Open Journal of Geology
Vol.07 No.06(2017), Article ID:77393,27 pages

Reineckeiidae (Ammonoidae) Family of the Dalichai Formation in Damghan Area (East Alborz), Iran

Marjan Zadesmaeil1*, Mahmoud Reza Majidifard2, Seyed Hamid Vaziri1, Davood Jahani1

1Departmant of Geology, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Iran

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Received: February 16, 2017; Accepted: May 23, 2017; Published: June 30, 2017


The present study is concerning the systematic descriptions of the Middle Jurassic (Callovian) ammonite fauna from the Damghan Area (eastern Alborz) and contains a rather rich ammonite fauna. The described ammonites come from the Middle part of the Dalichai Formation, consisting of an alternation of green marl, grey limestone and marly limestone. In this research, the biostratigraphy of these rocks is discussed with special emphasis on the abundant ammonite fauna (Reineckeiidae family). Altogether, 74 specimens of ammonites belonging to 14 species, 3 genera, 3 sub genera from Reineckeiidae family are described. Palaeobiogeographically the ammonite fauna is closely related to that of the sub-Mediterranean Province of the northwestern Tethys. The ammonites represent four zones, i.e. Rehmannia (Loczyceras) cf. segestena (Anceps Zone), Rehmannia (Loczyceras) reissi (Anceps Zone), Rehmannia (Loczyceras) rehmanni (Anceps Zone), Rehmannia (Loczyceras) sequanica densicostata (Coronatum Zone), Reineckeia (Tyrannites) convexa (Gracilis Zone), Reineckeia (Tyrannites) pictava (Gracilis Zone), Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps anceps (Anceps Zone), Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps elmii (Anceps Zone), Reineckeia (Reineckeia) cf. fehlmani (Anceps Zone), Reineckeia (Reineckeia) nodosa (Athleta Zone), Collotia cf. multicostat (Anceps Zone), Collotia cf. gaillardi (Coronatum Zone), Collotia cf. oxyptychoides (Athleta Zone), Collotia cf. collotiformis (Athleta Zone).


Jurassic, Reineckeiidae, Palaeobiogeographically, Dalichai Formation, Alborz

1. Introduction

The type section of this formation consists of 107 m of light-grey to bluish-grey limestone with thin intercalations of marl. According to Steiger [1] , the thickness of the formation is about 50 to 120 m (average: 100 m, reaching more than 300 m in the eastern Alborz). The lower boundary of the Dalichai Formation is an unconformity due to the Mid-Cimmerian tectonic event (the marine transgression of the Dalichai Formation over the Shemshak Formation is diachronous). In many areas, the upper boundary of the Dalichai Formation is, however, gradational. In a few areas, it is continuous but sharp and followed by the Lar Formation. The sedimentary environments, in which this formation was deposited, are the lower shelf to continental slope. The Dalichai Formation is rich in ammonites, which were studied by different palaeontologists (e.g. Seyed-Emami et al. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] , Schairer et al. [7] , Majidifard [8] [9] , Vaziri et al. [10] [11] , Shams et al. [12] , Behfar et al. [13] , Sarbandi Farahani et al. [14] , Dietze et al. [15] ), one of important ammonite families (with high frequency) of the Dalichai Formation in Alborz, is Reineckeiide (e.g. Seyed-Emami et al. [16] ). This family is assumed as one of the index Callovian ammonite fauna. In this research from studied sections, 74 Reineckeiide with frequency (17.2%) (Chart 1), were collected that belong to the Callovian.

2. Material and Methods

2.1. Locality of Sections

Absharaf section: 60 km northwesth of Damghan (co-ordinates: 35˚56'25.7''N, 53˚47'21.4''E) (Figure 1(a)). The Dalichai Formation at the Absharf was measured northwesth of Damghan with a total thickness of 618 m. It ranges from the Upper Bajocian to Kimmeridgian and can be subdivided, from bottom to top, into six members (Figure 2).

