Vol.2, No.5, 504-510 (2010)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
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Estimating the effect of early discharge policy on
readmission rate. An instrumental variable approach
Eugenia Amporfu
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana; eamporfu@gmail.com
Received 23 January 2010; revised 7 February 2010; accepted 8 February 2010.
Early discharge policy, common in the devel-
oped countries, refers to the reduction of hos-
pital length of stay as a way of reducing the cost
of care. The effect of the policy on quality of
care has received a lot of attention in the litera-
ture. Some of the earlier papers have ignored
the endogeneity of length of stay in the read-
mission equation, an approach that could lead
to inconsistent estimation. This study develops
a statistical technique for the consistent estima-
tion of the effect of the early discharge policy. An
instrument that can be used extensively across
different diagnostic groups is provided, hence
solving the difficult problem of finding an in-
strument for length of stay. The exogeneity test in
Gorgger (1990), the test for weak instruments in
Staiger and Stock (1997) as well as the Hensen
(1982) for over identification confirmed respec-
tively that length of stay is endogenous the in-
strument is strong and the valid.
Keywords: Instrument; Length of Stay;
Early Discharge; Endogeneity;
Instrumental Variable Estimation
Instrumental variable estimation is a two stage estima-
tion technique that first purges endogenous regressors,
and hence exogenizes them before including them as
regressors in a regression equation for estimation. An
important reason why instrumental variable estimation is
becoming less popular is the difficulty of finding an in-
strument. This difficulty is encountered in models that
measure the impact of early discharge policy on quality
of care. Many studies have thus ignored the need for
instrumental variable estimation and hence the consis-
tency of their estimated impact of the policy is ques-
tionable. The objective of this paper is to develop a sta-
tistical technique for consistent estimation of the impact
of early discharge on quality of care regardless of the
diagnostic group used. The British Columbia (Canada)
Ministry of Health and Center for Health Services and
Policy Research linked database provided the maternity
data used for the study.
The models that measured the impact of the early
discharge policy on quality of care used readmission and
mortality rates as proxies for quality of care with length
of stay as one of the independent variables. Length of
stay, because it is correlated with an unobservable vari-
able, the severity of illness, is endogenous in the regres-
sion equation. Severity of illness is unobservable to the
researcher but observable to the patient (or doctor) and a
severely ill patient is likely to stay long in the hospital
and be readmitted. Ignoring the endogeneity of length of
stay then can lead to inconsistent estimation and hence
unreliable conclusions. Examples of papers that ignored
the endogeneity of length of stay in the readmission eq-
uation can be cited [1].
Consistent estimation of the impact of early discharge
policy on quality of care is important because the policy
is implemented extensively across North America and
Europe (e.g., Sweden, Norway in the 1990s), as a cost
containment strategy. In the United States the policy was
induced by the introduction of prospective payment [2]
and capitation [3] in the 1980s. In Canada, the policy
was introduced by provincial governments in the 1990s
(example, 1994 in British Columbia and Alberta) and
was often accompanied by home visits implemented thr-
ough public health nursing programs. In general, the
early discharge policy has raised concern about its im-
pact on quality of care and has attracted a lot of studies
in the area [2,4].
Information on the impact of the policy on quality of
care will serve as an important guide to policy makers on
the extent to which the policy is able to reduce the cost
of care. Inconsistent estimation of the impact then can
lead to misleading results and hence mislead policy
makers on the efficiency of the allocation of health care
*Data used for this study was provided by British Columbia (Canada)
Ministry of Health and Center for Health Services and Policy Research
linked database.
E. Amporfu / HEALTH 2 (2010) 504-510
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
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resources. The endogeneity problem can be solved if
severity of illness can be accurately measured and in-
cluded in the regression equation. This requires clinical
information from medical records [5]. Such an approach
is however not used in the literature because it is ex-
tremely costly to gather the information [6].
