Int. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2012, 5, 207-207 Published Online April 2012 (
Review of the Book “Advanced Cognitive
Radio Network”
Francesco Zirilli
Sapienza Universita di Roma, Roma, Italy
Received March 26, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-935068-74-7
156pp September 2011
Price: $80
Chapter 1 History and foundation by Alagan Anpalagan.
This book chapter deals with history and foundation of
cognitive radio. In recen t years wireless communications
have experienced an unprecedented success for the ra-
pidity of their diffusion and for their impact in the life of
human society. The technologies used in wireless com-
munications are far from being mature and many changes
induced by their progress are still to come. Cognitive
radio is one of these technologies and is regarded as a
key technology to increase efficiency in wireless com-
munications. In many circumstances the spectrum as-
signed to wireless communications is not fully used. The
main goal of cognitive radio is to improve the exploita-
tion of the spectrum. The idea is to let the unlicensed
users to access the spectrum left unused by the licensed
users. In this chap ter th e main steps of the br ief hi story of
cognitive radio are presented including issues related to
policy regulations that have influenced the technology
and alternative technical solutions as software defined
radio. The chapter ends with a brief discussion of future
applications in wireless communicatio ns and of the chal-
lenges that they p ose to cognitive radio.
This is a well written and informative chapter that
deals with an important technology. I suggest to read it.
Chapter 6 MIMO systems and cooperative networks
performances by Kosai Raoof, Maha Ben Zid. This chap-
ter deals with MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output)
This is a technology used to in wireless communica-
tions to improve transmission robustness and to increase
spectral efficiency. The relation between MIMO systems
and wireless sensor networks is investigated. Spatially
distributed wireless sensor networks are deployed for
many different purposes, let us mention, for example,
environment monitoring missions or surveillance mis-
sions. Cooperative networks with virtual MIMO channels
are studied, in particular networks aware of their envi-
ronment are considered. These are cognitive netwo rk s th a t
operate in wireless form. This last feature is the bridge
that links them to cognitive radio. In fact the cognitive
radio technology is used to allocate spectrum to the users
of the cognitive ne twork in an adaptive way.
This book chapter deals with a specific application,
however, this is a very important application and this
work is written in a way that makes it readable by a wide
audience technically o riented readers. I suggest to read it.
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