Chart 1. Relative abundances of ammonite families at the studied sections from the Damghan Area.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1. Position of the Absharaf (a), Talu (b) and Ahvanu (c), sections of the Dalichai Formation in the Alborz of north Iran.

Figure 2. Stratigraphic column of Dalichai Formation in Absharaf section.

Talu section: 10 km northeast of Damghan (co-ordinates: 36˚19'3.3''N, 54˚26'7.7''E) (Figure 1(b)). The Dalichai Formation at the Talu was measured northeast of Damghan with a total thickness of 207.5 m. It ranges from the Upper Bajocian to the Oxfordian and can be subdivided, from bottom to top, into five members (Figure 3).

Ahvanu section: 10 km north of Damghan (co-ordinates: 36˚13'29.9'N, 54˚11'13.0''E) (Figure 1(c)). The Dalichai Formation at the Ahvanu was measured north of Damghan with a total thickness of 153.5 m. It ranges from the Upper Bajocian to the Callovian and can be subdivided, from bottom to top, into four members (Figure 4).

2.2. Ammonites

Since the main part of the thesis deals with ammonites, numerous ammonites

Figure 3. Stratigraphic column of Dalichai Formation in Talu section.

Figure 4. Stratigraphic column of Dalichai Formation in Ahvanu section.

were collected from the sections. After identification they were described and used to define the international Standard Zones. The ammonite zonation is based on Cariou & Hantzpergue [17] .

3. Lithostratigraphy of Sections

Shemshak Formation: The Dalichai Formation is underlain by the Shemshak Formation, which consists of alternations of dark-green shales and medium-bedded, dark, fine-grained sandstones containing plant remains (Figure 5 and Figure 6).

Dalichai Formation: The base of the Dalichai Formation consists of medium- bedded, brown weathering sandy limestone (grainstone), green-grey silty marls, alternations of greyish-green marls, well-bedded greyish to yellow marly limestones and limestones and alternations of medium-bedded, grey limestones (mudstone to packstone) with cherts, green-grey marls (Figure 6 and Figure 7).

Lar Formation: The Lar Formation is represented by thick-bedded, cliff- forming, grey dolomitic limestones to limestones that, when weathered, are cream-coloured to yellowish (Figure 6 and Figure 8).

4. Systematic Palaeontology

As far as permitted by the preservation of the specimens, measurements of the following parameters are given: diameter (D) in mm, umbilical width (U), whorl height (H), whorl width (W), the latter all in % of diameter; whorl round height

Figure 5. Silt coal of the Shemshak Formation at the Talu section.

Figure 6. Position of Dalichai Formation between Shemshak (below) and Lar (above) formations in the Talu section.

Figure 7. Alternations of greyish-green marls and well-bedded greyish to yellow marly limestones of the Dalichai Formation at the Absharaf section.

to whorl round width (Q), numbers of primary ribs per whorl (PR) and secondary ribs (SR). The specimens have been numbered according to sections (SH: Absharf section; T: Talu section; A: Ahvanu section).

Figure 8. Contacts of the Dalichai and Lar formations at the Absharaf section.

Fmaily Rienekeiidae HYATT, 1900 [18] .

Genus Rehmannia SCHIRADIN, 1956 [19] .

Subgenus Loczyceras BOURQUIN, 1968 [20] .

Rehmannia (Loczyceras) cf. segestana (GEMMELLARO, 1872) [21] .

Pl. 2, Figures 3a-b

1872 Perisphinectes segestana sp. nov.-GEMMELLARO: p. 246, Pl. 13, Figures 1-3.

1984 Rehmannia (Loczyceras) segestana (GEMMELLARO).-CARIOU: p. 72, Pl. 7, Figure 3 and Figure 4, Pl. 8, Figure 1.

2003 Rehmannia (Loczyceras) segestana (GEMMELLARO).-MAJIDIFARD: Pl. 9, Figure 1.

Material: 1 specimen from Absharaf section (SH-B18) and 3 specimens and 1 fragment from Talu section (T-T45, 95, 118, 119) and 1 fragmentary specimen from Ahvanu section (A-D3), (Table 1).

