Applied Mathematics
Vol.07 No.05(2016), Article ID:64733,14 pages
Study of Fixed Point Theorems for Higher Dimension in Partially Ordered Metric Spaces
Ibtisam Masmali, Sumitra Dalal
College of Science, Jazan University, Jazan, K.S.A
Copyright © 2016 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
Received 5 January 2016; accepted 15 March 2016; published 18 March 2016
In this paper, we establish the existence and uniqueness of fixed points of operator, when n is an arbitrary positive integer and X is a partially ordered complete metric space. We have shown examples to verify our work. Our results generalize the recent fixed point theorems cited in [1] - [4] etc. and include several recent developments.
n-Tupled Coincidence Points, n-Tupled Coincidence Fixed Points, Compatible Maps, Fixed Points and Partially Ordered Metric Spaces
1. Introduction
The metric fixed point theory plays a vital role to solve the problems related to variational inequalities, optimization, approximation theory, etc. Many authors (for detail, see [1] - [10] ) have discussed fixed point results in partially ordered metric spaces. In particular, Bhaskar and Lakshmikantham [3] , Nieto and Rodriguez-Lopez [11] , Agarwal et al. [12] and Ran and Recuring [13] proved some new results for contractions in partially ordered metric spaces.
Bhaskar and Lakshmikantham [3] proposed the study of a coupled fixed point in ordered metric spaces and as an application they proved the existence and uniqueness of solutions for a periodic boundary value problem. Nguyen et al. [14] , Berinde and Borcut [15] and Karpinar [8] introduced tripled and quadruple fixed point theorems as a generalization and extension of the coupled fixed point theorem. For comprehensive description of such work, we refer to [16] - [21] . Very recently, Imdad et al. [22] have introduced the concept of n-tupled coincidence point and proved n-tupled coincidence point results for commuting maps in metric spaces. Motivated by the work of M. Imdad, we introduce the notion of compatibility for n-tupled coincidence points and prove n-tupled coincidence point and n-tupled fixed point for compatible maps satisfying different contractive conditions in partially ordered metric spaces.
Jungck [1] obtained common fixed point results for commuting maps in metric spaces. The concept of commuting maps has been generalized in various directions over the years. One such generalization which is weaker than commuting is the concept of compatibility introduced by Jungck [23] .
2. Prilimaries
Definition 2.1 [4] Let be a partially ordered set equipped with a metric d such that is a metric space. Further, equip the product space with the following partial ordering:
For, define
Definition 2.2 [4] Let be a partially ordered set and then F enjoys the mixed monotone property if is monotonically non-decreasing in x and monotonically non-increasing in y, that is, for any,
Definition 2.3 [4] Let be a partially ordered set and, then is called a coupled fixed point of the mapping F if and
Definition 2.4 [4] Let be a partially ordered set and and then F enjoys the mixed g-monotone property if is monotonically g-non-decreasing in x and monotonically g- non-increasing in y, that is, for any,
Definition 2.5 [4] Let be a partially ordered set and and, then is called a coupled coincidence point of the maps F and g if and
Definition 2.6 [4] Let be a partially ordered set, then is called a coupled fixed point of the maps and if and
3. Main Results
Imdad et al. [22] introduced the concept of n-tupled fixed point and n-tupled coincidence point given by considering n to be an even integer but throughout, we will consider n, a positive integer, in this paper.
Definition 2.7 Let be a partially ordered set and then F is said to have the mixed
monotone property if F is non-decreasing in its odd position arguments and non-increasing in its even positions arguments, that is, if,
1) For all
2) For all
3) For all
For all (if r is odd),
For all (if r is even).
Definition 2.8 Let be a partially ordered set and and be two maps.
Then F is said to have the mixed g-monotone property if F is g-non-decreasing in its odd position arguments and g-non-increasing in its even positions arguments, that is, if,
1) For all
2) For all
3) For all
For all (if r is odd),
For all (if r is even).
Definition 2.9 [22] Let X be a nonempty set. An element is called an r-tupled fixed point of the mapping if
Example 1. Let (R, d) be a partial ordered metric space under natural setting and let be mapping defined by
, for any,
then is an r-tupled fixed point of F.
Definition 2.10 [22] Let X be a nonempty set. An element is called an r-tupled coincidence point of the maps and if
Example 2. Let (R, d) be a partial ordered metric space under natural setting and let and be maps defined by
, ,
for any, then is an r-tupled coincidence point of F and g.
Definition 2.11 [22] Let X be a nonempty set. An element is called an r-tupled fixed point of the maps and if
Now, we define the concept of compatible maps for r-tupled maps.
Definition 2.12 Let be a partially ordered set, then the maps and are called compatible if
whenever, are sequences in X such that
For some
Imdad et al. [22] proved the following theorem:
Theorem 3.1 Let be a partially ordered set equipped with a metric d such that (X, d) is a complete metric space. Assume that there is a function with and for each t > 0. Further, let and be two maps such that F has the mixed g-monotone property satisfying the following conditions:
(ii) g is continuous and monotonically increasing,
(iii) the pair (g, F) is commuting,
(iv) for all , with, , if r is even and if r is odd. Also, suppose that either
a) F is continuous or
b) X has the following properties:
(i) If a non-decreasing sequence then for all.
