Int. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2010, 3, 355-363
doi:10.4236/ijcns.2010.34045 blished Online April 2010 (
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. IJCNS
QoS-Guaranteed Secure Multicast Routing
Protocol for Satellite IP Networks
Using Hierarchical Architecture
Zhizhong Yin1,2, Long Zhang1, Xianwei Zhou1, Peng Xu1, Yu Deng3
1Department of Communication Engineering, School of Information Engineering, University of
Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China
2The Academy of Equipment Command & Technology, Beijing, China
3Communications Research Group, Department of Electronics, University of York, Heslington, UK
Received January 30, 2010; revised February 28, 2010; accepted March 17, 2010
Most recent satellite network research has focused on providing routing services without considering security.
In this paper, for the sake of better global coverage, we introduce a novel triple-layered satellite network ar-
chitecture including Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO), Highly Elliptical Orbit (HEO), and Low Earth Orbit
(LEO) satellite layers, which provides the near-global coverage with 24 hour uninterrupted over the areas
varying from 75° S to 90° N. On the basis of the hierarchical architecture, we propose a QoS-guaranteed se-
cure multicast routing protocol (QGSMRP) for satellite IP networks using the logical location concept to
isolate the mobility of LEO and HEO satellites. In QGSMRP, we employ the asymmetric cryptography to
secure the control messages via the pairwise key pre-distribution, and present a least cost tree (LCT) strategy
to construct the multicast tree under the condition that the QoS constraints are guaranteed, aiming to mini-
mize the tree cost. Simulation results show that the performance benefits of the proposed QGSMRP in terms
of the end-to-end tree delay, the tree cost, and the failure ratio of multicasting connections by comparison
with the conventional shortest path tree (SPT) strategy.
Keywords: Satellite Networks, Security, Multicast Routing, Quality of Service, Hierarchical Architecture
1. Introduction
Satellite networks are characterized by global coverage,
cost-effective broadcast and multipoint capabilities, flex-
ible network configuration and capacity allocation, band-
width-on-demand flexibility, etc. There is no doubt that
satellite networks will be an integral part of the newly
emerging Next Generation Networks (NGN) and the
evolution of Future Networks (FN), and also play an
increasing critical role in providing broadband Internet
access, personal communications, broadcast and multi-
-cast of digital content to geographically diverse user
groups, and so on. Although satellite networks offer
great potential, they also present significant security
challenges that need to be addressed. These security-
related challenges can be summarized as follows [1].
Satellite channels are wireless broadcast media,
which makes it possible for an unauthorized user to re-
ceive the signal and eavesdrop on the communications, if
it is not encrypted.
Without the proper security mechanisms, any suffi-
ciently well-equipped adversary can send spurious com-
mands to the satellite and jam or disrupt the communica-
Security systems should add minimal delays to the
communications and have mechanisms to recover from
loss in security information.
The above challenges may incur more security
threats for satellite networks, including insider attacks,
packet modification, sending forged commands, denial of
service, etc [2].
