J. Software Engineering & Applications, 2010, 3: 91-97
doi:10.4236/jsea.2010.31011 Published Online January 2010 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jsea)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSEA
Makespan Algorithms and Heuristic for
Internet-Based Collaborative Manufacturing
Process Using Bottleneck Approach
Salleh Ahmad BAREDUAN, Sulaiman HASAN
Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia.
Email: saleh@uthm.edu.my
Received August 20th, 2009; revised September 15th, 2009; accepted November 12th, 2009.
This paper presents makespan algorithms and scheduling heuristic for an Internet-based collaborative design and
manufacturing process using bottleneck approach. The collaborative manufacturing process resembles a permutation
re-entrant flow shop environment with four machines executing the process routing of M1,M2,M3,M4,M3,M4 in which
the combination of the last three processes of M4,M3,M4 has high tendency of exhibiting dominant machine character-
istic. It was shown that using bottleneck-based analysis, effective makespan algorithms and constructive heuristic can
be developed to solve for near-optimal scheduling sequence. At strong machine dominance level and medium to large
job numbers, this heuristic shows better makespan performance compared to the NEH.
Keywords: Heuristic, Re-Entrant Flow Shop, Bottleneck, Scheduling, Dominant Machine
1. Introduction
Flow shop manufacturing is a very common production
system in many manufacturing facilities, assembly lines
and industrial processes. In this environment, the opera-
tions of all jobs must follow the same order following the
same route along the machines assumed to be set up in
series [1]. It is known that finding an optimal solution for
a flow shop scheduling problem is a difficult task [2] and
even a basic problem involving three machines is already
NP-hard [1]. Therefore, many researchers have concen-
trated their efforts on finding near optimal solutions
within acceptable computation time using heuristics.
Most heuristics are developed by the researchers after
gaining familiarity and in-depth understanding of the
system’s characteristic or behaviour.
One of the important subclass of flow shop which is
quite prominent in industries is re-entrant flow shop. The
special feature of a re-entrant flow shop compared to
ordinary flow shop is that the job routing may return one
or more times to any facility. A group of researchers de-
veloped a cyclic scheduling method that takes advantage
of the flow character of the re-entrant process [3]. This
work illustrated a re-entrant flow shop model of a semi-
conductor wafer manufacturing process and developed a
heuristic algorithm to minimize average throughput time
using cyclic scheduling method at specified production
rate. The branch and bound technique was utilized in [4,5]
while the decomposition technique in solving maximum
lateness problem for re-entrant flow shop with sequence
dependent setup times was suggested in [6]. Mixed inte-
ger heuristic algorithms was later on elaborated in [7] for
minimizing the makespan of a permutation flow shop
scheduling problem. Significant works on re-entrant hy-
brid flow shop can be found in [8] while hybrid algo-
rithms which combine a few well known techniques was
reported in [9–11].
In scheduling literature, there are a number of studies
conducted using the bottleneck approach in solving shop
scheduling problem. This includes shifting bottleneck
heuristic [12] and bottleneck minimal idleness heuristic
[13,14].Other related studies are the dispatching rule
heuristic for proportionate flow shop [15] and flow shops
with deteriorating jobs on no-idle dominant machine [16].
However, not much progress is reported on bottleneck
approach in solving re-entrant flow shop problem.
Among the few researches are [6] who developed a spe-
cific version of shifting bottleneck heuristic to solve the
re-entrant flow shop sequence problem.
In this paper we explored and investigated an Inter-
net-based collaborative design and manufacturing proc-
ess scheduling which resembles a four machine permuta-
Makespan Algorithms and Heuristic for Internet-Based Collaborative Manufacturing Process Using Bottleneck Approach
tion re-entrant flow shop. The study develops a makes-
pan minimization heuristic using bottleneck approach
known as Bottleneck Adjacent Matching 2 (BAM2) heu-
ristic. This procedure is specifically intended for the cy-
ber manufacturing centre (CMC) at Universiti Tun Hus-
sein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) that allows the university to
share the sophisticated and advanced machinery and
software available at the university with the small and
medium enterprises (SMEs) using Internet technology
[17]. The remainder of the paper is organised as follows:
In the next section, the CMC operations are described
and followed by discussions on alternative makespan
computation using bottleneck approach. The later sec-
tions explain the proposed heuristic. The two final sec-
tions evaluate the heuristic performance, summarize the
findings and present some future heuristic development.
