Vol.2, No.3, 204-210 (2010)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Accuracy of PET/CT with FDG in mediastinal lymph node
staging of patients with NSCLC
E. Pelosi1, A. Billè2, A. Skanjeti3, V. Arena1, F. Ardissone2
1IRMET PET Center, Turin, Italy; e.pelosi@irmet.com
2Thoracic Surgery Unit, Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Turin, Italy
3Nuclear Medicine Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Turin, Italy
Received 26 December 2009; revised 3 January 2010; accepted 7 January 2010.
PET/CT and contrast enhancement CT (CECT)
are the two fundamental non-invasive exams in
the preoperative staging of patients with non
small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In the staging of
the mediastinum, recent studies show that PET
is more accurate than CECT, with an average
sensitivity and specificity of 85 vs. 61% and 90
vs. 79%, respectively. However, thanks to its
specificity value of 100%, the gold standard
remains the mediastinoscopy. The aim of this
study was to evaluate the PET/CT accuracy in
the intrathoracic lymph node staging. Three
hundred and five consecutive patients with
proven or suspected non-small cell lung cancer
who had an integrated PET/CT study were re-
trospectively evaluated. Lymph node staging
was pathologically confirmed on tissue speci-
mens obtained at surgery. A med-line research
of papers on accuracy of integrated PET/CT in
lymph node staging was also carried out. In this
population of patients, a total of 1972 lymph
node stations were evaluated. Integrated
PET/CT correctly staged 247 out of 305 patients:
188 of 214 (87.8%) N0 patients, 34 of 40 (85.0%)
N1 patients and 25 of 51 (49.0%) N2/N3 patients.
PET/CT understaged 32 patients (10.5%) and
overstaged 26 patients (8.5%). One hundred and
forty-three lymph nodes were proved positive
for malignancy. PET/CT correctly identified 89
metastatic lymph node stations. The overall
sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative
predictive value and accuracy of PET/CT were
64.8%, 87.9%, 69.4%, 85.5%, and 81.0% on a
per-patient basis and 62.2%, 97.9%, 69.5%,
97.1%, and 95.3%, on a per-nodal-station basis,
respectively. According to nodal size, PET/CT
correctly identified 67 out of 77 (87.0%) metas-
tatic lymph node stations with a short-axis di-
ameter 10 mm, and 22 out of 66 (33.3%) me-
tastatic lymph node stations with a short-axis
diameter < 10 mm (p<0.001). The incidence of
false negative lymph node metastases at
PET/CT was higher in patients with adenocar-
cinoma (42 out of 54). These data are in agree-
ment with the published literature and confirm
that integrated PET/CT is more accurate than CT
in detecting nodal metastases; however, the
PET/CT exam is not enough accurate to subs-
titute mediastinoscopy.
Keywords: Integrated PET/CT;
Intrathoracic Lymph Node Staging; Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is still the leading cause of death among all
cancers. In 2006 more than 170,000 new cases were di-
agnosed in the USA [1]. The overall 5-year survival rate
of patients undergoing surgery is less than 50% [2]. The
successful management of these patients deals with an
accurate staging and advances in chemo-radiotherapy and
An accurate preoperative staging is done with contrast
enhancement Computed Tomography (CECT) and 18F-
fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose integrated Positron Emission
Tomography and Computed Tomography (FDG-PET/CT).
Although CECT is the most commonly used non-invasive
modality for the evaluation of primary tumor characteris-
tics (i.e. size, location, and extent), a number of reviews
and meta-analyses have shown the limited reliability of
this modality in lymph node staging [3-6]. In recent years,
integrated PET/CT has become one of the most important
exams in the preoperative staging of these patients, due to
its ability in detecting distant and mediastinal lymph node
metastasis [7-10].
Mediastinal lymph node status has an important impact
on the course of therapy and prognosis of non small cell
lung cancer (NSCLC) cases. In patients with N2 disease,
neo-adjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery or che-
E. Pelosi et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 204-210
Copyright © 2010 SciRes Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
mo-radiation therapy with curative intent are the accepted
treatments [11]. However, in mediastinal staging false
positive PET/CT results have been reported in patients
with coexistent inflammatory or infectious diseases,
while, due to a still suboptimal spatial resolution, PET/CT
study may be unable to identify metastatic deposits in
normal-sized lymph nodes [12-17]. Mediastinoscopy,
thanks to its 100% of specificity, remains the gold stan-
dard exam in mediastinal nodal staging; however, it has
several shortcomings including risk of morbidity and
mortality and costs [18]. Due to these reasons, the medi-
astinic staging algorithm combining integrated PET/ CT
and invasive procedures is still under debate.