With the explosive growth of the Internet-based mul-
timedia applications, such as push media, file distribution
and caching, multimedia conferencing, chat groups,
multi-player games, etc, multicasting constitutes an im-
portant service to perform the simultaneous distribution
of the same multicast packets from a single source node
to a group of destinations in satellite networks. Multicast
routing is one of the key technologies in multicast ser-
vice for satellite networks. In recent years, many conven-
tional multicast routing protocols for terrestrial networks
have been proposed [3,4]. However, these existing mul-
ticast routing protocols can not be very well suited for
satellite IP networks. At present, only a few multicast
routing schemes in the literature have been developed for
satellite IP networks. In [5], using the datagram routing
algorithm (DRA) [6] to create the multicast trees, a mul-
ticast routing algorithm for LEO satellite IP networks is
introduced, which minimizes the end-to-end delay for
real time multimedia services. The bandwidth-efficient
multicast routing mechanism [7] based on rectilinear
Steiner trees (RSTs) for LEO satellite IP networks
minimizes the total bandwidth and gains the limited
overhead. Two multicast routing algorithms based on the
dynamic approximate center (DAC) core selection me-
thod, i.e., the core-cluster combination-based shared tree
(CCST) algorithm and the weighted CCST algorithm
(w-CCST), are presented in [8]. The former significantly
decreases the average tree cost, and the latter reduces the
average end-to-end propagation delay. The distributed
multicast routing protocol in [9] aims to minimize the
total cost of the multicast trees in multi-layered satellite
IP networks, including Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO),
Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), and Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
In addition, the future media rich applications such as
media streaming, content delivery distribution and real
time broadband access require satellite networks that
inherently offer user level quality of service (QoS) guar-
antees. In this regard, one of the challenges for multi-
casting communications in satellite IP networks is to
design the QoS multicast routing protocols. To our
knowledge, there is no QoS multicast routing protocol so
far specifically developed for satellite IP networks. In
general, a combination of different layers of satellite
constellations, such as GEO, LEO, MEO, and Highly
Elliptical Orbit (HEO) satellite constellations, to build up
a solid satellite network with multiple layers, can yield a
much better performance than these layers individually,
e.g., higher efficiency in the spectrum usage, flexible
user’s access and route selection, larger transmission
capacity. In this paper, for the sake of better “global
coverage”, we take into account the demand of satellite
communications over the high-latitude areas, and present
a triple-layered LEO/HEO/GEO satellite network archi-
tecture. On the basis of the novel hierarchical architec-
ture, we adopt the concept of logical locations [6] to iso-
late the mobility of LEO and HEO satellites and propose
a QoS-guaranteed secure multicast routing protocol
(QGSMRP) for satellite IP networks. In QGSMRP, we
employ the asymmetric cryptography to protect the data
integrity of the control messages via the pairwise key
pre-distribution and propose a least cost tree (LCT)
strategy to construct the multicast tree under the condi-
tion that the QoS constraints are guaranteed, aiming to
minimize the tree cost. Simulation results demonstrate
that the proposed QGSMRP owns the better performance
over the end-to-end tree delay, the tree cost, and the fail-
ure ratio of multicasting connections in contrast with the
traditional shortest path tree (SPT) strategy.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
describes the satellite network architecture. In Section 3,
the problem formulation is introduced. Section 4 presents
the QGSMRP. Simulation results are given in Section 5.
Section 6 concludes this paper.
2. Satellite Network Architecture
As illustrated in Figure 1, the triple-layered satellite net-
work architecture consists of a GEO constellation, sev-
eral LEO and HEO constellations, and some fixed terres-
trial gateways. The hierarchical architecture is divided
into three satellite layers, i.e., GEO, LEO, and HEO lay-
ers. The total number of GEO satellites is NG in GEO
layer and a GEO satellite is denoted by Gi, 1,, G
In LEO layer, the total number of LEO satellites is NL
and a LEO satellite is denoted by Li,j, which is in the
coverage area of the GEO satellite Gi. Assume that
Walker star pattern constellation is applied in LEO layer
to organize the LEO satellites. We introduce the HEO
constellations to provide coverage to selected areas of
the Earth, e.g. the Polar Regions, over which most GEO
satellites lack. In HEO layer, the total number of HEO
satellites is NH and a HEO satellite is denoted by Hi,k,
which is in the coverage area of the GEO satellite Gi.
Three types of full duplex links are maintained in the
architecture. Satellites are connected to each other within
the same layer via Inter-Satellite Links (ISLs), while the
Figure 1. The triple-layered satellite network architecture.
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communications between satellites (e.g. GEO and LEO
satellites) in different layers is completed via Inter-Or-
bital Links (IOLs). Note that communication capabilities
from HEO satellites is only provided when HEO satel-
lites are moving very slowly relative to the globe while
in the vicinity of apogee. For that reason, assume that the
communications between GEO satellites and HEO satel-
lites is accomplished via IOLs when HEO satellites are
moving near apogee, while the communications among
HEO satellites cannot be maintained through ISLs in the
architecture. The terrestrial gateways are directly con-
nected to LEO and GEO satellites via User Data Links
(UDLs) and assumed to be the sources and destinations
of multicasting communications.
Considering the logical locations of satellites, we in-
troduce the satellite domains to organize satellites in a
hierarchical manner in order to isolate the mobility of
satellites from upper layer, i.e., GEO layer. A LEO satel-
lite domain Li is the set of logical locations of LEO satel-
lites that are within the coverage of a GEO satellite Gi.
