J. Service Science & Management, 2010, 3: 165-172
doi:10.4236/jssm.2010.31021 Published Online March 2010 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jssm)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSSM
Study on Coalmine Safety Behavior Control
System Model and its Manager Behavior Choice
Qingren Cao1, Xiaobing Yang2
1School of Management, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China; 2School of Art, Xuzhou Institute of Technol-
ogy, Xuzhou, China.
Email: caoqr-cumt@163.com, xbyang_711@yahoo.com.cn
Received May 17th, 2009; revised December 20th, 2009; accepted January 15th, 2010.
To control coal miner’s unsafe behavior, miner and manager behaviors were analyzed, and a behavior control system
model was constructed. The necessity conditions of optimal management behavior of coalmine manager in both com-
plete information and incomplete information condition were studied. The result established that, only if the estimated
value of unsafe behavior by manager was the same as the estimated value of unsafe behavior by miner, namely both
miner’s behavior control and manager own behavior control were optimal, the optimal behavior control of coalmine
manager were achieved. Becau se some factors influenced manager’s b ehavior unavoidably, it is very difficult for coal-
mine manager to achieve his optimal behavior choice. It is the underlying reason for many managerial defects, even
errors inherent in the coa lmine safety management.
Keywords: Coalmine Manager, Behavior Control System, Optimization Model, Unsafe Behavior, Manager Behavior
1. Introduction
Recently, major casualty accidents took place repeatedly
in China has been paid attentio n all aroun d the world. By
investigating these accidents carefully, it was found that
many managers supervised coal miner only by their ex-
periences, and there were few scientific theories sup-
porting their management behaviors. These behaviors are
no doubt harmful to the coalmine safety management,
but this is very common in Ch ina, so it is inevitab le there
are considerable managerial defects and errors existed in
coalmine safety management. It was for this underlying
reason that has caused casualty accidents took place re-
peatedly in China.
As we all know, the characteristic of coal production
determines there are full of potentially dangerous in coal
production process. In order to prevent possible accidents
or reduce their harmful degree to an acceptable level, it is
needed to remove the factors that might conduce to seri-
ous injury or loss of life by implementing various safety
management measures, such as managing the essential
factors that influence miner to do unsafe behavior. How-
ever, as one composition of coalmine safety management,
behavior management is more important to physical
management, because miner’s behavior is a more active
ingredient in the coal production process, and the miner’s
unsafe behavior is the primary and direct factors leading
to coalmine accidents. In addition, there are always be-
havior mistakes underlyin g unsafe physical status. So the
unsafe behavior management is always a more important
method to prevent accidents in coalmine safety manage-
ment [1].
In the coal production process, miner’s behavior and
manager’s behavior are very different on the view of
management. Although miner’s unsafe behavior is the
direct contributing factors to accidents, the miner’s be-
havior is a management objective of the manager’s be-
havior. So studying manager’s behavior and its charac-
teristics is even more important.
For a coalmine manager, there are a lot of available
management measures, but different management meas-
ures have different effects. If a manager could not prop-
erly make use of his limited time, energy and other
available resources, his management measures are diffi-
cult to achieve some certain or better results [2]. So the
coalmine manager will be facing a theoretic problem
how to make the right choice of different management
measures scientifically.
In fact, many scholars have studied this kind of be-
havior choice problem for ages. Mintzberg may be the
pioneer to study this kind of question. He divided the
manager behavior into several work roles, and studied
the relationship of time spent on th ese different roles and
the work results [3].
Study on Coalmine Safety Behavior Control System Model and its Manager Behavior Choice
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSSM
Allan had surveyed 1476 New York City government
managers for their more important jobs and time spent on
them. He discovered that there are 57 core jobs needed to
be accomplished in different positions or different de-
partments. Along with the position moving up, the duty
becomes extended accordingly, so the middle managers
and the senior managers have 80 and 87 core jobs to be
done respectively [4]. Yuk also studied this issue by
similar method, but he divided the manager work jobs
into 22 items [5].
