Response of the Thermal Conductivity as a Function of Water Content of a Burnt Mediterranean Loam Soil 5
soi l-1
Black ashes
White ashes
Figure 6. Dry-out curves of the relationship between ther-
mal conductivity and gravimetric water content, when dif-
ferent types of ashes (white and black) were incorporated
into the soil matrix.
Finally, note that the particle size of the black ashes
were large than white ashes, and also the organic carbon
content did not works well when the heat flux transfer
was necessary. The measurements of the thermal con-
ductivity of ashes revealed that
presented a high influ-
ence due to water film around the ashes [3,20].
4. Conclusion
As summary, we could say that thermal properties can
present changes when the scenario changes, i.e. before
and after a prescribed fire. Soil after fire always pre-
sented a less thermal conductivity, and therefore a less
thermal diffusivity, and volumetric specific h eat capacity.
On the other hand, when the ashes provoked by the fire
were incorporated to the soil, the white ashes, which are
poorer in organic carbon content, provided a better heat
flow transfer. Also, the particle size was relevant in the
retention water content. Therefore, when soil is burned
its thermal properties change, and a natural or anthropic
addition of ashes, especially white ashes, could improve
the conductance of the heat flux into the soil, improving
the soil bulk density, and water retention content as well.
5. Acknowledgements
The research was founded by Lab-Ferrer Soils and Envi-
ronmental Consulting Center and University of Barce-
lona. Likewise, we want to mention the agreements be-
tween LabFerrer and the Department of Agri-Food En-
gineering and Biotechnology of the Universitat Politèc-
nica de Catalunya. We thank the GRAF team for the
fieldwork support during the prescribed fire.
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