H. Arman et al. / Natural Science 2 (2010) 409-417
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
tion, the half zone climate conditions are dominant.
Therefore, majority of precipitations are in short or long
time which causes erosion. Although the mean rainfall is
643 mm for Turkey, it is possible to see (according to
time and location) rainfall values like 220 mm or
2500 mm as in eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. In
inner and eastern region, rainfall mean is less than
400 mm. Between October-January, period that is im-
portant for agriculture; rainfall mean was 313.9 mm ear-
lier, this mean decreased to 249.4 mm by 23.8% lose in
October 1999-January 2000 period and to 190.1 mm by
39.5% lose in October 2000-January 2001 period [10].
Turkey is not a rich country in water resources. If
this decreasing tendency goes on, today’s water am-
ount, which is 2860 m3/person/year, will decrease to
1240 m3/person/year in 2050 and 700 m3/person/year in
2100. 2/3 of rainfall dropped on the earth surface starts
flooding [10].
The floods of the last decade, with their costly results
have brought Turkey to a new view-point to reduce and
control the susceptibility to the flood damages, namely
the “Integrated Flood Management”. In this context, a
sound underwriting for land use control, flood insurance
and early warning system are being considered. It can be
said that from the years of experiences gained showed
structural measures such as dams, levees and dykes, di-
versions, channel improvements, implemented in the
basin-wide were effective with rather high cost, to re-
duce the risk in flood damage. Therefore non-structural
measures are becoming more important in flood hazard
management in the country.
Devastation of forests and because of this loses of pas-
tures and plants are fundamental reason for erosion.
Then, extensive damages will occur due to flooding and
land sliding. The biggest damage caused by erosion is
losing the fruitful earth, which formed by thousand year
periods. In order to evaluate the important of this, it as-
sists that thinking a tree can produce a benefit, which is
2000 times its wood profit. Erosion is an important rea-
son for agricultural production. Due to erosion and un-
suitable use of agricultural terrains, decreasing agricul-
tural terrains become insufficient to rapidly growing
population so migration from villages to cities acceler-
ates. The dams and other flood control structures played
very important role in protecting the human life. How-
ever, flood control and management based on structural
solutions could be insufficient. Therefore, effective solu-
tions based on land use control, zoning, building ordi-
nance, modifications in building codes, flood informa-
tion programs by local communities are needed. This
required major restructuring of both present legal sys-
tems and institutions responsible for management.
The flood plain use along the narrow valleys, encour-
aged by local civil administrations, had to be put under
control. Otherwise, future human loss will be greater.
During a flood, prior to all the state organizations should
cooperate. In this respect, DSI, General Directorate of
Electric Power Resources Survey and Administration
(EIE) and DMI should be able to work together. From
the view point of flood, considering the old experiences,
to decrease of the flood damages or to take under control
the flood some suggestions proposed for countries espe-
cially developing countries would be as follows:
They should improve early warning system,
They should prepare hazard mitigation plans and
strategies and,
They should be supplied with scientific and techni-
cal information about the flood.
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