2012. Vol.3, No.4, 346-351
Published Online April 2012 in SciRes (
Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
A Study of Teachers’ Perceived Beliefs Regarding
Teaching Practice
Narumon Changsri1, Maitree Inprasitha2, Auijit Pattanajak3, Kanokporn Changtong3
1Doctoral Program in Math ematics Education, Khon Kaen Universi ty, Khon Kaen, Thailand
2Center for Research in Mathematics Education, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand
3Centre of Excellence in Mathematics , CHE, Bangkok, Thailand
Received January 30th, 2012; revised February 29th, 201 2; accepted March 26th, 2012
This study aimed to explore the perceived beliefs of the teachers regarding teaching practice in the con-
text of a three year professional development project implementing lesson study incorporating Open Ap-
proach conducted by the Center for Research in Mathematics Education. The teaching practice set under
the cycle of lesson study were as follows: 1) Collaboratively designing research lesson at least once a
week; 2) Collaboratively observing their friends teaching the research lesson taken 3 - 4 hours per a week;
3) Collaboratively conducting post-discussion or reflection on teaching practice conducted once a week.
From these three phases, Open Approach was used as an approach such as how to change teachers’ roles
to be more facilitator and the like. The data were collected through questionnaire distributing to teachers
in three schools in the project. In addition, the qualitative data were collected by participatory observation
on teaching practice of one teacher twice a week throughout one academic year, interviewing the con-
cerned teacher and other teachers in the lesson study team. The findings, where teachers’ perceived be-
liefs regarding teaching practice were classified into three categories and these were: 1) About mathemat-
ics teaching; 2) About students’ learning mathematics; 3) About social context.
Keywords: Teachers’ Perceived Beliefs; Teaching Practice; Lesson Study; Open Approach
Teaching reforms cannot take place unless teachers deeply
held beliefs about mathematics and its teaching and learning
change (Ernest, 1988). It could be claimed that teachers’ beliefs
influence their teaching practice (Ernest, 1988; Thompson,
1992). Ernest (1988) argued that factors affect teachers’ beliefs
were social context and teachers’ level of consciousness of their
own beliefs, and the extent to which the teachers reflects on
their teaching practice. Many researchers have been searching
for more effective ways helping teachers to become conscious
of their own beliefs and become agent to change (e.g., Ponte et
al., 1999). Opportunities to reflect on teaching practices en-
hance not only changes in teachers’ beliefs but also to promote
a stronger congruence between teachers’ changed beliefs and
their practices (Forgasz & Leder, 2008). Change in teachers’
beliefs might not lead to change in their practice. The most
lasting change would be the result from professional develop-
ment experiences that provide teachers with opportunities to
coordinate incremental change in beliefs with corresponding
change in practice (Philipp, 2007).
Caution with Forgasz and Leder’s and Philipp’s suggestions
and in responding to Ponte et al.’s demand, this study provides
a new teaching practice based on lesson study. Inprasitha (2003)
suggests that professional development must be a kind of
classroom-based practice and be conducted continuously and
regularly. This suggestion is a consensus to the central issues of
Japanese professional development “Lesson Study”. Inprasitha
and Loipha (2007) claimed that participating in each phase of
lesson study provides the teachers an opportunity to collabora-
tively design a research lesson, to collaboratively observe their
friends teaching research lesson, and to collaboratively conduct
post-discussion or reflection on teaching practice. One of the
obvious reasons is that it enhances collaboration between
teachers to create a learning community (Yoshida, 2008).
Thus, in this study, teaching practice will be treated as an ac-
tivity under an implementing lesson study incorporating Open
Approach which provides a chance for participating teachers to
become conscious of their teaching practice and their existing
Lesson Study Incorporating Open Approach
Lesson study refers to a process in which teachers progres-
sively strive to improve their teaching methods by working
with other teachers to examine and constructively critique one
another in terms of teaching techniques (Baba, 2007) and pro-
vided opportunity for the teacher to explore the students’ learn-
ing which could be understood from observation and classroom
discussion in specific lessons (Yoshida, 2005). Stigler & Hie-
bert (1999) described the process of lesson study into eight
steps and these were: defining the problem, planning the lesson,
teaching the lesson, evaluating the lesson and reflecting on its
effect, revising the lesson, teaching the revised lesson, evaluat-
ing and reflecting, and sharing the results. Lewis (2000) sum-
marized typically five special characteristics of lesson study,
and these were following:
1) Research lessons are observed by other teachers;
2) Research lessons are planned for a long time, usually col-
3) Research lessons are designed to bring to life in a lesson a
particular goal or vision of education;
4) Research lessons are recorded, and
5) Research lessons are discussed.