The aim of this paper is to present our results about
PET/CT accuracy in the mediastinal nodal staging of
patients with NSCLC.
2.1. Patient Characteristics and Inclusion
From August 2004 to March 2009, 890 consecutive pa-
tients underwent surgery (mediastinoscopy, anterior me-
diastinotomy and/or thoracotomy) for suspected or
pathologically proven, clinically resectable NSCLC, in
our Thoracic Surgery Unit. Out of them, 305 patients
(34.3%) before undergoing surgery had an integrated
PET/CT. All PET studies were acquired in the same PET
center using a Discovery ST scanner (GE Medical sys-
tem), within 3 weeks from the surgical operation. Patients
who underwent preoperative chemo or radiotherapy or
who had a PET/CT negative primary tumor or who had a
PET/CT in other centers were excluded. Patient charac-
teristics are summarized in Table 1.
All the patients of the study population had a history
and physical examination, laboratory tests, spirometry,
chest X ray, contrast enhanced brain, chest and upper
abdomen CT and bronchoscopy to complete the pre-
operative diagnostic work up.
2.2. Integrated PET/CT
Before the exam, all patients provided informed written
consent. Patients fasted for at least 6 h before the exam;
the scanning was performed 60 min after the intravenous
administration of FDG (4.5 to 5.5 MBq/kg). After de-
termining the imaging field, a CT scan (140 kV, tube
current 60 mA/S) was performed and it was used for both
anatomical localization and for calculation of attenuation
correction. Then, the PET data were acquired in 3D mode
from the skull base to the pelvic floor in 8 to 9 bed posi-
tions. The acquisition time for PET was 3 minutes per bed
position. Coronal, sagittal, and transverse data sets were
reconstructed. Coregistered scans were displayed by
using dedicated software (Advantage 4.2; GE Healthcare)
Table 1. Characteristics of the study population (n=305).
Variable No. %
Male 239 78.4
Female 66 21.6
Age (years)
Mean ± SD 66.5 ± 8.4
Range 37 – 86
Right 176 57.7
Left 129 42.3
Central (inner 1/3 of lung
field) 100 32.8
Peripheral 205 67.2
Tumor diameter (cm)
Mean ± SD 3.3 ±1.8
Range 0.5 – 13
Squamous cell 77 25.2
Adenocarcinoma 183 60.0
Bronchoalveolar 6 2.0
Carcinoid # 15 4.9
Other type non-small cell
lung cancer 24 7.9
Grade of differentiation
Good 41 13.4
Moderate 139 45.6
Poor 125 41.0
Presence of vascular
Yes 80 26.2
No 225 73.8
Presence of necrosis
Absent 109 35.7
Focal 106 34.8
Extended 90 29.5
Tumor SUVmax
Mean ± SD 10.1 ± 9.5
Range 1.7 – 54
SD: standard deviation; SUVmax : maximum standardized uptake value
# Typical n=11; Atypical n=4
E. Pelosi et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 204-210
Copyright © 2010 SciRes Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
and integrated PET/CT data sets were prospectively
evaluated in consensus by two nuclear medicine physi-
cians (E.P. and V.A.) who were aware of clinical and
stand-alone contrast-enhanced CT results, but blinded to
the histologic findings. The maximum standardized up-
take value (SUVmax) of the primary tumor was measured
with a region-of-interest technique and calculated by the
software according to standard formulas. Pulmonary and
mediastinal lymph node stations, localised according to
the classification scheme of Mountain and Dresler [19],
were considered positive for metastatic spread if they
showed focally increased FDG uptake (ie, uptake higher
than the normal mediastinal activity).
