I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences. 2008; 1: 1-103
Published Online February 2008 in SciRes (http://www.SRPublishing.org/journal/ijcns/).
Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences. 2008; 1:1-103
An Energy-aware Hierarchical Architecture
Design Scheme
Linfeng YUAN1, Yang XU1, Xu DU2, Wenqing CHENG2
1 Wuhan Maritime Communication Research Institute, Wuhan, P.R.China
2 Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, P.R.China
E-mail: yuanlf@163.com
Compared with the flat architecture in the design of sensor networks, the hierarchical architecture gains much
attractive for the reason of scalability, management and energy efficiency. In order to distribute the energy evenly,
nodes act the cluster head in some orders. The existing approaches don’t pay a critical attention to the overhead during
the role rotations. And the duration of a round is a priori, which is very application-specific. An energy-aware
hierarchical architecture design scheme is put forward in this paper, namely, Adaptive Minimum Rotational Cost
(AMRC) cluster formation scheme. The decision of beginning a new round is made adaptively by the cluster head itself.
It combines the dynamic and static advantages in the clustering architecture. The simulation results demonstrate AMRC
outperforms some other clustering protocols in many aspects.
Keywords: Sensor Network, Hierarchical Architecture, Energy-Aware, Role Rotation
1. Introduction
Sensor network technology, based on sensing,
communication and computing research results, is a key
technology for the future. Many future applications will
rely on the embedded sensor network [1]. Sensor
networks have spurred much interest in the networking
research community recently.
Many questions must be dealt with in the design of
the sensor network. Efficient routing protocol is one of
those significant items. There are two main routing
topologies in the sensor network: flat and hierarchical.
The hierarchical (clustering) architecture gains much
attractive for the reason of scalability, management and
energy efficiency.
In the hierarchical architecture, each cluster includes
one cluster head (CH) and several common member
nodes (MNs). MNs send the data to the CH during the
communication and the CH send the gathered data to the
sink node or to the other CHs. Usually, the MNs in one
cluster will not communicate with each other directly,
and the MNs in different clusters communicate with each
other via the CHs in their clusters. So the CHs act the
roles of “router” in the hierarchical architecture, they
take more responsibility than the MNs and will consume
more energy than the MNs.
Based on the role assigned to sensor nodes in a
system, a hierarchical scheme can be grouped as a static
one or a dynamic one [2]. In a static system [3][4], the
CHs and their corresponding nodes will not change. So it
is hard to minimize the system’s energy consumption for
non-optimized distances between a CH and its MNs or
distribute energy cost among all the nodes. Dynamic
mechanisms [5][6][7] can provide better fairness while
remaining simplicity. In these dynamic schemes, clusters
are periodically regenerated, and nodes take
responsibility as the CHs in rotation. However, the
regeneration of clusters is energy consuming. Therefore,
it is desirable to design a hybrid scheme combining the
advantages of both static and dynamic scheme [2].
In order to distribute the energy evenly, nodes act the
CH in some orders. The existing approaches have solved
the problems in many aspects [6][8][9][10], but they
have two main disadvantages. First, they all don’t pay a
critical attention to the overhead during the role rotations.
If the energy cost for the role rotations has added up to a
certain degree, it will kill the benefits of hierarchical
architecture. Second, these hierarchical protocols decide
the beginning of a new round by some constant
experimental periodic time. If the round time is too short,
the rotational overhead will increase much. Or if the
round time is long enough, when the CH has depleted its
energy before the time of a new round, the system is
“dead” in fact. Therefore, the selection of the duration
time is closely dependent on the specific applications,
Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences. 2008; 1:1-103
which will greatly affect the scalability and management
of the system.
