J. Software Engineering & Applications, 2010, 3: 455-459
doi:10.4236/jsea.2010.35051 Published Online May 2010 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jsea)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
Variability-Based Models for Testability Analysis
of Frameworks
Divya Ranjan1, Anil Kumar Tripathi2
1Dept. of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India; 2Dept. of Computer Engineering, Institute
of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
Email: ranjan_divya@yahoo.co.in, aktripathi.cse@itbhu.ac.in
Received March 20th, 2010; revised April 3rd, 2010; accepted April 5th, 2010.
Frameworks are developed to capture the recurring design practices in terms of skeletons of software subsystems/
systems. They are designed ‘abstract’ and ‘incomplete’ and are designed with predefined points of variability, known as
hot spots, to be customized later at the time of framework reuse. Frameworks are reusable entities thus demand stricter
and rigorous testing in comparison to one-time use application. It would be advisable to guaranty the production of high
quality frameworks without incurring heavy costs for their rigorous testing. The overall cost of framework development
may be reduced by designing frameworks with high testability. This paper aims at discussing various metric models for
testability analysis of frameworks in an attempt to having quantitative data on testability to be used to plan and monitor
framework testing activities so that the framework testing effort and hence the overall framework development effort may
be brought down. The models considered herein particularly consider that frameworks are inherently abstract and
variable in nature.
Keywords: Object-Oriented Frameworks, Variability, Customizability and Testability
1. Introduction
Frameworks represent semi-codes for defining and im-
plementing time-tested highly reusable architectural
skeleton design experiences and hence become very use-
ful in development of software applications and systems.
As per Gamma et al. [1], famous in reuse literature as GoF,
an object-oriented framework is a set of cooperating
classes that make up a reusable design for a specific class
of software which provides architectural guidance by
partitioning the design into abstract classes and defining
their responsibilities and collaborations. Being a reusable
pre-implemented architecture, a framework is designed
‘abstract’ and ‘incomplete’ and is designed with prede-
fined points of variability, known as hot spots, to be cus-
tomized later at the time of framework reuse [2]. A hot
spot contains default and empty interfaces, known as hook
methods, to be implemented during customization [3,4].
Applications are built from frameworks by extending or
customizing the framework, while retaining the original
design. New code is attached to the framework through
hook methods to alter the behavior of the framework.
Hook descriptions provide guidance about how and where
to perform the changes in the hook method to fulfill some
requirement within the application being developed. With
the help of hook descriptions, the framework developer
passes his knowledge about what needs to be completed or
extended in the framework, or what choices need to be
made about parts of the framework in order to develop an
application using the framework to framework users so
that user is able to easily understand and use the hook.
During framework reuse, the variant implementations of
one or more hook methods, as needed, are created [5]. The
code that the framework reuser writes, in order to create
hook method implementations, is known as application
specific code or customized code.
Frameworks are developed to capture the recurring
design practices in terms of skeletons of software sub-
systems/ systems. It focuses mainly on the similarity
amongst skeletons by identifying commonalities amongst
them in terms of commonalities in the structure and
functionality exercised by the concerned structure making
use of the objects involved. It has been widely understood
that the possibilities of variations provided by the hot
spots and the corresponding hook methods etc. in the
semi-code make it possible for a framework to be reused
as extensively as permitted by the hot spots and the cor-
responding hook methods. The idea is simple that a
framework permits variations across the application/
systems and attempts to design and code the common
Variability-Based Models for Testability Analysis of Frameworks
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
parts and aspects of the structure.
One has to be very careful about developing fault free
reusable frameworks because if the framework contains
defects, the defects will be passed on to the applications
developed from the framework [6]. The reusable frame-
work thus demands stricter and rigorous testing in com-
parison to one-time use application [7,8]. It would be
advisable to guaranty the production of high quality
frameworks without incurring heavy costs for rigorous
testing. This calls for analyzing testability of reusable
artifacts so as to reduce the overall cost of framework
based development.
Several techniques are specifically proposed to test
object-oriented frameworks [1,6,9-12] and their instan-
tiations [11,13-16].
There has been a little discussion upon the testability of
frameworks in literature. As per Jeon et al. [2], the four
factors that have direct influence upon framework test-
ability are: controllability, sensitivity, observability and
oracle availability. Ranjan and Tripathi [17] identified
various factors and sub factors that affect the testability of
frameworks so as to take care of those factors to bring
high testability in frameworks. As per their observations,
the factors that affect the testability of a framework are
related to the characteristics of documentation of a
framework, domain of a framework, design of a frame-
work and the test support available for the framework
testing like test tools, environments, reusable test artifacts
and built-in tests etc. The concept of built-in tests is
brought to frameworks with the intention of enhancing
their testability [2,11,12,18].
