776 R. IWAI ET AL.
Table 3. MERs for various damage ratios.
Damage ratio 0.780% 3.87% 7.66% 10.6% 14.3%
MER (%) 1.47 × 10–19 2.04 × 10–9 2.03 × 10–6 1.69 × 10–4 1.09 × 10–3
Threshold 0.745 0.606 0.552 0.511 0.492
Table 4. Specifications of the marketed products based on
the frequency analysis method.
Security level FAR FRR
Low <0.01% N/A
Normal <0.001% <0.1%
High <0.0001% N/A
As a result, we found that clearer impostor authentication
can be achieved in the case that they are changed to each
fingerprint identifier. Moreover, the effects of damage of
the 2D real fingerprints on the genuine authentication
accuracy were analyzed. As a result, it was found that
higher genuine authentication can be achieved in our
method in comparison with that in the conventional fin-
gerprint authentication device based on the frequency
analysis method, even if the damage ratio is 14.3% and
the image correction is not conducted.
As a further study, we would analyze the effects of the
misalignment of the scanned fingerprint image with that
used in generating the fingerprint template on the au-
thentication accuracy.
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