Similar to these scholars, Schaechtel disclosed that
safety management is only one job for a manager in
many organizations, so how to force a manager pay more
attention to the safety management work all the time is
very important [6]. He deemed that it needed to construct
a safety management system framework to measure or
evaluate manager’s safety performance. This framework
should meet the requirement that the safety standard is
delivered to every employee distinctly, the duty to im-
plement standard is understood and accept, there are
documents to record the implemented stan dard, and there
are effective internal control mechanisms. He also brou-
ght forward a method to construct this kind of safety
management system.
But Jens deemed that a risk management system con-
sists of different members, such as lawmakers, supervi-
sors, planners, and manipulators [7]. In the past, the sys-
tem problems were studied in different areas respectively.
To construct a control system model needed to generalize
or sum up all these systems or their specific dangers. In
effect, to construct a risk management system model, we
must regard the risk management as a control problem
and study them crossways. Only in that way can we con-
sider all the relevant problems.
All these studies show that manager has many jobs to
do, and he needed to make choice rightly because differ-
ent behavior choice leads to different management ef-
fects. Unlike these studies, a behavior control system
model was constructed by summarizing the influence
factors of coal miner and manager from the point of be-
havior control mechanism in this paper [8]. How to make
the optimal control behavior choice for coalmine man-
ager was analyzed theoretically, the conditions of making
the optimal control behavior choice were induced, and
the characteristics of optimal control behavior were
summed up. This is the theoretical basis for empirical
research of coalmine manager’s control behavior.
2. Coal Miner Behavior System
For a long time, many scholars have studied the factors
that influence people to make unsafe behavior choice and
behavior system. These studies help us to understand all
kinds of human behaviors, and provide us with precondi-
tion of engaging in the safety management study nowa-
Specific to the miner behavior, Jason has studied many
variables to influence safety management measures put
into practice, such as the miner’s sensation to effective-
ness of behavior safety training, the miner’s trust to the
ability of manager, the manager’s responsibility to per-
formance evaluation, the miner’s relevant education ex-
perience, the manager’s work time in the organization,
etc. [9].
After detailing investigation, Michael discovered that
several factors influenced the employee’s sensation, such
as the manager’s duty [10]. By making use of these fac-
tors carefully, the manager could reduce the accidents to
the lowest level. In the meantime, Geller studied the
sensation, perception, pressure, suffering and complexity
of human being, analyzed the behavior safety and its
training on individual, and put forward four behavior
intervention avenues in accordance with three kinds of
behavior manner [11].
All these studies could help us to un derstand the miner
behavior very well. But after all, the coal production task
is fulfilled by the miner’s actual production behavior.
During his work, the miner’s behavior is influenced or
stimulated by many extrinsic factors. These factors may
make the miner’s mental state transferring continually by
his perception. Furthermore they may impact the esti-
mated value of behavior factors, which decide he is to
adopt safe or unsafe behavior.
Ther e are a lot of extrin sic factors inf luencing th e coal
miner behavior. These factors may be summed up five
aspects, i.e. work circumstance, tasks and behavior crite-
rion, incentive, rewards and punishment behavior, educa-
tion and training, and group and organization behavior
[12–14]. They also can be regarded as the input variables
of coal miner behavior system. The first aspect indicates
work objective and work circumstance of coal miner, but
manager can change it by work design. The latter four
aspects indicate the control measures available to the
Coal miner behavior may be described as behavioral
state and state transformation. In the coal production
process, many factors stimulated miner behavior con-
tinuously, inspired different behavior motivation, and
made the choice of different behaviors. It can be re-
garded as transformation from one state to another,
meanwhile completing the coalmine production task.
The inner factors are fundamental to coal miner be-
havior. They may be summed up five aspects, i.e.
miner’s mental state, knowledge state, physical state,
organizational loyalty and work effort. All of these fac-
tors together may be described as miner’s safety con-
sciousness and work capability that can be used as the
miner’s state variables [15]. The output of miner behav-
ior system is the safe or unsafe behavior according to
their estimated values.
