International Journal of Geosciences, 2012, 3, 281-288 Published Online May 2012 (
P-Li-Be Bearing Pegmatites of the South East Brazil
Essaid Bilal1, Adolf Heinrich Horn2, Fernando Machado de Mello3
1Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, Saint-Étienne, France
2IGC-UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
3IA-Departamento de Geociências da UFRRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Received July 26, 2011; revised November 17, 2011; accepted January 6, 2012
The P-Li-Nb pegmatites are located in the south of Brazil, in the states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santos. They rep-
resent the largest pegmatite fields of Brazil and the richest in precious stones. Two types of pegmatites are characterized
by their mineralogical characteristics and tectonic and magmatic relations. The first group occurred during a compres-
sive deformation phase D1 about 582 Ma and 550˚C - 700˚C and 4 - 5 kb. The second pegmatites group was formed
during the decompression phase D2 (520 - 500 Ma) of the Brasiliano metamorphic rock fusion. The geochemical pa-
rameters of the P-Li-Be bearing pegmatites of the first group show the same trend fractionation, as suggested by the
mineralogical composition. The variation of tourmaline and columbite-tantalite composition of the first group game
again applies a change of melt composition during the regional development of the pegmatites. A systematic composi-
tional trend seems to suggest a petrogenetic link between the pegmatites of the region. The Fe/Mn ratio of tourmaline in
samples of the first group shows the same behavior as in columbite-tantalite and garnets. The simple pegmatites are
transiting north in the gem-rich pegmatites. The Fe/Mn ratio not only shows qualitatively the fractionation index, the
degree of regional development, but also the internal development of the body. The ratio shows a negative correlation
with lithium. The Co, Zn and Nb contents are rising at first group, but falling when starting crystallization of garnet,
columbite-tantalite, and Behierit.
Keywords: Gem Rich Pegmatite; Phosphate; Li; Tourmaline; Beryl; Triphylite; Ferrisiklerite; Heterosite
1. Introduction
The Doce River region is located in the central northern
part of the Mantiqueira Structural Province, east of São
Francisco carton in the eastern Minas Gerais and north-
western Espírito Santo states (Figure 1). This province is
represented by Neoproterozoic mobile belts that sur-
rounded the São Francisco cratonic block and is associ-
ated to the Brazilian orogeny (600 - 450 Ma). These mo-
bile belts reworked the early-Proterozoic basement (high
and low-grade metamorphic rocks of Piedade, Paraíba do
Sul and Pocrane Complexes; Juiz de Fora, late-Protero-
zoic supracrustal sequences (Rio Doce group) and enabled
the intrusion of granites and pegmatites. Several rare me-
tals and gem mineral rich pegmatites are positioned at the
São Tomé foliation plane.
The regional evolution was linked to the Governador-
North Guaçuí- and Vitoria shear zones. Two main defor-
mation phases (D1 and D2) pre- and post-dating the pluton
emplacement and were developed under amphibolite facies
conditions. The first deformation (D1) was responsible for
penetrative foliation (solid state) N 10˚W - 30˚W/middle
to high angle and mineral lineation of the host rocks and
the granitoids. It affected pre-tectonic granites and con-
trolled magmatic foliation the sin-tectonic granitoids.
This foliation, the associated oblique lineation and ki-
nematics studies suggest that sub vertical shear zones
were important during the emplacement of these grani-
toids. The second one was characterized by the cleavage
crenulation, boudinage and normal faults and it was as-
sociated to extensive phase late- and post-tectonic grani-
The recent geochronology study demonstrates exis-
tence of two tectono-metamorphic events in this region
dated at 590 - 565 Ma and 535 - 520 Ma [2-8].
2. The Pegmatite Bodies
The pegmatites of the South East Brazil can be divided
into two main groups: Gem and P-Li-Be bearing pegma-
tites and ceramic pegmatites [9].
The first group (Table 1) is considered the result of
fractional crystallization of a sin tectonic Magmatic
formed. These magmas are related by melting processes,
which, took place during temperature (550˚C - 700˚C and
4 - 5 kb). Its main representatives are leucogranites and
P-Li-Be bearing pegmatites. The age of intrusion is esti-
mated at about 582 Ma occurred during a compressive
opyright © 2012 SciRes. IJG
Figure 1. Geological sketch map of south eastern (Compilation data this work and [1-5]).
