinese college stu-
dents’ English writings. It sheds new light on the study of
Chinglish by adopting the method of corpus analysis and by
making practical suggestions about enhancing English syntax
and adjusting students’ ways of thinking, and teaching writing
as a procedure.
Special thanks should go to Dr Cheng Luo from Brock Uni-
versity in Canada and Dr Monro, an American professor who
presently works at Wuhan University, for their support and
valuable suggestions on my paper.
Heartfelt thanks should be extended to the students in Wuhan
University for their cooperation and contribution.
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