Vol.2, No.5, 448-453 (2010)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
The effects of slight atmospheric pressure fluctuations
on the occurrence of emergency transport due to
suicidal injuries
Lyudmyla Aleksandrovna Didyk1*, Yuriy Pavlovich Gorgo2, Joris Jan Josef Dirckx3,
Irina Aleksandrovna Semenova4, Nataliya Petrovna Didyk1, Dmytro Sergeevich Gorlov5
1Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine; *Corresponding Author: la_didyk@iop.kiev.ua
2Inter-University Medical Engineering Department, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv,
Ukraine; yugorgo@ukr.net
3Biomedical Physics, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium; Joris.Dirckx@ua.ac.be
4Department of Pediatric, Social and Forensic Psychiatry, National Medical Academy of Post-graduate Education named after P.L.
Shupyk, Kyiv, Ukraine; elly14@mail.ru
5Biological Department, Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine; tavricheskiy@yahoo.com
Received 15 January 2010; revised 1 February 2010; accepted 3 February 2010.
The objective of this study was to test the hy-
pothesis that a relation exists between slight
atmospheric pressure fluctuations (APF) in the
far infrasound frequency range and daily num-
ber of emergency transport events due to sui-
cidal injuries (EESU). The regression models to
compare groups were used to assess the rela-
tion of EESU to the mean daily amplitude of
APF (APF-A) and to the ratio of APF amplitude
averaged over the daytime to the APF amplitude
averaged over the nighttime (Rdn). To eliminate
the confounding effects of basic meteorological
parameters and annual trend in EESU, the non-
parametric smoothing method was used in a
stepwise manner. The low APF-A (95% CI = 1.06-
1.16 Pa) compared to their common middle lev-
els and the high (95% CI = 3.18-3.64 Pa), as well
the low Rdn (СI = 0.83-0.92) and very high Rdn
(CI = 3.05-3.77) compared to their more closed
to common regular values (СI = 1.69-1.90) turned
out to be more beneficial factors promoting the
decrease in the incidence of EESU. We suppose
that more attention needs to be paid to the me-
teorotropic effects of APF on certain kinds of
psychopathology resulting in suicidal behaviour,
and further investigations in different geograph-
ical and climatic conditions, especially in those
with more intense atmospheric perturbations,
are necessary.
Keywords: Atmospheric Pressure Fluctuations;
Suicidal Injuries; Emergency Events
The weather effects upon human mental state and be-
haviour have long been discussed in literature. There are
considerable numbers of evidences on the severe nega-
tive weather after-effects on people with psychical dis-
orders resulting in suicidal behaviour. The basic mete-
orological parameters (ambient temperature, humidity,
atmospheric pressure and wind velocity), as well the
certain physical weather condition (hours of sunlight,
cloud cover and precipitation) were suggested as the
external triggers for development of suicidal ideation
and action [1-7].
However, very little attention has been paid to possi-
ble effects of other atmospheric parameters on human
behaviour. It was suggested, that slight atmospheric
pressure fluctuations (APF) in the far infrasound fre-
quency range is important meteorotropic factor influenc-
ing on mental function and behaviour [8-10]. The APF
penetrate into buildings [11,12], therefore they could
influence on people indoors and, as well as outdoors.
Long ago Mezernitsky P.G. [13] pointed to the high
sensitivity of the central nervous system to atmospheric
pressure “micropulsations”. Vladymirsky B.M. [9] sug-
gested the psychotropic effects of natural atmospheric
infrasound. In line with these suggestions Green J.E. and
Dunn F. [8] reported the correlation between strong
naturally occurring infrasonics and selected kinds of
human behaviour.
The possible effects of natural APF on human mental
activity and autonomic indices, as well the symptoms of
central nervous systems and vestibular disorders were
confirmed by the experimental investigations with artifi-
cial pressure oscillations in the far infrasound frequency
L. A. Didyk et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 448-453
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/Openly accessible at
range [10,14].
Some authors believed that the increase in anxiety
levels in people with mental disorders or incidences of
suicides during episodes of strong wind could be at least
partly due to meteorotropic effects of APF created by
wind induced turbulence of airflows [10,15].
