Journal of Modern Physics
Vol.08 No.01(2017), Article ID:73762,14 pages
Supersymmetric Resolvent-Based Fourier Transform
Seiichi Kuwata
Graduate School of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, Hiroshima, Japan
Copyright © 2017 by author and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
Received: December 28, 2016; Accepted: January 20, 2017; Published: January 23, 2017
We calculate in a numerically friendly way the Fourier transform of a non- integrable function, such as
, by replacing
, where
represents the resolvent for harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian. As contrasted with the non-analyticity of
in the case of a simple replacement of
, where
represent the momentum and position operators, respectively, the
turns out to be an entire function. In calculating the resolvent kernel, the sampling theorem is of great use. The resolvent based Fourier transform can be made supersymmetric (SUSY), which not only makes manifest the usefulness of the even-odd decomposition of
in a more natural way, but also leads to a natural definition of SUSY Fourier transform through the commutativity with the SUSY resolvent.
Resolvent, Fourier Transform, Supersymmetry, Harmonic Oscillator Hamiltonian, Sampling Theorem
1. Introduction
Fourier transform (FT) by
which is a unitary operator, is a fundamental method in function analysis and is applied to many fields in physics. The corresponding self-adjoint operator is given by the harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian by
where and
, through the relation
The validity of (2) is verified by noticing that the Hermite polynomial (multipled by
) is a simultaneous eigenfunction of
, with their eigen- values given by
, respectively.
If a function is integrable, its FT is well defined. However, if the function
is not integrable, for example
, its FT should be regarded as a generalized function. To calculate the FT of
in a numerically friendly way, one of the methods is to replace
such that
, and to choose
as the resolvent for
, that is [1]
Considering that includes the term proportional to
, we find that
behaves like
. Thus
can be Fourier transformed.
To make square integrable, it is sufficient to reduce the order of
) by one, not necessarily by two. This implies that it is sufficient to choose
, not necessarily
, as given above. However, the square root of the operator
, in general, is somewhat complicated to deal with, so we adopt an alter- native approach, supersymmetrization. The supersymmetry (SUSY) can be realized by adding
in (1) to
[2] , where
, representing the fermionic creation and annihilation operators, respectively, satisfying
, and
, with
. The modified Hamiltonian
can be decomposed into
, where
is called a supercharge. Under the modifica- tion
, it is natural to transform
, as is analogous to (2).
The aim of this paper is replace by
with chosen in an appropriate way, to finally find that the introduction of SUSY clarifies the availability of the even-odd decomposition of
in a more natural way. In Section 2, we generalize the resolvent kernel for
, where
can be regarded as the specialization of the Hamiltonian
whose eigenfunction is given by the Jacobi polynomial. In calculating the resolvent kernel, the sampling theorem [3] is fully employed. In Section 3, we first reexamine the FT of
, based on the resolvent for
. Then we compare the resolvent based method with other methods, to find that the former has some merits of being numerical calculation friendly and free of singularity for
, even after analytic continuation. Analytic property is signi- ficant for calculating, for example, path integral in Minkowski space (Wick roration), and the Shannon entropy in the limit of the Rényi entropy (replica trick). We give conclusion in Section 4.
2. Methods
In this section, we first obtain the resolvent kernel for the Hamiltonian whose eigenfunction is given by the Jacobi polynomial. Then we calculate the resolvent kernel for as a specialization of the former.
2.1. Jacobi Polynomial
Let (where
) be the Hamiltonian
The (normalized) eigenfunction for is given by
where and
represent the Jacobi polynomial and its normalization constant as
with and
the Gamma function and the hypergeometric function, respectively. The corresponding eigenvalue is given by
The resolvent kernel for (denoted by
) can be expanded using the eigenfunctions
’s (for
) as
where in the second and third equalities, use has been made of the completeness for and (4), respectively.
There seems to be no such formula as the series sum of (5) for general parameters and
. However, it will be found that the sum can be represented as the product of two hypergeometric functions as follows. The starting point would be the following formula, which corresponds to the particular case of
as [4] [5]
where. Notice that
is given by the Legendre function
where is defined by replacing
in (3) with
. Before proceeding further, we discuss the validity of (6). By applying
to (6) from the left, it is found that both sides of (6) satisfy the same second order differential equation for
, due to the completeness relation of
. The reason of restricting
is as follows. To avoid the singularity of
should be restricted to either
. Moreover, to avoid the singularity of
) at
, the region of
is not allowed.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the left-hand side of (6) turns out to be, due to the relation
Thus the relation of (6) can be rewritten as
where, so that the sampling theorem [3] can be applied to
. The sampling theorem states that for
where represents the support. Hence the validity of (7) is guaranteed by showing that
). To show it, it is convenient to use the integral representation for
as [6]
from which it is found that is vanishing for
the conditions of and
. Here, we have used the integral representation for the Dirac delta as
. Noticing further that
we can eventually prove the relation of (7) by employing the sampling theorem.