Some studies such as [7] used the cost weight of pa-
tients diagnostic group, hospital entry type (i.e., whether
it was emergency or elective) and whether the diagnostic
group was a surgical or non surgical type as proxies for
severity of illness. These variables are reasonable prox-
ies for the study’s data: all elderly patients across differ-
ent diagnostic groups. Such variables however cannot
pass as proxies for all diagnostic groups especially ma-
ternity data. This is because for maternity, an emergency
entry usually implies advancement in labor but does not
necessarily imply severity of illness. Caesarean section
could occur by choice, or as a result of the woman’s pel-
vic or birth canal or for medical reasons. Thus a woman
who undergoes caesarean section is not necessarily ill.
Hence surgical delivery cannot be an indicator of sever-
ity of illness for a maternity patient and the difficulty of
finding a proxy for the severity of illness remains. Find-
ing an appropriate instrument for length of stay then
would lead to a consistent estimation of the policy’s im-
pact on quality of care and nullify the need to find a
proxy for severity of illness.
The first to alert of the endogeneity problem with
length of stay and the need to use instrumental variables
to ensure consistent estimation did not come till 2000 [8].
However, [8] used time of delivery and the method of
delivery as instruments for length of stay. While these
instruments might have produced consistent estimates,
the instruments chosen are only restricted to the data set
used, newborns, and so cannot be applied to other diag-
nostic groups. It is not surprising that more recent papers
[1] that did not use infant data ignored the endogeneity
problem. What is needed then is an instrument that is
highly correlated with length of stay but uncorrelated
with severity of illness regardless of the diagnostic group
used for the analysis of effect of the early discharge pol-
icy. Such an instrument is very important because the
early discharge policy is widely implemented for differ-
ent diagnostic groups.
One such variable in this context is a policy instru-
ment for the early discharge policy: the average number
of patients per bed in a given year for a given hospital.
To implement the early discharge policy hospitals may
have to increase the number of patients per bed that is
allocated to the diagnostic group targeted by the policy.
This could be done by either increasing the size of the
population served by the hospital through the closure of
other hospitals or by reducing the number of beds in the
hospital or both. Because some hospitals are likely to
attract the severely ill patients the average number of
patients per bed in the hospital of delivery could be cor-
related with the severity of illness. Thus for each obser-
vation (patient) I computed the average number patients
per bed whether or not it was the choice hospital. The
number of patients per bed is a better instrument than the
year of policy used in an earlier work [9] because year of
policy is only valid as an instrument if no other policy
that could affect readmission rate was implemented in
the years of and after the policy. Weak instrument test
was used to test for the strength of the instrument [10].
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes
the model, its estimation and various tests performed.
Section 3 describes the data while Section 4 reports the
results and Section 5 discusses the results.
2.1. The Model
The model for the analysis has two regression equations,
an OLS regression Eq.1, and a discrete time duration
hazard Eq.2:
 (1)
it it
 (2)
where LOS represents length of stay in days,
is a
vector of the instruments, the annual average number of
patients per bed for each hospital; Z represents the ob-
servable characteristics of the patient: age, income, me-
thod of delivery, complications, Indian status, education
and birth rate of patient’s neighborhood; ui is the unob-
served characteristic, severity of illness, of the patient
that affects length of stay. Complications is a dummy
variable indicating whether the patient’s diagnostic short
list falls between 147 and 151 which includes hemor-
rhage of pregnancy, care during pregnancy as well as
complications in labor, delivery and pueperium. Note
that complication is observable and it differs from sever-
ity of illness in that two patients may both have hemor-
rhage but differ in severity.
In (2), yit is a binary variable indicating whether or not
patient i is readmitted t days (t is from 1 to ninety) after
discharge. Thus yit = 1 if the patient is readmitted and
zero otherwise. Even though the body takes about 60
days to return to its pre-pregnancy state, when psycho-
logical adjustment is taken into account, the woman
needs at least 90 days to adjust. Thus 90 days is long
enough for any impact of the early discharge policy to be
found. The error term it
= it it
, where vit is the
severity of illness component of
and εit is identi-
cally and independently distributed. Thus it is assumed
that apart from the severity of illness the error term, it
is identically and independently distributed. The pres-
ence of severity of illness means that vit is correlated
E. Amporfu / HEALTH 2 (2010) 504-510
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Openly accessible at
with uit which implies that LOS is endogenous and the
estimates of ,
are inconsistent.