In this paper, we put forward an adaptive minimum
rotational cost (AMRC) energy efficient cluster
formation scheme to minimize the rotational times and
the rotational overhead. In AMRC, in order to minimize
the rotational times, the node with the biggest residual
energy will act the CH during the role rotations; in order
to minimize the rotational overhead, one round will last
for a period until the CH finds its residual energy has
dropped to a certain threshold which is only decided by
the CH’s own energy. Therefore, the decision of
beginning a new round is made adaptively by the CH. It
needs no information of the other nodes and needs no
global information. Each cluster’s rotation is
independent and the rotation in one cluster will not affect
the other clusters. So it combines both the dynamic
advantages and static advantages in the hierarchical
architecture. And, it is totally application-independent. It
can not only distribute energy consumption in the
network, but also reduce the overhead to prolong the
system’s lifetime.
The main contributions of this paper are as follows:
Minimum rotational cost to reduce the overhead.
Adaptive round time to meet any application’s
Combination of dynamic and static advantages
in the hierarchical architecture.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section
2 discusses some related work. Section 3 describes the
AMRC scheme. Section 4 presents some experiments
and compares AMRC with other schemes. The last
section concludes this paper.
2. Related Work
In the flat routing architecture, each node typically
plays the same role and sensor nodes collaborate to
perform the sensing task. In hierarchical routing
architecture, higher-level nodes (CH) can be used to
process and send the information, while low-level nodes
(MN) can be used to perform the sensing in the
proximity of the target [11]. The hierarchical techniques
can greatly contribute to overall system scalability,
lifetime, and energy efficiency for load balancing and
efficient resource utilization [2][5][6][7][11].
The CH will cost more energy than its MNs. In order
to distribute energy consumption evenly among all the
nodes including CHs and MNs, role rotations will be
used to let all nodes take turn to act the CH [2][5][6][7].
The selection of CH can be weight-associated
[4][12][13][14] or weight-independent [6][7]. The latter
is simpler to implement and more robust in the presence
of network dynamics while the former can produce more
optimal clusters, which is more essential to the sensor
networks. In weight-associated selection methods, the
selection of CHs can be based on node ID [12][13],
nodal degree [14], residual energy [4][6] or a
combination of several parameters [5][12]. Since the
energy consumption is more sensitive to the sensor
network, the residual energy is often used as the criterion
for CH selection. They all take the ratio, the node’s
residual energy to the sum of all nodes’ residual energy,
as the selection principle. Every node will need to know
the sum either by a central controller or by computing on
its own, it is hard or costly to get the computation results.
In AMRC, each node is restricted within one cluster
forever, so the selection of CH is very easy to be decided.
Many times of role rotations will take place in
clustering formation, which will cost lots of energy too.
But none of the existing cluster-based routing schemes
have paid a critical attention to the overhead during the
role rotations. Some have tried to reduce the rotation
times by setting appropriate round period time. For
example, LEACH [6] sets the round time to enable each
node has enough energy to act CH once and act MN
several times throughout the simulation lifetime. It gives
no analysis about the number of role rotations and the
energy consumption for these rotations. Though the
network operation interval (Tno) is forced to be much
bigger than the clustering process interval (Tcp) in HEED
[5], the decision of its privilege, it will become the CH
again if it has more energy than the other neighboring
nodes. So this rotation is not necessary, and it will cost
some energy among all the nodes in this cluster. In
AMRC, each role rotation will happen in the same
cluster and it will not affect any other clusters, different
clusters have different number of role rotations and
different duration time.
3. AMRC Scheme
3.1. Connectivity Subnet
It will efficiently decrease the overhead incurred by
the interfaces among the clusters if each role rotation
will only happen in its own cluster and it will not affect
other clusters. So in AMRC, we restrict that the members
in each cluster will not change throughout the whole
transmission lifetime.
After the system runs in a steady state, the position of
the sink node is relatively fixed. In order to make fully
use of the position information in this protocol, the sink
node lets all related nodes know its coordinates before
the route discovery process. We need to establish a
Connectivity Subnet (or Connectivity Set, CS). The CS
is organized as follows. The sensing area is divided into
sub-areas according to the position information, which
must ensure the nodes in either sub-area can directly
communicate with any node in the neighboring sub-area.
Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences. 2008; 1:1-103
GAF [15] has also put forward the concept of virtual
grid to try to ensure the direct communication, but in fact,
it cannot ensure the direct communication between the
diagonal neighboring sub-area, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Connectivity subnet
We will establish the CS as follows. In Figure 1, the
dashed line surrounds each sub-area and sixteen sub-
areas are involved here. If the communication radius of
each node is R and the square’s length of each sub-area
is r, in order to ensure direct communication for any
nodes in the neighboring sub-areas, R and r must meet
the following requirement:
222 )2()2( Rrr ≤+
That is
In this case, whichever node is selected as the CH in
each cluster, it can directly communicate with the other
CHs in the neighboring sub-areas. The restriction
ensures that each role rotation can only take place in the
same cluster, and it will not affect the other clusters. It
also implies that different clusters can have different
number of role rotations and different interval time.
3.2. Decisive Rotational Threshold
Since the role rotation in one cluster has no
relationship with the other clusters, we first consider the
rotation process within one cluster. Suppose the ith node
is the CH in a cluster at some time. If the CH finds its
residual energy has decreased to some threshold, it will
tell all the nodes in this cluster to begin a new round.
Denote )(CHEias the energy when the node acted as
the CH and)(iEias its residual energy at present. In
AMRC, the threshold to begin a new round is)(CHEi
is a coefficient parameter of the threshold and it
is determined before the system works. That is to say, if
the energy of the CH has dropped to the
times of the
energy when it acted the CH in this round, it needs to
initiate a new round selection, as shown in the following
)()(CHEiE ii ⋅≤
Since the energy )(CHEi is different for each node
and it is also different for each node in different round,
the time to begin a new round is changeable. It means
the role rotations will change adaptively.
3.3. Cluster Formation
There are two main issues in the design of the
hierarchical architecture: the number of clusters and the
cluster formation. We have discussed the first one in
above subsection, now we consider the second issue.
In AMRC, because the nodes in a specific cluster will
not change throughout the lifetime, the main problem in
the cluster formation is to select a new CH within this
cluster. If the old CH decides to begin a new round, it
will broadcast an energy-request message (ReqEn) using
a non-persistent carrier-sense multiple access (CSMA)
MAC protocol. Each MN transmits its residual energy
with an acknowledgement message (ACK) back to the
CH. The CH compares all the MNs’ residual energy and
informs the node with the highest one to become the new
CH in the coming round with an indication message
(IND). The new CH sets up a TDMA schedule and
transmits this schedule to the MNs in the cluster. After
all nodes in the cluster know the TDMA schedule, the
set-up phase is complete and the steady-state network
operation phase (data transmission) can begin. Figure 2
gives the AMRC flowchart.
Figure 2. AMRC flow chart
3.4. Some Discussions
The design of hierarchical architecture can gain many
benefits from the AMRC’s solutions.
First, the process of AMRC ensures that the node
with the highest residual energy will act the CH in the
local area during the role rotations. Second, it is a prior
for each node to know the parameters k (number of
clusters) and N (total number of nodes) in LEACH-like
protocols [5], while in AMRC, the decision to begin a
Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences. 2008; 1:1-103
new round is made adaptively by the CH own and it
needs no information of the other nodes or any global
information. Third, the working status is independent for
each cluster and each node in one cluster will act the CH
in some turns, so it combines the static and dynamic
advantages successfully. Fourth, the duration of each
round is determined adaptively, so it is not application-
specific. The parameters
can be set with a bit smaller
value when there are many packets should be transmitted
after establishing the source-destination pair, so as to
reduce the number of rotations. Or else, it can be set with
a bit larger value when only a few packets need to
deliver from the source node to the destination node, so
as to balance the energy consumption more efficiently.
From these benefits, AMRC can reduce the number of
rotations and minimize the rotational overhead
4. Performance Simulation
In this section, we evaluate the performance of
AMRC protocol in the ns-2 simulator. Some parameters
are set as seen in Table 1.