2. Cyber Manufacturing Centre
UTHM has recently developed a web-based system that
allows the university to share the sophisticated and ad-
vanced machinery and software available at the univer-
sity with the SMEs using Internet technology [17]. The
heart of the system is the cyber manufacturing centre
(CMC) which consists of an advanced computer numeri-
cal control (CNC) machining centre fully equipped with
cyber manufacturing system software that includes com-
puter aided design and computer aided manufacturing
(CAD/CAM) system, scheduling system, tool manage-
ment system and machine monitoring system.
The Petri net (PN) model that describes a typical de-
sign and manufacturing activities at the CMC is shown in
Figure 1. The places denoted by P22, P23, P24 and P25
in Figure 1 are the resources utilized at the CMC. These
resources are the CAD system, CAM system, CNC post-
processor and CNC machine centre respectively. At the
CMC, all jobs must go through all processes following
the sequence represented in the PN model. This flow
pattern is very much similar with flow shop manufactur-
ing [1]. However, it can be noticed from the PN model
that there are a few processes that share common re-
sources. The process of generating CNC program for
prototyping (T3) and the process of generating CNC
program for customer (T5) are executed on the same
CNC postprocessor (P24). Similarly, the processes of
prototype machining (T4) and parts machining (T6) are
executed on the same CNC machine centre. Thus, this
process flow is considered as a re-entrant flow shop as
described in [3]. It can also be noticed that both shared
resources (P24 and P25) must completely finish the
processing of a particular job at T5 and T6 before start-
ing to process any new job at T3 and T4. In other words,
this problem can be also identified as four machine per-
mutation re-entrant flow shop with the processing route
of M1,M2,M3,M4,M3,M4. One important characteristic
observed at the CMC is that the processing time at the
CNC machine centre or the M4 is always the longest.
This means the M4 always shows dominant machine
characteristic. Due to the re-entrant nature of the CMC
process, the M4 dominant characteristic is identified as
M4 + M3 + M4 or also recognized as P4 + P5 + P6 espe-
cially when the processing time is used in the discussion.
It was also found out from the CMC operations data that
the number of jobs at the CMC is ranged from minimum
of 6 to maximum of 20.
3. Alternative Makespan Computation Using
Bottleneck Approach
Referring to Figure 1, the permutation scheduling algo-
rithm for the CMC can be written as the followings and
is identified as Algorithm 1 [18]:
Algorithm 1
Let i = Transition number, process number or work cen-
tre number (i=1,2,3,…6)
j = Job number (j=1,2,3,…n)
Start (i,j) = start time of the jth job at ith work centre.
Stop (i,j) = stop time of the jth job at ith work centre.
P(i,j) = processing time of the jth job at ith work
For i=1,2,5,6 and j=1,2,3,…n
Start (i,j) = Max [Stop (i,j-1), Stop (i-1,j)] except Start
(1,1) = initial starting time
Figure 1. Petri net model of CMC activities
P1P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
P22 P23
P24 P25
CAD design, virtual
Generate CNC
for prototype
Generate CNC
for customer
meeting, design
CAD system
CNC postprocessor
CAM system
CNC machine
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSEA
Makespan Algorithms and Heuristic for Internet-Based Collaborative Manufacturing Process Using Bottleneck Approach 93
Resource Time
M1 P11 P12 P13 P14
VP23 P24
31 P
51 P32 P52 P33 P53 P34 P54
41 P
61 P42 P62 P43 P63 P44 P64
Figure 2. Example schedule focusing on M4
Stop (i,j) = Start (i,j) + P (i,j)
For i =3,4 and j=1,2,3,…n
Start (i,j) = Max [Stop (i,j-1), Stop (i-1,j), Stop (i+2,j-1)]
Stop (i,j) = Start (i,j) + P(i,j)
The makespan for the CMC is computed using Algo-
rithm 1 by determining the completion time of the last
task belongs to the last job or Stop (6,n). The example
schedule for the CMC can also be observed by focusing
on the M4 as the dominant machine and this is shown in
Figure 2.
