Vol.2, No.3, 188-194 (2010)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Bayesian analysis of minimal model under the
insulin-modified IVGTT
Yi Wang1, Kent M. Eskridge2, Andrzej T. Galecki3
1,2Department of Statistics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
3Institute of Gerontology, University of Michigan, Michigan, USA
Received 24 September 2009; revised 23 October 2009; accepted 26 October 2009.
A Bayesian analysis of the minimal model was
proposed where both glucose and insulin were
analyzed simultaneously under the insulin-mo-
dified intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVG-
TT). The resulting model was implemented with
a nonlinear mixed-effects modeling setup using
ordinary differential equations (ODEs), which
leads to precise estimation of population pa-
rameters by separating the inter- and intra-indi-
vidual variability. The results indicated that the
Bayesian method applied to the glucose-insulin
minimal model provided a satisfactory solution
with accurate parameter estimates which were
numerically stable since the Bayesian method
did not require ap proximation by linearization.
Keywords: Minimal Model; Bayesian Analysis;
IVGTT; Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Modeling; ODE
Mixed-ef fect s m odels that i nclude bo th fi xed and ra ndom
effects to account for the inter-individual variability are
becoming increasingly popular for analysis of population
pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) data [1-8,
among others]. In these models it is assumed that all
responses follow a similar functional form, but that pa-
rameters vary a mong indivi du als. By separat ing the i nter-
and intra-individual variability , mixed-effects m odels will
often lead to more precise estimation of population pa-
rameters. Continuous pharmacokinetic processes are
often described by systems of ordinary differential equa-
tions (ODE) which generally lead to models that are
nonlinear in the parameters complicating estimation.
However, closed form solutions for systems of differen-
tial equations are not always possible therefore num erical
solutions of differential equations are necessary in order
to deal with many types of population PK/PD problems.
The nlmeODE in R given by Tornoe et al. [9] and
NLINMIX with ODE in SAS presented by Galecki et al.
[10], which can handle the first-order ODE’s by com-
bining odesolve with the NLME and NLINMIX respec-
tively, are used for parameter estimation in nonlinear
mixed-effects models. In addition, WBDiff (WinBUGS
Differential Interface) given by Lunn [11] is a useful tool
for dealing with pharmacokinetic models defined by
ODEs in the Bayesian setting. The analysis based on
ODEs may offer practical benefits in terms of easier
PK/PD modeling, particularly when more complicated
mechanistic models are used [12].
Diabetes is associated with a large number of abnor-
malities in insulin metabo lism, ranging from an absolute
deficiency to a combination of deficiency and resistance,
causing an inability to dispose glucose from the blood
stream. Three factors: Insulin sensitivity, Glucose effec-
tiveness, and Pancreatic responsiveness, referred to in
Pacini and Bergman [13], play an important role for
glucose disposal. Failure in any of these may lead to
impaired glucose tolerance, or, if severe, diabetes. Quan-
titative assessment is possible by the minimal model [14],
and may improve classification, prognosi s and therapy of
the disease. The minimal model is based on an intrave-
nous glucose tolerance test (IVG TT), where g lucose and
insulin concentrations in plasma are sampled after an
intravenous glucose injection. In patients with impaired
glucose tolerant (IGT), the insulin response to glucose
may be partially or totally suppressed. Of course, without
the insulin response, the glucose disappearance model
cannot provide an estimate of the metabolic parameters,
since there is no input to the model. The insulin modifi-
cation of IVGTT addressed the early problems with the
minimal model ‘failures’ by insulin injection at 20 min-
utes after glucose injection is given at time zero. Tradi-
tionally, in the minimal model the glucose and insulin
kinetics are described by two components, where the
parameters traditionally have been estimated separately
within each component by a nonlinear weighted least
squares estim ation tec hnique in a t wo-step pr ocedure [13].
The use of population an alysis to extract all information,
such as inter-subject variability, from experimental data
Y. Wang et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 188-194
Copyright © 2010 SciRes Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
brings about an improvement in the estimates of popula-
tion and individual characteristics. Previous work with
the IVGTT focused only on glucose kinetics where insu-
lin is treated as a known with no measurement errors for
non-Bayesian analysis [10] and for Bayesian analysis
[15]. However, the glucose-insulin system is an inte-
grated system and could be considered as a whole. An
assumption of the minimal model is that glucose and
insulin constitute a single dynamical system and impor-
tant information is lost in treating the insulin as known.