Yoshida (2008) defines lesson study cycle as research lesson
planning, research lesson implementation and post-research
lesson discussion.
In Thai context, the Center for Research in Mathematics
Education has been implementing lesson study in the Profes-
sional Development Project (ProDev). This project modified
the Japanese lesson study by incorporating Open Approach and
emphasizing on a “unique collaboration” in each phase of les-
son study cycle. This unique collaboration was comprised of
school teachers, the 5th year undergraduate students who are
doing their one year teaching practice at schools, graduate stu-
dents, and mathematics educators, all from Khon Kaen Univer-
sity. This team then participated in collaboratively designing
research lesson, collaboratively observing their friends teaching
the research lesson, and collaboratively doing post-discussion
or reflection on the activities of the two phases (Inprasitha &
Loipha, 2007). According to these 3 phases of lesson study,
Open Approach as a teaching approach is incorporated in the
second phase with the following steps:
1) Collaboratively designing research lesson for at least once
a week; lesson study team designs research lessons by trying to
apply the materials and subject matters to be taught in terms of
open-ended problems. Then, those open-ended problems were
transformed as mathematical activities by using 4 - 5 simple
instructions. The instructions focused on the students’ under-
standing of the problem situations by themselves either as an
individual or a group based on the type of activity. In this phase,
members of the lesson study team participating in designing
research lesson shared in designing materials to be appropriate
with the students’ activities or age levels which could be based
on collaboration of teachers who know their students’ nature
and condition in the classroom while the rest of members of
lesson study team provided ideas about research issues. More-
over, they also collaborated in sequencing the teachers’ ques-
tions by focusing on the question “what, why, how” in order to
stimulate thinking and to investigate the students’ work as well
reasons of how they themselves did it.
2) Collaboratively observing their friends teaching the re-
search lessons taken at least 2 - 4 hours per week; the research
lessons were taught in the classroom by the subject teacher of
that particular grade level using Open Approach with the fol-
lowing steps: posing Open-ended problems, students’ self-
learning through problem solving, wholeclass discussion and
summary through connecting students’ ideas. Classroom ob-
servation has focused on students’ responses to open-ended
problems and students’ ways of thinking.
3) Collaboratively conducting post-discussion or reflection
on the activities of the two phases once a week. All members of
lesson study team and other teachers in the school attended the
regular meeting and following up their teaching practices
through process of reflection. The teacher and observers dis-
cussed the things they had observed to the research lessons. It
focused especially on how the students participate in the class-
room activities, students’ thinking, as well as problem situations.
In implementing the lesson study, aside from the three major
phases, there were other activities which were as follows:
1) Open Class; the conference for reflection of practice of
schools participating in the project.
2) Invitation the experts from foreign countries to provide
3) Attendance in international conference of the country
groups applying lesson study for their professional develop-
Teachers’ Beliefs
In this study, teachers’ beliefs would be considered as it was
based on Philipp’s idea (2007: p. 259) “…beliefs might be
thought of as lenses that affect one’s view to some aspect of the
world or as disposition toward action. Beliefs unlike knowledge,
may be held with varying degrees of conviction and are not
consensual…” Perceived beliefs refer to those beliefs regard-
ing teaching practice in which teachers gradually become con-
scious of after they participated in professional development
project implementing lesson study incorporating Open Ap-
proach. We used three categories of beliefs which were as fol-
Beliefs about mathematics teaching refer to teachers’ roles
about designing research lesson, teaching research lesson
and doing post-discussion or reflection on teaching practice.
Beliefs about students’ learning mathematics refer to stu-
dents’ behaviors in the classroom.
Beliefs about social context refer to collaboratively design-
ing research lesson, observing their friends teaching the re-
search lesson and conducting the post-discussion or reflec-
tion on teaching practice with other teachers in lesson study
team, researchers, school coordinators and experts.