In spite of wide importance and promotion of frame-
works, over the last decades, a widely accepted set of
measures to quantify its characteristics has not been es-
tablished. Moreover, there is a complete lack of frame-
work testability metrics related studies in literature that
could produce quantitative data on testability to be used to
plan and monitor framework testing activities so that the
framework testing effort and hence the overall framework
development effort may be brought down. This paper
proposes framework testability models that consider that
frameworks are inherently abstract and variable in nature.
The paper is organized in four sections. Few important
reasons behind the need of framework testability analysis
are presented in Section 2, the proposed testability models
for software frameworks appear in Section 3 and finally
Section 4 presents conclusions.
2. Need of Framework Testability Analysis
Some obvious reasons for rigorous testability analysis of
a framework could be summarized as:
1) A testable framework ensures low testing cost and
helps in reduction of overall development cost of a
framework which has been designed and implemented as
a semi-code.
2) Frameworks are reusable entities and hence high
testability is essential. As a testable system is known to
provide increased reliability [19,20].
3) High testability brings high reusability. Many a
times a framework reuser will want to test few features to
assess its quality. If testing a framework is tough then
framework reuser will hesitate in testing and using the
framework and will seek to choose another framework or
go for development without deploying a framework.
4) To calm obvious scientific curiosity that while writ-
ing test cases for frameworks why it is tougher in some
case than the other cases or, so to say, why for one
framework we had to think very hard before we were
able to write a meaningful test suite, whereas for other
frameworks we could generate test cases in a straight-
forward way.
5) Testability holds a prominent place as part of the
maintainability characteristic in ISO 9126 quality model
ISO, 1991, so this study also increases our understanding
of software quality in general [21].
6) Framework testability analysis creates a base for
formulating the strategy for designing highly testable
frameworks i.e. framework design for test (FDFT).
3. Testability Models Considering Abstract
and Variable Nature of the Frameworks
This section aims at discussing various metric models for
testability analysis of software frameworks that consider
that frameworks are inherently abstract and variable in
nature and thereby they provide opportunity to develop
multiple applications with its reuse.
3.1 A Testability Model Considering the
Diversity/Commonality of Applications that
the Framework Represents
Frameworks represent a set of applications that share
commonalities. During design of a framework, the com-
mon aspects are concretely defined and are known as
fixed spots whereas the variable aspects are designed
abstract and are known as hot spots. This may not always
be easy to work out a framework definition in terms of
the variable aspects that it is going to deal with. However
a crude measure may suggest that as many would be the
variable aspects that difficult its testing is likely to be.
TEFr = f(Variable Aspect Fraction) (1)
Var Com
Variable Aspect Fraction
spects Aspects
spects = Variable aspects in a framework;
spects = Common aspects in a framework;
By variable aspect fraction, we mean the ratio of vari-
Variability-Based Models for Testability Analysis of Frameworks
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
able aspects with respect to common aspects in the fra-
This fraction may be calculated before the design of
the framework to get an idea whether the candidate
framework will be testable or not.
FrTb Variable Aspect Fraction
This model is a preliminary one which just gives the
idea of testability of frameworks before proceeding for
its design. The next models give the idea of testability
after a framework is coded or at least designed.
3.2 A Testability Model Considering Variability
in terms of Hook Methods Provided by the
Only an idea can be formed about the testability of the
candidate framework through the above model. It can
better be judged once the design of the framework is
ready in terms of hot spots and the constituent hook
methods. Hot spots consist of hook methods which rep-
resent points of variability by providing the calling inter-
face to variable tasks [22]. Variability is number of pos-
sible variant implementations of framework’s abstract
behaviors. The variability within the family of architec-
tural skeletons is constituted into the hot spots of a
framework [4]. It is variability that makes one instantia-
tion of the framework different from others [22].
Variability of a framework may be determined by
summing up the measures of variability of each hot spot
in the framework. The variability of a hot spot depends
upon the number of possible alternative implementations
of each its constituent hook methods.