For example, pancreatic responsiveness, one important
factor of the individual metabolic portrait, cannot be
estimated if insulin is treated as known. Therefore, a
Bayesian analysis was adopted in combination with
population mixed-effects modeling to estimate the four
population and individual metabolic indices simultane-
ously with the minimal model of glucose and insulin
kinetics using data collected during insulin-modified
intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT). No other
published wor k wa s ide nti fied t hat a naly zed bot h gluc ose
and insulin simultaneously under the insulin-modified
2.1. Bayesian Computational Algorithm for
Bayesian inference in WBDiff, which allows the nu-
merical solution of arbitrary systems of ODEs within
WinBUGS nonlinear mixed models, can be described
based on the followin g hierarchical modeling.
1) Suppose a chemical or pharmacokinetic model is
given by the systems of first-order ODE’s with the form
txgdttdx , , , (1)
)(),( 00
xtx 0
where x is an k-dimensional dependent variable vector, g
is the structural model while
is a q-dimensi onal vector
of unknown model parameters.
2) In nonlinear mixed-effects modeling, the within-
group variability describing the difference between the
observed response value and the predicted value can be
modeled as
~[() (,,);]
ijijiji ij
yNEyfx t
where i=1, m subjects and j=1, ni time points; is the
solution of Eq.1 and the relationship between the ob-
served response y and the predicted variable x is desig-
nated by a nonl i near function f.
3) The between-subject variability can be constructed
by defining the subject-specific random effects as
pi MVN (3)
is a vector of mean population ph armacok inetic
parameters and
is the variance-covariance matrix of
between-subj ect random variability.
4) In addition, hierarchical modeling in a Bayesian
setting comprises the prior specification, where prior
distributions are assigned to
, and
. For instance,
~Gamma(a, b) (4)
The Bayesian inference is based on the following
principle: posterior prior x likelihood. That is, the
so-called “likelihood function” is used to update “prior
beliefs” about some unknown parameters of interest to
“posterior beliefs” in the light of observed data. To obtain
the posterior estimators, using Monte Carlo approxima-
tion we simulate values from the joint posterio r distribu-
tion of all the model parameters given the observed data,
more specifically, the full conditional distribution. For
example, the logarithm of the full conditional distribution
for the random effect
i can be constructed as follows:
iyfff 11 ),|(log),|(log)|(log
log||( )( )
log((, , ))
ijiji ij
nyfx t
 (5)
where the dot notation in denotes the distribution
i conditional upon everything else in the model. The
f refers to the logarithm of the prior
distribution for
i and this is specified to be a multivariate
normal distribution with mean vector θ and variance
-covariance matrix
. The term ),|(log
refers to
the log-likelihood of the jth observation fo r subject i under
the model, and the concentration yij was assumed to fol-
low a normal distribution with mean ), ij
-1. Since we do not have a closed form for xij
from Eq.1, the numerical solution xij has to be obtained
from Eq.1 by fixing all the conditioning parameters so
that the Gibbs sampler can generate a new value, say
from the full conditional distribution (Eq.5) given the
initial values to each unknown parameters
(0), and
(0). After n such iterations, the algorithm yields a joint
i(n), which can be used for statistical inference in
WBDiff. The full conditional distributions for the other
model par ame ters can be co nstru cted i n a si mi lar m anner.
2.2. Population Analysis on Glucose-Insulin
Minimal Model
In this section, Bayesian analysis in combination with
population mixed-effects modeling was used to simulta-
neously estimate the four population and individual
metabolic indices: insulin sensitivity (SI), glucose effec-
tiveness (SG) and pancreatic responsiveness (
1 and
based on the integrated glucose-insulin minimal model
Y. Wang et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 188-194
Copyright © 2010 SciRes Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
using data collected during the insulin-modified intra-
venous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT).