ISLs in LEO layer can be categorized into two types, i.e.,
intra-domain ISLs and inter-domain ISLs. Note that the
LEO satellites are connected to their adjacent neighbors
over the grid points in the same layer via intra-domain
ISLs. Here, ,
iij i
LLj L)}, where ()
is a
size function that generates the total number of satellites
in a satellite domain. Similarly, a HEO satellite domain
Hi is the set of logical locations of HEO satellites that are
within the coverage of a GEO satellite Gi, and
iik i
HHk H)}. Assume that half of the
HEO satellites within a HEO constellation in the same
orbit have IOLs with a GEO satellite at time instant and
different GEO satellites may own the same HEO satellite
domains. We give an example to illustrate the HEO do-
main in the architecture. As shown in Figure 2, a HEO
constellation owns 6 satellites and a HEO domain con-
tains 3 satellites.
Figure 2. A HEO domain for example.
3. Problem Formulation
The topology of satellite network based on our architec-
ture is modeled as a connected directed graph (, )GVE
where V is the set of nodes representing satellites and
terrestrial gateways in our architecture and
is the set of links connecting the nodes, i.e., ISLs, IOLs
and UDLs.
Definition 1. Let a terrestrial gateway denote
a source, and other terrestrial gateways constitute a set of
destinations, i.e., , called a multicast group.
A multicast tree
{}DV S
, for and
, is a subtree of the graph rooted
from S, which contains all of the nodes of D and an arbi-
trary subset of
(, )GV
Definition 2. The link state of a link l consists of delay
and available bandwidth , for , where
and are delay function
and available bandwidth function, respectively. Note that
the delay of a link
l contains three delay compo-
nents: 1) radio propagation delay, 2) queuing delay, and
3) protocol processing delay.
Definition 3. The available path bandwidth of
a path P is the minimum bandwidth of the links along the
path, i.e.,
() argmin{(),1, ,()}
BPl lPiP (1)
where ()
 is a function that returns the number of
links in the path P.
Definition 4. The available tree bandwidth of
a multicast tree T is the minimum bandwidth of the links
in the multicast tree, i.e.,
() argmin{(),1, ,()}
BTllT iT (2)
where ()
 is a function that returns the number of
links in the tree T.
Definition 5. The path delay of a path P is the
sum of the delay of the links on the path, i.e .,
() ()
DP l
Definition 6. The tree delay of a multicast tree
T is the end-to-end maximum delay of the paths from
source S to the destinations of D on the multicast tree,
()arg max{()1,,}
 (4)
where denotes a path from source S to destina-
tion , and
DD denotes the number of destinations.
opyright © 2010 SciRes. IJCNS
Definition 7. The path cost of a path P is de-
fined as the product of available path bandwidth and path
delay of path P, i.e.,
()() ()CP BPDP (5)
Definition 8. The least cost path from node A
to node B is defined as a path that satisfies
 }
where denotes a feasible path from node A to
node B, and is a function that returns the num-
ber of feasible paths from node A to node B.
Definition 9. The tree cost of a multicast tree
T is defined as the product of the available tree band-
width and the tree delay of the multicast tree T, i.e.,
() () ()CT BT DT (7)
Our problem is: given a satellite network (, )GVE
a source S, a multicast group D, a delay bound
, and a
bandwidth bound , to construct a multicast tree
which spans S and D such that the tree cost
defined in (7) is minimized under the condition that the
available tree bandwidth and tree delay of the multicast
tree T satisfy the required QoS constraints, namely, 1)
delay constraint: , and 2) bandwidth con-
straint: .
(, )
()DT 
4. The Proposed Protocol
Our proposed QoS-guaranteed secure multicast routing
protocol (QGSMRP) is composed of four processes, i.e.,
link state report, route discovery and reply, route main-
tenance, and multicast tree creation. In QGSMRP, we
assume that every node and its neighbor node in the sat-
ellite network mutually have the pairwise
keys, i.e., public keys and private keys, preloaded by key
pre-distribution mechanism. We also assume that every
node in the satellite network has unique node address.
Table 1 provides the notation description which will be
used for cryptographic operations in the paper.
