Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology
Vol.05 No.03(2019), Article ID:93667,18 pages
New Way to Calculate Ricci Tensor and Ricci Scalar
Abed El Karim S. Abou Layla
Independent Researcher, Gaza City, Palestine
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
Received: June 12, 2019; Accepted: July 12, 2019; Published: July 15, 2019
In the theory of general relativity, the finding of the Einstein Field Equation happens in a complex mathematical operation, a process we don’t need any more. Through a new theory in vector analysis, we’ll see that we can calculate the components of the Ricci tensor, Ricci scalar, and Einstein Field Equation directly in an easy way without the need to use general relativity theory hypotheses, principles, and symbols. Formulating the general relativity theory through another theory will make it easier to understand this relativity theory and will help combining it with electromagnetic theory and quantum mechanics easily.
General Relativity, Ricci Tensor, Ricci Scalar, Einstein Field Equation, Stress-Energy Tensor, Robertson-Walker Metric, Schwarzschild Metric
1. Introduction
All the books that explain general relativity theory present it in a conventional and complex way, an issue made it impossible to unit this theory with the electromagnetic theory and the quantum mechanics.
I resolved this problem through redefining the relativity theory in a different way and tie it with a new theory in the vector analysis; at present time I publish my research papers in this theory leading to unify the three theories in one.
To define my new theory (called the extended field theory), I published my first research papers, Old Mechanics, Gravity, Electromagnetics and Relativity in One Theory: “Part I”, in “Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology (JHEPGC)”, I implemented some principles and derived some of physics equations that can apply to both electric and gravitational fields, without distinguishing in this theory.
My second research published in the same journal titled “General relativity without Space-Time (₲ R)” in which, I calculated the stress-energy tensor of the electric and gravitational fields in General relativity theory without the need of curved Space-Time concept.
In this research, we will calculate the components of the Ricci tensor and Ricci scalar for many metrics, such as The Robertson-Walker metric and Schwarzschild metric directly, means that we don’t need the hypotheses, principles, and symbols of general relativity theory to get stress energy tensor, and this is important to annul the difference between the electromagnetic and gravitational, to better understanding of the universe, gravity, and black holes.
We still have to point that there is a general state to calculate the components of the Ricci tensor and Ricci scalar, which I will publish in next researches with all proofs and details.
2. Basic Notions
2.1. The Equation of Interval Angular Vector
Let’s assume the orthonormal vector z as the following
4-orthogonal unit vectors
assume that:
We conclude that
We can write the equation of angular velocity
as the following
In our paper, we will use the last equation as the form
: 4-angular velocity
: the particle 4-velocity,
: bold gradient operator,
Now we can find the equation of 4-interval angular
as the following,
The cross product of two vectors
as shown in my first paper [1] is given by
then we get
is a complex orthogonal unit (explained in my first paper)
as a constant value
2.2. The Inverse of the Interval Angular Vector
The equation of inverse angular
is defined as
Or as the following
3. The Details of Abou Layla’s Methods
In our new way, there are two kinds of field equations K and P, defined by
Or as the form,
(k) kinetic field matrix in the local frame
(P) potential field matrix in the local frame
3.1. Define Ricci Tensor and Ricci Scalar
3.1.1. Ricci Tensor
The Ricci tensor in the local frame
is equal the total field matrix as the following,
The Ricci tensor
in the coordinate basis can be written as
: The metric of the space
3.1.2. Ricci Scalar
The Ricci scalar R is equal the sum of the elements on the main diagonal of
: is the trace of a matrix
3.2. Einstein Field Equation
In general relativity, the Einstein Field Equation is defined by [2]
And the equation of stress-energy tensor
: is a constant,
İn our paper we suppose that
The Einstein Field Equation G in the coordinate basis can be written as
3.3. Important Note
3.3.1. Options of the Potential Matrix
To find the potential matrix, there are two possibility option
Option 1
Option 2
3.3.2. The Easiest Way to Find the Components of Potential Matrix
We can easily find the components of potential matrix by Assuming that,
, it looks like
because k, j always different
we find
, it looks like
4. Discussion
In this discussion, we will calculate the components of the Ricci tensor, Ricci scalar and Einstein field equation for many metrics directly by using our new way, we will see that all results will be correct and consistent with the calculations founded in General Relativity Books
4.1. Calculate the Components of the Ricci Tensor
Consider the metric
and use Abou Layla’s structure equations to find the components of Ricci tensor in the local frame
Looking at the metric, we define the orthonormal vector z as the following
Then we have
The equation of 4-interval angular
is given by
, (
as a constant value)
then we get
Therefore, we have
We can find the components of matrix
directly from matrix
as the following
We now proceed to find the Ricci tensor
, there are three steps:
Step1: The components of the kinetic matrix
The nonzero components of kinetic matrix
The next step is to find the components of the potential filed matrix:
Using option 2 as shown in (3.12), we can calculate the square of vector
form as,
Then we obtain
And the matrix
Step3: Summation kinetic matrix and potential matrix
By summation (K) and (P) we get Ricci tensor
as shown in (3.6)
4.2. Calculate the Components of the Stress-Energy Tensor T
Using the results of Example above, find the components of the stress-energy tensor T
First, we need to find the Ricci scalar R
Using (3.9), we can find the components of Einstein’s tensor as the following
Now, using transformation
we obtain
4.3. Solution of the Robertson-Walker Metric
Consider the Robertson-Walker metric
and use Abou Layla’s structure equations to find the components of the Ricci tensor and the Ricci scalar
For the given metric, we see that we can define the orthonormal vector z as the following
Then we have
Now we calculate the equation of 4-interval angular
, (
as a constant value)
then we get
We can find the components of matrix
directly from matrix
as the following
We now proceed to find the Ricci tensor
Step1: The components of the kinetic matrix
By product of two matrix
we can find the components of the kinetic field matrix
as the following
Step 2: The components of the potential filed matrix:
By using (3.5) we can find matrix (
) as follows
Using option 1 as shown in (3.10) and (3.11), we can calculate the product of two matrix
as follows,
Thus we have
Using the fact
together with (3.11), we obtain
potential matrix is
Step3: The components of the Ricci tensor
in the local frame
Now, we can find the Ricci tensor
as follows:
we can find the Ricci Scalar R as follows:
4.4. Solution of the Schwarzschild Metric
For the Schwarzschild metric
calculate the components of the Ricci tensor and the Ricci scalar using Abou Layla’s methods
we can define the orthonormal vector z as the following
Now we can calculate the equation of 4-interval angular
then we get
Therefore, we have
And the components of matrix
will be as the following
Step1: The components of the kinetic field matrix K
In our case, we have
Then we get
we can find the kinetic field matrix in the coordinate basis (K) as
The nonzero components of
matrix are
Step2: The components of the potential field matrix P
The square of vector
form as,
Using (3.12) the matrix of potential field matrix
will be
Step3: The components of the Ricci tensor
Then we get
Now, we can find the Ricci tensor
as follows:
The Ricci Scalar R can be found by calculating
5. Conclusion
Dealing with general relativity theory in a matrix form will ease the way to find the Ricci tensor, Ricci scalar, and Einstein Field Equation. The most important, it will open the doors to unify this theory with electromagnetic theory in the near future.
I would like have the opportunity to obtain the Canadian citizenship in the near future due to the current conditions in my city.
I’ll be thankful to Canadian authorities if they help me in this issue, especially it will help in publishing of more of my scientific research.
Conflicts of Interest
The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.
Cite this paper
Abou Layla, A.K. (2019) New Way to Calculate Ricci Tensor and Ricci Scalar. Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology, 5, 850-867.