We, thus, can express variability of a framework as
FrVAR = Variability of a framework;
HotspotsN= Total number of hot spots in the framework;
HMiN= Total number of hook methods in i th hot spot;
IHMijN= Total number of possible implementations
of j th hook method in i th hot spot;
A discussion that the variability how affects testability
of frameworks appears in [17]. Testing a framework re-
quires testing possible implementations [6]. Hence, more
the variability of a framework more the testing effort is
required. We can write,
FrFr VARTE (5)
Therefore, combining (4) and (5), testability of a
framework is:
1 (6)
The testability of frameworks, thus, is inversely pro-
portional to the total number of possible implementations
of all hook methods in all hot spots. Alternatively, more
the number of possible implementations of hook methods,
more the effort is required for the testing of the frame-
Further, while calculating testing effort we find that
certain variations require less effort in their implementa-
tions and thus incur lesser share in testing effort. The
above model does not take this aspect into consideration
and thus a stronger model is required. The next testability
model which is based on the customizability of the
framework is a stronger model than the present one, as it
also considers the effort required for implementing vari-
ants of hook methods.
3.3 A Testability Model Considering
Customizability of Hook Methods
Provided by the Frameworks
Framework is customized by framework reusers to create
concrete application software systems. The customizabil-
ity of a framework may be interpreted by knowing how
easy it is to customize (tailor) the framework. A frame-
work is customized either by sub-classing (in case of
white-box frameworks) or by composing preexisting
components (in case of black-box frameworks). A test-
able framework should be highly customizable so that
during testing of the framework various instantiations
can be easily produced and subsequently tested. A dis-
cussion that the customizability how affects testability of
frameworks appears in [17]. The customization of a hook
method may require following:
1) Changing some object or method by the means of
the mechanisms like inheritance, extensions, configura-
tion, parameterization, template instantiation etc. [23].
What changes to make is defined in the changes section
of a hook method description and
2) Making assumptions regarding other objects or
methods and understanding the assumptions that other
objects or methods have to make regarding this hook
method. What assumptions are to make is defined in the
pre-condition constraints¸ post-condition constraints,
uses and participants sections of a hook method descrip-
Thus, we may express Customization Effort (CE) re-
quired for implementing a variant of a hook method, as
AssumpChanges N
ImHM __ (7)
Variability-Based Models for Testability Analysis of Frameworks
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
Table 1. Applicability/intention of the proposed framework testability metric models
S.No Category Framework Testability Metric
Model Applicability of the Model
Testability models considering
abstract and variable nature of
Testability Model Considering the
Diversity/Commonality of Applica-
tions that the Framework Represents
To have an idea about framework testability even
before starting the design of framework.
2. -- do--
Testability Model Considering
Variability in terms of Hook Methods
provided by the Frameworks
When framework variability is prominent during
design and development.
3. -- do--
Testability Model Considering Cus-
tomizability of Hook Methods pro-
vided by the Frameworks
When framework customizability is prominent
during design and development.
ImHMCE = Customization Effort required for imple-
menting a variant of a hook method (HM);
ChangesN = Number of changes to be made in some
object or method during implementation of the hook
iloadChange _ = Heaviness of i th change;
AssumpN= Number of assumptions involved regarding
objects and their interactions;
iloadAssumption _= Heaviness of i th assumption;
It is for sure that in Equation (7)
well as
_will never be zero because
customizing a hook method would require at least one
change and involve assumptions regarding at least one
Further the CE of one hook method, which consists of
customizing or implementing all its possible variants,
may be defined as following
HMCE = Customization Effort (CE) for a hook method;
IHMiN= Total number of possible implementations
for the hook method;
ImHMiCE = CE required for i th implementation of the
hook method;
Now we will consider the CE of the framework itself.
It would consist of the CE of all the hook methods of all
the hot spots. This relation can be expressed as follows:
Hotspots ij
ijkIm HMCE= Customization Effort for implementing k th
variant of j th hook method of i th hot spot;
HMN= Total number of possible implementations of
j th hook method in the i th hot spot of the framework;
HMiN= Number of hook methods in i th hot spot of the
HotspotsN= Total number of hot spots in the framework;
Since, the testing effort of the framework depends
upon the customization effort of the framework. So, we
can get the framework testability model based on the
customizability of framework, from Equation (9) as be-
Hotspots ij
Each of these testability metric models has different
intention or applicability which is discussed in the table
(Table 1) below, however, more than one model may
also be employed at the same time.
4. Conclusions
It is mainly the incomp lete and abstract nature of
frameworks that makes it difficult to test than an ob-
ject-oriented software system. In the present paper we
proposed few preliminary framework testability models
that consider that frameworks are inherently abstract and
variable in nature. These models could produce quantita-
tive data on testability to be used to plan and monitor
framework testing activities so that the framework testing
effort and hence the overall framework development
effort may be brought down. Authors found a complete
lack of framework testability metrics related studies in
Variability-Based Models for Testability Analysis of Frameworks
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. JSEA
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