Context of Study
The Center for Research in Mathematics Education, Khon
Kaen University has been implementing lesson study by incor-
porating Open Approach in a three-year (2006-2008) ProDev
project. Three schools have been participating in this project for
4 or 5 years. Teaching practices in those three schools were the
activities under the phase of lesson study incorporating Open
Approach and these were as follows:
1) Nineteen (19) teachers from Koo Khum Pittayasan
School have been participating in the project since 2006. In
the 2006 academic year, the school implemented three phases
of lesson study in the 1st grade, the 4th grade and the 7th grade.
In the academic year 2007, they extended to 6 classrooms; 1st
grade, 2nd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 7th grade and 8th grade. In
2008 academic year, they extended to 9 classrooms; 1st grade,
2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade 8th
grade and 9th grade.
2) Twenty six (26) teachers from Chumchon Ban Chonnabot
School have been participating in the project since 2006 aca-
demic year. In 2006 academic year, the school implemented
three phases of lesson study in the 1st grade (two classrooms)
and in the 4th grade (three classrooms). In 2007 academic year,
they extended to 1st grade (two classrooms), 2nd grade (two
classrooms), 4th grade (three classrooms), 5th grade (three
classrooms). In 2008 academic year, they extended to 1st grade
(two classrooms), 2nd grade (two classrooms), 3rd grade (two
classrooms), 4th grade (three classrooms), 5th grade (three
classrooms) and 6th grade (three classrooms).
3) Fourteen (14) teachers from Ban Bung Neum Bung Krai
School have been participating in the project since 2007
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 347
academic year. In the academic year 2007, the school imple-
mented three phases of lesson study in the 1st grade and in the
4th grade. In 2008 academic year, they extended to 4 classrooms;
1st grade, 2nd grade, 4th grade and 5th grade.
Their teaching practices were as followings:
Lesson study team (teachers, the 5th year undergraduate
students and graduate students) collaboratively planning the
research lessons at least once a week (every Monday or
Members of lesson study team (teachers, the 5th year un-
dergraduate students and graduate students) collaboratively
observing their friends teaching the research lessons at least
2 - 4 hours per a week.
All teachers (principal, teachers in lesson study team and
other teachers), graduate students attend the phase of doing
post-discussion or reflection on the activities of the two
phases every Wednesday or Thursday.
Moreover, mathematics educators from the University had
engaged in three phases of lesson study at the three project
schools once a month in the academic years 2006 and 2007 and
a semester in the academic year 2008. Researchers had partici-
pated in the school twice a week in the academic year 2007 and
at least four times per month in the acade m i c ye a r 2008.
Context of a Case-Study Teacher
It was until in the academic year 2007, the case-study school
participated in the project. In the initial phase of the project, the
Center for Research in Mathematics Education provided a
workshop on lesson study and Open Approach for the teachers
in the school. In this workshop, the participating teachers were
offered opportunities to express their views on how to apply the
gained concepts in the school. According to their opinions, the
following concerns were revealed:
1) Difficulty in the rearrangement of the regular teaching
schedules to allow at least one teacher to observe the class in
the 1st grade and 4th grade levels which were subject to intro-
duce lesson study an d i n c o r p o rating open approach,
2) Difficulty in the class participation and observation due to
limited number of school’s teachers,
3) They worry that they could not design research lesson, in
which open-ended problems were emphasized, and
4) They worry that their students could not gain learning
achievement nor obtain class content.
After they participated in the workshop, the school imple-
mented the project on June 26, 2007. The implemented active-
ties were as follows.
1) Collaboratively designing research lesson
Every Thursday after reflection session, a case-study teach er,
observing teacher, graduate students and mathematics educators
collaborated in designing lesson plan with emphasis on open-
ended problems in the form of short instruction. The process of
designing the materials has patterned the Japanese mathematics
textbook. It was noted that the case—study teacher played a
dominant role in providing comments on the developed direc-
tions for suitability on students’ ways of thinking.
2) Collaboratively observing their friend teaching the re-
search lesson
The research lessons would be taught in classroom by a case-
study teacher in 1st grade which was carried-out for four times a
week. Teaching was conducted in a sequential order. First, the
case-study teacher posed the open-ended problem by either
mounting or writing the instructions on the blackboard, include-
ing introducing teaching materials. Thereafter, the students
were allowed to be involved in problem solving or doing group
activities; meanwhile, the case-study teacher walked around,
observing actions of the students during the activity interaction.