Description: Umbilical wall low and steep, whorl cross-section nearly elliposidal. The ribbing is relatively coarse and distant. The bullate and radiate primary ribs end at prominent and pyramidal lateral tubercles at one-third of flank height, from where they bifurcate or trifurcate with some intercalatory ribs. The rectiradiate secondary ribs terminate at ventral furrow. The secondary ribs are fainter and denser than the primaries. Some of the primary ribs do not divide.

Remarks: The present specimens are very similar to the specimen described and figured by CARIOU (1984: Pl. 7, Figure 3 and Figure 4).

Stratigraphic distribution: Middle Callovian, Anceps Zone.

Rehmannia (Loczyceras) reissi (STEINM, 1881) [22] .

Pl. 1, Figures 5a-c

1984 Rehmannia (Loczyceras) reissi (STEINM).-CARIOU: Pl. 10, Figures 1-4, Pl. 11, Figures 1-5.

Material: 7 specimens from Talu section (T-T46-50-57-62-120-121-122), (Table 2).

Description: Umbilical wall steep, whorl cross-section ovate. Ribbing relatively coarse, the slightly bullate and radiate primary ribs end at prominent and pyramidal lateral tubercles at one-third of flank height, from where they bifurcate or trifurcate with some intercalatory ribs. The secondary ribs terminate at a ventral furrow. There are prorsiradiate constrictions per whorl.

Remarks: The present specimens are similar to the specimen described and figured by CARIOU (1984: Pl. 10, Figure 3 and Figure 4).

Stratigraphic distribution: Middle Callovian, Anceps Zone.

Rehmannia (Loczyceras) rehmanni (OPP, 1856) [23] .

Pl. 2, Figure 2

1984 Rehmannia (Loczyceras) cf. rehmanni (OPP).-CARIOU: Pl. 3, Figure 2, Pl. 4, Figures 1-5, Figure 7, Pl. 5, Figures 1-3.

Material: 1 fragmentary specimen from Talu section (T-T40) and 1 fragmentary specimen from Ahvanu section (A-B3), (Table 3).

Description: Umbilical wall low and steep, whorl cross-section oval. The bullate, distant and prorsiradiate primary ribs end mostly at conical, sharp tubercles at around one-third of flank height. The slightly prorsiradiate secondaries

Table 1. Dimensions (in mm) of Rehmannia (Loczyceras) cf. segestana.

Table 2. Dimensions (in mm) of Rehmannia (Loczyceras) reissi.

are bifurcating or trifurcating with some intercalatory ribs, ending at a smooth ventral band. Some of the primary ribs do not divide.

Remarks: The present specimens are very similar to the specimen described and figured by CARIOU (1984: Pl. 4, Figure 3 and Figure 6).

Stratigraphic distribution: Middle Callovian, Anceps Zone.

Rehmannia (Loczyceras) sequanica densicostata (BOURQUIN, 1968) [20] .

Pl. 2, Figures 1a-c

1968 Rehmannia (Loczyceras) sequanica sp. nov.-BOURQUIN: Pl. 24, Figure 3.

1984 Rehmannia (Loczyceras) sequanica densicostata nov. subsp.-CARIO: p. 172, Pl. 24, Figure 4 and Figure 5.

2003 Rehmannia (Loczyceras) sequanica (BOURQUIN).-MAJIDIFARD: Pl. 9, Figure 2.

Material: 1 specimen from Talu section (T-T32), (Table 4).

Description: Umbilical wall steep, whorl cross-section nearly rectangular. The bullate and radiate primary ribs end at faint lateral tubercles at around one-third of flank height, from where they bifurcate or quadrifurcate with some intercalatory ribs. The rectiradiate secondary ribs terminate at ventral furrow. The secondary ribs are fainter and denser than the primaries. Some of the primary ribs do not divide.