The objective of this study was to examine whether a
relation exists between natural APF and suicidal behaviour.
For this the daily number of emergency transport events
due to suicidal injuries (EESU) was related to mean
daily integral amplitude of APF (APF-A) in the far
infrasound frequency range and to the ratio of APF
integral amplitude averaged over the daytime to the APF
integral amplitude averaged over the nighttime (Rdn).
The study was performed in Kiev locality (Ukraine) with
moderate climatic condition, where calm and relatively
slight windy weather is prevailing.
Daily numbers of emergency transport events on suicidal
injuries (EESU) for the period from 1 July 2005 to 30
June 2006 were obtained from Kyiv Station of emergency
services and medicine of catastrophes. During this time
the outdoor continuous measurements of atmospheric
pressure have been performed with a standard micro-
barometer. The value of atmospheric pressure was re-
corded every 0.5 s. A special computer program devel-
oped by us was used to calculate average integral ampli-
tudes of APF in the range of their periods from 3 s to
120 s over each 1 h of the day. The range of APF periods
was selected allowing for the results of previous inves-
tigations of biological effects of APF in the far infra-
sound frequency range [10,12].
The mean daily value of APF integral amplitude
(APF-A) and the ratio of APF integral amplitude averaged
over the daytime (from 8:00 to 20:00 hours) to APF in-
tegral amplitude averaged over the nighttime (from
20:00 to 8:00 hours) (Rdn) were used for the analysis
allowing for the results of previous investigations of
biological effects of APF in the far infrasound range of
their periods [12].
Three-hourly meteorological data were obtained from
Kyiv Geophysical Observatory for the same year period.
Mean daily temperature (T), relative humidity (RH) and
atmospheric pressure (AP) were considered as potential
confounding variables for the relation of EESU to
As APF are causally related to wind induced turbu-
lence, the possible interrelation between effects of APF-A
and wind velocity (WV) was examined.
The number of a day in the course of the year (Y) was
included in the model to control the effects of time-vary-
ing environmental factors on the year dynamics of EESU.
This variable has associations with annual changes in
length of daylight, weather parameters and social factors
influencing on suicidal rates.
The polynomial approximation was used to assess
visually the functional shape of yearly dynamics of
EESU, as well as EESU relations with APF-A and Rdn.
The regression models to compare groups [16] were
used to assess the relation of EESU to APF-A and Rdn.
If significant difference in EESU was revealed be-
tween two categories of the values of independent vari-
able the numbers of days in first and second categories
were defined by changing the boundary between them
until the most significant difference in EESU was ob-
The negative or positive effect of the one category of
values of independent variable versus the other category
was determined correspondingly as a percentage in-
crease or decrease in number of EESU.
To eliminate the effects of potential confounding
variables, the non-parametric smoothing method (Loess
technique) was used in a stepwise manner [17].
We controlled the day of the week effects by dummy
variables. All public holidays were excluded from the
data. A few days of EESU and atmospheric data were
lost. Hence 345 days were used for the analysis.
The number of EESU and values of atmospheric
parameters were not normally distributed. Therefore,
non-parametric (Mann-Whitney U-test and Spearman’s
rank correlation test) estimations were used. Matlab 6.5
(Curve Fitting Toolbox), Statistica 6 and MS Excel were
applied for statistical analysis.
3.1. Atmospheric Data
Table 1 provides data on APF-A and Rdn values. Maxi-
mal value for hourly amplitude of APF during the year
was 22.5 Pa.
We found high correlation between APF-A and WV (r =
0.72, p < 0.00001), though this correlation was signifi-
cantly reduced (r = 0.23, p = 0.04, n =77) in the range of
low WV values (< 1.5 m/s). Dependency of the correla-
tion coefficient on the value of WV was consistent with
the non-linear character of causal relationships between
APF and WV [18]. According to this character, at high
WV (above 2 m/s) the APF increased rapidly with in-
creasing WV, as the wind-induced effects dominated. At
lower WV value (less than 0.5-1.5 m/s) there was only a
moderate increase in the APF, as they were less dependent
on the wind.
3.2. EESU Data
The total number of EESU for 345 days was 1036.