The case-study teacher approached the students to repeat the
directions in the event that the students were thought that they
didn’t understand the instructions. Moreover, the case-study
teacher kept stimulating the students to collaborate in solving
the problems. Then, at the end of the class, the teacher let the
students present their work by telling what they had done. Next,
after the presentation by every single of group, the case-study
teacher again made a summary of the current lesson taught and
learnt. In fact, the lesson summary of the case-study teacher
was mainly based on the content of the materials used regard-
less of connecting students’ concept.
In this phase, all of the observers underwent observation and
recording the activities performed by the students. Contents of
the observation included the students’ problem interpretation,
problem solving, presentation and group process. The period of
time spent by the observers was different i.e. the observing
teacher participated in class observation at least once a week;
the school coordination (graduate student) did from Monday to
Thursday; the researcher (graduate student) did every Tuesday
and Thursday; and the principal and a mathematics educator
attended once a month.
3) Collaboratively doing post-discussion or reflection on the
activities of the two phases
Every Thursday from 3 p.m. a reflection session was set. The
reflection, which has emphasis on the students’ interaction, was
provided mainly by the principal and attended by all of the
school’s teachers as well as members of the lesson study team.
The post-discussion or reflection proceeded as follows.
The case-study teacher, who was a class teacher, reported
what was observed during activity interaction of the stu-
dents and what were the objectives of the lesson, including
problems that were arisen.
The observing teacher reflected what was observed from
the students’ activities, whose perspectives could be either
similar or different from those of the case-study teacher.
The researcher or school coordinator (graduate students) re-
flected viewpoints observed in the classroom and not men-
tioned by the case-study teacher and the observing teacher,
for instance the given directions, thinking process of the
students. Occasionally, educational supervisor and mathe-
matics educator collaboratively provided reflection. The re-
flection by the mathematics educator additionally provided
profound academic perspectives from observing the stu-
dents’ thinking process.
The academic year 2008 was the second year the case-study
school participated in the ProDev project. It was noted that
there were internship mathematics students (the 5th year under-
graduate students) from Mathematics Education Program, Khon
Kaen University, who practiced teaching in the case-study
school. Thus, the school system was revised as follows.
1) Collaboratively designing research lesson
Previously, in the academic year 2007, when the collabora-
tive research lesson was designed, it caused some proble ms and
these were: conducting the reflection session has taken pretty
long. This was resulted in the delay of designing lesson and
producing teaching material, which took as late as 7 p.m. Thus,
in the academic year 2008, the phase of designing research
Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
lesson was rescheduled to Tuesday starting from 3 p.m. In the
academic year 2008, the lesson study team was comprised of
the case-study teacher, an internship mathematics students and
graduate students. Lesson plans were collaborated and coordi-
nated in considering the directions and problems arising from
thinking information and direction interpretation of the students
gathered in the academic year 2007. However, in the academic
year 2008, the lesson plan had given emphasis on the prediction
of students’ concepts and on asking questions at the right time
to stimulate the students’ way thinking.
2) Collaboratively observing their peers and friends teaching
the research lesson
The case-study teacher taught in the first month under the
observation of the internship mathematics students. In the fol-
lowing month, the internship mathematics student took turns
teaching under the observation of the case-study teacher, who
also acted as a supervising teacher; meanwhile, the graduate
students attended observing the said classes every week. More-
over, the principal and mathematics educator shared ideas dis-
cussing the observations seen and observed.
In this phase, the observation focused on students’ interpreta-
tion of the directions, problem-solving process, group participa-
tion and their presentation. In addition, the observation also
emphasized on teachers’ role in posing the problem, motivating
the students in self-thinking, driving the students to connect
their adopted concepts and making summary to be used in the
post-discussion or reflection.
3) Collaboratively doing post-discussion or reflection on the
activities of the two phases
The post-discussion or reflection on the activities of the two
phases was organized on Thursday, starting from 3 p.m. This
phase was led by the principal. The reflection was initiated by
the teacher (an internship mathematics student or a teaching
teacher), followed by the observing teacher, and graduate stu-
dents. All of the school’s members were involved in this phase,
while a mathematics educator as the supervisor for the intern-
ship mathematics students participated in reflection session
twice in a semester.