Table 1. Main characteristics of the first group pegmatites [3].
Zone Mineralogy
Beryl pegmatite Quartz, K-feldspar, biotite, muscovite, tourmaline, albite, garnet, beryl, columbite-tantalite (Nb > Ta).
Beryl Spodumene Pegmatite Quartz, K-feldspar, muscovite, Li-mica, albite, tourmaline gem quality (Figure 2), behierit, mica, beryl,
spodumene, amblygonite, columbite-tantalite (Nb = Ta), cassiterite and the apatite.
Spodumene Pegmatite Quartz, K-feldspar, muscovite, Li-mica, albite, Elbaite, Behierit, garnet, (blue and pink) beryl, spodumene,
amblygonite, columbite-tantalite (Nb < Ta), triphyllite, ferrisiklerite, heterosite, cassiterite and the apatite.
deformation phase (D1) of Brasiliano orogeny.
Their presence is mainly confined to the area near
Governador Valadares, Teófilo Otoni, Araçuaí, Consel-
heiro Pena and São José da Safira.
The second group (Table 2) was formed during the
second phase D2 (520 - 500 Ma) of the Brasiliano meta-
morphic rock fusion (gneiss migmatite, gneiss). This
group is mainly in Espera Feliz, Marilac, Sta. Maria de
Itabira and is found in the area around Baixo Guandu.
The main pegmatites bodies show outcropping lengths
ranging from 150 m up to 1300 m and widths ranging
from 10 m up to 60 m. They are sub vertical bodies strik-
ing N 10˚W - 20˚W. The pegmatites outcroppings at dif-
ferent topographic levels, ranging from 150 m up to 1100
m into staurolite-garnet schist’s and paragneisses concor-
dant and discordant to the Brasiliano structures.
Their internal features are in all of them essentially very
similar. They show consistent mineral assemblages aris-
ing from an internal zoning around the quartz core. The
centimetric tourmaline crystals have been collected from
the border and the wall zones (black tourmalines), from
the intermediate zones (black, green, blue and pink tour-
malines) or even from metasomatic pockets (green, blue
and pink to red tourmalines). The schorlitic tourmalines
are associated with quartz, muscovite, (K, Na)-feldspar,
garnet (almandine-spessartite), columbite-tantalite (Nb >
Ta) and prismatic beryl. The elbaitic ones are found to-
gether with Na-feldspar (cleavelandite), quartz, amblygo-
nite, spodumene, Li-rich violet micas, morganite, tanta-
lite-columbite (Ta > Nb) and spessartite garnet [9-11].
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IJG
Figure 2. Polychrome tourmaline (75 cm) in pegmatite (photo by Essaid Bilal).
Table 2. Main characteristics of the second group [3].
Zone Mineralogy
Contact Quartz, biotite, K-feldspar, muscovite, albite, fluorite, garnet (almandine-spessartine).
Wall Graphics Quartz, K-feldspar, muscovite, beryl, apatite, monazite (Ce), columbite-tantalite.
Intermediary zone K-Feldspar, Muscovite, Quartz.
Core Quartz.
Metasomatic zone
Amazonite, beryl (construction or pink), cleavelandite (albite), apatite, phosphates (25 minerals), fluorite,
columbite-tantalite ((Fe, Mn) Nb2O6), euxenite (Y) ((Y, Ca, Ce, U, Th) (Nb, Ta, Ti)2O6), Topaz, samarskite
((Fe, Y, U, REE) (Nb, Ta)O4), autunite ((Ca (UO2)2(PO4)2) Microlite ((Ca, Na)2Ta2O6 (O, OH, F)),
Wulfenite (PbMoO4), bismuthinite (Bi2S3), huttonite (ThSiO4) and Kerala ((Ca, Ce, Th) (P, Si)O4).
3. Mineral Chemistry
The Cs content of mica and K feldspars from the pegma-
tites increase continuously; however, the Rb and Cs con-
tents (Figure 3) of the 2nd Group are lower than the first
group this indicate lower Differentiation of the 2nd Group.
There is a positive correlation with Rb and a negative to
K/Rb. It correlates positively with Rb and negatively
with the ratio K/Rb. The Nb contents of micas increases
at 160 ppm and decreases after. The pegmatites are the
most differentiated ones and show a low fractionation as
indicated by high Na2O content and high K/Cs ratios.