(ii) If a non-increasing sequence then for all.
If there exist such that
if r is odd,
, if r is even.
Then F and g have a r-tupled coincidence point, i.e. there exist such that
Now, we prove our main result as follows:
Theorem 3.2 Let be a partially ordered set equipped with a metric d such that (X, d) is a complete metric space. Assume that there is a function with and for each t > 0. Further let and be two maps such that F has the mixed g-monotone property satisfying the following conditions:
(3.2) g is continuous and monotonically increasing,
(3.3) the pair (g, F) is compatible,
(3.4) ,
For all, with, , if r is even and if r is odd. Also, suppose that either
a) F is continuous or
b) X has the following properties:
(i) If a non-decreasing sequence then for all.
(ii) If a non-increasing sequence then for all.
If there exist such that
Then F and g have a r-tupled coincidence point, i.e. there exist such that
Proof. Starting with, we define the sequences in X as follows:
Now, we prove that for all n ≥ 0,
, if r is even and (3.8)
, if r is odd.
So (3.8) holds for n = 0. Suppose that (3.8) holds for some n > 0. Consider
and, if r is odd.
Thus by induction (3.8) holds for all. Using (3.7) and (3.8)
Similarly, we can inductively write
Therefore, by putting
We have,
Since for all t > 0, therefore, for all m so that is a non-increasing sequence. Since it is bounded below, there is some such that
We shall show that. Suppose, if possible. Taking limit as of both sides of (3.13) and keeping in mind our supposition that for all t > 0, we have
this contradiction gives and hence
Next we show that all the sequences are Cauchy sequences. If possible, suppose that at least one of is not a Cauchy sequence. Then there exist and sequences of positive integers and such that for all positive integers k,
Similarly, ,
Again, the triangular inequality and (3.17) gives
i.e., we have
Using (3.17), (3.19) and (3.22), we have
Letting in above equation, we get
Finally, letting in (3.17) and using (3.19) and (3.23), we get
which is a contradiction. Therefore, are Cauchy sequences. Since the metric space (X, d) is complete, so there exist such that
As g is continuous, so from (2.26), we have
By the compatibility of g and F, we have
Now, we show that F and g have an r-tupled coincidence point. To accomplish this, suppose (a) holds. i.e. F is continuous, then using (3.28) and (3.8), we see that
which gives. Similarly, we can prove
Hence is an r-tupled coincidence point of the maps F and g.
If (b) holds, since is non-decreasing or non-increasing as i is odd or even and as, we have, when i is odd while when i is even. Since g is monotonically increasing, therefore
when i is odd, (3.29)
when i is even.
Now, using triangle inequality together with (3.8), we get
Therefore,. Similarly we can prove
Thus the theorem follows.
Corollary 3.1 Under the hypothesis of theorem 3.2 and satisfying contractive condition as (3.31)
Then F and g have a r-tupled coincidence point.
Proof: If we put with in theorem 3.2, we get the corollary.
Uniqueness of r-tupled fixed point
For all,
We say that
Theorem 3.3 In addition to the hypothesis of theorem 3.1, suppose that for every
Then exist such that is comparable to
Then F and g have a unique r-coincidence point, which is a fixed point of and. That is there exists a unique such that
for all (3.32)
Proof. By theorem 3.2, the set of r-coincidence points is non-empty. Now, suppose that and are two coincidence points of F and g, that is for all and for all.
We will show that for all.
By assumption, there exists such that
is comparable to
Let for all. Since, we can choose such that for all. By a similar reason, we can inductively define sequences for all such that for all.
In addition, let and for all and in the same way, define the sequences and, for all. Since
are comparable, then
for all if i is odd,
for all if i is even.
We have
Then and are comparable for all. It follows from condition (3.4) of theorem 3.2
Summing, we get
It follows that
For all. Note that for imply that for all Hence from (3.32) we have
for all (3.34)
Similarly, one can prove that
for all (3.35)
Using (3.34), (3.35) and triangle inequality we get
As for all. Hence, , therefore (3.32) is proved.
Since for all, by the commutativity of F and g, we have
Denote for all From (3.36), we have
for all (3.37)
Hence is a r-coincidence point of F and g.
It follows from (3.32) and so
for all
This means that
for all
Now, from (3.37), we have
for all
Hence, is a r-fixed point of F and a fixed point of g.
To prove the uniqueness of the fixed point, assume that is another r-fixed point. Then by (3.32) we have
for all
Thus,. This completes the proof.
Authors are highly thankful for the financial support of this paper to Deanship of Scientific Research, Jazan University, K.S.A.
Conflict of Interest
Authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Cite this paper
Ibtisam Masmali,Sumitra Dalal, (2016) Study of Fixed Point Theorems for Higher Dimension in Partially Ordered Metric Spaces. Applied Mathematics,07,399-412. doi: 10.4236/am.2016.75037
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