The hazard equation specifies the probability of being
readmitted conditional on not being readmitted. Follow-
ing the standard data transformation for discrete duration
hazard, each patient contributed several observations to
the data depending on the number of days, after dis-
charge, it takes before she is readmitted. Thus a patient
that is readmitted 18 days after discharge contributes 18
observations to the model. The observations are trun-
cated after 90 days making those not readmitted after 90
days the censored group, each with 90 observations. The
transformed data was then estimated by logit.
2.2. Estimation and Tests
To technically confirm the endogeneity of length of stay
in the readmission equation, the exogeneity test for
logit was used to test for the exogeneity of length of
stay [11]. The test statistic, nR2, was obtained from a
regression of a vector of units on ˆ
ii ]
and ˆ
[( )
S where ˆ
is the vector
of the estimated parameters in (2) without IV estimation
and is the vector of estimated parameters of (2)
using IV estimation by nonlinear least squares. Under
the null of exogeneity, the test statistic follows
where G is the number of instrumental variables and n is
the sample size.
To ensure the consistent estimation of the coefficients
a test for weak instruments as shown in [10] was per-
formed. It is basically a Wald test for the significance of
the instruments in (1), i.e. , the null hypothesis is δ = 0.
The test statistic is 1
ˆˆˆ ˆ
'( ')
, where ˆ
is a vector
of V restrictions, δ = 0, evaluated at ˆ
, is a KXV
matrix of the derivatives of the restrictions with respect
, and is the asymptotic Cramer-Rao lower
bound variance both evaluated at
. The test statistic
is 2
where V is the number of instruments, which is
16 in this context.
Over identification test [12] was performed to test for
the appropriateness of the instruments for length of stay.
The null hypothesis states that the instruments are not
significant in the readmission equation implying that
they are appropriate instruments for length of stay. The
test statistic here is also nR2 from the least square re-
gression of the residual of (2) on the instruments and the
exogenous variables. nR2 is also 2
where V again is
the number of instruments.
2.3. Data
The study used a four year (1993-1996) maternity data
on all deliveries from sixteen acute care hospitals in
British Columbia, Canada, provided by the British Co-
lumbia Ministry of Health and Center for Health Ser-
vices and Policy Research linked database. For the pur-
poses of this study, the data contained information on
age in years, length of stay in days, method of delivery,
complications, Indian status, local health area, dates of
admission and discharge, transfers and hospital of deliv-
ery. Since transfers involve admission and discharges
from different hospitals, a transferred patient that returns
to her original hospital can easily be mistaken for a re-
admitted patient. Thus transferred patients were removed
from the data. This reduced the sample size from 92,595
to 90,658 deliveries. Readmissions were also reduced
from 3492 to 3326. To ensure that readmissions are re-
lated to the initial hospitalization only those readmis-
sions caused by obstetric problems were included.
Information on patients’ income and educational back-
ground were not available and so patients’ neighborhood
information was used. Neighborhood characteristics of
the patients’ local health areas for education, income and
fertility rates were obtained from the website of the gov-
ernment of British Columbia. The number of maternity
beds in each hospital which was needed for the construc-
tion of the instruments was obtained from the Directory
of Canadian Hospitals. Since the data covered all deliv-
eries in each of the hospitals, the number of patients per
bed was computed by dividing the total deliveries in
each hospital in a year by the number of maternity beds
in the hospital for the year.
As shown in Table 1 the average age of the mothers
remained at about 29 over the four years. Length of stay
decreased gradually over the years. The number of ma-
ternity beds in all the hospitals decreased relative to the
number of patients who delivered hence the number of
patients per bed increased over time. There was a sig-
nificant (17.4%) reduction in the number of maternity
beds in 1994, the year of the policy, followed by smaller
(0.05% and 3%) reduction in the two years that followed.
The number of maternity beds was therefore reduced
over time to implement the early discharge policy hence
making it correlate with length of stay.
