Journal of Modern Physics, 2012, 3, 355-356 Published Online April 2012 (
Book Review of Non-Traditional Dynamics in Electronics:
Theory and Practice
V. A. Banakh
Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberia, Russia
Received January 19, 2012; revised February 28, 2012; accepted March 9, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-935068-57-0
237pp Pub.Date: October/2011
Price: $89
The new book published by Scientific Research Pub-
lishers, USA in 2011 is devoted to investigation of prop-
erties of dynamic radio physical systems and to devel-
opment of methodic fundamentals for creation the cha-
otic oscillation sources and forecasting of nonlinear dy-
namic system behavior at variation of its parameters.
The urgency of such investigation execution in this direc-
tion is determined both by the necessity of new ideas de-
velopment in understanding of nonlinear dynamics of
various processes independently upon its affiliation with
the specific physics area and b y need o f th e moder n r adio
physics and radio electronics in sources of wide-band
chaotic oscillations and signals. This book makes a con-
siderable contribution in this area because it contains
theoretical, modeling and experimental results of the
analysis of bifurcation phenomena and processes in cha-
otic systems as well as issues of information transmission
using chaotic signals.
In this book for the first time the auto-parametric sce-
nario of stochastization is described, conditions are for-
mulated, at which movements in arbitrary dynamic sys-
tems are governed by the unified system of spectral-time
eq u a ti ons. Pheno mena of synchronization of chaotic move-
ments and the intermit synchronization are discovered and
investigated in detail. The bifurcation sense of the control
parameter of modified logistic map is revealed, which en-
sures reproduction of strictly chaotic temporal sequences.
The aggregate of this book’s results may be classified as the
new large scientific achievement.
Authenticity of results obtained is determined by its
consistent (became classical) laws of dynamic system
functioning and coincidence of numerical and physical
experiments at testing of offered mathematical models of
dynamic systems, and successful functioning of the de-
scribed radio electron i c devices.
This book contains preface and six chapters. To my
opinion, all materials are reliable and to the right degree
are supported by necessary theoretical and experimental
substantiation. Authors on the basis of numerical and
physical experiments prove earnestly the opportunity of
existence of the strange non-chaotic attractor in non-
autonomous radio electronic circuits at single-frequency
sinusoidal influence and on the basis of result generaliza-
tion of much number of numerical and physical experi-
ments authors offer and substantiate the feasibility for the
wide class oscillator and relaxation generation system of
the specific stochastization scenario, which did not meet
earlier in the scientific publications on nonlinear dynamics.
Theoretical analysis of modified logistic maps (MLM)
and appropriate numerical and physical experiments al-
lows authors to discover and investigate conditions of
arising of the unknown phenomenon—intermittent syn-
ch ron ization. At last, some results of the book are checked
by the function i ng ra di o elect r oni c devices.
Scientific and practical importance of investigations
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described in the book consists in the following. The ag-
gregate of theoretical and experimental results presented
in the book is devoted to the separate aspects of nonlin-
ear dynamics but it leads to the more deep understanding
of processes of the chaotic dynamics for the rather wide
class of electronic systems. So, authors specify relation
between Lyapunov fractal and informational dimensions
of the attractor proving the theorem on chaotization of
MLM, substantiate the new scenario of synchronization
and intermittent synchronization or chaotization proc-
As a whole, the book cannot pretend on finality of re-
search in this direction (it is impossible in the roughly
developed area of knowledge) and it represents the fun-
damental investigation of a series of theoretical and ap-
plied aspects of nonl i near dy n amic electronic systems.
The encyclopaedic knowledge of authors in the field
of nonlinear physics, statistical radio physics, mathe-
matical physics, the theory of random processes, compu-
tational mathematics make this book extremely valuable
and essentially enrich for researchers. Sixth chapter has a
gr ea t significance because in it authors give their own clas-
sification of dynamic systems, objects and processes but
polemize with many authors in the field of nonlinear chaos.
To order:
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