2.3. Surgery and Histopathology
All 305 patients underwent surgical staging. Thirty five
patients underwent invasive mediastinal staging accord-
ing with the positive results of the integrated PET/CT for
N2/N3 disease. Cervical mediastinoscopy was used to
sample stations 2R, 4R, 2L, 4L, and 7, and anterior me-
diastinotomy was used to sample stations 5 and 6. Seven
patients were excluded from subsequent surgery due to
multi-station N2 disease (n=6) or N3 disease (n=1). The
other 28 patients underwent invasive mediastinal staging
procedure followed by thoracotomy during the same
surgical session due to non metastatic mediastinal lymph
nodes (n=8) or N2 minimal disease(n=20), defined as
single-station, intranodal metastatic deposit. The 270
remaining patients, considered N2 lymph node negative
by PET/CT, underwent thoracotomy, pulmonary resec-
tion, and complete thoracic lymphadenectomy. Overall,
pulmonary resections included pneumonectomy (n=19),
bilobectomy (n=9), lobectomy (n=252), and segmentec-
tomy (n=18). At thoracotomy, complete thoracic lym-
phadenectomy was routinely performed; it consisted of
en-bloc resection of all lymph nodes that were accessible
in the mediastinum and hilum. Intrapulmonary lymph
nodes (stations 11 and 12) were included in the resected
lung specimen. At the subcarinal level, the contralateral
mediastinal lymph nodes, lying on the opposite main
stem bronchus, were removed in 41 patients.
The pathologic review (primary tumor characteristics
and lymph node status) was performed by standard tech-
niques while immunohistochemistry was used when
appropriate. Pathologic TNM staging was performed and
disease was classified as stage IA in 89 patients (29.2%),
stage IB in 91 (29.8%), stage IIA in 10 (3.3%), stage IIB
in 43 (14.1%), stage IIIA in 49 (19.5%), stage IIIB in 14
and stage IV in 9 patients.
2.4. Data Analysis
The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value,
negative predictive value, and accuracy of integrated
PET/CT in the assessment of intrathoracic lymph node
involvement were determined by using histologic results
as reference standard. Diagnostic characteristics of inte-
grated PET/CT were assessed on a per-patient basis and
on a per-nodal-station basis. A probability value of <
0.05 was considered statistically significant. Statistical
analysis was carried out with StatSoft version 6.1 soft-
Finally, the results of our experience were compared
with that of the literature. With the help of the Medline
search engine PubMed, we reviewed the literature be-
tween 2000 and 2009. The search was performed using
keywords such as positron emission tomography, patho-
logical staging and lung cancer. The inclusion criteria
were the following: English language, full text articles,
original articles (retrospective or prospective), meta-
analysis. We considered studies that evaluated FDG-PET
imaging for mediastinal lymph node staging and provided
enough data to calculate sensitivity and specificity on a
per patient analysis and on a per nodal station analysis.
We analyzed the number of patients and the number of
lymph node stations sampled, sensitivity, specificity,
positive and negative predictive value and accuracy of
PET. The articles on the accuracy of PET(/CT) in the
restaging after induction radio or chemotherapy were
A total of 1972 nodal stations were sampled in 305 pa-
tients (6.5 stations per patient): 1421 mediastinal, 287
hilar and 264 intrapulmonary nodal stations; the mean
number of lymph node dissected was 30 ± 13 per patient.
At the pathological analysis 214 patients had no lymph
node metastases, 40 patients showed an N1 disease, 50 an
N2 disease and only one an N3 disease. Integrated
PET/CT correctly staged 247 out of 305 patients; N1
disease was correctly detected by PET/CT in 34 of 40
patients (85.0%) with pathologically proven disease.
N2/N3 disease was correctly determined by PET/CT in
25 of 51 patients (49.0%) with positive results on his-
tologic analysis. PET/CT understaged 32 patients
(10.5%). The causative factors for understaging were
subcentimeter metastatic deposits in 22 patients and
PET/CT inability to distinguish between large central
tumors and adjacent mediastinal or pulmonary lymph
nodes in 10 patients. PET/CT overstaged 26 patients
(8.5%). Overstaging was due to inflammatory conditions
(n=16) and silicoanthracosis (n=10). Integrated PET/CT
showed an overall sensitivity of 64.8%, a specificity of
87.9%, a positive predictive value of 69.4%, a negative
predictive value of 85.5%, and an accuracy of 81.0% for
the detection of intrathoracic nodal metastases on a per-
patient basis (Table 2).
