Preparation of Calcium Phosphate with Oyster Shells
4. Conclusion
Calcium phosphates were prepared using oyster shells
and phosphoric acid. The reactivity between oyster shells
and phosphoric acid was estimated from the yield of cal-
cium phosphate and carbonate and the Ca/P ratio in pre-
cipitates. The yields in the co nditions with 0.05 and 0.01
mol/l of phosphoric acid were higher than those with 0.1
mol/l of phosphoric acid, because of the unreacted calcium
carbonate and insoluble part of oyster shells. The obta in ed
samples prepared with 0.1 and 0.05 mol/l of phosphoric
acid indicated XRD peak pattern of calcium hydrogen
phosphate dihydrate. Samples prepared with 0.01 mol/l
of phosphoric acid included a large amount of calcium
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