The yearly dynamics of EESU revealed significant
seasonality (Figure 1). The significant season-specific
L. A. Didyk et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 448-453
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Openly accessible at
Table 1. Data on daily values of APF and Rdn during the year.
95% CI Maximum Minimum
APF-A (Pa) 2.64-3.05 11.07 0.7
Rdn 1.43-1.62 7.2 0.21
187173 259 345
Figure 1. Polynomial model of yearly dynamics (from 1 July
2005 to 30 June 2006) of the number of EESU.
difference in the number of EESU was found between
warm days (T, CI = 17.40-19.18) during summer-autu-
mn season (from 1 July to 5 October 2005 and from 2
June to 30 June 2006, n = 122) and the other colder days
(T, CI = 1.45-3.75) of the year (from 6 October 2005 to
1 June 2006, n = 223). The number of EESU proved to be
greater (CI = 3.01-3.72) during warm summer-autumn
period in comparison with the colder period of the year
(CI = 2.60-3.06, p = 0.01).
3.3. The Relation between EESU and APF-A
The APF-A did not reveal significant relation with EESU
when their raw data were considered (Figure 2). The
functional form of the relation between EESU and
APF-A was changed after adjustment for the Y and T
variables. Significant difference in EESU was found
only between two categories of APF-A values, which we
considered as low and middle-high (Table 2). The num-
ber of EESU turned out to be significantly less on days
with low APF-A than on days with middle-high APF-A.
The category of low APF-A included about one fourth of
all days of the year (n1 = 85). The other days (n2 = 260)
with middle and high APF-AI compiled the second
Significant difference in the number of EESU be-
tween two categories of APF-A values, which was re-
vealed after adjustment for Y and T, pointed to interfere-
ing effects of these two confounding variables on the
relation between EESU and APF-A. It was mentioned
above that greater numbers of EESU were observed
during warm summer-autumn season compared to the
other colder time of the year. Even more pronounced
difference in EESU was found between two categories
of T values. The number of EESU was significantly
187173 259345
Day sorted by APF-A value
Figure 2. The number of EESU plotted against the day sorted
by APF-A value in ascending order. Polynomial model: thin
line (0)—raw data, thick line (5)—data adjusted for the four
potential confounding variables (Y, T, AP, RH) and Rdn.
Table 2. 95% Confidence intervals for two categories of
APF-A (low and middle-high) and corresponding number of
EESU for data adjusted for two variables—Y and T (EESU/2)
and five variables—Y, T, AP, RH and Rdn (EESU/5).
95% CI
n1 = 85
Middle-high APF-A
95% CI
n2 = 260
Va lu e
(Pa) 1.06-1.16 3.18-3.64
EESU/22.34-3.03 2.90-3.31 0.046
EESU/52.25-2.90 2.95-3.29 0.0034
Note: p - significance of the difference in the number of EESU be-
tween two categories of APF-A values.
greater (p < 0.002) on days with high T (17.15С (CI =
15.97-18.32), n2 = 128) compared to days with low T
(2.8С (CI = 1.66-4.03С), n = 217). The ranges of T
values on days with low and middle-high APF-A turned
out to be significantly different also. The value of T was
almost two times higher (13.35С (CI = 11.23-15.46))
on days with low APF-A compared to days with middle-
high APF-A (6.39С (CI = 5.11-7.66)). Therefore, the
decrease in number of EESU on days with low APF-A,
which prevailed during warm season, could be interfered
by simultaneous effects of the comfort warm T promot-
ing an increase in number of EESU.
The difference in number of EESU between two
categories of APF-A values remained significant after
following stepwise adjustment for the AP and RH vari-
ables (p = 0.02). After additional adjustment for the Rdn
the significant difference in EESU between low and
middle-high APF-A became more pronounced (p =
0.0034, Table 2). The percentage decrease in the number
of EESU on days with low APF-A versus the mid-
dle-high APF-A was –17.6% (–23.7 - –11.8).
This difference was also significant after additional
adjustment for WV (after adjustment for the four con-
founding variables and WV p = 0.033) that suggested the
L. A. Didyk et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 448-453
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Openly accessible at
independent on WV effects of APF-A on EESU.