2.2.1. Bergman’s Modified Minimal Model
In an IVGTT study a dose of glucose was administered
intravenously over a 60 seconds period to overnight-
fasted subjects, 20 min after the glucose bolus, insulin
was injected over 1-2 min either into the portal vein or
into the femoral vein, and subsequently the glucose and
insulin concentrations in plasma were frequently sampled
(usually 30 ti mes) over a period of 180 minutes. Pr ofiles
of the 10 patients are displayed in Figure 1 [10].
Based on Figure 1, the intravenous glucose dose im-
mediately elevates the glucose concentration in the
plasma forcing the pancreatic β-cells to secrete insulin.
The insulin in the plasma is hereby increased, and the
glucose uptake in muscles, liver and tissue is raised by the
remote insulin in action. This lowers the glucose con-
centration in plasma, implying the β-cells to secrete less
insulin, from which a feedback effect arises [16]. The
integrate d gluc ose-ins ulin sy stem can be des cribe d by t he
following non-linearly coupled system of differential
equations, but this approach is not exactly the same model
as used in [17]. Here I1 is introduced to account for the
injection of insulin at t1 after the glucose bolus during the
01 1
/( )(( )),(0)0,
dGdtpG tGXt GtGG
dXdtp XtpItIX
dIdtn ItIG thtIIItI
 
  
 
where t=0 is the glucose injection time, + denotes posi-
tive reflection, namely,
() ,(),
(() )
0, .
Gt hGth
Gt h
and the model parameters are as explained in [13].
2.2.2. Bayesian Analysis of Bergman’s Modified
Minimal Model Using WBDiff
A Bayesian framework for modeling the time-varying
glucose and insulin profiles during the IVGTT and in-
ter-individual variability requires a three-stage hierar-
chical model. At the first stage, glucose values G(tj,θi)
and insulin values I(tj,θi) in subject i at time tj were ob-
tained as the solutions to Eq.6. The model we consider
assumes Gij = G(tj,θi) + εij1 and Iij = I(tj,θi) + εij2, where
εijk is a mean zero norm ally and independently distributed
error term. An additional assumption about within-
subject errors will be forthcoming in due course. Stacking
the two response variables Gij and Iij into a single re-
sponse vector, an indicator variable for the two res po nses
can be used to construct the model function. By combin-
ing G() and I(), we obtain
(, ),
where (,),
ijij ij
YGI(, ),1
(, )
(, ),2
Gt k
It k
θi is a vector of parameters of this model
for subject i denoted by
(, ).
ij ij
1230 011
(,, ,,,,,,,).
iiiiiiiiii i
pppGn hItI
Here it is further assumed that the time when insulin
injection occurs after glucose injection at time zero is also
an unknown parameter denoted as t1 which must be es-
timated. To account for correlation between the two re-
sponse variables m easured on the sam e occasion, we m ay
assume the elements of εij are correlated, with vari-
ance-covariance matrix τ-1
2. Here for simplicity it is
assumed that
2=I2, since the intent in this paper is to
introduce the random effects to account for in-
ter-individual variability rather than define a vari-
ance-covariance structure for random errors to address
intra-individual variability. However, the variance func-
tion fk2(tj,
) and the weight wj are specified for hetero-
geneous within-subject error (εijk) variance for two rea-
sons: 1) the glucose and insulin concentration points
before 8 minu tes can then be zero-weighted to account for
the time taken by the injected glucose to diffuse in its
distribution space, which can be ac hieved by setting wj=0
at any tim e points bef ore 8 minutes and wj=1 for others; 2)
it is commonly recognized that intra-subject variation of
this kind tends to increase with plasma concentration
level. That is, the higher the concentration level, the lar-
ger the variation so that less weight should be assigned.
Thus, we assume the following covariance matrix for the
within-subject errors εijk.