Before proceeding further, we try to rewrite the summation relation in the right- hand side of (8) in terms of the Dirac notation as
where and
from which we obtain the orthonormality relation for all
. The relation of (9) implies that the completeness relation
holds, provided
it is applied to such that
. Moreover, interpreting
, respectively, we can formally obtain from (9)
where represents the window function as
The relation of (10) should be compared with
[In the usual Dirac notation, is reserved for a Fourier transformed variable, so that
may be simply written as
. Actually, if we formally write
, it is found that
, because
where use has been made of the unitarity of as
. In this sense,
can be simply written as
.] Notice that (10) cannot be derived from (11) by formally setting
. This is because
in (10) can be applied only to
such that
. Notice further that the following relation can be derived from (10):
where we have used. The relation of (12) indicates that the completeness relation
holds, if it is applied to
such that
, so that
. These completeness relations, along with the orthogonal relations, are recapitulated in Table 1, while some examples of
satisfying (9) are listed in Table 2.
Now we go back to generalize the relation of (6). Using the integral representation for (notice that
) as [7]
Table 1. Orthogonal relation and completeness relation, where.
a can be applied to
such that
. b
can be applied to
such that
Table 2. Examples of satisfying (9), where
represent the Legendre and Hermite functions, respectively. Here,
) is given by
); and so on. It should be remarked that
can be chosen as a more generalized function where
is replaced by
. For the case where
is given by
, see Section 2.2 below.
where, we find that
in Table 2 can be generalized to
, and more generally to
, due to
). As a special case of
in (9), we obtain
where, with
(notice that for
, it turns out that
is given by a polynomial with respect to
). For
, representing the Gegenbauer function, we have the following relations:
Then it is found that the sum over in the right-hand side of (13) can be replaced by the sum over
where use has been made of for all
. Once we have replaced the right-hand side of (13) by that of (14), it is not necessary to restrict the
parameter to either
. This is because
and the right- hand side of (14) satisfy the same second order differential equation for
, de- spite the value of
. By re-parameterizing
in the right-hand side of (14) as
, the relation of (6) is generalized to
where use has been made of for all
The relation of (15) can be further generalized. Recall that in Table 2 can be generalized to
, which is proportional to
the Jacobi function. Following an analogous procedure for manipulating the Gegen- bauer function above, we finally obtain [1]
where use has been made of the relation
Notice the the superscripts in the left-hand and right-hand sides are ex- changed.
2.2. Hermite Polynomial
In this subsection, we obtain the resolvent kernel for, whose eigenfunction is given by the Hermite polynomial
. Considering that
can be given by the specialization of the Gegenbauer polynomial
as [8]
then we obtain from (15), together with the asymptotic expansion as (for
), the following formula:
where (
amounts to the normalization constant as
). Here,
, which is formally given by
in (16), is related to the parabolic cylinder function
with, the confluent hypergeometric function. Considering that
) due to
, and that
where, we find that the sum over
in the left-hand side of (17) can be formally extended to all
. Thus,
satisfies the relation of (9) for
(listed in the fourth row in Table 2).
For later convenience, we divide the left-hand side of (17) into even and odd parts as
Recalling that for all
, we obtain from (17)
where use has been made of the following formulae:
The condition of comes from the intersection of
. To obtain
(complementary to
), it may be conve- nient to rewrite
using another confluent hypergeometric function
Substituting (19) into (18), and using again, we obtain the relation that is valid not only for
but also for
in the form
which was derived from a somewhat more straightforward approach [1] .
In a practical application, it is convenient to choose the parameter so that the
-dependence of
may be written as simply as possible. Considering that
is given by a polynomial of
of order
, we can choose
as 0 for
. In the case of
, however,
cannot be chosen as 0, due to the divergence of
, but can be chosen as 1. To summarize, we have
where. No such formula as (20) but
has been listed in Ref. [9] .
