American Journal of Industrial and Business Management
Vol.3 No.2(2013), Article ID:30244,8 pages DOI:10.4236/ajibm.2013.32029
Sufficient Fritz John Type Optimality Criteria and Duality for Control Problems
Department of Mathematics, Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna, India.
Copyright © 2013 Iqbal Husain, Santosh K. Srivastav. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Received December 17th, 2012; revised January 18th, 2013; accepted February 18th, 2013
Keywords: Sufficient Optimality Criteria; Control Problem; Fritz John Type Dual; Nonlinear Programming Problem; Generalized Convexity
Sufficient Fritz John optimality conditions are obtained for a control problem in which objective functional is pseudoconvex and constraint functions are quasiconvex or semi-strictly quasiconvex. A dual to the control problem is formulated using Fritz John type optimality criteria instead of Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality criteria and hence does not require a regularity condition. Various duality results amongst the control problem and its proposed dual are validated under suitable generalized convexity requirements. The relationship of our duality results to those of a nonlinear programming problem is also briefly outlined.
1. Introduction
Optimal control models represent a variety of common situations, notably, advertising investment, production and inventory, epidemic, control of a rocket, etc. The optimal planning of a river system which is an invincible resource of nature, where it is needed to make the best use of the water, can also be modelled as an optimal control problem. Optimal control models are also potentially applicable to economic planning and to the world models of the “Limits to Growth” kind in general.
Optimality criteria for any optimization problem are of great significance and lay the foundation of the concept of duality. Fritz John optimality criteria for a control problem were first derived by Berkovitz [1]. Subsequently Mond and Hanson [2], who first investigated duality in optimal control pointed out that from Fritz John optimal criteria, Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality criteria can be deduced if normality of the solution of a control problem which replaces a regularity conditions is assumed. Later, treating a nondifferentiable control problem as a nondifferentiable mathematical programming problem in an infinite-dimensional space, Chandra et al. [3], obtained Fritz John as well as Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality criteria.
For a nondifferentiable control problem Using KarushKuhn-Tucker optimality criteria, they formulated Wolfe type dual and derived usual duality results under appropriate convexity assumptions.
In this research exposition, sufficient Fritz John criteria are derived for a differentiable control problem in which objective functional is pseudoconvex and constraint functions are quasiconvex or semi-strictly pseudoconvex. A number of duality results are proved for relating the solution of the control problem with that of its proposed dual under suitable generalized convexity requirements. The relationship of our duality results to those of a nonlinear programming problem is indicated.
2. Control Problem and Related Preliminaries
Letdenotes a n-dimensional Euclidean space,
be a real interval and
be a continuously differentiable with respect to each of its arguments. For the function
is differentiable with its derivative
is the smooth function, denote the partial derivatives of
, where
For m-dimensional vector function the gredient with respect to
a matrix of first order derivatives.
Here is the control variable and
is the state variable,
is related to
via the state equation
. Gradients with respect to
are defined analogously.
A control problem is to transfer the state vector from an initial state to a final state
so as to minimize a functional, subject to constraints on the control and state variables.
A control problem can be stated formally as(CP): subject to
1) is as before,
are continuously differentiable functions with respect to each of its arguments.
2) X is the space of continuously differentiable state functions such that
equipped with the norm
, and
is the space of piecewise continuous control functions
has the uniform norm
and 3) The differential Equation (2) for
with the initial conditions expressed as
may be written as
where the map
being the space of continuous functions from
, defined by
Following Craven [4], the control problem can be expressed as(ECP): subject to
where is function from
given by
, and
is the convex cone of functions in
whose components are non-negative; thus
has interior points.
Necessary optimality conditions for existence of extermal solution for a variational problem subject to both equality and inequality constraints were given by valentine [5]. Invoking Valentine’s [5] results, Berkovitz [1] obtained corresponding necessary optimality criteria for the above control problem (CP). Here we state the Fritz John type optimality conditions derived by Chandra et al. [3] in of the following proposition which will be required in the sequel.
Proposition 1
(Necessary Optimality Conditions)
If an optimal solution of (CP) and the Frechet derivatives
is surjective, then there exist Lagrange multipliers
, and piecewise smooth functions
satisfying, for all
The above conditions will become Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions if. Therefore, if we assume that the optimal solutions
is normal, then without any loss of generality, we can set
. Thus from the above we have the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker type optimality conditions
Using these optimality conditions, Mond and Hanson [2] constructed following Wolfe type dual.
(CD): subject to
In [6], [CP] and (CD) are shown to from a dual pair if,
are all convex in
. Subsequently, Mond and Smart [6] extended this duality under generalized invexity.
As a follows up, Husain et al. [7] formulated the following dual (CD) to the primal problem (CP) in the spirit of Mond and Weir [8].
(CD): Maximize
subject to
They proved sufficiency of the optimality criteria and duality for the pair of dual problems (CP) and (CD) under pseudoinvexity of and quasi-invexity of
3. Sufficiency of Fritz Type Optimality Criteria
Before proceeding to the main results of this section, we formulate the following definitions which will be required in the forthcoming analysis:
Definitions: 1) For the functional
is said to be strict pseudoconvex, if all
2) the functional
is semistrictly pseudoconvex if
is strictly pseudoconvex for all
If and
are independent of t and u then the above definitions reduce to those of [6].