Remarks: Rehmannia (Loczyceras) sequanica densicostata is similar to Rehmannia (Loczyceras) segestana (GEMMELLARO), but in having fainter and thinner ribs and tubercles and in possessing quadrifurcating secondaries.

Stratigraphic distribution: Middle Callovian, Coronatum Zone.

Genus Reineckeia BAYLE, 1878 [24] .

Subgenus Tyrannites CARIOU, 1984 [25] .

Reineckeia (Tyrannites) pictava (BOURQ, 1967) [20] .

Pl. 3, Figures 1a-b

1984 Reineckeia (Tyrannites) pictava (BOURQIN) f. Savarensis.-CARIOU: Pl. 27, Figure 3 and Figure 4.

Material: 8 specimens and 1 fragment from Talu section (T-T37, 47, 51, 48, 61, 105, 107, 123, 124), (Table 5).

Description: Umbilical wall low and steep, whorl cross-section ovate. The bullate and radiate primary ribs end at faint lateral tubercles at around one-third of flank height, from where they bifurcate or trifurcate with some intercalatory

Table 3. Dimensions (in mm) of Rehmannia (Loczyceras) rehmanni.

Table 4. Dimensions (in mm) of Rehmannia (Loczyceras) sequanica densicostata.

ribs. The rectiradiate secondary ribs terminate at ventral furrow. The secondary ribs are denser than the primaries. Some of the primary ribs do not divide.

Stratigraphic distribution: Lower Callovian, Gracilis Zone.

Reineckeia (Tyrannites) convexa (CARIOU, 1984) [25] .

Pl. 3, Figures 4a-b

1984 Reineckeia (Tyrannites) convexa sp. nov.-CARIOU: p. 197, Pl. 28, Figure 3 and Figure 4, Pl. 29, Figures 1-4.

2003 Reineckeia (Tyrannites) convexa CARIOU, 1984.-MAJIDIFARD: Pl. 8, Figure 2.

Material: 2 specimens from Talu section (T-T33, 36), (Table 6).

Description: Umbilical wall steep, whorl cross-section rectangular, venter rounded to broad. The bullate and distant primary ribs end mostly at conical sharp tubercles at around one-third of flank height. The rectiradiate secondaries are bifurcating or trifurcating with single intercalatory ribs, all ending at a ventral furrow. The secondary ribs are denser than the primaries, rarely, primary ribs do not divide.

Remarks: The blunt, coarse and strong ribs distinguish this species from other species.

Stratigraphic distribution: Lower Callovian, Gracilis Zone.

Subgenus Reineckeia CARIOU, 1984 [25] .

Reineckeia (Reineckeia) cf. fehlmanni (JEANNET, 1951) [26] .

Pl. 3, Figures 3a-b

1984 Reineckeia (Reineckeia) fehlmanni JEANNET.-CARIOU: p. 278 Pl. 42, Figures 1-3.

1986 Reineckeia (Reineckeia) fehlmanni JEANNET.-SEQUEIROS et al.: Pl. 2, Figure 8.

Table 5. Dimensions (in mm) of Reineckeia (Tyrannites) pictava.

Table 6. Dimensions (in mm) of Reineckeia (Tyrannites) convexa.

Material: 1 specimen from Absharaf section (SH-C45), (Table 7).

Description: Umbilical wall low and steep, whorl cross-section broad-ovate to rectangular, venter broad. Nearly all of the bullate and distant primary ribs end at pyramidal, sharp tubercles at around one-third of flank height. The bullate secondaries are bifurcate or trifurcate with single intercalatory ribs, ending at a smooth ventral band. The ribs are inner part in the last visible whorl are rectiradiate and on the outer part prorsiradiate.

Stratigraphic distribution: Middle Callovian, Anceps Zone.

Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps anceps (REINECKE, 1818) [27] .