Study on Coalmine Safety Behavior Control System Model and its Manager Behavior Choice
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSSM
Suppose x1t, x2t respectively denotes miner’s safety
consciousness and work capability in ti me t (t=0,1,2…T),
and u1t, u2t, u3t, u4t, u5t respectively denotes task and be-
havior criterion provided by manager, manager’s rewards
and punishment behavior, education and training giving
by manager, group or organization behavior shaped by
manager, and working circumstance designed by man-
ager. Then the miner’s behavior state can be described as
x(t+1)=f(x(t),u(t),t) (1)
There, x(t)=(x1t, x2t)T, u(t)=(u1t, u2t, u3t, u4t, u5t)T, f is a
vector function.
The input variables and state variables of miner be-
havior system could influence the estimated value of
unsafe behavior in the production process. Firstly,
miner’s safety consciousness could influence his selec-
tive perception, including selective perception of influ-
encing factors of unsafe behavior. Work capability also
influences his choice of unsafe behavior. Secondly, some
factors in work circumstance could influence the esti-
mated value of unsafe behavior, because miner’s selec-
tive perception of work circumstance factors may
strengthen or weaken his judgment of unsafe behavior
cost, and the manager’s rewards and punishment behav-
ior could influence the miner’s value judgment of unsafe
behavior. Thirdly, task and behavior criterion, rewards
and punishment behavior, education and training, and
group or organization behaviors could influence the
miner’s value judgment of unsafe behavior by his be-
havior state variables.
Take the miner’s estimated value of unsafe behavior as
the function of its influencing factors in time t (t=0,
1,2…T), thus
w(t)=g(x(t),u(t),t) (2)
The above (1) and (2) make for the description of coal
miner behavior system.
3. Coalmine Manag er Behavior S ystem
Coalmine manager behavior is different from coal miner
behavior, because coalmine manager accomplishes his
task by influencing or controlling miner behavior using
management knowledge and skills. In the management
process, manager needs to keep access to a variety of
information repeatedly, such as the work circumstance,
miner behavior. Based on this information, the manager
makes his own behavior choice to control the miner be-
havior. Manager behavior choice is also influenced by
the incentive contract and the coalmine production task.
In order to maintain consistent with the extrinsic in-
fluencing factors of coalmine manager, the input of
manager behavior system may be summarized as the
following aspects, i.e. manager’s cognition of work cir-
cumstance, manager’s cognition of miner unsafe behav-
ior, coalmine production task of manager, and manager’s
incentive contract [16]. The former two aspects are re-
lated to the coal production process, so they can be re-
garded as the information that the manager needed to
complete his task of safety management, and belong to
the controllable factors. The latter two aspects are not
related to the coal produc tion process, and are not related
to completing the task of safety management, belonging
to the uncontrollable factors.
The inner factors are fundamental to the coalmine
manager. They may be summed up five aspects, i.e. man-
ager’s mental state, knowledge state, physical state, or-
ganizational loyalty and work effort. All these factors
integrated may be described as manager’s work initiativ e
and work capability that can be used as the state vari-
ables of coalmine manager.
In order to maintain consistent with miner’s unsafe be-
havior control in coal production process, the output of
manager behavior system should be constituted by safety
management measures that may be carried out by the
manager, including the behavior choice of safety man-
agement and the work effort in that choice. The manager
behavior consists of designing and providing production
task and behavior criterion, carrying up rewards and pun-
ishment, bringing into effect of education and training, and
creating group atmosphere and organizat ional clim ate.