Theorem 1 (Sufficiency): If is pseudoconvex,
is semi-strictly pseudoconvex and
is quasiconvex, and if there exist
and piecewise smooth
such that from (4)-(8) are satisfied, then
is an optimal solution of (CP).
Proof: Suppose that is not optimal for (CP) i.e. there exist
such that
This, by pseudoconvexity of implies
with strict inequality in (9) if.
Feasibility of for (CP) together with (6) implies,
which by semi-strict pseudoconvexity of implies
with strict inequality in (10) if some
This, in view of quasiconvexity of yields
(By integrating by parts)
(Using (1))
Combining (9)-(11), we have
This contradicts (4) and (5). Hence is an optimal solution of (CP).
4. Fritz Type Duality
The following is the Fritz john type dual to the problem (CP):
subject to
Theorem 2 (Weak Duality): Assume that
(A1) satisfies is feasible for (CP) and
is feasible for (FrCD).
(A2): is pseudo-convex,
is semi-strictly pseudo-convex and
is quasi-convex.
Proof: Suppose
This, because of pseudo-convexity of yields
with strict inequality in the above with. From the constraints of (CP) and (FrCD), we have
which by semi-strictly pseudo-convexity of
with strict inequality with,
Also, we have
Using quasi-convexity of in the above, we have
which as earlier becomes
Combining (19)-(21), we have
From (13) and (14), we get
The relation (22) and (23) are in contradiction, thus
Theorem 3 (Strong Duality): Ifis an optimal solution of (CP), then there exist
and piecewise smooth
such that
is feasible for (FrCD) and objective values are equal. If hypotheses of Theorem 2 hold, then
is an optimal solution of (FrCD).
Proof: Sinceis an optimal solution of (CP) by Proposition 1, there exist
, piecewise smooth
such that
The relation (26) implies
and the relation (28) along gives
The relation (24), (25), (29)-(32), yields the feasibility of for (FrCD). Equality of objective functionals of (CP) and (FrCD) is obvious from their formulations.
Consequently the optimality for (FrCD) follows, given the pseudo-convexity of thesemi-strict pseudoconvexity of
and quasi-convexity of
by Theorem 2.
Theorem 4 (Strict-Converse duality): Assume that
(A1): is strictly pseudo-convex,
is semi-strictly pseudo-convex and
is quasi-convex.
(A2): is an optimal solution of (CP) and
(A3): is an optimal solution of (FrCD).
Then is an optimal solution of (CP) with
Proof: we suppose and exhibit a contradiction. Since
is an optimal solution of (CP) by theorem (Strong Duality) that there exist
and piecewise smooth
and piecewise smooth
such that
is also an optimal solution for (FrCD), it follows that
By strict pseudo-convexity of gives, this implies
and multiplying the above by
with strict inequality if From the constraints of (CP) and (FrCD), we have
By semi-strict pseudoconvexity ofand from (34), we have
with strict inequality in the above if,
By quasi-convexity of and from (35), we get
As earlier, this reduces to
combining (33), (36), and (37), we have
This contradicts the feasibility of for (FrCD), hence
is an optimal solution of (CP) and
Theorem 5 (Converse duality): Let be an optimal solution of (FrCD), Assume
(A1) is pseudo-convex,
is semi-strictly pseudo-convex and
is quasiconvex.
(A2) The set or
is linearly independent.
(A3) for some column vector
and where
and (A4)
Then is optimal for (CP).
Proof: By Proposition 1, there exist
piecewise smooth
such that
Multiplying (41) by and integrating, and then using (43) and (46), we have
which can be written as
Multiplying (42) byand then integrating we get
using (44), this yields
(by integrating by parts)
which in view of (A4), implies
This can be written as
Using (13) in (38) and (14) in (39), we have
These can be combined as
Pre-multiplying this by and then integrating we have
Using (49) and (50) , this implies
which in view of (A2) implies
In view of (A3), the equality constraint implies Consequently, we have
Using (52), along with, we have
This, in view of (A3),
If (53), implies
. Thus
Hence and consequently
From (41) and (42), we have
These relations yield the feasibility of for (CP) and objective functionals of (CP) and (FrCD) are equal there. Hence under the stated convexity hypotheses, by Theorem 2,
is an optimal solution of (CP).
5. Mathematical Programming Problems
If the problems (CP) and (FrCD) are independent of t and x, these problems reduce to essentially to the static cases of nonlinear programming problem. Letting, the problems (CP) and (FrCD) become the pair of dual nonlinear programming problems formulated by Husain and Srivastav [9].
(CD0): Minimize
subject to
(FrCD): Maximize
subject to
whereis pseudoconvex,
is semi-strictly pseudoconvex and
is quasi-convex. If only inequality constraint in (CD0) is given, then (CP0) and (FrCD0) become a pair of dual the nonlinear programming problems considered by Weir and Mond [10].
6. Conclusion
In this paper, sufficient optimality conditions are derived for a control problem which appears in various real life situations under generalized convexity assumptions. In order to formulate the dual to this control problem, Fritz John optimality conditions are used instead of KarushKuhn-Tucker optimality condition and hence the requirement of regularity condition is eliminated. Various duality results are obtained and the linkage of our duality results to those of a nonlinear programming problem is indicated. Our results can be seen in the setting of multiobjective control problems.
7. Acknowledgements
The authors acknowledge anonymous referees for their valuable comments which have improved the presentation of this research paper.
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