Table 1. Data summary.
1993 1994 1995 1996
Sample size23149 23325 22795 22583
length of
3.71 3.47 3.29 3.22
Average age29.2 29.3 29.5 29.7
Number of
432 357 355 344
Patients per
bed 53.6 65.3 64.2 92.6
E. Amporfu / HEALTH 2 (2010) 504-510
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/Openly accessible at
The data used had several advantages in aiding with
the consistent estimation of the parameters. First, the
omission of breastfeeding and home visit are not
likely to affect the consistency of the estimation. In ad-
dition to the severity of illness, home visit and breast-
feeding are also correlated with both readmission rate
and length of stay [8]. As noted in [13], newborns who
receive home visits have short stays. Since mothers are
unlikely to outstay their babies in the hospital, at least
during the period under study, the availability of home
care should in general, reduce length of stay for mothers.
Home visit also reduces readmissions because the home
visit nurse is likely to detect a developing infection and
treat before it develops to require readmission. Thus, the
omission of home visit can result in inconsistent estima-
tion of the readmission equation. The source of the data
used in this study however minimizes any such problem
because the early discharge policy in British Columbia
was implemented through the introduction of home visit
program funded by the Closer to Home Fund available
to all hospitals. All patients in the data then had access to
home visits and so the impact on readmission is captured
by the intercept and not the error term.
Mothers with no lactation problem have short stay and
are less likely to be readmitted. Thus the omission of
breastfeeding from the estimation equation could render
length of stay inconsistent. However, breastfeeding is
not likely to affect the consistency of the estimates in the
study because lactation problems are captured under
complications as care during puerperium. Thus the as-
sumption that without the severity of illness the error
term in (2) is identically and independently distributed is
Second, maternity data is appropriate for the study
because the early discharge policy has in general being
applied to maternity patients across North America and
Europe and so the resulting impact on readmission rates
of maternity patients have received a lot of attention in
the literature [1,3].
Lastly, studies have shown that severity adjusts well
when it is disease specific [14]. This is to ensure that the
clinical parameters in the model such as complications
have similar effect on outcome hence validating the ex-
pectation that hemorrhage, for example, increases the
probability of readmission rate.
The test statistic of the endogeneity test was 97835.29
with 16 degrees of freedom and a p-value of zero. Thus
the null of no endogeneity was rejected. This confirms
the expectation that length of stay is endogenous in the
readmission equation; hence previous studies that ig-
nored the endogeneity problem could have produced
inconsistent estimates, making their conclusions unreli-
The test for weak instruments yielded a test statistic of
104458.8 with 16 degrees of freedom and a p-value of
zero, leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis of
weak instruments. As stated in [10] weak instruments
yield inconsistent estimates. The test results then con-
firm that the instruments used, number of patients per
bed, are highly correlated with length of stay and uncor-
related with the severity of illness hence they are not
weak instruments for length of stay. Finally the over
identification test yielded a test statistic of 14.67 with 16
degrees of freedom and a p-value of 0.547. Thus, the
null was not rejected implying that the instruments are
appropriate for length of stay. Having been assured of
consistent estimation of the coefficients, attention is now
turned to the results of the regression.
As shown in Table 2, all the instrumental variables
had negative signs confirming the expectation that
length of stay falls as the number of patients per bed
increases. The results also showed that length of stay
dropped gradually even after 1994, the year of the pol-
The results from the hazard estimation, in Table 2,
show that all the estimated coefficients in the IV and the
non IV estimation had the same signs. Both show that
there was no significant change in readmission rate in,
1995, the year after the policy but readmission rate in-
creased in 1994 and 1996. As expected the readmission
rate of those who lived in local health areas with high
education level and/or high income were less likely to be
readmitted conditional on not yet been readmitted. Pa-
tients with complications as well as those with Native
Indian status were more likely to be readmitted condi-
tional on not yet been readmitted, than those without
complications and/or Native Indian status. As expected,
Native Indians were more likely to be admitted than
non-native Indians. In general, the IV estimates were
less efficient than the non-IV estimates.