Suppose y1t, y2t respectively denotes the manager’s
work initiative and work capability in time t (t=0,
1,2…T), and v1t, v2t, v3t, v4t respectively denotes man-
ager’s production task, manager’s incentive contract,
manager’s cognition of work circumstance, manager’s
cognition of miner unsafe behavior. Then the manager’s
behavior state may be described as
y(t+1)=h(y(t),v(t),t) (3)
There, y(t)=(y1t,y2t)T, v(t)=(v1t,v2t,v3t,v4t)T, h is a vector
The output of manager behavior system is mainly the
safety management measures available to the manager,
including designing and providing production task and
behavior criterion, carrying up rewards and punishment,
bringing into effect of education and training, and creating
group atmosphere and organizational climate. Consistent
with the miner behavior system, they are denoted as u1t, u2t,
u3t, u4t respectively. They are all extrinsic influencing fac-
tors for the miner and are influenced by the manager’s
behavior state variable and input variabl e. Thus
u(t)=h(y(t),v(t),t) (4)
here, u(t)=(u1t,u2t,u3t,u4t,)T, h is a vector function.
The above (3), and (4) make for the description of
coalmine manager behavior system.
4. Safety Behavior Control System Model
In fact, miner behavior system interacts with manager
behavior system in the coal production process. The
Study on Coalmine Safety Behavior Control System Model and its Manager Behavior Choice
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSSM
miner fulfills the coal production task assigned by the
manager, in the same time making choice of safe or un-
safe behavior based on his perception and judgment. The
manager implements his management actions based on
the work circumstance, work objective, and miner be-
havior, influencing or changing the miner’s work cir-
cumstance and unsafe behavior.
The safety management measures available to the
manager consist of designing and providing production
task and behavior criterion, carrying up rewards and
punishment, bringing into effect of education and train-
ing, and creating group atmosphere and organizational
climate. They are all extrinsic factors that may influence
the miner’s behavior. Thus, directed by the coal produc-
tion task, under the action of safety management meas-
ures available to the manager, miner behavior system and
manager behavior system make up of an integrating
safety behavior control system. The system model is de-
scribed as in Figure 1.
There are two inputs in the coalmine safety behavior
control system. One comes from the manager, including
manager’s production task, manager’s incentive contract,
manager’s cognition of work circumstance, and man-
ager’s cognition of miner unsafe behavior. Although
manager’s cognition of miner unsafe behavior is an input
of manager behavior system, it is not an input of the
coalmine safety behavior control system. Another comes
from the miner, which include the stimulation of work
circumstance. Others are not the input of the coalmine
safety behavior control system. The state variables of
coalmine safety behavior control system consisted of
both state variables of miner behavior system and man-
ager behavior system. The output variable is safety or
unsafe behavior of miner. The model implies that man-
ager behavior control variables are the input coupling
variables of miner behavior system, and the output vari-
ables of miner behavior system are input coupling vari-
ables of m a nager behavi or system.
The output of safety behavior control system model is
51 23
()''((),(),,, ,,)
tt tt
wtgtt uvvvtxy (5)
So the safety behavior control system model can be
expressed as
51 23
min()g''((),(),,, , ,)
tt tt
wttt uvvvt
xy (6)
s.t (1 )((),(),) (0 ) is th e kn own initia l v a l u e
(1 )((),(),) (0) is th e k n o wn in itia l v a l ue
As to the safety behavior control system, the man-
ager’s coal production task, manager’s incentive contract,
manager’s cognition of work circumstance, and the work
circumstance factors stimulating to miner, are all the ex-
trinsic input variables that can influence the miner be-
havior. The manager’s behavior control variables are the
intrinsic variables that can influence the miner behavior.
Therefore, although manager’s behavior control variables
are the important factors influencing miner behavior, the
extrinsic variables play a more important role to miner
behavior in the safety behavior control system. In order
to better control the unsafe behavior of miners, govern-
ment should strengthen the management of the extrinsic
factors such as the coal production task, work circum-
stance, and manager’s incentive contract.