In the academic year 2008, the internship mathematics stu-
dents as class teachers analyze the teaching management re-
garding the objectives, interesting points and approaches for
further development. They also reflected the points that had
been adjusted to suit to the students’ ability. Meanwhile, the
case-study teacher, as an observing teacher, took this chance to
provide reflection on teaching practice. It was found that the
case-study teacher could precisely observe students’ activity
interaction. In addition, the mathematics educator could indi-
cate such arising problems in the classroom as problem posing,
teachers’ role, and students’ thinking process. The mathematics
educator also suggested in construction open-ended problems,
designing of teaching materials and methods in predicting stu-
dents’ concepts.
These contexts supported a case-study teacher gradually be-
coming conscious of their teaching ways after they participated
in the PRODEV project implementing lesson study and incur-
porating Open Approach.
The questionnaire was distributed to all in-service teachers of
three project schools; Koo Khum Pittayasan School, Chumchon
Ban Chonnabot School and Ban Bung Neum Bung Kraui Noon
School, during 2007 and 2008 academic years. 43 of 59 re-
spondents were received from questionnaire distribution among
teachers participating in the project at least one year and a half.
It consisted of 5 open-ended questions and background related
questions (gender, age, grade of teaching and subject of teach-
ing). An example of open-ended question was “What is your
opinion about professional development based on lesson study?
Aside from quantitative analysis of questionnaires, the quail-
tative analysis was also used to analyze the teaching practices
of one teacher whom the researcher had observed her teaching
practice at Ban Bung Neum Bung Krai Noon School twice a
week for the entire 2007 and 2008 academic years. Data collec-
tion involved participatory observation on teaching practice of
one teacher which was taken twice a week throughout one aca-
demic year, interviewing that concerned teacher and other
teachers in lesson study team and field note from a case-study
teacher and researcher.
Data analysis was conducted based on the cycle of lesson
study. Perceived beliefs in this study refers to those beliefs
regarding teaching practice in which teachers are gradually
becoming conscious of their ways in teaching after they par-
ticipated in professional development project implementing
lesson study and incorporating open approach. Three categories
of beliefs were used in this study.
Analysis of Data in the Questionnaire
The method of content analysis was used in analyzing the
data. From the teachers’ responses, their perceived beliefs re-
garding teaching practice could be classified with the method of
content analysis into three categories: 1) on mathematics teaching;
2) on students’ learning mathematics; 3) on social context.
1) Perceived beliefs about mathematics teaching
During the process of collaboratively designing research les-
son, teachers were aware that they provided more chance to
prepare their research lessons than they were used to do and
they were planning the lessons in advance both on materials
and classroom activities to be appropriate with their students.
From the process of classroom observation and reflection,
teachers changed their roles acting as facilitators and observed
their students’ ways of thinking. The following statements were
quoted from the teachers’ responses about teaching mathemat-
Teachers viewed studentsproblem situation and their pro-
blem solving. Teachers changed their roles from telling to fa-
cilitating students to think.”
Teachers changed their roles as an observer and motivate
students to think achieve the aim of the lesson. Te achers pre-
pared their teaching and design lessons focusing on thinking
Teachers changed their roles from the one who stands in
front of the blackboard to the one who collaboratively learning
studentsactivity and whole class discussion.”
2) Perceive beliefs about students’ learning mathematics
During collaboratively classroom observation and reflection,
teachers become conscious of their students’ changes in learn-
ing mathematics. For example students could express their
ways of thinking and the reasons underpinning their solutions,
recognized various ideas from peers, and had a variety ways of
thinking and were enjoyable in learning mathematics. The fol-
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. 349
lowing statements were quoted from the teachers’ responses
about students’ learning mathematics:
Students prompted to express their ideas and were able to
think various ways.”
Students accepted that when they have learned, they were
excited and enjoyd doing activities.”
Students can express the reasons underpinning their solu-
3) Perceived beliefs about social context
Teachers worked with other teachers as a team working.
They recognized their friend’s constructive criticisms and vari-
ous ideas from other people while collaboratively designing the
lesson and reflection with other teachers in lesson study team,
researchers, school coordinators and experts. The following
statements were quoted from the teachers’ responses about
social context:
Teachers had a team working and were able to share their
ideas among them for developing the lessons.”
Teachers recognized observerssuggestions.”