(,) 0
|~ 0,
 
The second stage is characterized by making assump-
tions about individual parameters. In particular, it was
assumed that the individual parameters were drawn from
a multivariate log-normal distribution guaranteeing non-
negativity of parameters
1230 0111010
(,,,,,,,,, )~(,),
iiiiiiiii ix
pppGnh ItILnormal
is an unknown population mean vector and
is an unknown covariance matrix. At the third stage, prior
distributions for population parameters
, and τ were
specified. These prior distributions were vague repre-
senting a ‘lack’ of prior knowledge with:
Y. Wang et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 188-194
Copyright © 2010 SciRes http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/Openly accessible at
Figur e 1. Individual glucose and insulin profiles for 10 patients.
was the mean for
derived from nonl inear wei ghted least
squares minimization on
~[,10NormalI ],
~[10,0.01Wishart I
(0.001,0.001), ],
where })),(()),({( 2
 
ˆ(3.5, 4.6, 10,1.35, 5.8,4.4,5.6,5.9,5.8,3)T
 
Y. Wang et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 188-194
Copyright © 2010 SciRes Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
In order to allow the experimental data to drive the esti-
mation process, the above prior distributions specified
virtually ‘flat’ distributions, i.e. they indicated that all
values occurred with nearly the same probability, al-
though informative prior distributions could be used as
there is a wealth of information about parameters of the
minimal model in v arious populations. A general discus-
sion about the form of vague prior distribution can be
found in [18]. Note that the priors specified above im-
plements the common assumption that population pa-
rameters are not correlated, but allows the posterior es-
timates to demonstrate correlation.
For the calculations, we employed WBDiff which in-
corporates the numerical solution of ODEs into the
W inBUGS program. The W inBUGS program adopted the
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to calculate a single chain
with 15,000 samples, from which the first 5,000 samples
were discarded and the remaining 10,000 samples were
used in a further analysis. The Bayesian analysis provided
the following population parameter estimates and the
posterior distr ibution of the parameters
in log scale,
and τ summarized by the median, the mean and the 95%
credible interval respectively presented in Table 1.
The chain history was stable, showing the classic
“fuzzy caterpillar” shape, with minimal evidence of auto-
correlation in the samples generated from the posterior
distribution. After observing the fitted plots (Figure 2),
the fitted model sufficiently explained the kinetics of glu-
cose and insulin, since the observed and predicted values
matched reasonably well except for several observations
ignored since during the first eight minutes after injection,
at the early time points. Those early data points were the
pattern of plasma gluc ose and i nsulin is dominated by ex-
tra cellular mixing. The estimates of the fixed-effects
parameters were also satisfactory with an acceptable
precision (range of coefficient of variation 1.29-8.78%)
and within the normal range. For example, the time at
which the insulin is injected should be between 20 and
22min, and our estimate t1 is exp(3.031)=20.72min. It was
also possible to determine the individual estimates of
paramete rs by examining the behavi o r o f
Table 1. Bayesian parameter estimates and 95% credible intervals.
Node Mean SD MC error 2.50% Median 97.50% Sample
p1 -3.714 0.185 0.016 -4.095 -3.693 -3.399 10000
p2 -5.096 0.448 0.043 -5.878 -5.081 -4.315 10000
p3 -12.24 0.171 0.015 -12.53 -12.26 -11.87 10000
n -2.026 0.102 0.007 -2.244 -2.021 -1.837 10000
γ -7.08 0.166 0.013 -7.427 -7.071 -6.778 10000
h 4.264 0.07 0.003 4.138 4.26 4.413 10000
G0 5.529 0.072 0.003 5.389 5.53 5.672 10000
I0 4.804 0.109 0.007 4.574 4.808 5.01 10000
I1 4.958 0.108 0.006 4.743 4.961 5.162 10000
t1 3.031 0.059 0.002 2.906 3.033 3.141 10000
σp12 0.211 0.177 0.008 0.05 0.164 0.65 10000
σp22 0.136 0.117 0.006 0.027 0.104 0.439 10000
σp32 0.241 0.322 0.022 0.026 0.124 1.132 10000
σn2 0.067 0.079 0.005 0.008 0.044 0.28 10000
σγ2 0.03 0.036 0.002 0.002 0.02 0.117 10000
σh2 0.012 0.015 0.001 0.001 0.007 0.051 10000
σG02 0.089 0.082 0.003 0.017 0.067 0.295 10000
σI02 0.059 0.045 0.002 0.013 0.047 0.177 10000
σI12 0.297 0.262 0.015 0.068 0.22 0.981 10000
σt12 0.867 0.907 0.054 0.131 0.615 3.137 10000
τ-1 0.018 0.001 0 0.015 0.018 0.02 10000
Y. Wang et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 188-194
Copyright © 2010 SciRes Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Figure 2. Model fit plots between predicted (Pred) and observ ed
(Obs) concentrations under WBDiff. The upper plot describes
the fit of glucose kinetics and the lower plot described the fit of
insulin kinetics.
