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social ladder. To be accepted to university they have to pass
necessary examinations and compete with their peers. The
process of admission to the university not only entails prepara-
tion and continuous effort to maintain one’s student status but
is also very stressful. Also, there may be local differences in
student’s aspiration to complete university education. Perhaps
for young people in Lublin the ambition to become a student is
more stressful than for youth living in the Wielkopolska region,
who have a wider access to education at university level. The
effect of one’s aspiration to complete university education
could to some extent be supported by publications devoted to
medical students, in whom depressive symptoms were linked to
stress accompanying becoming a medical doctor (e.g. increas-
ing workload, level of academic pressure, inadequate social life
and resulting low perceived interpersonal social support)
[21,24,25]. However, further research of the presented sugges-
tion is necessary.
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