Y. SHEN et al. / Natural Science 2 (2010) 115-119
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. OPEN ACCESS
technological conditions, we found the production rate
of alcohol were 21.7%, 21.4%, 21.5% respectively, and
the average was 21.5%.
1) Canna edulis Kerl is a non-alimentarn crop. The ad-
vantages of fuel ethanol produced by Canna edulis Kerl
were raising the utilization rate of resources, reducing
the pollution of the environment, lower manufacturing
Cost and higher productivity. The fuel ethanol produced
from Canna edulis Kerl can not only solve the problem
of food security, but also promote the development of
fuel alcohol industry in china.
2) We have known that α-amylase amount, glucoa-
mylase amount, pH, nitrogen and auxiliary materials can
influence clear liquid fermentation for ethanol produc-
tion from Canna edulis Kerl. Then optimizing four fac-
tors by the orthogonal test .The best process conditions
areα-amylase amount 7u/g C.edulis, glucoamylase
amount 145u/g C.edulis, pH 4.4, the amount of urea
0.08% and 1% of rice bran. The production rate of alco-
hol was 21.5% which increased by 1.3% than the pro-
duction rate of alcohol by the single-factor test.
3) We are researching the best conditions of clear liq-
uid fermentation for ethanol production from Canna
edulis Kerl. These investigations laid a good foundation
for reducing the cost of alcohol production, comprehen-
sive utilization of Resources and efficient, saving, unde-
filed technics of alcohol production. So clear liquid fer-
mentation for ethanol Production from Canna edulis
Kerl was an epoch-making event in the realm of indus-
trial alcohol.
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