This distribution correlates to columbo-tantalite crystal-
lization (Figure 3), the Ta contents increases more in the
columbo-tantalite of the first group pegmatites than the
2nd group (rich Fe and Nb).
The curve of the Fe/Mn ratio indicates the tourmaline,
the first group of pegmatite, a similar pattern as for the
micas and columbite-tantalite results [9,11]. Take all of
the simple pegmatites from the gemstone. This also ap-
plies to a regional N-S distribution. The Fe/Mn ratio is
used as a qualitative marker for the fractionation, both
local as well as for internal development (Figure 4). It is
correlating negatively with Li, Co and Zn contents in the
first group, but begins with the crystallization of Nb-Ta-
minerals, micas, garnet and Behierit to decrease. The
ratio Fe/Mn of the tourmalines is compared (Figure 4) to
those measured in columbo-tantalites and garnets and
decreases northwardly continuously from the spodumene
bearing pegmatite to Beryl pegmatites; of them bearing
not only spodumene but a fine grained Li-rich violet
mica too. The infrared spectra of these samples in the
principal hydroxyl-stretching region are strikingly diffe-
rent and variation of the Y-site indicating 2R2+ = (Al(Y)
+ Li+) as the principal substitution mechanism. The Fe/
Mn ratio has been used as a qualitative fractionation in-
dex reflecting not only the regional evolution degree of
the pegmatites but the internal evolution of these bodies
too. The Fe/Mn ratio values correlate negatively with the
Na and Li contents. The Fe, Mn, Co and Zn contents
begin to increase with the ratio Fe/Mn, but this growth is
disturbed apparently by the beginning of the garnet and
columbo-tantalite crystallization.
The LREE contents increase but the HREE contents
do not show a definite trend. The abundance and distri-
bution of the REE in tourmalines are mainly controlled
by the paragenetic mineral associations. Apatite and gar-
net fractionation affects the HREE distribution.
4. Fluid Inclusions
The Fluid inclusions of quartz and K-feldspar are still
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(a) (b)
Figure 3. (a) The Rb/Cs distribution coefficient in mica and K-feldspar shows very low values; (b) Ta/(Ta + Nb) versus Fe/Mn
of columbo-tantalite. Striped areas: 1st pegmatites Group, Pitch: feldspars of the 1st Group, Black: 2nd pegmatites Group [9,
(a) (b)
Figure 4. (a) Fractionation trends of columbite-tantalite, micas and tourmaline in the first Group; (b) The infrared spectra of
these tourmaline samples, in the principal hydroxyl-stretching region, show clearly defined absorption peaks at 3474 - 3489
cm1 and 3373 cm1.
watery and biphasic. The CO2 accounts for 1% of the
volume of fluid inclusion. The homogenization tempera-
ture of water (H2O Th) is between 100˚C to 180˚C. Wa-
tery fluids were relatively dense 0.87 g/cm3. The salinity
is about 7.8% weight equivalent NaCl. The melting tem-
perature of CO2 is around 58.5˚C and the homogeniza-
tion temperature of CO2 is between 10˚C and 20˚C with a
density of about 0.85 g/cm3. Raman spectroscopy con-
firmed the presence of CO2 and showed the existence of
CH4 and N2 in these fluid inclusions.
5. Hydrothermal and Weathering Process
Behavior of triphyllite during hydrothermal and weath-
ering processes suggests the following sketch (Table 3):
Hydrothermal process (triphyllite-ferrisiklerite-heter-
osite): Under strongest oxidation conditions, the tri-
phyllite crystals transforms progressively into ferri-
sicklerite and the Li, Mn, Mg of triphylite is mobiliz-
ing in fluid. The complete leaching of Li into triphy-
lite ends up at the heterosite crystallization. The REE
pattern of triphylite (Figure 5) is characterized by a
LREE relative enrichment and ((Ce/Yb)CN = 2) and a
negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.57).
Weathering process (rockbrigeite and beraunite) was
characterized by an important hydratation of the het-
erosite, following the formation of rockbrigeite (8%
de H2O) and beraunite (15% de H2O)) and Ca, Na,
Mn and Mg are leaching.
6. Magmatism Relationship
We study many little leucogranites body linked to the
pegmatites [12]. They are controlled by a previous main
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IJG
Figure 5. Evolution of triphyllite during hydrothermal and weathering processes; right is P2O5 versus FeO/MnO and left is
the REE pattern of triphylite.
