Applied Mathematics
Vol. 3 No. 5 (2012) , Article ID: 19061 , 6 pages DOI:10.4236/am.2012.35072
Inverse Shadowing and Weak Inverse Shadowing Property
Department of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Received February 25, 2012; revised April 5, 2012; accepted April 12, 2012
Keywords: Inverse Shadowing Property; Minimal Homeomorphism; -Method; Positive Expansive
In this paper we show that an -stable diffeomorphism
has the weak inverse shadowing property with respect to classes of continuous method
and some of the
-stable diffeomorphisms have weak inverse shadowing property with respect to classes
. In addition we study relation between minimality and weak inverse shadowing property with respect to class
and relation between expansivity and inverse shadowing property with respect to class
1. Introduction
Inverse shadowing was introduced by Corless and Pilyugin [1] and also as a part of the concept of bishadowing by Diamond et al. [2]. Kloeden, Ombach and Pokroskii [3] defined this property using the concept of -method. One can also see [4-7] for more information about the concept of
-method. Authors in [8] studied on locally genericity of weak inverse shadowing with respect to class
. For flows, there are lots of existing work on finding the minimal sets in a systems with shadowing property. See for example [9-12]. In this paper we study diffeomorphisms with weak inverse shadowing property with respect to class as
. First we show that an
-stable diffeomorphism
has weak inverse shadowing property with respect to classes of continuous method
(Theorem 1) and some
-stable diffeomorphisms have weak inverse shadowing property with respect to classes
(Theorem 2). In addition we study relation between minimality and weak inverse shadowing property with respect to class
and show that a chain transitive homeomorphism
on compact metric space
is minimal if and only if it has weak inverse shadowing property with respect to class
(Theorem 3). Finally we study relation between positively expansive and inverse shadowing property with respect to class
and show that if
has inverse shadowing property with respect to class
, then
is not positive expansive (Theorem 4).
Let be a compact metric space and let
be a homeomorphism (a discrete dynamical system on
). A sequence
is called an orbit of
, denote by
, if for each
and is called a
-pseudo-orbit of
Denote the set of all homeomorphisms of by
. In
consider the complete metric
which generates the -topology.
Let be the space of all two sided sequence
with elements
, endowed with the product topology. For
denote the set of all
-pseudo orbits of
A mapping is said to be a
-method for
, where
is the 0-component of
. If
is a
-method which is continuous then it is called a continuous
-method. The set of all
-methods (resp. continuous
-methods) for
will be denoted by
). If
is a homeomorphism with
, then
induces a continuous
defined by
Let denote the set of all continuous
- methods
which are induced by
Let and
, a homeomorphism
is said to have the inverse shadowing property with respect to the class
, c, h, in
if for any
there is
such that for any
and any point
there exists a point
for which
A homeomorphiosm is said to have weak inverse shadowing property with respect to the class
, c, h, in
if for any
there is
such that for any
and any point
there exists a point
for which
Fix. A continuous
-method of class
for the diffeomorphism
is a sequence
, where any
is a continuous mapping
such that
A sequence is a pseudo-orbit generated by a continuous
of a class
Fix. A continuous
-method of class
for the diffeomophism
is a sequence
, with
and such that any
is a continuous mapping
with the property
A sequence is a pseudo-orbit generated by a continuous
of class
If a sequence is generated by or
we briefly write
A diffeomorphism is said to have (weak) inverse shadowing property if for any
there exists
such that, for any continuous
, we can find a pseudo-orbit
satisfying the inequalities
Pilyugin [5] showed that a structurally stable diffeomoriphism has the inverse shadowing property with respect to classes of continuous method, and
. He also showed that any diffeomorphism belonging to the
-interior of the set of diffeomorphisms having the inverse shadowing property with respect to classes of continuous method,
is structurally stable.
2. Diffeomorphisms with Weak Inverse Shadowing Property with Respect to Class θs, θc and
In this section we show that an -stable diffeomorphism
has the weak inverse shadowing property with respect to classes of continuous methods
and if we impose some condition on an
-stable diffeomorphism, then it has weak inverse shadowing property with respect to classes
Theorem 1 If a diffeomorphism is
-stable, then it has the weak inverse shadowing property with respect to both classes
Before proving this main result, let us briefly recall some definitions. A diffeomorphism is called
-stable if there is a
such that for any
is topologically conjugate to
A diffeomorfphism is called an Axiom
system if
is hyperbolic and if
Axiom and no-cycle systems are
-stable [13].
Let be an Axiom
diffeomorphism of
. By the Smale spectral Decomposition Theorem, the nonwandering set
an e represented as a finite union of basic sets
In the proof of theorem 1 in [5], Pilyugin has used the following statement.
If a -diffeomorphism
satisfies Axiom
and the strong transversality condition, then there exist constants
and linear subspace
such that
if and
are the projectors in
parallel to
and onto
parallel to
, respectively, then
(here is the operator norm).