Case Study
A case-study teacher was a first grade teacher who had
teaching experiences for more than 25 years and has been par-
ticipating in the project since 2007. After the first semester in
2007 academic year, the researcher interviewed a case-study
teacher and the teacher who observed a case-study teacher’s
teaching practice. The interviews were focused on teachers’
changes and students’ changes after they participated in the
project for six months.
A case-study teacher recognized about her changes:
Previously, I took a textbook and stood in front of a class,
explained and demonstrated solution according to textbook.
After I participated in the project, I have changed my roles as
facilitator and also students did activity by themselves. It help-
ed students to develop their positive attitude towards mathe-
Other teachers in lesson study team also recognized the
changes from the case-study teacher:
Teaching practices have changed. In the former days, teach-
ers explained and wrote something on the blackboard without
using teaching materials. After the teachers participated in the
project, they have changed their teaching practice as collabo-
ratively planning the lesson, observed studentsthinking proc-
ess, instead of the answer. They are not shy to present their
classroom practices to each other. Moreover, they have pre-
pared teaching materials more than before.”
A case-study teacher noticed about her students’ changes:
Especially to young children, they have changed from lis-
tening teacher and doing activities then followed by the ex-
pression of the teacher to make decision using their ideas and
solutions themselves.”
Other teacher in lesson study team also noticed about stu-
dents’ changes:
Students enjoy asking, expressing their ways of thinking and
presenting their solutions to the class. Moreover, students were
interested in learning activities because of teacher allowing
them to dohand-onactivities. Students actively participated
in the activities.
Concluding Remarks
It was found that this modified Japanese lesson study pro-
vides a chance, which teachers never had before, for participat-
ing teachers to reflect upon their teaching practices and their
existing beliefs. This point of view is consistent with Philipp’s
idea (2007), through reflection, teachers learnt new ways to
make sense of what they observe, enabling them to see differ-
ently those things that they had been seeing while developing
the ability to see things previously unnoticed (Philipp, 2007).
Comparing those teachers who entered before the project,
teachers viewed their students to listen from their lectures and
the teachers’ role was as a lecturer or explainer. After partici-
pating in the project, they had perceived beliefs regarding
teaching practice as following; 1) about mathematics teaching:
during the process of collaboratively designing research lesson,
teachers provided more chance to prepare their research lessons
than they were used to and they had planned the lessons in ad-
vance both on materials and classroom activities to be appro-
priate with their students. From the process of classroom ob-
servation and reflection, teachers have changed their roles act-
ing as facilitators and observing their students’ ways of think-
ing; 2) About students’ learning mathematics: during collabora-
tively classroom observation and reflection, teachers have be-
come more conscious of their students’ changes in learning
mathematics. For example, they noticed that students could
express their ways of thinking and the reasons underpinning
their solutions, recognized various ideas from peers, and had a
variety ways of thinking and were enjoying in learning mathe-
matics; 3) In terms of social context, teachers worked with
other teachers as a team work. They recognized their peers and
friend’s constructive criticisms and various ideas from other
people while collaboratively designing the lesson and reflection
with other teachers, researchers, school coordinator and field
experts. Those perceived beliefs should be considered first as
critical stage before changing their beliefs and associated be-
liefs about their teaching practices.
The authors would like to thank the Office of the Higher
Education Commission, Thailand for supporting by grant fund
under the program Strategic Scholarships for Frontier Research
Network for the Ph.D. Program Thai Doctoral degree for this
research. This research is partially supported by the Centre of
Excellence in Mathematics, the Commission on Higher Educa-
tion, Thailand and Center for Research in Mathematics Educa-
tion. This work was supported by the Higher Education Re-
search Promotion and National Research University Project of
Thailand, Office of the Higher Education Commission, through
the Cluster of Research to Enhance the Quality of Basic Educa-
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Thompson, A. G. (1992). Teachers’ beliefs and conceptions: A synthe-
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Questionnaire consists of Open-ended questions and back-
ground related questions (gender, age, grade of teaching, sub-
ject of teaching).
Some examples of Open-ended questions were the follow-
1) What is your opinion about professional development
based on lesson study?
2) What is your opinio n about Open Approa ch?
3) What is your opinion on teachers’ change after imple-
menting lesson study incorporating Open Approach in your
4) What is your opinion on students’ change after imple-
menting lesson study incorporating Open Approach in your