The makespan for the example in Figure 2 is computed
as the following:
Cmax=+ 1)
(,1)(, )
PiPi j
P4BCF = P4 Bottleneck Correction Factor
= (Gap between P61 and P42) + (Gap between P62 and
P43) + (Gap between P63 and P44)
= Max[0, P32-P61, (VP21+P22+P32) - (P21+P31+P41+
+ Max[0, P33-P62, (VP21+VP22+P23+P33) - (P21+
P31+P41+P51+P61) - (P42+P52+P62)]
+ Max[0, P34-P63, (VP21+VP22+VP23+P24+P34) -
- (P42+P52+P62+ P43+P53+P63)]
The generalised equation for P4BCF is described as
For j=2, P4BCF(j) = Max
0,(3, )(6,1),(, )(2,1)(.1)
PjPjPi jVPjPi
 
For j=3,4..n, P4BCF(j)
= Max
21 242
0,(3,)(6,1),( ,)(2,)(.1)( ,)
ik iik
PjPjPi jVPkPiPik
 
 
VP = Virtual processing
For j = 1, VP(2,1) = Max [P(2,1), P(1,2)]
For j = 2,3…n-1,
(2, )(2,),(1,)(2,)
axVP kPjPkVP k
Virtual processing (VP) time is an imaginary process-
ing time that assumes the starting time of any work
process (WP) must begin immediately after the comple-
tion of the previous imaginary WP at the same work cen-
tre (WC). For the example in Figure 2, consider a job X
starting on WC 2 (P22) and at the same time a job Y
starts at WC 1 (P13). If the completion time of job X on
WC 2 is earlier than the completion time of job Y at WC
1, under the imaginary concept, the VP of job X at WC 2
is extended from its actual processing time to match the
completion time of job Y at WC 1. This means the VP of
job X at WC 2 (or VP22) is equivalent to the processing
time of job Y at WC 1 since the process at WC 2 for job
Y can only be started immediately after the completion
of Job Y at WC 1 regardless of the earlier completion
time of job X at WC 2.
The accuracy of Equation (1) was tested with a total of
10,000 simulations conducted using random data of be-
tween 1 to 80 hours for each of P( 1, j ), P( 2, j ), P( 3,
j ), P( 4, j ), P( 5, j ) and P( 6, j) with six job sequence for
each simulations. The simulations were coded in VBA
for Microsoft Excel. Each set of random data obtained
was also tested with a total of 720 different sequences
that resembles the sequence arrangement of ABCDEF,
ABCDFE, ABCEDF etc. The makespan from (1) were
compared with makespan from Algorithm 1. The result
of the simulation shows that 100% of the makespan val-
ues for both methods are the same. This indicates the
accuracy of (1) in computing the makespan of the 6 job
CMC operations scheduling. Equation (1) was also tested
for computing the makespan for 10-job and 20-job CMC
scheduling. All results indicate that (1) produces accurate
makespan result.
4. Bottleneck Adjacent Matching 2 (BAM2)
The Bottleneck Adjacent Matching 2 (BAM2) heuristic,
which is thoroughly illustrated in this section, exploits
the bottleneck limiting characteristics of the CMC proc-
ess scheduling. The BAM2 heuristic will generate a
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSEA
Makespan Algorithms and Heuristic for Internet-Based Collaborative Manufacturing Process Using Bottleneck Approach
schedule which selects a job based on the best matching
index to the previous job bottleneck processing time,
which is the P4 + P5 + P6 (or P456) of the previous job.