(, )GVE
4.1. Link State Report
The link state report process is initiated when a source
receives a QoS request for setting up a multicasting con-
nection with a multicast group D and the delay bound
and bandwidth bound . The source initially creates a
report request (REPORT_REQ) message and then
transmits it to a GEO satellite via a UDL. When receiv-
ing the REPORT_REQ, the GEO satellite follows the
steps below to complete the link state report process.
Table 1. Notation description.
Notations Descriptions
The public key held by node A
The private key held by node A
Encryption of message M with key A
Decryption of message M with key A
JNid Join_NAK ID
1) Link State Report Request
Step 1: The GEO satellite sends the REPORT_REQ to
other adjacent GEO satellites via ISLs.
Step 2: When the REPORT_REQ are received by all
the GEO satellites in GEO layer, each GEO satellite
sends the REPORT_REQ to the LEO and HEO satellites
within its covered LEO and HEO domain through IOLs.
Step 3: In LEO layer, LEO satellite floods the RE-
PORT_REQ to other LEO satellites within the same do-
main via intra-domain ISLs and across different domains
via inter-domain ISLs.
Step 4: The members of the multicast group D receive
the REPORT_REQ from the GEO and LEO satellites via
After all the nodes in the satellite network acquire the
REPORT_REQ, the link state interaction process is initi-
2) Link State Interaction
Step 1: The member of the multicast group D, i
sends a state report (STATE_REPORT) message to the
GEO and LEO satellites via the reverse UDLs. The
STATE_REPORT is constructed as follows:
<{SRid, Node Address, Downstream Node Address,
, Available Bandwidth, Delay>
The pair <Node Address, SRid> uniquely identifies the
STATE_REPORT. The SRid is monotonically increasing
when a node issues a new STATE_REPORT to its
downstream node and can be used to check the duplicate
copies of an old STATE_REPORT for the downstream
node. The destination encrypts the message
{SRid, Node Address, Downstream Node Address, }
with its private key
. The Available Bandwidth and
Delay record the available bandwidth and the delay be-
tween a node and its downstream node over the corre-
sponding link. When a GEO satellite (or a LEO satellite)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. IJCNS
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receives the STATE_REPORT, it will decrypt the ci-
phertext in the STATE_REPORT with its public key to
verify whether expires:
[{SRid, Node Address, Downstream Node Address,
} ]
If so, the GEO satellite (or LEO satellite) drops the
from all the destinations, the GEO and LEO satellites
acquire the link state information, i.e., the available
bandwidth and delay from the GEO and LEO satellites to
Step 2: In LEO layer, LEO satellite receives the
STATE_REPORT from the upstream node (i.e., the des-
tination) and performs the same cryptographic operations,
and then issues its STATE_REPORT to other LEO satel-
lites within the same domain via intra-domain ISLs and
across different domains via inter-domain ISLs.
Step 3: The LEO satellites in the same domain trans-
mit their STATE_REPORT via IOLs to their manager,
the GEO satellite.
Step 4: In GEO layer, GEO satellite also transmits the
STATE_REPORT to other adjacent GEO satellites via
ISLs. When exchanging their link state information,
GEO satellites delivers the STATE_REPORT to HEO
satellites within its covered HEO domain via IOLs and
also to the source via UDLs.
When the link state report process is completed, the
available bandwidth and the delay of each link lE
in the satellite network are established and the
related link state information is recorded in each node.
(, )GV E
4.2. Route Discovery and Reply
When the link state report process is completed, the
source S initiates the route discovery by flooding a route
request (RREQ) message to its neighbor nodes. The
RREQ is constructed as follows:
<{RRQid, Source Address, Multicast Group Address
List,}, , , Accumulated Delay, Path>
The pair <Source Address, RRQid > uniquely identi-
fies the RREQ. The Path records the routing information
during route discovery and the Accumulated Delay re-
cords the sum of delay along the path. When an interme-
diate node A receives a RREQ, it decrypts the ciphertext
in the RREQ with its public key , and checks three
items to decide whether to send the received RREQ:
Item 1: Whether has expired. If so, the RREQ
will be dropped.
