Q. Liu et al. / Natural Science 2 (2010) 450-456
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
negative charges at both the oil/water and water/sand
interfaces were reduced by the Mg2+ ion binding, weak-
ening the repulsive forces between the two interfaces.
The changes of both electrostatic forces and hydration
forces contributed to the wettability alteration in the
heavy oil/brine/sand system.
In this study, the mechanism of wettability alteration in a
heavy oil/alkaline solution/sand system was investigated
by analyzing the hydration forces, which revealed the
following conclusions.
The presence of either Na2CO3 or Mg2+ alone in water
could not induce wettability alteration. When water con-
tained both Na2CO3 and Mg2+, wettability of the solid
could be altered from water-wet to preferential oil-wet.
Wettability of sand was altered from water-wet to pref-
erential oil-wet by the Mg2+ ion binding mechanism.
Under alkaline conditions, magnesium concentration of
~50 mg/L could cause wettability alteration.
The heavy oil-water interfacial tension was greatly
increased due to the combination of Mg2+ and the ion-
ized organic acids at the oil/water interface. The analysis
of sand surface composition showed significant increase
in carbon content and C/O ratio in sand top surface layer
due to the adsorption of magnesium soap of the organic
acids. These results are consistent with the reduction in
surface charges at both the oil/water and water-sand in-
terfaces obtained in a previous study. The magnesium
ion binding reduced both electrostatic and hydration
forces at the oil/water and water/sand interfaces and
caused wettability alteration of sand surface.
Water phase surface tension data showed that the ion-
ized organic acids can partition into the water phase.
Through the Mg2+ ion binding, the ionized organic acids
in the aqueous phase attached to the sand surface. The
attachment of the organic acids on the sand surface de-
creased the hydration forces, making the sand surface
more oil-wet.
Acknowledgment is extended to the Petroleum Technology Research
Centre (PTRC), Murphy Oil Company Ltd., the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, and the Canada
Foundation for Innovation (CFI) for their financial support for this
work. The authors wish to express their thanks to Murphy Oil Com-
pany Ltd. for providing the oil and brine samples.
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