5. The Manager Optimal Control Behavior
in Complete Information Condition
The estimated value of unsafe behavior is the foundation
basis for miner to make the choice of safe or unsafe be-
havior. In complete information condition, coal manager
is aware of this estimated value of unsafe behavior. So
the manager chooses his behavior according to this esti-
mated value, not being influenced by his state factors.
The manager’s mission mainly is to depress miner’s es-
timated value of unsafe behavior and encourage miner to
adopt safe behavior using various management measures.
This manager’s mission can be decomposed into two
aspects. On one aspect, coal manager needs to encourage
miner to adopt safe behavior; on the other aspect, he also
needs to cut down the total number of miner’s unsafe
Because the miner makes the choice of safe or unsafe
behavior based on the estimated value of unsafe behavior
w(t), the above management task can be described ap-
proximately by depressing the cumulated miner’s esti-
mated value of unsafe behavior in a period. Thus, coal
mine safety problems faced by managers is to seek the
optimal management behavior u(t) (t=0,1,2,…,T) to
minimize the cumulated miner’s estimated value of un-
safe behavior in a period. That is
min( )(( ),(), )
wtgtt t
xu (7)
s. t x(t+1)=f(x(t),u(t),t) x(0) is the known initial value.
The Hamilton's function of this system is
H(x(t),u(t), λ(t+1),t)
=)),(),(( tttg ux +λ(t+1)f(x(t),u(t),t) (8)
The optimal ne cessity cond ition of this b ehavior co ntrol
system is that taking various management measures to
drive the Hamilton's function to its optimal value. When
there is no constraint of management me asures, it is
w(t) (z(t))
Figure 1. Coalmine safety behavior control system model
Study on Coalmine Safety Behavior Control System Model and its Manager Behavior Choice
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSSM
(1)00,1,2,, -1
( )(1)0,1,2,,-1
(1 )((),() , ) ( 0 )is th e k n o wn in itia l v a lu e
ttt T
 
 
This demonstrates that, with no resource constraint,
manager’s optimal management behavior consists of
making full use of various management measures to let
the marginal utility of various management measures on
Hamilton’s function equal to zero.
6. The Manager Optimal Control Behavior
in Incomplete Information Condition
Different management measures have different effec-
tiveness on the perception of miner’s estimated value of
unsafe behavior. It is foundational for manager to make
his behavior choice on behalf of the coalmine. In com-
plete information cond ition, the manager is easy to make
his behavior choice as he aware of this estimated valua-
tion. But in incomplete information condition, this esti-
mated value is unknown to him, so the manager has a
great space of decision-making.
Here, the management measures available to manager
still consist of four factors, i.e. designing and providing
production task and behavior criterion, carrying up re-
wards and punishment, bringing into effect of education
and training, and creating group atmosphere and organ-
izational climate. Suppo se the miner’s estimated value of
unsafe behavior is w(t), and the manager makes his be-
havior choice based on the estimated effects of various
management measures. Thus, the manager’s behavior
variables will influence his management behavior, and
these effects will eventually embody in miner’s estimated
value of unsafe behavior [17].
The following three kinds of behavior have an important
influence on the behavior choice of coalmine manager:
1) Indifference: There are a lot of works to do for a
manager, and con trolling miners’ unsafe behavior is only
one of these works. It is very natural for a manager ne-
glecting to control miners’ unsafe behavior when he
needs to deal with other seemingly more important works.
This phenomenon is the manager indifference to control
miner’s unsafe behavior. The knowledge level and psy-
chology state variables of a manager could influence this
kind of cho i c e beh avior.
2) Incorrectness: Although manager thinks much of
controlling miner’s unsafe behavior, he maybe chooses
the incorrect management measures. If so, this will in-
evitably unable to implement the management measures
should be implemented. The knowledge level, psychol-
ogy variables, and skill of manager influence this kind of
3) Passiveness: Manager maybe not works hard. This
phenomenon is the manager irresponsible for his duties.
For example, manager would be work inactively when
his individual goals conflict with the coalmine objectives.