Conditions (1), (2) and (3) play a basic role in the proof of theorem 1 in [5]. If is a basic set then we can see for every
, conditions (1), (2) hold. Since
is bounded for
, standard reasening shows (see, for example, Lemma 12.1 in [14]) that there exists a constant
for which inequalities (3) hold. Hence similar to the proof of theorem 1 in [5],
has the inverse shadowing property with respect to classes
. The following two propositions are well known (proposition 1 is the classical Birkhoff theorem [13], for proofs of statements similar to proposition 2, see [15], for example).
proposition 1 Let be a homeomorphism of a compact topological space
be a neighborhood of its nonwandering set. Then there exists a positive integer
such that
for every, where
is the cardinality of a set
In the following proposition, we assume that is an
-stable diffeomorphism of a closed smooth manifold.
proposition 2 If is a basic set, then for any neighborhood
there exists neighborhood
with the following property: if for some
, then
Lemma 1 Let be an
-stable diffeomorphism and
be the Smale Spectral Decomposition. Let
be a neighborhood of
. Then for any
there exists
for some
, such that
and similarly there exists
Proof. Suppose that the lemma is not true for some. Let
be a neighborhood of
as in proposition 2. Proposition 1 shows that there exists
such that
for some
. By assumption there exists
such that
. By proposition 2,
. Thus using proposition 1, there exists
such that
for some
and there exists
such that
. By proposition 2,
. This process show that
contradicting proposition 1. Proof of
is similar.
Proof of theorem 1. Let and
be arbitrary. Let
be a neighborhood of
, such that shadowing property hold for them. By lemma 1 there exists a positive number
, such that
for some
. Since
is compact, there exist
, such that
is as in the shadowing theorem for hyperbolic set. So
is a periodic -pseudo-orbit of
. By shadowing theorem for hyperbolic sets, there is
. This shows that
But has the inverse shadowing property with respect to classes
. Thus there exists
such that for any continuous
, we can find a pseudo-orbit
Inequalities and
show that
. This complete the proof of theorem 1.
Theorem 2 Let be an
-stable diffeomorphism and
be the Smale Spectral Decomposition such that
be fix point sources or sinks. Then
has the weak inverse shadowing property with respect to class
, where
is set of fix points of
Proof. Let and
be arbitrary that is not fix point and
be open neighborhoods of
respectively with diameter less than
. Lemma 1 shows that there exists
for some
, such that
Note that is a neighborhood of fix point sink and
is a neighborhood of fix point source. Choose
such that
for every with
, where
This shows that if is a
-pseudo orbit and
then. there exists
such that
Choose such that if
And also for
So for any -pseudo orbit
we have
Now for any ()-method
, by regarding the process of choosing
and (4), (5), (6) we have
, and this completes the proof of theorem 2.
The following example shows that an -stable maybe has not the weak inverse shadowing property with respect to class
in its fix point.
Example. Represent as the sqare
, with identified opposite sides. Let
be a diffeomorphism with the following properties:
The nonwandering set of
is the union of 4 hyperbolic fixed points, that is,
, where
is a source,
is a sink, and
are saddles;
where and
are the stable and unstable manifolds, respectively.
There exist neighborhoods of
such that
The eigenvalues of are
, and the eigenvalues of
Plamenevskaya [16] showed that has the weak shadowing property if and only if the number
is irrational. Note that
does not have the shadowing property. We can see that
does not have the weak inverse shadowing property with respect to class
as well (Note that the number
is not necessary irrational). For any
, let
be the number of the weak inverse shadowing property of
. Construct a
-method as following:
where and
For every, define
3. Relation between Minimality and Weak Inverse Shadowing Property with Respect to Class
A homeomorphism is called minimal if
, A closed, implies either
. It is easy to see that
is minimal if and only if
for every
A homeomorphiosm is said to be chain transitive if for every
there are
-pseudoorbits from
and from
The following example shows that there exists homeomorphiosms with inverse shadowing property with respect to class
which is not minimal.
Example. Let with metric
Let be a permutation of the set
for some
. Let
, and
is a homeomorphism and every point of
is a periodic point for
. We claim
has weak inverse shadowing property with respect to class
Proof of claim. Given choose
such that
if and only if
. Let
be a
Let, then
and hence by definition of
. Also
Hence if and
, and so
Using this procedure we will get
for. A similar reasoning with having in mind that
is a homeomorphism proves that
for. Hence
has inverse shadowing property with respect to
. It is easy to see that
is not minimal.
Theorem 3 Let be a chain transitive homeomorphism on compact metric space
. Then
is minimal if and only if
has weak inverse shadowing property with respect to class
Proof. Suppose that has weak inverse shadowing property with respect to class
. Let
be an open set in
. Choose
such that
. There is
such that for each
, there is
such that
For every, there is a
. Consider
as a -pseudo-orbit, such that it’s 0-component be
. Construct a
such that
Hence there is such that
, and so
for some
. Therefore
. This shows that each orbit of
is dense in
and so
is minimal. The converse i.e. to see that each minimal homeomorphism has weak inverse shadowing property with respect to class
, is obvious.
4. Relation between Expansivity and Inverse Shadowing Property with Respect to Class
A homeomorphism on metric space
is said expansive if there exists constant
such that for every
there exists integer number
such that.
Theorem 4 If homeomorphism on metric space
has the inverse shadowing property with respect to class
, then
is not expansive.
Proof. Suppose that is expansive and has the inverse shadowing property with respect to class
. Let
be as in definition of expansivity and
be such that for any
and any point
there exists a point
for which
Let be arbitrary. Choose
such that
. Construct a
as following.
For any define
Since has the inverse shadowing property with respect to class
, for
there exists
such that
By regarding to choose of -method
, we have
for some, that contradicts the expansivity of
. This completes the proof of theorem.
5. Conclusion
In this paper we showed that an -stable diffeomorphism
has the weak inverse shadowing property with respect to classes of continuous method
and some of the
-stable diffeomorphisms have weak inverse shadowing property with respect to classes
. In addition we studied relation between minimality and weak inverse shadowing property with respect to class
and relation between expansivity and inverse shadowing property with respect to class
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