Advances in Pure Mathematics
Vol.2 No.6(2012), Article ID:24364,4 pages DOI:10.4236/apm.2012.26054
A Note on Nilpotent Operators
Department of Mathematics, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA
Received July 16, 2012; revised September 11, 2012; accepted September 19, 2012
Keywords: Numerical Range; Numerical Radius; Nilpotent Operator Weighted Shift; Eigenvalues
We find that a bounded linear operator T on a complex Hilbert space H satisfies the norm relation,
for any vector a in H such that
. A partial converse to Theorem 1 by Haagerup and Harpe in [1] is suggested. We establish an upper bound for the numerical radius of nilpotent operators.
1. Introduction
The motivation for this note is provided by the results obtained in [1-4]. Let T be a bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space H. The numerical range of T, denoted by W(T), is the subset of the complex plane and
The numerical radius of T is defined as,
The following lemma is known and is an easy consequence of the definitions involved.
Lemma 1.1., where T* is the adjoint operator of T and
is the complex conjugate of
Berger and Stampfli in [2] have proved that if and
, for some n, then
. Also, they gave an example of an operator T and an element
such that
implies that
. In Theorem 2.1, we present a different proof of their result in [2] and show that
is indeed the best constant.
Theorem 2.1 also generalizes the result in [4] and provides a partial converse to Theorem 1 in [1, p. 372].
Our next main result in Theorem 2.3 gives an alternative and shorter proof of Theorem 1 in [1].
Applying Lemma 2 and Proposition 2 of [1], a new result on the numerical range of nilpotent operators on H is obtained in Theorem 2.4. This gives a restricted version of Theorem 1 in [3].
Finally, two examples are discussed. Example 3.1 deals with the operator, where 1 is not the eigenvalue of
. Example 3.3 justifies why
fails to increase until and unless
2. Main Results
Theorem 2.1. The following statements are true for a bounded linear operator T on a Hilbert space H with.
1) such that
2) If for some integer n, then
3) The set forms a nontrivial subspace of T so that its orthogonal complement is invariant.
Proof. 1) For each real number and a postive integer, n, let
. Then the inner product relation
implies that
That is,
it follows that
Dividing the above inequality by, we have
Let be the following block-diagonal matix of order n and
If γn denotes the determinant of such that
then the value of γn is positive because all principal minors of
are nonnegative. Suppose that
We consider the following cases:
Case 1. Iffor the least
converges to zero.
Case 2. Let for all
. Then
and by induction
Further, the inequality
implies that converges to q as n goes to infinity for some q ≥ 0. Therefore from Equation (2.1),
. Thus
. Obviously, q = 1 only if
2) By the assumption, for some positive integer n. Now fom Equation (2.1), we obtain:
and so that
. The equality,
now follows from (a) and thus
. Also,
which gives
3) To prove this case, we assume that if the vector is orthogonal to the spanning set
. Let
, for
. Then
Hence, for
and the spanning set
is a non-trivial invariant subspace on T.
In [2, p. 1052], an example of an operator T on and an element x in H with
, is given where
. Theorem 2.1 above establishes that
is the best constant in this case.
Remark 2.2. An operator A on H is hyponormal if
. Let
if A is a hyponormal operator. Hence,
and the set of vectors
forms a reducing subspace of A.
A natural connection between Feijer’s inequality and the numerical radius of a nilpotent operator was estaplished by Haagerup and Harpe in [1]. They proved, using positive definite kernals, that for a bounded linear operator T on a Hilbert space H such that and
. The external operator is shown to be a truncated shift with a suitable choice of the vector in H. The inequality is related to a result from Feijer about trigonometric polynomials of the form
. Such a polynomial is positive if
for all
. Here, we present a simplified proof of Theorem 1 in [1].
Theorem 2.3. For an operator N on H with and
, we have
Proof. We will follow the notations of Theorem 1 in [1]. Let S be the operator on and
be the basis in
. We define the operator S as follows:
The matrix for S gives a dialation for T. Let A be the matrix for S and
If is a unitary operator on
with diagonal
. By Lemma 1, we have:
This helps to define the characteristic function of a contraction.
For the operator N on H, let then
is a positive operator and
depends on N. Let the range of
be denoted by
. Then the tensor product,
, is a Hilbert space. We define the map
so that F is an isometry.
For λ, let where
I is the identity operator, and
is an operator on
Therefore and
Now, we claim that, for we hope that
By Lemma 1.1
That is,.
Since, we have:
where is the spectral radius of
. By the definition of the spectral radius, we have the characteristic polynomial f such that
by [5, p. 179, Example 9], the roots of
are given by
Karaev in [3] has proved, using Theorem 1 in [1] and the Sz.-Nagy-Foias model in [6] that the numerical range of an arbitrary nilpotent operator N on a complex Hilbert space H is an open or closed disc centered at zero with radius less than or equal to
Using Theorem 2 and the assumption that
, we have
as a closed or an open disc centered at zero with radius equal to
. In fact, we have the following theorem.
Theorem 2.4. For a nilpotent operator N on H with,
, the numerical range
is a disc centered at zero with radius
Proof. For any we must claim that
, for
is a vector in
From [1, p. 374, Proposition 2], we have. Also, for some
. Now by [1] [P.375, Lemma 2], we obtain:
Let. Then:
and the theorem follows from above since is arbitrarily chosen.
3. An Application
An operator A is a unilateral weghted shift if there is an orthonormal basis and a sequence of scalers
such that
for all
. It is easy to see that
where S is the unilateral shift and D is the diagonal operator with
, for all n.
Thus, and
for all n. So
is the basis of eigenvectors for
. Also, note that A is bounded if
is bounded.
If A is a unilateral shift then and
. Consequently, for a hyponormal operator A,
. A wighted shift is hyponormal if and only if its weight sequence is increasing.
Example 3.1. Let be an operator on
such that
. Here, we show that
is not an eigenvalue of
. We prove our claim by contradiction Let
be an eigenvalue of
. Then, there exists
, n = 2, 3, ···. It is not hard to see that:
For, we have
and thus
, which shows that
, contrary to our assumption. Thus,
is not an eigenvalue of
Remark 3.2. Following [2], if then
Therefore, the numerical radius, is equal to 1.
The example below shows that there exists an operator such that
Example 3.3. Let be a unilateral shift. If
is the orthogonal projection of
onto the spanning set of vectors
has the usual matrix representation. Let
Then the characteristic polynomial of is given by a Chebyshev polynomial
of the first kind. Let
. Then:
(easily proven by trigonometric identities) and for
is a linear combination of powers of xk. Also, det
. If
then the roots are given by the Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind. The roots can be found by finding the eigenvalues of matrix B. By [2, p. 179, Example 9], the eigenvalues of B are given by
, for
Suppose that
then. Hence,
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