Ultimately, this minimizes the discontinuity time be-
tween the bottleneck machines and thus produces
near-optimal schedule arrangement. The procedures to
implement the BAM2 heuristic to the CMC scheduling
are as the followings:
Step 1:
Select the job with the smallest value of P(1,j) + P(2,j)
+ P(3,j) as the first job. If more than one job are having
the same smallest value of P(1,j) + P(2,j) + P(3,j), select
the first job found to have the smallest P(1,j) + P(2,j) +
P(3,j) value.
This step is in accordance with (1), which indicated that
minimum makespan can be achieved by assigning small-
est P(1,j) + P(2,j) + P(3,j) as first job.
Step 2:
Compute the BAM2 index for the potential second job
selection by testing each of the remaining jobs as the
second job. The BAM2 indexes are derived from the
P4BCF algorithm as in (2) and (3) and are computed as
the followings:
For j =2, BAM2 index=
Max (5)
(3, )(6,1),(,)(2,1)(.1)
PjPjPi jVPjPi
 
For j = 3,4,..n, BAM2 index= Max
21 242
(3,)(6,1),( ,)(2,)(.1)( ,)
ik iik
PjPjPi jVPkPiPik
 
where j = remaining jobs to be selected one after the
j-1 = the immediate preceding job that has been assigned
The value of VP is computed using (4).
Step 3:
Select the job that has zero BAM2 index. If no zero
BAM2 index is available, select the job that has the larg-
est negative BAM2 index (negative BAM1 index closest
to zero). If no negative BAM2 index is available, select
the job with the smallest positive BAM2 index. Assign
this job for the current job scheduling. If more than one
job have the same best index value, select the first job
found to have the best index value from the jobs list.
Step 4:
Compute the BAM2 index for job scheduling assign-
ment number 3, 4….n-1 one after the other using algo-
rithm at Step 2 and select the best job allocation using
Step 3. Assign the last remaining job as the last job.
Step 5:
Compute the makespan of the completed job schedul-
ing sequence using (1).
Step 6:
For the first completed schedule only, use the bottle-
neck scheduling performance 2 (BSP2) index to evaluate
the schedule performance. This index is computed as the
BSP2 index = + (7)
Excluding the first job in the completed schedule,
identify other jobs which have the value of
less than the BSP2 index. Assign these jobs one after the
other as the first job and repeat Step 2 to Step 5.
(, )
Pi j
Step 7:
From the completed schedule arrangement list, select
the schedule that produces the minimum makespan as the
BAM2 heuristic solution.
5. BAM2 Heuristic Performance Evaluation
This section discusses the BAM2 heuristic performance
evaluation under a few selected operating conditions.
Since the P456 dominance level is the major characteris-
tic being considered in developing the BAM2 heuristic, it
is appropriate to test the performance of this heuristic
under various groups of dominance level values. The
dominance level is measured by observing how many
times the value of P2+P3+P4+P5+P6 of any job greater
than P1+P2+P3 of other jobs. Similar to [13], the domi-
nance level groups are divided into levels of weak P456
dominance, medium P456 dominance and strong P456
dominance. The determination of the group dominance
level ranges is solely depended on the value of the
maximum possible P456 dominance level divided by 3.
For the experimentation that uses 6 job analysis, the
maximum possible P456 dominance level equals to
(n-1)n = (6-1)6 = 30. The P456 dominance level range
values are summarised in Table 1.
The performance evaluation was simulated using
groups of 6 jobs waiting to be scheduled at the CMC.
The selection of 6 jobs enables fast enumeration of all
possible job sequences that can be used to compare with
the BAM2 heuristic result. The processing time for each
process was randomly generated using uniform distribu-
tion pattern on the realistic data ranges as in Table 2.
During each simulation, data on P1 dominance level,
minimum makespan from BAM2 heuristic and optimum
makespan from complete enumeration were recorded.
The ratio between BAM2 heuristic makespan and the
optimum makespan from enumeration was then com-
puted for performance measurement. A total of 3000
simulations were conducted using the randomly gener-
ated data and the results are tabulated in Table 3.