Item 2: Whether there is enough available bandwidth
over link l between the last hop node and itself
according to link state information, i.e., whether
() l
. If () l
, it means that there is no
available bandwidth to meet the QoS requirements over
that link and the RREQ will be dropped.
Item 3: Whether the sum of Accumulated Delay and
the delay (l
over link meets the delay con-
straint, i.e.,
() l
, where
D denotes the
value in Accumulated Delay. If () AD l
, it
means that delay bound cannot be guaranteed and the
RREQ will be dropped.
Otherwise, if the RREQ is received by the intermedi-
ate node for the first time, the intermediate node enters
its own address to the Path, and inputs the value of
into Accumulated Delay, encrypts the
corresponding message with its private key A
then sends the RREQ out. If the newly received RREQ
was received before, it means that there exists another
path from the source to the node. The node records this
path information and discards that RREQ.
This operation in route discovery will be repeated
node by node until the delay bound or available band-
width bound cannot be guaranteed. Eventually, a RREQ
message will arrive at a destination and this
destination will also check the three items to determine
whether the QoS constraints are satisfied. If so, this des-
tination will wait for a certain time to receive multiple
RREQ, and then will create a route reply (RREP) mes-
sage and send the RREP back to the source S. The RREP
is constructed as follows:
<{RRPid, Destination Address, Source Address,
, Path Set, Lifetime>
The pair <Destination Address, RRPid> uniquely
identifies the RREP and the Lifetime denotes a value of a
pre-defined time for which the nodes receiving the RREP
consider the route to be valid. The Path Set is the set of
multiple possible parallel paths from the source to the
destination and each path is marked with the information
of accumulated delay and available bandwidth from the
source to the destination. Meanwhile, the destination can
also act as an intermediate node and continues to forward
the RREQ until the QoS constraints are not guaranteed.
When the source receives the RREP, it first decrypts the
ciphertext in the RREP with its public key S
to ver-
ify whether expires, and also records the Path Set
into routing table. When the source receives all the
RREP, it gets a partial topology from it to the multicast
group in satellite network .
(, )GVE
4.3. Route Maintenance
1) Joining Multicast Group
The joining multicast group process is initiated when a
opyright © 2010 SciRes. IJCNS
new terrestrial gateway wants to join a multicast group D.
The new terrestrial gateway firstly creates a
STATE_REPORT and then sends the STATE_REPORT
to the GEO and LEO satellites via UDLs. Through link
state interaction, the nodes with the corresponding links
acquire the link state information. Then the new terres-
trial gateway broadcasts a join request (JOIN_REQ)
message which is constructed as follows:
<{JRQid, Terrestrial Gateway Address, }
Path, Accumulated Delay>
The pair <Terrestrial Gateway Address, JRQid>
uniquely identifies the JOIN_REQ. When an intermedi-
ate node receives a JOIN_REQ, it checks the three items
to decide whether to reflood the received JOIN_REQ.
The new gateway will send multiple JOIN_REQ out
within a pre-defined time until they arrive at a
desitination . The destination firstly waits for a
certain time to receive multiple JOIN_REQ. Secondly,
according to the Path, it will check the three items to
determine whether the QoS constraints are satisfied. If so,
the destination creates a join reply (JOIN_REP) message
and sends it back to the new gateway. Note that this des-
tination serves as a forwarding node and the source does
not know the information about this new gateway. The
JOIN_REP is constructed as follows:
<{JRPid, Destination Address, Terrestrial Gateway Ad-
dress, }
, , >
 
The pair <Destination Address, JRPid> uniquely iden-
tifies the JOIN_REP. After a pre-defined time, the new
gateway does not receive any more JOIN_REP and the
joining multicast group process terminates.
2) Leaving Multicast Group
The leaving multicast group process is initiated when
a destination wants to leave a multicast group D.
The destination firstly sends out multiple join negative
acknowledgement (JOIN_NAK) messages to its neigh-
bors and then deletes all the routing information of the
neighbors. The JOIN_NAK is constructed as follows:
<{JNid, Terrestrial Gateway Address, }
The pair <Terrestrial Gateway Address, JNid> uniq-
uely identifies the JOIN_NAK. When receiving a JOIN_
NAK, a neighbor checks whether it has an upstream
node or a downstream node. If so, the neighbor prunes
the link from this destination and deletes the routing in-
formation of this destination, and then transmits the
JOIN_NAK to notify that this destination has been leav-
ing the multicast group. Otherwise, the neighbor will
check whether it is a member of multicast group. If so,
the neighbor just prunes the link from this destination.
