Comparative Study on Microorganisms Used for the Bioethanol Production 228
Table 6. The total sugar content at the action of a mixture of
T. reesei and Z. mobilis on cellulosic substrates.
No. of
culture Initial cellulose
conc. (g/L) Time
(days) Total sugar
content (g/L) Theoreticalethanol
conc. (g/L)
1 10.0 30 1.077 23.78
2 15.0 30 1.091 26.03
3 20.0 30 1.110 28.77
4 30.0 30 1.112 32.76
5 40.0 30 1.065 37.28
Figure 6. Total content of untransformed sugars after the
action of a mixture of T. reesei and Z. mobilis.
large amounts. after 6 days, it disappeared almost comp-
letely from the medium. Cellulase can be also biosynthe-
sised under aerobic conditions from Trichoderma reesei
cultures, but it is very important to know the optimum
time for stopping the culture if the cellulase activity is
elevated. Zymomonas strain presented a lower growth
under aerobic conditions than under the anaerobic ones,
but cellulase was not produced in none of the cases. It
may be said that the studied Zymomonas strain cannot
produce cellulase in the culture media that were used in
our experiments.
The results of the study show that T. reesei action on
cellulose led to the obtaining of sugars (determined as
glucose) in 45% - 70% yield. Higher content of sugars
are obtained for an initial cellu lose concen tration of 5 g/L
- 10 g/L. Cellulose concentrations of 15 g/L - 20 g/L
show an inhibitory effect on the cellulose degradation.
The experimental values of the total sugar conten t after
the Z. mobilis action on glucose show that only small
sugar amounts had not been transformed. Similar values
of untransformed sugars are obtained after the action of a
mixture of T. reesei and Z. mobilis on cellulosic subst-
rates. As results from the values presented in Table 6 and
Figure 6, higher cellulose concentration of the synthetic
culture medium does not have negative consequences on
the cellulose degradation process.
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