Since readmission rates are considered often as un-
conditional, unconditional readmission rates were com-
puted to compare the impact of the policy on readmis-
sion rate using the IV and the non-IV estimations. The
computation involves calculating, for each patient, the
survival rate, subtracting it from one and then averaging
over all the patients. The coefficient for length of stay
under the non-IV was –0.051 + 0.0008*LOS and that of
the IV was –0.115 + 0.006*LOS. The average length of
stay of 1994 in the above coefficients and unconditional
readmission rates were used to compute the marginal
effect of length of stay on readmission rate. The results
showed a marginal effect of –1.54% under the IV esti-
mation and –1.1% under the non-IV estimation, i.e., an
increase in length of stay by a day reduced readmission
rate by 1.54% under the IV estimation and 1.1% under
E. Amporfu / HEALTH 2 (2010) 504-510
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/Openly accessible at
Table 2. Regression results (numbers are estimated coefficients).
Dependent Variables
Va ri a bl e s
Length of Stay Readmission Equation
(with IV estimation)
Readmission Equation
(without IV estimation)
Number of patients per bed 1 –0.00003
Number of patients per bed 2 0.0002
Number of patients per bed 3 –0.015
Number of patients per bed 4 –0.007
Number of patients per bed 5 –0.028
Number of patients per bed 6 –0.016
Number of patients per bed 7 –0.019
Number of patients per bed 8 –0.032
Number of patients per bed 9 –0.043
Number of patients per bed 10 –0.167
Number of patients per bed 11 –0.026
Number of patients per bed 12 –0.150
Number of patients per bed 13 –0.00005
Number of patients per bed 14 –0.091
Number of patients per bed 15 –0.015
Number of patients per bed 16 –0.047
1994 –0.174 0.104 0.105
1995 –0.344 0.002 0.008
1996 –0.404 0.092 0.103
Income 0.841 –0.174 –0.175
Native Indians 0.130 0.277 0.283
Fertility 0.239 0.097 0.103
Age –0.122 –0.073 –0.092
Age*age 0.002 0.001 0.002
Education –0.897 –0.142 –0.154
Complication 0.450 0.544 0.523
Length of stay –0.115 –0.051
Length of stay * length of stay 0.031 0.0001
T –0.59 –0.059
T2 0.001 0.001
constant 5.288 –5.477 –5.431
All estimates are significant at 5% significance level.
the non-IV estimation. Thus, there is a greater marginal
impact of length of stay on readmission rate under the IV
than the non IV estimation. This result is similar to that
in [8] as well as in [6].
E. Amporfu / HEALTH 2 (2010) 504-510
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/Openly accessible at
An LM test was run to check if the coefficients of
length of stay in the IV estimation were statistically dif-
ferent from those of non-IV. This null hypothesis is φIV =
φnonIV. The test involves running the residuals of the re-
stricted regression on the derivatives of the logit with
respect to each of the coefficients in the model. The test
statistic is nR2 which follows the chi square distribution
with two degrees of freedom (number of restrictions).
The resulting test statistic was 2445.7 with a p-value of
zero, implying that the coefficients were statistically
different from each other. Hence the earlier studies that
ignored the endogeneity of length of stay could be
The extend to which the policy contributed to the in-
crease in readmission rates was found by rerunning the
readmission regression after including interactions of
length of stay with the year dummies. The resulting es-
timated coefficients for the interactions of the year
dummies with the square of length of stay were not sig-
nificant for either the IV or the non-IV estimates so the
regressions were reran without those interactions. The
results are reported in Table 3 and they show that the
interaction coefficients for the years and length of stay
were negative for the IV results and positive but close to
zero for the non-IV results. This implies that according
to the IV results, the reduction in readmission rate from
a day’s increase in length of stay is greater after the pe-
riod of the policy. The opposite is the case under the
non-IV results.