Out of 1.972 nodal stations histologically evaluated,
143 proved to be positive for malignancy. PET/CT cor-
rectly identified 89 metastatic lymph node stations.
E. Pelosi et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 204-210
Copyright © 2010 SciRes Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Ta ble 2. Contingency table for PET/CT in identifying intra-
thoracic lymph node (LN) involvement.
Intrathoracic LN
involvement (+)
Intrathoracic LN
involvement (-) Tot al
PET/CT (+) 59 26 85
PET/CT (-) 32 188 220
Total 91 214 305
False negative results were obtained in 54 nodal stations,
and false positive results in 39.
The overall sensitivity, specificity, positive and nega-
tive predictive values, and accuracy of PET/CT for de-
tecting intrathoracic lymph node involvement were
62.2%, 97.9%, 69.5%, 97.1%, and 95.3%, respectively,
on a per-nodal station basis (Table 3). The most common
lymph node station for hidden metastatic involvement
was at the subcarinal level (12 out of 54 [22.2%]) fol-
lowed by the right upper and lower paratracheal and the
hilar levels.
The short-axis diameter of the 143 pathologically
proven metastatic lymph node stations ranged from 3 to
37.5 mm, with a mean value of 10.9 ± 4.8 mm. Of these
143 lymph node stations, 66 (46.1%) were less than 10
mm in short-axis diameter. The size of the 89 lymph node
stations that yielded true positive results on PET/CT
ranged from 6.5 to 37.5 mm, with a mean value of 12.9 ±
4.8 mm. Twenty (22.5%) of 89 true positive lymph node
stations at PET/CT were less than 10 mm in short-axis
diameter. The size of the 54 lymph node stations that
yielded false negative results on PET/CT ranged from
3 to 15 mm, with a mean value of 7.6 ± 2.0 mm. Forty
four (81.5%) of 54 false negative lymph node stations
were less than 10 mm in short-axis diameter. As a matter
of fact, PET/CT was successful in identifying 67 of 77
(87.0%) metastatic lymph node stations measuring 10
mm in short-axis diameter, and 22 of 66 (33.3%) metas-
tatic lymph node stations measuring < 10 mm in
short-axis diameter (p<0.001). The incidence of false
negative lymph node metastases at PET/CT was higher in
patients with adenocarcinoma (42 out of 54).
In order to evaluate PET/CT diagnostic efficacy in the
detection of mediastinal nodal metastasis a per-patient
analysis was performed in the subset of cases presenting
N0 and N1 disease. This analysis was performed due to
the central importance of mediastinal lymph node in-
volvement for therapeutic decision making in patients
with localized NSCLC. The results are presented in Table
4 (sensitivity 49.0%, specificity 96.1%, accuracy
88.2%).Patients with adenocarcinoma showed signifi-
cantly higher mediastinal nodal metastatic rates than
those with other NSCLC types. Twenty two (84.6%) of
the 26 false negative N2/N3 disease interpretations oc-
curred in patients with adenocarcinoma.
In the same subset, a per-nodal-station analysis was
performed. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative
Table 3. Per-nodal station diagnostic efficacy of PET/CT.
station #
1 - 100 - 98.1 98.1
2 20.0 98.8 50.0 95.5 94.4
3 - 100 - 90.5 90.5
4 52.6 97.6 71.4 94.8 93.0
5 81.8 97.3 75.0 98.2 95.9
6 62.5 98.3 71.4 97.4 96.0
7 36.8 98.6 63.6 95.8 94.6
8 50 100 100 98.9 98.9
9 - 99.6 - 98.8 98.4
(n=1380) 44.7 98.8 68.0 96.8 95.8
10 86.0 91.8 64.9 97.4 90.9
11-12 78.3 98.8 85.7 97.9 97.0
(n=551) 83.3 95.3 70.5 97.7 93.8
(n=41) - 100 - 97.6 97.6
# Lymph node stations were localised according to the classification
scheme of Mountain and Dresler [18]
PPV: positive predictive value; NPV: negative predictive value
predictive values and accuracy resulted: 44.2%, 98.8%,
68%, 96.9% and 95.8%, respectively.
In Table 5 [20-29], we compared our results with the
data showed in the literature analyzing the number of
patients, the number of dissected lymph node stations and
the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predic-
tive values and accuracy, on a per-patient and on a per-
nodal station analysis (when possible).