Pl. 2, Figures 5a-c

1818 Nautilus anceps-REINECKE: p. 82, Pl. 7, Figure 61.

1951 Reineckeia anceps REINECKE.-JEANNET: p. 127, Pl. 48, Figure 2 and Figure 3.

1984 Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps anceps (REINECKE).-CARIOU: p. 220, Pl. 33, Figure 4 and Figure 5, Pl. 34, Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 5, Pl. 35, Figure 1, Figure 4 and Figure 5.

1988 Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps (REINECKE).-CARIOU & KRISHNA: p. 160, Pl. 2, Figure 2 and Figure 3, Pl. 3, Figure 1.

1995 Reineckeia (Reineckeia) sp. ex gr. R(R.) anceps (REINECKE).-SEYEDE- EMAMI et al.: p. 43, Pl. 2, Figure 1.

2002 Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps (REINECKE).-SEYEDE-EMAMI et al.: 185, Figures 2-4.

2003 Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps (REINECKE).-MAJIDIFARD: p. 114, Pl. 7, Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 7.

2003 Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps (REINECKE).-CARRASCO-Ramirz: Figure 9 and Figures 10(a)-(d).

Material: 2 fragments from Absharaf section (SH-B9,15), and 1 specimen from Talu section (T-T34), (Table 8).

Description: Moderately evolute, coronate Reineckeia with broad-oval to broad rectangular whorl cross-section. Umbilical wall low and vertical, umbilical shoulder distinct. Ribbing relatively coarse. The slightly bullate and somewhat prorsiradiate primary ribs end at prominent and pyramidal lateral tubercles at one-third of flank height, from where they bifurcate in a somewhat prorsiradiate manner seldom they quadrifurcate with some intercalatory ribs. The slightly incurved secondary ribs terminate at a smooth ventral band. There are four prorsiradiate constrictions per whorl.

Table 7. Dimensions (in mm) of Reineckeia (Reineckeia) cf. fehlmanni.

Table 8. Dimensions (in mm) of Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps anceps.

Remarks: The present specimens are very similar to the specimen described and figured by MAJIDIFARD (2003: Pl. 7, Figure 7).

Stratigraphic distribution: Middle Callovian, Anceps Zone.

Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps elmii (BOURQUIN, 1968) [20] .

Pl. 2, Figures 4a-c

1984 Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps elmii (BOURQ).-CARIOU: Pl. 36, Figures 1-3, Pl. 37, Figures 1-2.

Material: 1 specimen from Absharaf section (SH-C50), and 1 specimen from Talu section (T-T31), (Table 9).

Description: Umbilical wall vertical, whorl cross-section broad-oval. The bullate primary ribs end atprominent, conical, and sharp lateral tubercles near the umbilical margin, from where they from trifurcate seldome quadrifurcate bundles. The rectiradiate secondary ribs terminate at a ventral furrow. There are depp and prorsiradiate constrictions on the last visible whorl.

Stratigraphic distribution: Middle Callovian, Anceps Zone.

Reineckeia (Reineckeia) nodosa (TILL, 1907) [28] .

Pl. 3, Figures 2a-c

1907 Reineckeia (Reineckeia) nodosa n. sp.-TILL: p. 124.

1939 Reineckeia (Reineckeia) nodosa TILL.-KUHN: p. 34, Pl. 2, Figure 14.

1984 Reineckeia (Reineckeia) nodosa TILL.-CARIOU: p. 246, Pl. 37, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7.

2003 Reineckeia (Reineckeia) nodosa TILL.-MAJIDIFARD: p. 124, Pl. 9, Figure 4.

2013 Reineckeia (Reineckeia) nodosa TILL.-SEYED-EMAMI et al.: p. 56, Figures 8k-1.

Material: 1 specimen from Absharaf section (SH-C54), and 4 specimens from Talu section (T-T29, 42, 38, 44), (Table 10).

Description: Whorl cross-section oval, venter rounded and broad. The bullate and distant primary ribs end at prominent and sharp tubercles at around mid-flank, from where they usually from quadrifurcate bundles. The secondary ribs terminate at a ventral furrow. There are three depp and prorsiradiate constrictions on the last visible whorl.