Table 3. Main characteristics of the first group pegmatites hydrothermal and weathering processes.
Pegmatite Hydrothermal process albitization Weathering process hydratation
Spodumene Petalite + Albite
Ambligonite Apatite + Brazilianite
Triphyllite Ferrisicklerite + Heterosite Rockbrigeite + Beraunite
compressive deformation phase Dl. The ten individual
zircon crystals within leucogranites are dating 579 5
Ma. The very Sr-enriched and Nd-depleted initial ratios
(0.782 87Sr/86Sr(i) 0.823 and –8.2 Nd(600) –7.4)
must be related to an important role of a crustal source.
They are linked with Urucum granite in Governador Ga-
lileia region [4,8]. The sin-tectonic magmatic series are
related to crustal melting produced by decompression
and thermal relaxation (550˚C - 700˚C and 4 - 5 kbar).
These perphosphorous leucogranites display porphyritic
textures and are characterized by the presence of apatite
phenocrystal (2 cm) and P-rich feldspars. The Plagio-
clase feldspar in leucogranites varies from An12 to An0
composition and found phosphorus values between 1.0
and 2.5 wt% P2O5. Apatite in the leucogranites show two
groups based on chemistry and occurrence: the phenocry-
stal apatite enriched in Mn disseminated within the leu-
cogranites and the small apatite disseminated within pla-
gioclase feldspar where Mn-depleted.
The Medina migmatite belong to Paraíba do Sul Com-
plex and outcrop in all the eastern part of Mantiqueira
belt. The Sm-Nd isotopic data for the Paraíba do Sul pa-
ragneiss indicate TDM model ages between 1.61 and
1.74 Ga, which are interpreted as an upper limit for the
sources of the original sediments and deposit during the
Meso- or Neoproterozoic [13]. The most abundant vari-
ety of the Medina migmatite are leucocratic and meso-
cratic migmatites. They are occupied a large bands ori-
ented SE-NW in eastern part of Mantiqueira Belt. The
leucosome is mainly composed of quartz, plagioclase
(An20-31), cordierite, pathetic K-feldspar, biotite and
rare sillimanite, and occasional garnet and muscovite.
The melanosome comprises alternate granoblastic and
restites bands defining a main foliation. They are formed
of biotite, quartz, plagioclase (An26-30), garnet, cordier-
ite and rare sillimanite, locally graphite. The apatite, zir-
con and the small monazite are the main accessory min-
Garnet geothermobarometry indicates that the peak
anatexis occurred at a c. 800˚C and c. 4.5 kbar. The ma-
jority of the dating zircon of the Medina migmatite
compound gneisses give an age of 585 7 Ma. They are
contemporary of Urucum Suite leucogranites and per-
phosphorous leucogranites [14,15].
They are highly peraluminous (1.07 < ASI < 1.38) and,
from the porphyritic granites to the aplopegmatitic facies.
Their P2O5 (0.28 to 1.06 wt%) decrease with SiO2 in-
crease 72 up to 75 wt%. Very high concentrations of P2O5
in silicic per-aluminous granites are symptomatic of
strong differentiation. In a same way, a decrease of major
elements (CaO, Fe2O3, MgO, TiO2) and of trace elements
(Zn, V, Sc, Co, Cr, Ni, REE) is observed from the Me-
dina Migmatites, Urucum granites Suite to the aplopeg-
matites. The MgO/TiO2 ratio nears 3, which may be
compared to the typical granites of crustal origin. The
perphosphorous leucogranites are linked with Urucum
granite Suite and migmatites suites in eastern of Minas
Gerais state. The plots of P2O5 versus SiO2 show a regu-
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IJG
lar variation the P2O5 in the granite decreases at SiO2
(72%) from this point onwards P2O5 increases (Figure 6).
These perphosphorous leucogranites and pegmatites are
characterized mineralogically by the presence of rare
phosphates (amblygonite, triphyllite, triplite, brazilianite).