Since the 1960’s, cervical mediastinoscopy has been
extensively performed to stage the mediastinum in pa-
tients potential candidates for lung resection. Specificity
and false positive rates of mediastinoscopy can be as-
sumed to be 100% and 0%, respectively, while in a review
of more than 6.500 patients, the average sensitivity was
approximately 80% and the average false negative rate
was nearly 10% [30]. False negative results mainly occur in
lymph node stations not attainable through media-stinoscopy;
moreover, the accuracy of the technique is surgeon dependent
[31]. In recent years, transbronchial [32] and transesophageal
[33] ultrasound-guided needle biopsy techniques have provided
Table 4. Contingency table for PET/CT in identifying medi-
astinal lymph node (LN) involvement.
Mediastinal LN
involvement (+)
Mediastinal LN
involvement (-) Tot al
PET/CT (+) 25 10 35
PET/CT (-) 26 244 270
Total 51 254 305
E. Pelosi et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 204-210
Copyright © 2010 SciRes http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/Openly accessible at
a valuable adjunct for the evaluation of mediastinoscopic
“blind spots”. Apart from the fact that mediastinoscopy is
unable to completely stage the mediastinum, it also pre-
sents several shortcomings which include invasiveness,
risk of morbidity and mortality, and costs. As a conse-
quence, different imaging techniques have been proposed
as a guide to enable the most efficient use of medi-
Several studies clearly demonstrate the key role of PET
with FDG in the preoperative staging of patients with
NSCLC, due to its ability in detecting local and distant
metastases. In a recent meta-analysis FDG-PET resulted
more accurate than CECT in identifying mediastinal
nodal metastases [29]. The average sensitivity and speci-
ficity of CECT were 61% and 79%, respectively, while
85% and 90%, respectively for PET [34]. With the in-
troduction of PET/CT, as shown for the first time by
Lardinois et al., the accuracy in detecting local and dis-
tant metastases has even increased [7,27]. However, fur-
ther studies have not confirmed these preliminary results
(see Table 5 [12-17,20]). Therefore at present the sensi-
tivity and accuracy of PET/CT in the mediastinal lymph
node staging are considered too low to avoid further
invasive studies [28], and the role of PET and medi-
astinoscopy is under discussion.
Our study confirms the limited ability of integrated
PET/CT in identifying the actual intrathoracic lymph
node stage of patients with potentially resectable NSCLC.
All the performance characteristics of integrated PET/CT
turned out to be below the threshold of 95%, only where
the test could replace invasive staging procedures [17]. In
fact, we had 10.5% of false negative and 8.5% of false
positive cases. A high rate of false negative patients for
N2 disease in the adenocarcinoma group was identified,
as with other authors [35].
Observing the available literature, we can notice a
certain heterogeneity in the methods: some authors did
not perform a per patient and a per nodal station analysis,
and/or did not report the number of the sampled stations,
and/or the average number of the dissected lymph nodes.
Anthoc et al. reported that integrated PET/CT was
more accurate than CECT in the overall tumor staging but
also in identifying nodal metastases of patients with
non-small lung cancer [8]. The sensitivity, specificity and
accuracy were 89%, 94% and 93%, respectively. The
authors explain that the advantage of integrated PET/CT
is due to the exact spatial localization of the abnormal
uptakes in the mediastinum and suggest that a mediasti-
num negative for nodal metastasis at the PET/CT study
doesn’t require any further diagnostic surgical procedure
such as mediastinoscopy.
On the contrary, Yi et al. in their study analyzed 453
mediastinal nodal stations and demonstrated that the
PET/CT sensitivity is not high enough in identifying
metastases. These authors stressed the need to continue to
perform mediastinoscopy also in stage T1, N0 patients,
despite its high cost and associated morbidity and mor-
tality. Curiously, in this study PET/CT showed very high
specificity levels leading the authors to conclude that
mediastinoscopy should not be performed in patients with
a positive PET/CT [15].
Turkmen in 2007 reported the higher accuracy of
PET/CT over CT and PET alone in detecting mediastinal
nodal metastases, but the accuracy was not enough to
replace the mediastinoscopy as the gold standard: on 59
patients he reported a sensitivity of 76% and an accuracy
of 80%. He pointed out that the causes of PET false
negative cases were micro-metastases, necrosis and PET
limited spatial resolution [36].