3.4. The Relation between EESU and Rdn
Figure 3 shows the functional shape of plots of EESU
(raw data and data adjusted for the four variables and
APF-A) vs the day sorted by Rdn value in ascending
order. This shape suggested the three categorical model
of the relation between EESU and Rdn. After adjustment
for the four variables and APF-A significantly greater
number of EESU proved to be at days with Rdn mid-
dle-high (n2 = 161) values comparing to days with Rdn
low (n1 = 150) or very high (n3 = 34) values (Table 3).
This classification of Rdn values was used taking into
consideration the mean year magnitude of Rdn (Table 1).
The percentage decrease in the number of EESU on days
with low or very high Rdn versus the middle-high Rdn
was correspondingly: –10.3% (–10.4 - –10.4) and –23.6%
(–32.9 - –16.1).
The relation of EESU with Rdn remained significant
after additional adjustment for WV (after adjustment for
the four confounding variables and WV p1,2 = 0.03, p2,3 =
187173 259 345
Day sorted by Rdn value
Figure 3. The number EESU plotted against the day sorted by
Rdn value in ascending order. Polynomial model: thin line (0)
—raw data, thick line (5)—data adjusted for the four potential
confounding variables (Y, T, AP, RH) and APF-A.
Table 3. 95% Confidence intervals for three categories of Rdn
(low, middle-high and very high) and corresponding number of
EESU for raw data (EESU/0) and data adjusted for five vari-
ables - Y, T, AP, RH and APF-A (EESU/5).
Low Rdn
95% CI
n1 = 150
Middle-high Rdn
95% CI
n2 = 161
Very high Rdn
95% CI
n2 = 34
Rdn 0.83-0.92 1.69-1.80 3.05-3.77
P1,2 = 0.02
P2,3 = 0.07
EESU/5 2.67-3.11
P1,2 < 0.05
P2,3 = 0.005
Note: P1,2; P2,3 - significance of the difference in the number of EESU
between days with correspondingly: low Rdn and middle-high Rdn;
middle-high Rdn and very high Rdn.
4.1. The Relation between EESU and APF-A
To our knowledge, only one communication has been
published on the relation between natural APF and hu-
man behaviour. Green J.E. and Dunn F. [8] found a cor-
relation between the presences of strong infrasonic dis-
turbances generated by natural atmospheric phenomena
and automobile accidents, as well the schoolchildren
behavioural demonstrations of being unwell.
We found that the number of EESU was greater at
days with common middle and high APF-A compared to
the days with low APF-A. These findings suggest the
high sensitivity of people with suicidal psychopathology
to APF levels, which is in line with the some authors’
belief that weather sensitivity increases in people with
psychical disorders [19-22]. Obviously the APF middles
levels as well as the high ones were relevant external
stimulus to provocation of suicidal intentions. Previously,
the stimulating effects of artificial atmospheric pressure
oscillations in the range of their natural levels on human
normal purposeful behavioural activity were also re-
vealed in the experimental study [10].
In contrast, the lack of activating influences of APF at
days with their low levels seems to be the positive factor
favouring to decrease in risk of suicidal actions, as well
the incidence of EESU. The decrease in number of sui-
cidal injuries at days with low APF could be also con-
nected with increasing passiveness for the lack of APF in
the environment, which was previously assumed [10].
From this point of view, the low levels of APF can par-
ticularly interfere with transition from suicidal ideation
to suicidal action.
It follows from our results that the Y and T were im-
portant confounding variables for the relation between
EESU and APF-A. These variables can be associated
with certain slow time-varying environmental factors
such as seasonal changes in weather, certain physical
conditions and social aspects influencing on suicidal
events. In considerable numbers of studies the daylight
and sunlight duration, comfort ambient temperature, as
well the warm months of the year (particularly summer
and late spring) are considered to be an optimal condi-
tion for the suicide actions [3,4,7,23]. We found that
simultaneous effects of these two variables and the
APF-A on the number of EESU had opposite character.
Due to interfering effects of Y and T the significant rela-
tion between EESU and APF-A was found only after
adjustment for these two variables.