Otherwise, the neighbor becomes a non-forwarding node
and withdraws from the QoS multicasting communica-
4.4. Multicast Tree Creation
The multicast tree creation process is activated by the
source at the end of the route discovery and reply process.
As mentioned previously, the source has maintained
multiple parallel paths from itself to several destinations
in multicast group. Therefore, the main goal of the
source is to select one of the parallel paths to set up a
multicasting connection, and then proceed to create a
multicast tree. In this paper, we present a least cost tree
(LCT) strategy to construct the multicast tree under the
condition that the QoS requirements are guaranteed. The
basic idea of the LCT strategy works as follows. Assume
that the Path Set from a destination
D1, ,iD, is
denoted by . When receiving a RREP from a desti-
nation , the source gets the information of accumu-
lated delay and available bandwidth from the source to
this destination along a path ,
P1, ,i
jPS, i.e.,
path delay
and available path bandwidth
. Therefore, the source can compute the path cost
for the path , and then
compare to select a path with the least
path cost, i.e.,
CP ,ij
( )argmin{( )1,,,1,,}
ij iji
After a pre-defined time, the source gains all the in-
formation about the paths with least path cost from itself
to each destination in the multicast group D. Afterwards,
the source follows the steps below to create a multicast
tree. When the multicast tree is built up, the multicast
session begins.
Step 1: Construct two node sets {}
SD and
0 {}
Step 2: Start with a subtree , where
(, )TVE
and 0
Step 3: For 1,,D
, the source finds a node in
, i.e., a destination , such that the path cost
from the source to is minimum among all the paths
with the least path cost, i.e.,
argmin{( )1,, ,1,,}
Construct the subtree by adding the
between the source and to T
, i.e., set
{nodes in}
and 1,
s in}
Meanwhile, set
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. IJCNS
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. IJCNS
5. Performance Evaluation Table 2. Parameters for triple-layered satellite networks.
Parameters LEO Layer HEO Layer GEO Layer
Type of orbit LEO
Recursive orbit
Recursive orbit GEO
Altitude 1262 km
27000 km(A)
800 km(P) 35786 km
Orbital period 6628 s 8 h 24 h
Number of satellites32 4 4
Number of orbital
planes 4 2 1
Orbit inclination angle48° 63.4°
elevation angle 10° 5°
Constellation type Walker star Draim
Semi-major axis 20278 km
Eccentricity 0.646
Argument of perigee 270°
Phase factor 1
Ascending node
longitude 90° E
In this section, we evaluate the performance of QGSM-
RP by comparing it with the conventional shortest path
tree (SPT) strategy [10] via computer simulations. In our
empirical study, three metrics are considered in the per-
formance evaluations, i.e., 1) the end-to-end tree delay, 2)
the tree cost, and 3) the failure ratio of multicasting con-
In our simulations, the parameters of the triple-layer
satellite network are described in Table 2. The perform-
ance of coverage from the triple-layer satellite network is
illustrated in Figure 3. According to Figure 3, triple-
layered satellite network can offer coverage over the
areas varying from 75° S to 90° N with 24 hour uninter-
rupted. We use the non-uniform distribution [9] to deter-
mine the positions of the terrestrial gateways, including
the source and the multicast group. Moreover, we assume
that the capacity of all ISLs, IOLs, and UDLs are set to
800 Mb/s, each outgoing link has a buffer space of 20 MB,
and the delay bound and bandwidth bound are set to
ms and Mb/s, respectively.
450 256
Figure 4 and Figure 5 illustrate the performance of
the end-to-end tree delay of the proposed QGSMRP and
the SPT strategy, respectively. The size of multicast
group is set to 50. We can observe that with the growth
of the simulation time, the variation of the end-to-end
tree delay of the proposed QGSMRP and the SPT strat-
egy is almost uniform with the range of 0.1 s to 0.5 s.
Furthermore, the end-to-end tree delay changes quickly
and obviously as the simulation time increases.
