for irrigation. Previous studies [23] reported that the Saq
aquifer stores as much as 280,000 million cubic meters of
water reserves with water salinity ranges between 300 -
1000 ppm [24].
4. Conclusion
Hail region has been surveyed from space using different
generations of satellite data. The primary conclusion of
the present study ascertains the importance of using re-
mote sensing for mapping desert geomorphology at a
regional scale. Hail has a promising development future.
The region is rich in economic mineral deposits and has a
significant potentiality for national tourism. As agricul-
ture is significantly growing in this arid region, detailed
hydrogeological studies are needed in terms of its quan-
tity and quality for irrigation. Moreover, the drifting sand
from the northern Nafud Sand Sea entails detailed studies
to recognize their patterns and magnitude of encroach-
ment because they cause series problems to settlements
and infrastructures.
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