The trend is related to the later stages of magmatic dif-
ferentiation. The P2O5 is concentrated in the late mag-
matic stage with Rb, Li and shows a negative correlation
with CaO. The Ca activity may be influenced the apatite
The Medina migmatites are a peraluminous composi-
tions with a presence of the normative corundum indicate
a metasedimentary source. However, the medina migma-
tites trend seems to be compatible with the presence of
restitic apatite. We observed in restitic biotite the small
apatite and zircon inclusions. The phosphorus enrichment
and discrete variation of the major and some trace ele-
ments content would be associated to restite unmixing
during the segregation of anatectic melt variable melting
degree of plagioclase and crystallization of microcline
and micas.
Smoler 1987 [16] and Häussinger 1990 [17] have used
correlations between Al2O3, TiO2 and Zr to discriminated
shales and sandstones and have identified lithostrati-
graphic units in metamorphosed belts. The Medina Mig-
matites are binary mixing between shales and sandstone
with high part immature sandstones in Al-Ti-Zr diagram
(Figure 6). The trend of leucogranites extending in op-
posite direction linked to early crystallisation zircon and
ilmenite and the solubility of these phases is very low
under hydrous conditions and low temperature, it’s a case
for the leucogranites suite their temperature of crystalli-
sation is between 550˚C and 700˚C. The immature sand-
stones are potentially as fertile sources as leucogranites
and melting and restite segregation are an important pro-
cess in genesis of peraluminous granites.
The REE patterns show tow groups (Figure 7), one
has the higher REE-contents, less fractionated pattern,
flattening through the intermediate and heavy REE, and a
conspicuous positive Eu anomaly. The second group is
the most fractionated, has the lowest HREE and small Eu
anomaly. The variable quantities of apatite, zircon, and
garnet are responsible for the higher intermediate and
heavy REE contents. The different intensities of Eu
anomaly are likely to be related to variations in the par-
tial melting degree of the metasedimentary source rocks.
The geochemical data of the Medina Migmatites show
a peraluminous composition and high part of immature
sandstones. The Medina Migmatites are potential sources
of genesis the leucogranites suite. The peak anatexis of
migmatites calculated with garnet geothermobarometry
indicates a high temperature (800˚C) and the leucograni-
tic melting involved at low temperature (550˚C - 700˚C)
explained a geochemical trend of leucogranites suites
(Figure 8). The distribution and behaviour of the many
traces elements show a strong implication of the Paraíba
do Sul metasediments source rocks in genesis of leu-
cogranites suites.
7. Conclusion
The geochemical parameters of the P-Li-Be bearing
pegmatites of the first group show the same trend frac-
tionation, as suggested by the mineralogical composition.
The variation of tourmaline and columbite-tantalite com-
position of the first group game again applies a change of
melt composition during the regional development of the
pegmatites. A systematic compositional trend seems to
suggest a petrogenetic link between the pegmatites of the
region. The Fe/Mn ratio of tourmaline in samples of the
first group shows the same behavior as in columbite-
(a) (b)
Figure 6. Distribution of the perphosphorous leucogranites (P), Urucum Suite (Ur) and Medina migmatites (Mig) in the P2O5
versus SiO2 diagram (a) and the Al-Ti-Zr diagram (b). In (b) show the positions of the immature and mature sandstones,
quartzite and shale’s, and the solids contours correspond to the field of peraluminous granites in word.
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Migmatites/ Chondrite
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm EuGd TbDyHo Er
Medina Migmatites
Tm Yb
Figure 7. Distribution of the perphosphorous leucogranites (P), Urucum Suite (Ur) and Medina migmatites (Mig) in the REE
patterns diagram.
Figure 8. Compilation of the P-T-t Neoproterozoic granites of the Minas Gerais [2,5]. The pre-tectonic granites (595 My) are
exhumed during a main deformation phase D1 (590 - 565 My) corresponding to a collisional event. The sin-tectonic and the
P-Li-Be bearing pegmatites have an age of 582 My. The late and post-tectonic granitoids and the 2nd pegmatites group (537 -
520 My) are contemporaneous with the second phase of deformation D2 that corresponds to extensional movements. The
post-tectonic granitoids were emplaced in the upper crust, 511 to 500 My.
tantalite and garnets. The simple pegmatites are transit-
ing north in the gem-rich pegmatites. The Fe/Mn ratio
not only shows qualitatively the fractionation index, the
degree of regional development, but also the internal de-
velopment of the body. The ratio shows a negative cor-
relation with lithium. The Co, Zn and Nb contents are
rising at first group, but falling when starting crystalliza-
tion of garnet, columbite-tantalite, and Behierit.
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. IJG
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