The organizational loyalty and the expected reward from
manager influence this kind of behavior.
On making choice of management measures, manager
needs to estimate their different effects to miner’s esti-
mated value of unsafe behavior. This estimation is influ-
enced by his inner factors, i.e. manager’s mental state,
knowledge state, physical state, organizational loyalty
and work effort. All the influencing factors integrated
may be described as manager’s work initiative and work
capability [18]. Let w’(t) denote miner’s estimated value
of unsafe behavior by manager, then it has
w’(t)=g’(y(t),v(t),x(t),u(t),t) (10)
Similarly, the management task can be described as
depressing the cumulated miner’s estimated value of un-
safe behavior estimated by the manager in a period. Thus,
for coalmine manager, the task is to seek the optimal
management behavior u(t) (t=0,1,2,…,T) to minimize the
cumulated miner’s estimated value of unsafe behavior
estimated by the manager in a period. So it has
min'()'((),(), (),(),)
yvxu (11)
s.t y(t+1)=h(y(t),v(t),t) y(0) is the known initial value.
x(t+1)=f(x(t),u(t),t) x(0) is the known i nitial value.
The optimal necessity condition of this behavior con-
trol system can be obtained similarly. Its Hamilton’s
function is
H(y(t),v(t),x(t),u(t), λ1(t+1), λ2(t+1),t)
=g’(y(t),v(t),x(t),u(t),t)+ λ1(t+1)f(x(t),u(t),t)
+λ2(t+1)h(y(t),v(t),t) (12)
With no resource constraint, the optimal necessity
condition of the behavior control system is
(1)00,1,2,, -1
( )(1)0,1,2,,-1
(1)((),(), ) (0) is the known initialvalue
(1)00,1,2,, -1
tt tT
tt tT
 
 
 
 
y((),(),) (0) is the known initial valuettt
hy vy
Study on Coalmine Safety Behavior Control System Model and its Manager Behavior Choice
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSSM
This optimal necessity condition maybe considered
consists of two parts. The former three equations deter-
mine the optimal necessity condition of managing
miner’s behavior; the management objective is to mini-
mize the cumulated miner’s estimated value of unsafe
behavior estimated by the manager in a period. The latter
three equations determine the op timal necessity con dition
of managing manager own behavior; the management
objective also is to minimize the cumulated miner’s es-
timated value of unsafe behavior estimated by the man-
ager in a period. The optimal necessity condition of the
whole behavior control system can be achieved only
when these two optimal conditions are met.
In order to facilitate a comparative analysis, the
miner’s estimated value of unsafe behavior by manager
may be described as the form
w’(t)=g’(y(t),v(t),g(x(t),u(t),t),t) (14)
Then the optimal management measures of manager is
decided by the optimal necessity condition of this be-
havior control system model
 
min'',,,, ,
wtgttg ttttyv xu
s.t y(t +1)=h(y(t),v(t),t) y(0) is the known initial value.
x(t+1)=f(x(t),u(t),t) x (0) is the known initial value.
Its Hamilton’s function is
H(y(t),v(t),x(t),u(t), λ1(t+1), λ2(t+1),t)
+λ2(t+1)h(y(t),v(t),t) (16)
The optimal necessity condition of the behavior con-
trol system is
(1)00,1,2,, -1
( )(1)0,1,2,,-1
(1)((),(), ) (0) is the known initialvalue
(1)00,1,2,, -1
()( 1)0,1,
gg ttT
tt t
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
yy 2,, -1
(1)((),(),) (0) is the known initial value
Here '
describers the relationship between miner’s
estimated value of unsafe behavior by the manager and
by the miner. It gives us the information of what is the
effectiveness of various management measures on
miner’s estimated value of unsafe behavior. The former
three equations determine the op timal necessity con dition
of managing miner’s behavior, and the latter three equa-
tions determine the optimal necessity condition of man-
aging manager own behavior. The optimal necessity
condition of the whole behavior control system is
achieved only when these two optimal conditions are met
in the same time.