The average makespan ratio in Table 3 represents the
average ratio of the makespan from BAM2 heuristic to
the optimum makespan from complete enumeration. The
optimum result column registers the percentage of oc-
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSEA
Makespan Algorithms and Heuristic for Internet-Based Collaborative Manufacturing Process Using Bottleneck Approach 95
currences in which the makespan from BAM2 heuristic
equals the optimum makespan from complete enumera-
tion. The general results indicate that the BAM2 heuristic
produces overall makespan solutions that are 1.7% above
the optimum. This is shown by the overall average
makespan ratio of 1.017. However, the result also sug-
gested that the BAM2 heuristic is very effective in solv-
ing the scheduling problems within the strong P456
dominance level range. This is indicated by the average
makespan ratio of 0.1% above the optimum at the strong
P456 dominance level range. Moreover, it was also noted
that at this dominance range, 89.47% of the solution
generated by the heuristic are the optimum solutions. The
percentage of optimum results decreases at the medium
P456 dominance (42.26%) and the weak P456 domi-
nance (47.37%).
For comparison purposes, a similar test was also con-
ducted using the NEH heuristic, which is the best known
heuristic for flow-shop scheduling [13,19] in predicting
the job sequence that produces optimum makespan for
the CMC. The result of this test is illustrated in Table 4.
Table 1. P456 dominance level groups
P456 Dominance Descrip-
Ranges of P456 Dominance Level
Weak 0456 (1/3)(1PDLnn)
Medium (1/3)( 1)456(2/3)( 1)nnPDLnn
 
Strong (2 / 3)(1)456(1)nnPDL nn 
Table 2. Process time data range (hours)
P(1,j) P(2,j) P(3,j) P(4,j) P(5,j)P(6,j)
Minimum 8 4 4 8 4 8
Maximum 150 16 16 60 16 60
Table 3. BAM2 heuristic performance for 6 job problems
P456 Dominance
Level Average Makespan Ratio Optimum result (%)
Strong 1.001 89.47
Medium 1.020 42.26
Weak 1.017 47.37
Overall 1.017 51.17
Table 4. NEH heuristic performance for 6 job problems
P456 Dominance
Level Average Makespan Ratio Optimum result (%)
Strong 1.0004 93.32
Medium 1.0001 98.04
Weak 1.00001 99.70
Overall 1.0002 97.63
Comparing Tables 4 and 3, it can be clearly seen that
NEH heuristic produces good results and is superior to
BAM2 heuristic in solving the CMC 6 job re-entrant
flow shop problem. This indicates that for larger prob-
lems, where complete enumeration is not practical, NEH
heuristic is an appropriate tool that can be used to meas-
ure the BAM2 performance. In analysing the six job
problems, the makespan results from the BAM2 heuristic
were also compared with the NEH heuristic. The result
of this comparison is illustrated in Table 5.
From the makespan performance comparison between
BAM2 and NEH in solving the CMC scheduling for 6
job problems (Table 5), it can be seen that BAM2 pro-
duces best result at strong P456 dominance level. Here,
84.82% of BAM2 results are the same with NEH, 5.47%
of BAM2 results are better than NEH while 9.72% of
BAM2 results are worse than NEH. Since this study con-
siders NEH as the best and appropriate tool for BAM2
performance verification, it can be highlighted that at
strong P456 dominance level, BAM2 produces 84.82% +
5.47% or 90.29% accurate result. This dominance level
also produces average BAM2 makespan performance of
0.1% above the NEH makespan. Observations at Table 5
also suggest that BAM2 is less accurate in solving the
CMC scheduling problem at both medium and weak
P456 dominance level.
The BAM2 performance evaluation was also simu-
lated using groups of 10 jobs waiting to be scheduled at
the CMC. Similar with the 6 job test, the processing time
for each process for the 10 job problems was randomly
generated using uniform distribution pattern on the real-
istic data ranges as in Table 2. A total of 3000 simula-
tions of 10 job problems using the randomly generated
data were conducted. The simulation result analysis is
presented in Table 6.