It is necessary to note that the present study demon-
strates the significant effects of natural APF-A having
lower values, than those in the experimental studies
[10,14]. Apparently biological effectiveness of natural
APF-A is depended on dose effects of their prolonged
L. A. Didyk et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 448-453
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Openly accessible at
4.2. The Relation between EESU and Rdn
The previous study showed that daily dynamics of APF
was characterized by pronounced regularity [12]. Ac-
cording to this regularity the mean hourly amplitude of
APF increases from night to day followed by a decrease
from day to night. Therefore, the possible association of
daily dynamics of APF with circadian rhythms of human
psychical activity could be suggested. From standpoint
of behavioural continuum from sleeping to high level of
vigilance the regular daily dynamics of APF could be
considered as favourable factor enabling an organism to
adopt to the needs of higher activity levels while awake.
We found that the number of EESU was significantly
decreased at days with low (СI = 0.83-0.92) and very
high (СI = 3.05-3.77) Rdn compared with middle-high
Rdn (СI = 1.69-1.90) closed to mean year values of Rdn
(СI = 1.43-1.62). These results indicated that the number
of EESU was greater at days when the ratio of diurnal
APF values to their preceding nocturnal values closed to
common mean values. When nocturnal APF were higher
or much less, than their diurnal values, the number of
EESU was decreased. Therefore, it could be suggested
that effectiveness of diurnal levels of APF in relation to
EESU was depended on the foregoing nocturnal levels.
As to the activating effects of APF the decrease in
their diurnal levels in comparison with the nocturnal
levels indicated the decrease in effectiveness of APF as
external provoking stimulus for the suicidal actions and
as a consequence the decrease in the number of EESU
during the daytime. The decrease in the number of
EESU at days when diurnal APF were highest in com-
parison with the nocturnal ones could be due to “para-
doxical” or antagonistic reaction with opposite character.
According to the opinion of Wein A.M. et al. [24], such
character of reaction could be evoked by irritant when
the initial level of activation was abruptly altered.
4.3. The Additional Findings and Possible
Implication of the Results
The previous study showed interrelated effects of high
APF and WV on the number of emergency transport
events due to circulatory system diseases [12]. Possible
reason for the independent on WV significant decrease
in EESU on days with low APF-A revealed in this study
could be the non-linear relation between these two at-
mospheric variables [18]. According to this non-linearity,
the causal relation between APF and WV is well pro-
nounced only during strong wind, as the low WV is in-
sufficient contributor to the APF generation. Apparently,
due to the weak association of APF with low WV the
relation between EESU and APF-A remained significant
after adjustment for the WV.
The additional findings obtained in this study did not
support also the conception of a spring peak of suicide
incidence [23-25]. According to our data the number of
EESU (without the reference to the sex difference) was
higher during warmer time of the year in Kyiv. This time
was summer and early autumn. Though, Parker G. and
Walter S. [26] reported an early summer peak for both
genders and early autumn peak in women.
As the future implication of this study results we sug-
gest that the meteorological forecast of APF levels woul-
d be helpful for hospital emergency services in order to
be able to prepare for potential increases in workload
due to increase in traumatic accidents. The evidence, re-
ceived in this study may be useful for the behavioural se-
lf-control in individuals with propensity toward suicidal
ideation, as well for the relevant medical professionals.
The results of this study corroborate the suggestion that
mean daily amplitudes of APF and ratio of diurnal levels
of APF to their nocturnal levels are related to the risk for
injuries due to psychopathological suicidal behaviour.
In this preliminary study we only found threshold ef-
fects of APF. The essential limitation of our study was
the moderate climatic conditions of Kyiv locality with
still or slightly windy weather prevailing. Perhaps, the
functional shapes of the relation of EESU with APF are
more complex than those revealed in the present study.
To clear up this question it will be necessary to extend
the observation over a longer period and different geo-
graphical and climatic areas, especially those where
strong atmospheric pressure perturbation are frequent.
Because there may be further uncontrolled factors our
findings require additional corroboration.
This study was supported by the NATO Program Security Through
Science, Collaborative Linkage Grant number 98376, and by funds
from the University of Antwerp (BOF-NOI).
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