At the end of this subsection, we deal with the sampling-theorem based summation formula for a single Hermite function of the form
where the coefficient is to be determined in such a way that the sum over
in the left-hand side can be formally extended to all integers, namely,
). Bearing the specialization of (16) in mind, we find that the corresponding summation formula for a single Gegenbauer function is given by
Actually, the left-hand side of (21) can be rewritten as
where use has been made of, and
. Under the specialization of (16), we finally obtain from (21)
where for
. The condition of
in (22)
originates from the condition of in (21), which is equivalent to
, with
(corresponding to the case of
in the first row in Table 2). The relation of (22) is listed in Ref. [10] , in which
is given by using the parabolic
cylinder function. [
in [10] should be read as
3. Results and Discussion
In this section, we first deal with the FT based on the resolvent for. In a matrix representation of
the supercharge can be written as
where and
. The corresponding SUSY Hamiltonian
is given by
which amounts to, where
can be simply denoted by
, because
commutes with all the elements generated by
, and
). Under the transformation
, it is natural to transform FT as
In this case, turns out to be unitary due to the self-adjointness of
, and is related to
By the commutativity, so is
, it follows from (23) and (25) that
where the second relation can de derived from the conjugate of the first relation (recall that is unitary, so that
The resolvent for can be written using
The validity of (27) is verified by. Recall that in Section 2, a convenient choice of the resolvent parameter
is given by 0 (or 1) for an odd (or even) function. This corresponds to the choice of
in (27) as 1, with
to which
is applied being given by
where. It should be noted that the
in (28) is the eigenfunction of
, with its eigenvalue being unity, that is
where represents the space inversion
The relation can be formally derived from
, together with
for all
As a simple application, let us reconsider the FT of, in which
Although the in this case does not belong to
, we can formally apply
, with the result that
can be Fourier transformed. A series of calculations yields
where the 's (for
) are given by
For, see Table 3.
Notice that for
, as is expected from the property that
behaves like the multiplication by
in the limit of
. Bearing in mind that we have the relation
by the commutativity, so that
, then we again obtain
Recalling that is an odd function of
, we find that the first (second) element in
) in (30) is given by an odd (even) function. It should be noticed that this property holds for a general
in (28), not necessarily for
. The reason is as follows. From
, together with (29), it is re- quired that
Table 3. Calculation of, and
, where
. In the classical method 1, there is a singularity of
. As compared with other methods, it is hard enough to calculate
in the classical method 2, due to an infinite number of derivatives in
where, projection on the even or odd parity space. Thus, it is found that the first (second) element in
is parity odd (even).
In the latter half of this section, we discuss the FT of in another method. Some may point out that the result of (31) can be derived more efficiently from a method where
is replaced by
which is schematically shown as
Rewriting (26) as
we find that can be chosen as such that depends on
only (so that
depends on
only), in order to calculate
in quite a simple way (we call such a case a classical method). To further simplify the calculation by
, the functional form of
is given by a polynomial of
. Considering the condition of
, we find that the simplest form of
can be written as
The calculation of, and
is summarized in Table 3, together with the corresponding calculation in another classical (named classical 2, discussed in the next-next paragraph) and the resolvent methods.
Although all the methods give the same result as (31), there is an essential difference in between the classical 1 and resolvent methods from an analytical point of view. While
is an entire function,
has a pole at
. The non-analyti- city of
in the classical method is revealed when the
is evaluated as
in the limit of
where is given by
In calculating from the inverse FT of
, the limit operation
is necessary, because (inverse) FT is given by an improper integral. After the analytic continuation of
, it is found that
where. Actually, for
, for simplicity, we have
where, so that it is confirmed that the relation of (34) holds for
. Notice that
is an entire function, because
has a compact
support so that its (inverse) FT turns out to be an entire function. Thus it is found that whether or not the relation of holds for all
depends on the property that
is an entire function (the identity theorem in complex analy- sis).
Some may further point out that in the classical method, for
can be made an entire function by choosing
by (33)] as
in which a series of calculations is summarized in Table 3. Although the is indeed an entire function, it is hard enough to calculate
(especially in a numerical way), compared to the resolvent method, because
includes an infinite number of derivatives. Even if we try to regard
as an integral transform, it fails due to the divergence of the corresponding integral kernel
. Actually, we obtain from
which indicates that (for
) is divergent in a usual sense.
Regarding the analyticity and numerical simplicity in calculating FT of, it seems that, based on the above discussion, there is no way other than the resolvent based method.
4. Conclusions
We have obtained, using the resolvent for the harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian, the FT of a non-integrable function
, such as
. As compared with the classical methods in Table 3, the resolvent method has some merits of being numerical calcula- tion friendly and free of singularity for
. In calculating the resolvent kernel, the sampling theorem is of great use. The introduction of SUSY to
not only makes transparent the usefulness of the even-odd decomposition of the
in a more natural way, but also leads to a natural definition of SUSY FT.
For future study, various extensions of the present work are possible. One extension is to deal with other unitary transforms, for example, the Hankel transform, whose eigenfunction is given by the Laguerre polynomials Using the resolvent for the corres- ponding Hamiltonian, we can obtain an analogous result. Another is to generalize to
, the Clifford algebra over
in (28) cor- responds to
]. Although the Clifford FT, in itself, is defined in various ways [11] [12] [13] [14] , mainly due to the non-commutativity of the algebra, the resolvent based calculation will still be of use, despite the non-commutativity.
The author is indebted to H. Fujisaka for useful discussions. This work was supported in part by HCU grant.
Cite this paper
Kuwata, S. (2017) Supersymmetric Resolvent-Based Fourier Transform. Journal of Modern Physics, 8, 133-146.
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