From Table 6, it can be seen that for 10 job problems,
BAM2 also produces best result at strong P456 domi-
nance level. Here 90.83% of BAM2 results are the same
with NEH, 6.59% of BAM2 results are better than NEH
while 2.58% of BAM2 results are worse than NEH.
Overall, at the strong P456 dominance level BAM2 pro-
duces 90.83% + 6.59% or 97.42% accurate results that
equal to or better than the NEH makespan results. This
dominance level also produces average BAM2 makespan
performance of 0.02% below the NEH makespan. Ob-
servations at Table 6 also suggest that BAM2 is less ef-
fective in solving the CMC 10 job scheduling problems
at both medium and weak P456 dominance level.
A new simulation was also conducted to evaluate the
capability of the BAM2 heuristic in estimating near op-
timal job sequences for CMC 20 job problems. A total of
1500 simulations of 20 job problems using the randomly
generated data that fulfilled the typical processing time
ranges at Table 2 were conducted. The simulation result
analysis is presented in Table 7.
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSEA
Makespan Algorithms and Heuristic for Internet-Based Collaborative Manufacturing Process Using Bottleneck Approach
Table 5. BAM2 vs NEH makespan performance for 6 job
P456 Domi-
BAM2 <
BAM2 =
BAM2 >
Strong 1.001 5.47 84.82 9.72
Medium 1.020 0.81 41.88 57.31
Weak 1.017 0 47.52 52.48
Overall 1.016 1.4 50.2 48.4
Table 6. BAM2 vs NEH makespan performance for 10 job
P456 Domi-
BAM2 <
BAM2 =
BAM2 >
Strong 0.9998 6.59 90.83 2.58
Medium 1.011 7.50 40.44 52.06
Weak 1.015 4.36 21.51 74.13
Overall 1.010 7.03 44.13 48.83
Table 7. BAM2 vs NEH makespan performance for 20 job
P456 Domi-
BAM2 <
BAM2 =
BAM2 >
Strong 0.9999 1.02 98.98 0
Medium 1.004 6.96 54.50 38.54
Weak 1.010 0.77 6.15 93.08
Overall 1.005 3.27 49.33 47.4
From Table 7, it can be seen that at strong P456 domi-
nance level, BAM2 heuristic produces 98.98% makespan
results equal to NEH, 1.02% results better than NEH
while none of BAM2 results is worse than NEH. Overall,
at the strong P456 dominance level BAM2 produces
100% results that are equal or better than NEH makespan
results. This dominance level also produces average
BAM2 makespan performance of 0.01% less than the
NEH makespan.
6. Conclusions
In this paper, we explore and investigate the potential
development of a bottleneck-based makespan algorithms
and heuristic to minimize the makespan of an Inter-
net-based collaborative design and manufacturing proc-
ess that resembles a four machine permutation re-entrant
flow shop with the process routing of M1,M2,M3,M4,M3,M4.
It was shown that using bottleneck-based analysis, effec-
tive makespan algorithms and a constructive heuristic
known as the BAM2 heuristic can be developed to solve
for near-optimal scheduling sequence. The simulation
results indicated that especially at strong P456 domi-
nance level, the BAM2 heuristic is capable to produce
near optimal results for all the problem sizes studied. At
strong P456 dominance level, this heuristic generates
results which are very much compatible to the NEH. To
some extent, in the specific 10 and 20 job problems
simulation conducted during the study, the BAM2 shows
better makespan performance compared to the NEH
within the strong P456 dominance level. The bottleneck
approach presented in this paper is not only valid for the
CMC alone, but can also be utilised to develop specific
heuristics for other re-entrant flow shop operation sys-
tems that shows significant bottleneck characteristics.
With the successful development of the BAM2 heuristic,
the next phase of this research is to further utilize the
bottleneck approach in developing heuristic for optimiz-
ing the CMC scheduling for the medium and weak P456
dominance level.
7. Acknowledgments
This work was partially supported by the Fundamental
Research Grant Scheme, Ministry of Higher Education,
Malaysia (Cycle 1 2007 Vot 0368).
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