To translate these into readmission rates, the results in
Table 3 were used to compute the contribution of the
policy to any change in readmission rate as the differ-
ence between the readmission rates with and without the
interactions. The readmission rates without the interac-
tion were the readmission rates for each year without
any contribution from the early discharge policy. The
readmission rates that included the interactions repre-
sented the readmission rates for each year including the
impact of the policy. The difference between the two
then is the change in readmission rate as a result of the
policy. To compare the impact of the policy with the
overall change in readmission rate over time, the results
in Table 2 were used to compute the change in readmis-
sion rate for each year after the policy.
The results, reported in Table 4, show that readmis-
sion rates increased over the years under both the IV and
the non-IV estimation. However, the increase was con-
sistently higher under the IV than the non-IV estimation.
The results under IV also showed that with the exception
of 1994, where other factors must have contributed to
the increase in readmission rate, any increase in read-
mission rate in the years that followed was due to the
policy and other factors must have reduced the impact of
the policy. Such information was not captured by the
non-IV results.
Table 3. Regression results from interacting length of stay with
the year dummy variables.
Readmission Rate
(with IV)
Readmission rate
(without IV)
1994* 0.128 0.095
1995* 0.111 –0.023
1996* –0.212 0.050
1994*length of stay*–0.004 0.002
1995*length of stay*–0.027 0.007
1996*length of stay*0.102 0.013
Income –0.174 –0.177
Native Indians 0.275 0.283
Fertility 0.100 0.103
Age –0.079 –0.092
Age*age 0.001 0.002
Education –0.141 –0.155
Complication 0.494 0.523
Length of stay* –0.036 0.045
Length of stay *
length of stay* 0.017 –0.0004
T –0.059 –0.059
T2 0.001 0.001
constant –5.516 –5.406
*Significant at 10% level. All other variables are significant at 5%
significance level.
Table 4. Effect of policy on readmission rates.
1994 1995 1996
Change in
rate (%)
2.8 2.6 2.1 0.19 2.6 2.5
Change in
rate due to
policy (%)
1.5 1.1 2.4 0.23 5.2 .101
Number of
due to policy
53623 547 52 1174 23
As shown in Table 4, for 1994 the policy increased
readmission rate by 0.1 percentage points under the
non-IV estimation and 2.3 percentage points under the
IV estimation. Considering the number of deliveries of
23,325 in the selected hospitals in 1994, it implies, ac-
cording to the non-IV estimation about only 23 women
were readmitted as a result of the early discharge policy.
E. Amporfu / HEALTH 2 (2010) 504-510
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
The number however increased to about 536 women
under the IV estimation.
Openly accessible at
The current study has one main weakness. The IV esti-
mation, when the second stage regression is logit or pro-
bit, requires that the endogenous variable is continuous.
This implies that length of stay should be measured in
hours and not in days as was used. The requirement that
the problem variable be continuous is consistent with
probit estimation which is continuous. However, in the
current study the second stage regression is discrete and
so a discrete endogenous variable for the first stage may
not be problematic.
The study however has several strengths. First, the in-
struments, average patients per bed, proposed to ensure
consistent estimation of the impact of the early discharge
policy on readmission rate are not weak. Second the in-
struments are not significant in the readmission equation
implying that they are not one of the regressors for re-
admission. Hence they are strong and appropriate in-
struments. Third, the instruments are not restricted to
any diagnostic group and so can widely be applied to
any diagnostic group to find consistent estimation of the
impact of the early discharge policy. Finally, information
on the number of beds for a diagnostic group can easily
be found for the computation of the average number of
patients per bed.
The study has shown that the non-IV estimates are
statistically different from the IV estimates implying that
earlier studies that ignored the endogeneity of length of
stay might have produced misleading results. The non-
IV estimates underestimate the impact of the policy on
readmission rate. That could explain why some of the
studies that ignored the endogeneity problem found no
impact of the policy on readmission rate. The results
from the non-IV estimates inform policy makers that the
policy as it was implemented did not deteriorate read-
mission rate and so provided no reason for policy mak-
ers to make any adjustment. The results from the IV es-
timates imply that, since readmissions are expensive, the
policy as implement might not contain as much cost as
was expected and so further amendments such as im-
provement in home care is necessary to make the policy
more able to reduce the cost of care.
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