Remarks: The present specimens resemble the holotype (KUHN 1939: Pl. 2, Figure 14), and the material figured by CARIOU (1984: Pl. 37, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7).

Stratigraphic distribution: Upper Callovian, Athleta Zone.

Table 9. Dimensions (in mm) of Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps elmii.

Genus Collotia (DE GROSSOUVRE, 1917) [29] .

Collotia cf. multicostata (PETITC, 1915) [30] .

Pl. 1, Figures 3a-b

1984 Collotia multicostata (PETITEC).-CARIOU: Pl. 48, Figures 1-7, Pl. 47, Figure 3 and Figure 4.

Material: 2 specimens from Absharaf section (SH-C42, 47), and 3 specimens and 1 fragment from Talu section (T-T52, 58, 69, 125), (Table 11).

Description: Umbilical wall steep, whorl cross-section elongated ellipse to rectangular. The ribbing is relatively coars, strong and distant. Primary ribs on the inner flank slightly bullate, terminating at around at one-third of flank height in small and weak tubercles. From where they bifurcate or trifurcate with some intercalatory ribs, the secondaries have intercalatory ribs and end at the ventral furrow. The secondaries are denser than the primaries.

Remarks: The present specimens are similar to the specimen described and figured by CARIOU (1984: Pl. 48, Figure 1 and Figure 4).

Stratigraphic distribution: Middle Callovian, Anceps Zone.

Collotia cf. gaillardi (ROMAN, 1930) [31] .

Pl. 1, Figures 2a-b

1984 Collotia gaillardi (ROMAN).-CARIOU: Pl. 54, Figures 2-5, Pl. 55, Figures 1-3, Pl. 56, Figures 1(a)-(c).

Material: 3 specimens from Talu section (T-T35, 76, 126), (Table 12).

Description: Shell evolut, umbilical wall low and steep, whorl cross-section elongated ellipse. There are completely conical and elongated tubercles at the umbilici margin and separated there from within the half (50%) distance of two secondary and forwarding ribs. The secondaries are denser than the primaries. Some of the primary ribs do not divide.

Remarks: The present specimens are similar to the specimen described and figured by CARIOU (1984: Pl. 54, Figure 2 and Figure 5).

Stratigraphic distribution: Middle Callovian, Coronatum Zone.

Table 10. Dimensions (in mm) of Reineckeia (Reineckeia) nodosa.

Table 11. Dimensions (in mm) of Collotia cf. multicostata.

Collotia cf. oxyptychoides (SPATH, 1927) [32] .

Pl. 1, Figures 4a-c

1984 Collotia cf. oxyptychoides (SPATH).-CARIOU: Pl. 61, Figures 1-3, Pl. 62, Figures 1-3, Pl. 63, Figures 1-4.

Material: 1 specimen from Talu section (T-T59), (Table 13).

Description: Umbilical wall low and steep, whorl cross-section broad-oval to broad rectangular. The primary ribs start at faint and regular nodes near the umbilical margin and divide mainly into two and three secondary ribs at about one-third of flank height. The secondary ribs are fainter and denser than the primaries. Some of the primary ribs do not divide.

Remarks: The present specimen is similar to the specimen described and figured by CARIOU (1984: Pl. 63, Figure 3).

Stratigraphic distribution: Upper Callovian, Athleta Zone.

Collotia cf. collotiformis (JEANNET, 1951) [26] .

Pl. 1, Figures 1a-b

1984 Collotia collotiformis (JEANNET).-CARIOU: Pl. 59, Figures 1-3, Pl. 60, Figure 1.

Material: 1 specimen from Absharaf section (SH-C46), (Table 14).

Description: Umbilical wall low and vertical, whorl cross-section ovate. The primary ribs start from umbilicus margin at one-third of round width with thick elongated tubercles. At this area, the primary ribs are divided into two and three secondary and forwarding ribs. The secondary ribs are fainter and denser than the primaries. Some of the primary ribs do not divide.