Figure 3. Near-global coverage from the satellite network using the proposed triple-layered LEO/HEO/GEO architecture.
End-to-End Tree Delay (s)
Simulation Time (s)
100 200 300 400 500 600
700 800
Figure 4. The end-to-end tree delay of the proposed QGS-
End-to-End Tree Delay (s)
Simulation Time (s)
200 300 400 500 600
Figure 5. The end-to-end tree delay of the SPT strategy.
Figure 6 shows the comparison of the end-to-end tree
delay versus the multicast group size between the SPT
and the proposed QGSMRP. It can be easily seen that the
end-to-end tree delay of the proposed QGSMRP is much
lower than that of the SPT strategy with the increase of
the size of the multicast group. Figure 7 compares the
performance of the tree cost versus the multicast group
size between the SPT and the proposed QGSMRP. We
can obviously see that as the multicast group size grows,
the tree cost of the proposed QGSMRP is much smaller
than that of the SPT strategy. This can be explained by
the fact that the proposed QGSMRP focuses on the opti-
mization of the tree cost during the process of the route
discovery and reply, whereas the main target of the SPT
strategy is to bring the better performance of the path
delay in the multicast tree without taking into account the
available bandwidth in the process of the multicast tree
End-to-End Tree Delay (s)
Multicast Group Size
5 10 15
25 30
Figure 6. Comparison of the end-to-end tree delay between
the SPT strategy and the proposed QGSMRP.
Tree Cost (10 ^ 3)
Multicast Group Size
5 10 15
25 30
Figure 7. Comparison of the tree cost between the SPT
strategy and the proposed QGSMRP.
Figure 8 demonstrates the comparison of the failure
ratio of multicasting connections between the SPT strat-
egy and the proposed QGSMRP. It can be observed from
Figure 8 that the failure ratio of multicasting connec-
tions of the proposed QGSMRP is smaller than that of
the SPT strategy with the range of 15 to 30 of the multi-
cast group size, which indicates that the success ratio of
the QoS multicasting requests of the proposed QGSMRP
is superior to that of the SPT strategy with the growth of
the multicast group size. For that reason, the proposed
QGSMRP can easily establish the QoS multicasting
connections when the scale of the network is large, i.e., a
large quantity of the terrestrial gateways. However, the
failure ratio of multicasting connections of the SPT
strategy is better than that of the proposed QGSMRP in
the range of 5 to 10 of the size of the multicast group.
We can also observe that the failure ratio of multicasting
connections of both of the multicast routing strategies are
represented as a gradual increasing trend.
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. IJCNS
Z. Z. YIN ET AL. 363
Failure Ratio
Multicast Group Size
10 15 20
25 30
Figure 8. Comparison of the failure ratio of multicasting
connections between the SPT strategy and the proposed
6. Conclusions
In this paper, considering the difficulty to provide the
coverage over the special regions or the areas of high
latitudes by the existing hierarchical satellite networks,
we introduce a novel triple-layered LEO/HEO/GEO sat-
ellite network architecture containing LEO, HEO, and
GEO satellite layers, which yields the near-global cov-
erage with 24 hour uninterrupted over the areas varying
from 75° S to 90° N. On the basis of the novel hierarchi-
cal architecture, we propose a QoS-guaranteed secure
multicast routing protocol (QGSMRP) for satellite IP
networks using the concept of logical locations to isolate
the mobility of LEO and HEO satellites. In QGSMRP,
through the pairwise key pre-distribution, we employ the
asymmetric cryptography to secure the data integrity of
the control messages, and present a least cost tree (LCT)
strategy to construct the multicast tree under the condi-
tion that the QoS constraints are guaranteed, aiming to
minimize the tree cost. Simulation results demonstrate
that the proposed QGSMRP owns the better performance
including the end-to-end tree delay, the tree cost, and the
failure ratio of multicasting connections by comparison
with the conventional shortest path tree (SPT) strategy.
7. Acknowledgements
This work is supported in part by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 60903004,
the National High-Tech Research and Development Plan
of China under Grant No. 2009AA01Z209, and the Na-
tional Key Technology Research and Development Pro-
gram of China under Grant No. 2007BAB18B03.
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