Table 1. Parameters setting
Parameter Meaning Value
sensing region
total number of nodes
radio propagation range
electronics energy
free space coefficient
multipath fading coefficient
data packet size
initial energy of each node
We compare AMRC with LEACH-like protocols and
evaluate the following performance metrics:
z The number of role rotations.
z Energy consumption in the transmission.
4.1. The Number of Role Rotations
We first examine the number of role rotations in
LEACH-like protocols. In LEACH-like protocols, there
are two steps in each round: the cluster process time Tcp
(set-up phase) and the network operation time Tno
(steady-state phase). Along with the differences of the
network operation time Tno, the number of role rotations
is also different. In our simulation, the network operation
time Tno are set as 20, 40, 60, 80 seconds, the number of
role rotations is calculated every 100 seconds and the
system lasts for 700 seconds. Figure 3 shows the
simulation results.
From the figure, we can find that at the time of 700
second, the number of role rotations is 24 when Tno
equals to 100 second, but it reaches 132 when Tno
equals to 20 second. It indicates that Tno has a great
influence to the number of role rotations in LEACH-like
While in AMRC protocol, the network operation time
is not decided by manual operation and it is not
application-specific, so it cannot influence the number of
role rotations directly. It is the parameter of
that can
decide the number of role rotations. With the same
settings in LEACH-like protocol, we set
as 0.8, 0.85,
0.9, 0.95, and also examine the number of role rotations
when the system works in the time from 100 second to
700 second. Figure 4 shows the simulation results.
100200 300400 500600 700
Time (sec)
Rotation times (LEACH-like)
Figure 3. The number of role rotations in LEACH-like
From Figure 4, when we compare the number of role
rotations in the same times, we can find along with the
increasing number of
, the number of role rotations
gets larger. At the time of 700 second, the number of
role rotations is 4 when
equals to 0.8, and it is 22
equals to 0.95. This implies that the decisive
rotation threshold is more likely satisfied when
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time (sec)
Rotation times (AMRC)
Figure 4. The number of role rotations in AMRC protocol
Comparing Figure 3 and Figure 4, we can also find
that at the same time, all the number of role rotations in
AMRC protocol is smaller than those in LEACH-like
protocols, even that of the worst curve in Figure 4
=0.95) is smaller than that of the best curve in Figure
3 (Tno =100). In fact,
equals to 0.95 means that the
CH will begin a new round when it detects that its
Copyright © 2008 SciRes. I. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences. 2008; 1:1-103
current energy has dropped 5%, but 5% is not necessary
for the CH to give up its CH’s privilege, and that CH can
continue to do more jobs at that time.
4.2. Energy Consumption in the Transmission
We set the network operation time as 20, 40, 60, 80
seconds in LEACH-like protocol and set
as 0.9 in
AMRC protocol, Figure 5 shows the energy
consumption of all the nodes during the transmission per
100 seconds.
100 200300 400500600 700 8009001000
Time (sec)
Energy consumption (J)
AMRC, alpha=0.9
Figure 5. Energy consumption
In LEACH-like protocols, the energy consumption
gets smaller when the network operation time is longer.
The differences of energy consumption come from the
different number of the role rotations. This implies that
from the view of the energy efficiency, the role rotations
cannot be neglected in the hierarchical architecture
system. In AMRC protocol with
equals to 0.9, the
energy consumption is smaller than those in LEACH-
like protocols at each corresponding time. It is for the
reason that decreasing the number of role rotations that
the energy consumption is reduced too. It can be
expected that when
gets smaller, the energy
consumption for all nodes will reduce further.
5. Conclusion
The LEACH-like hierarchical protocols suffered from
the overhead for the role rotations and they are
application-specific. In this paper, the AMRC energy
efficient scheme is put forward to minimize the number
of role rotations and the rotational overhead. Each
cluster can take its own rotation without affecting the
other clusters. And the adaptive round time makes it
widely used in any application scenarios.
6. Acknowledgement
This work is supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (No.60572049) and the
Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province,
P.R.China (No. 2005ABA264).
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