Remarks: The present specimen is similar to the specimen described and figured by CARIOU (1984: Pl. 60, Figure 1).

Stratigraphic distribution: Upper Callovian, Athleta Zone.

5. Conclusions

Follwing Reineckeiide family have been collected from the middle part of the Dalichai Formation at the sections:

Table 12. Dimensions (in mm) of Collotia cf. gaillardi.

Table 13. Dimensions (in mm) of Collotia cf. oxyptychoides.

Table 14. Dimensions (in mm) of Collotia cf. collotiformis.

Chart 2. Percentage frequency species of Reineckiide family in Damghan area.

Rehmannia (Loczyceras) cf. segestena (8.1%), Rehmannia (Loczyseras) reissi (9.4%), Rehmannia (Loczyseras) rehmanni (2.7%), Rehmannia (Loczyseras) sequanica densicostata (1.3%), Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps anceps (4%), Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps elmii (2.7%), Reineckeia (Reineckeia) nodosa (4%), Reineckeia (Reineckeia) cf. nodosa (2.7%), Reineckeia (Reineckeia) cf. fehlmani (1.3%), Reineckeia (Tyrannites) pictava (8.1%), Reineckeia (Tyrannites) cf. pictava (5.4%), Reineckeia (Tyrannites) convexa (2.7%), Collotia cf. multicostata (8.1%), Collotia cf. collotiformis (1.3%), Collotia cf. gaillardi (4%), Collotia cf. oxyptychoides (1.3%), Collotia sp. (5.4%) (Chart 2).

74 specimens of Reineckeiidae family from the Dalichai Formations belonging to 3 genera, 3 sub genera and 14 species are described.

The identified species of the Delichai Formation in the studied sections show following zones:

Gracilic from Early Callovian, Ancepcs, Coronatum from Middle Callovian, Athleta from Late Callovian.

Moreover, palaeogeographic reconstructions show the geographic position of the Iranian plate (North and Central Iran) during the Middle Jrassic time, at the southern margin of Eurasia at a latitude around 30˚N which rather corresponds to European areas (Enay & Cariou [33] , Wilmsen et al. [34] ).

Cite this paper

Zadesmaeil, M., Majidifard, M.R., Vaziri, S.H. and Jahani, D. (2017) Reineckeiidae (Ammonoidae) Fa- mily of the Dalichai Formation in Damghan Area (East Alborz), Iran. Open Journal of Geology, 7, 888-914.


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Appendix Plates

Plate 1. 1(a), 1(b): Collotia cf. collotiformis (JEANNET), Absharaf section, 2(a), 2(b): Collotia cf. gaillardi (ROMAN), Talu section, 3(a)-(c): Collotia cf. multicostata (PETITEC), Absharaf section, 4(a)-(c): Collotia cf. oxyptychoides (SPATH), Talu section, 5(a)-(c): Rehmannia (Loczyceras) reissi (STEINM), Talu section.

Plate 2. 1(a)-(c): Rehmannia (Loczyceras) sequanica densicostata (BOURQUIN), Talu section, 2: Rehmannia (Loczyceras) rehmanni (OPP), Talu section, 3(a), 3(b): Rehmannia (Loczyceras) cf. segestena (GEMMELLARO), Talu section, 4(a)-(c): Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps elmii (BOURQ), Talu section, 5(a)-(c): Reineckeia (Reineckeia) anceps anceps (REINECKE), Talu section.

Plate 3. 1(a), 1(b): Reineckeia (Tyrannites) pictava (BOURQIN), Talu section, 2(a)-(c): Reineckeia (Reineckeia) nodosa (TILL), Talu section, 3(a), 3(b): Reineckeia (Reineckeia) cf. fehlmanni (JEANNET), Absharaf section, 4(a), 4(b): Reineckeia (Tyrannites) convexa (CARIOU), Talu section.