1230 011
(,,,,,,,,, )
pppGn hItI
for each subject i. It was also possible to calculate the
group and individual profiles based on the above pa-
rameter estimates. Specifically, the population charac-
teristics of the minimal model for the data set used here
were: Insulin sensitivity:
SI=p3/p2=exp(-12.24)/exp(-5.096) =7.9x10-4;
Glucose effectiveness: SG=p1=2.44x10-2; Pancreatic
2=γx104=8.42 where
1 can be calcu-
lated for each subject.
With the traditional minimal model, the kinetic parame-
ters of the two components, glucose and insulin, are es-
timated separately using weighted nonlinear least squares
within each c omponent. In thi s work, the two com ponents
are combined to obtain a unified, integrated glucose-
insulin system so that four metabolic indices: SI, SG,
2, which represent an integrated metabolic portrait
of a single individual, can be estimated simultaneously
during the insulin-modified IVGTT. The integrated
analysis can be directly applied to the protocols without
insulin m odificat ion. Unde r insul in-m odifie d IVGT T, not
only the glucose kinetics but also the insulin kinetics can
be fitted in a satisfactory way based on the Bayesian
hierarchical analysis by introducing I1 and t1 in the
minimal model and estimating them together with other
model parameters. This approach constitutes an attractive
option for minimal model analyses, since in most of the
literature, the converse model of pancreatic secretion
cannot be fitted to the observed data with the use of
pharmacologic agents, resulting in the focus of most
previous wor k on the glucose ki netics regarding insulin as
the input to the system [10,13,15].
In addition, it is important to note that the non-
Bayesian population an alysis with the required lin eariza-
tion approximation cannot be applied to the insulin sys-
tem alone and glucose-insulin kinetics in the proper way,
since linearization itself restricts its application with th is
particular PK/PD model. In the minimal model Eq.6,
max(G(t)-h,0) is not differentiable with respect to h at the
time points when G(t)=h. In order to make the integrand
function ()
well defined, the non-differentiable
points must be specified as intermediate points, and then
must be defined over the subintervals with
non-differentiable points as endpoints, so that the nu-
merical solution of
can be solved from ‘ode’
module. But, the question remains as to where the
non-differentiable time points are located in addition to
the fact that for different subjects they do not necessarily
coincide and may vary from iteration to iteration due to
the change of the estim ate of h during optimization. These
appear to be serious problems that cannot be overcome
when using a non-Bayesian approach with the required
linearization. Another potential limitation of linearization
is revealed when nonlinearity curvature in the parameter
effects is se vere due to the com plexity of Eq.6. One naive
approach is to solve the problem with non-differentiable
sensitivity by replacing max(G(t)-h,0) by G(t)-h in the
minimal model equations. We fitted this modified model
to the data, however, not too many improvements have
been obtained when compared with non-Bayesian me-
thod applied to Eq.6. In fact, it is sensible to specify
max(G(t)-h,0) in Eq.6, since insulin enters the plasma
with zero rate when glucose in plasma is below the
threshold amount.
Overall, for the glucose-insulin minimal model, the
Bayesian approach appears to be the preferred since the
algorithm behind the Bayesian app roach is applicable and
effective to the structure of minimal model, and sensi-
tivities are not needed in the estimation process as with
the non-Bayesian approach. Another advantage of Bay-
esian analysis is that individual estimates of model pa-
rameters can be simultaneously calculated under the
Y. Wang et al. / HEALTH 2 (2010) 188-194
Copyright © 2010 SciRes Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Bayesian process. Therefore, Bayesian appro ach should
be considered as an additional tool for data a nalysis, since
it enables the analysis of systems of ODEs by nonlinear
mixed-effects modeling and provide precise parameter
estimates, make them useful tools for population PK/PD
analysis of complicated systems of ODEs with and with-
out an explicit form solution.
We gratefully acknowledge support from the Claude Pepper Center
Grants AG08808 and AG024824 from the National Institute of Aging.
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