With regard to the effectiveness of various manage-
ment measures on miner’s estimated value of unsafe be-
havior, there is a theorem.
Theorem: If '
=1, the optimal management behav-
ior in safety behavior control system of (15) is the same
as that of (9).
The proof of this theorem is omitted here.
The theorem implies that, when manager’s behavior
factors influence his understanding of miner’s esti-
mated value of unsafe behavior, his choice of man-
agement behavior definitely is not the optimal one.
Because it is difficult to take the optimal management
behavior for the manager, it is inevitable there are
managerial defects even errors in the coalmine safety
man ag emen t .
7. Discussion and Conclusions
We propose a model of safety behavior control system to
discuss some issues of coalmine manager behavior, and
analyze the conditions of optimal management behavior
of coalmine manager both in complete information and
incomplete Information condition. Th e following conclu-
sions could be arrived.
1) The management measures of coalmine manager
are the important factors influencing miner behavior.
However, manager’s production tasks, manager’s incen-
tive contract, manager’s cognition of work circumstance
take more important roles on the point of whole safety
behavior control system. In order to better control the
unsafe behavior of miners, government should strengthen
the management of the extrinsic factors such as the coal
production task, work circumstance, and manager’s in-
centive contract.
2) The manager’s inner factors do not influence his
management behav ior in complete information con dition ,
but they influence it in in complete info rmation cond ition.
The necessity condition of optimal manager behavior
choice consists of two blocks, one block determines the
optimal necessity condition of managing miner’s behav-
ior, and the other block determines the optimal necessity
condition of managing manager own behavior. The op-
timal necessity condition of the whole behavior control
system is achieved only when these two blocks’ optimal
Study on Coalmine Safety Behavior Control System Model and its Manager Behavior Choice
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSSM
conditions are met in the same time.
3) Only when the miner’s estimated value of unsafe
behavior by manager is same as the miner’s estimated
value by himself, the manager’s optimal behavior choice
is possible. Because the manager’s behavior factors in-
fluence his understanding of miner’s estimated value of
unsafe behavior unavoidably, it is difficult for the man-
ager to obtain the optimal management behavior in the
real world. It could well explain why it is inevitable th ere
are managerial defects even errors in the coalmine safety
As discussed above, in coalmine safety behavior con-
trol system, manager is the subject of implementation of
management measures, miner is the object of implemen-
tation of management measures, both of them have the
ability to learn and adapt, and would make choice by
themselves judgments.
In the coal production, the purpose of manager and
miner is to achieve their respective behavior value. For a
miner, this kind of behavior value is achieved by his spe-
cific production activities, so what determines the
miner’s behavior is his perceived value of various pro-
duction activities. But for a manager, this kind of behav-
ior value is achieved by his management activities, so
what determines the manager’s behavior is his perceived
value of various management activities.
In order to make coal production safe enough, the
manager first needs to determine the safety level of coal
production based on the coal production task and the
actual production condition. Then, according to this
safety level, he needs to make the choice of various
available management measures. In this way, what de-
termines the manager’s behavior choice is the effective-
ness of different management measures to the miner’s
unsafe be ha vior.
Furthermore, the manager’s behavior choice is based
on his understanding of miner’s estimated value of un-
safe behavior, and this cannot but influenced by his own
behavior variables, especial influenced by his own spe-
cific perception and judgments in the work. So in order
to make a proper behavior choice, manager should try to
avoid influencing by own state variables. Therefore, he
needs to strengthen self-behavior management.
How to strengthen self-behavior management for a
manager, and how to inspirit the manager to strengthen
self-behavior management, are the problems needed to
be studied carefully in the near future.
8. Acknowledgement
This research is supported by the National Natural Sci-
ence Foundatio n of China under Grant 70871113 and the
Humanities and Social Science Research Foundation of
Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China
(Project ID: 07JA630 025).
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