De Langen showed that in PET negative lymph nodes
of 10 to 15 mm the probability of discovering nodal me-
tastases is too low to justify mediastinoscopy. In con-
clusion he stressed the necessity to identify the subset of
patients with a negative PET/CT, that could benefit from
a mediastinoscopy [25-37].
Lee et al. reported that PET/CT did not improve the
overall accuracy of mediastinal staging due to the fact
that, the improvement in technology, reduced the number
Table 5. Integrated PET/CT sensibility and specificity.
Characteristic Patients (No.) LN stations (No.)Sensibility (%)Specificity (%)PPV (%) NPV (%) Accuracy (%)
Our series 305 6.5 64.8 87.9 69.4 85.5 81
Melek et al. [20] 170 4.04 74 73 55 87 74
Perigaud et al. [21] 51 3.8 40 85 40 85 -
Port et al. [22] 64 - 45 89 - - -
Nomori et al. [23] 80 - 78 98 74 98 97
Cerfolio et al. [9]* 129 N/A 69 94 49 99 96
Cerfolio et al. [24] 400 - 71 77 44 91 76
Gupta et al. [25] 77 - 87 91 72 97 82
Poncelet et al. [26] 64 - 67 85 43 94 82
Pieterman et al.* [27] 102 - 91 86 95 74 87
Kim et al. [28] 150 3.8 47 100 100 87 88
Yi et al. [29] 143 3.2 56 100 100 88 90
E. Pelosi et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 204-210
Copyright © 2010 SciRes Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
of false negative patients while it increased that of the
false positive results [16].
Cerfolio showed that the use of PET/CT in the selec-
tion of patients candidates for surgery is useful; however,
it concluded that PET/CT is not accurate enough to re-
place nodal biopsies to stage the mediastinum [9].
In the present paper, we performed both the per patient
and the per nodal station analysis in order to better un-
derstand the overall sensitivity, specificity and accuracy
of PET/CT. It is our opinion that the accuracy of PET/CT
could be more precisely evaluated by analyzing the re-
sults in all the nodal stations (it should be pointed out, that
even if other authors, including Cerfolio, stressed the
relevance of the nodal station analysis, only few authors
used it [24]). In our study, at the per nodal station analysis,
the most common location for mediastinal lymph node
metastases was the subcarinal station, followed by the
lower paratracheal station. In agreement with the findings
reported by Cerfolio and co-workers [9], PET/CT showed
the highest incidence of both false positive and false
negative results at this level, which underline the need for
a thorough lymph node dissection at the subcarinal station.
Moreover, previous or concomitant inflammatory and
infectious conditions are mainly responsible for false
positive results at PET/CT. Due to this reason and in
accordance with other authors we agree on the necessity
to confirm PET positive findings with a biopsy [16-24].
Therefore, even if PET/CT is more accurate than CT and
other preoperative exams in detecting distant and local
metastases, both the published literature and our experi-
ence underline the continued need for tissue confirmation
of a positive PET/CT result.
On the other hand, the spatial resolution of PET/CT
remains inadequate to rule out sub-centimetre lymph
node metastases and this was clearly confirmed by Peri-
gaud et al. [21]. Furthermore, Al Sarraf and coll. [38] in
their series showed that the rate of false negative patients
resulted 16% (25 out of 153). In this study, the elements
significantly related with occult N2 disease were: central
location of the tumor, right upper lobe cancer, and N1
uptake at PET/CT. Melek in his paper reported an higher
false negative rate in patients with adenocarcinoma [20],
which is confirmed by our results.
In conclusion our data show that integrated PET/CT is
more accurate than CECT in detecting nodal metastases;
however, its accuracy is below 95% and therefore, not
sufficient enough to substitute mediastinoscopy in all
patients. Therefore, in patient cohorts with a higher like-
lihood of mediastinal lymph node involvement, a nega-
tive PET scan does not obviate the need of invasive
staging procedures [31-35]. New randomized trials will
be necessary to identify these cohorts of patients. Vice-
versa, in patients with PET positive mediastinal lymph
nodes, the mediastinoscopy is mandatory in order to
avoid false positive results.
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