Vol.1, No.2, 313-319 (2009)
Copyright © 2009 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Which stressors are responsible for the worsening in
the clinical symptomatology of lupus?
M. I. Peralta-Ramírez1, J. Jiménez-Alonso2, M. Pérez-García1
1Department of Clinical Psychology, School of Psychology, University of Granada, Spain
2Systemic Autoimmune Disease Unit, University Hospital “Virgen de las Nieves”, Granada, Spain; mperalta@ugr.es
Received 26 October 2009; revised 9 November 2009; accepted 12 November 2009.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to test
which stressors worsen the symptoms perceived
by patients with lupus, thus broadening and
corroborating results obtained in a previous
study published in Psychosomatic Medicine.
Methods: In order to examine this question, we
selected 43 patients with lupus whose symp-
toms worsened due to the effects of daily stress.
These patients were divided into two groups:
patients whose increase in clinical lupus symp-
tomatology was predicted by an increase in
daily stressors on the same day (G1) and pa-
tients whose increase in clinical lupus symp-
tomatology was predicted by an increase in
daily stressors the day before and the same day
(G2). Later, three factorial analyses were con-
ducted with the items related to stressors and
the items related to lupic symptoms. Results:
The results showed that in G1 there were three
factors that made up a total of 35.08% of the
explained variance. The stressors associated
with certain symptoms of the illness in this
group are feeling ill or being worried about their
physical appearance, with the main stressor
being the illness itself. However, in G2, two
factors were found that made up a total of
40.37% of the explained variance for lag=0 and
38.67% for lag=1. The stressors associated with
the majority of the lupus symptoms are of an
interpersonal and work-related nature. This as-
sociation was maintained when we carried out
the factorial analyses with the items of the
symptoms from the following day. Conclusions:
The interpersonal and work-related stressors
are related to a worsening in the majority of the
lupic symptoms in the patients whose sympto-
matology worsens as a result of daily stress
experienced the day before.
Keywords: Daily Stress; Interpersonal Stressor;
Work-Related Stressors; Systemic Lupus Erythe-
Various studies have shown the devastating effect psy-
chological stress has on certain rheumatic diseases [1].
Specifically, diverse studies have shown that stress is
one of the environmental factors that can cause a wors-
ening in lupus [2-8]. Although the role of stress in this
illness appears clear, at first, there was certain contro-
versy about the nature of the stressors, as some authors
supported the theory that daily stress (not organizing
time well, problems in social relationships...etc.) was
mainly responsible for the worsening in lupus [2-4,6-8],
while other authors defended a greater effect of the Ex-
traordinary Stressful Life Events (death of a family
member, car accident, etc.) on the lupus [5]. Although
there is currently a lot of evidence that daily stress is
primarily responsible for the worsening of this illness,
few studies have shown which specific stressors are
most related to this worsening. Specifically, three main
studies were carried out with this objective. The first was
conducted by Schubert et al. [4]. The authors studied a
woman suffering from SLE during a 63-day period. In
this patient, the concentration of neopterin (immunological
parameter closely related to lupic activity in patients
with SLE) in urine was measured daily, and her daily
stressors were evaluated weekly. The findings showed
that the moderately stressful incidents that led to a high
level of emotional irritation and had stressful interper-
sonal implications increased the concentration of neop-
terin approximately one day later, that is, with a lag=1.
Therefore, these stressors play a greater role in the in-
crease in neopterin than other stressors. One problem of
this study is that the sample studied is very small (only
one SLE patient was evaluated), so that it is impossible
to draw generalizable conclusions. Later, these authors
performed a new study [6] where they evaluated daily
(every 12 hours) the levels of stress, cortisol and neop-
terin in another lupus patient during a 56-day period.
M. I. Peralta-Ramírez et al. / HEALTH 1 (2009) 313-319
SciRes Copyright © 2009 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
They found that when the patient anticipated a moderate
stressor (which in this case was the infidelity of her
partner), her cortisol increased 24 hours before the inci-
dent and lessened 12 hours after it had occurred. How-
ever, if the patient did not anticipate the incident, her
cortisol increased 24 hours after the incident and de-
creased 36 hours after it. With regard to the neopterin,
these authors found that after exposure to the stressor
there was a reduction in the amount of neopterin in the
following 36 hours, producing a new increase in the next
60 hours. In this way, the authors again showed the
modulation of the immune system due to stressful events
involving interpersonal relationships, and due to the an-
ticipation of these stressors, in the following 24-36 hours.
The latest study carried out with the objective of defin-
ing the type of stressor that can affect the worsening of
lupus is the one by Pawlak et al. [7]. These authors
studied the stressors in 41 women with lupus during a
six-month period and their physiological correlates
(complement activity, anti-dsDNA and ECLAM-European
Consensus Lupus Activity Measurement). The results
showed that the patients who had a larger number of
social obligations presented more outbreaks (92%) than
the patients who had fewer social obligations (39%).
Furthermore, these authors found an increase in the in-
terpersonal relationship conflicts in the month prior to
the lupic outbreak in the patients who experienced a wors-
ening in the disease.
As we can see, all of these studies seem to clearly
agree that the stressors most related to the worsening of
the disease are not only of a daily nature, but they also
have a clear component related to interpersonal relation-
ships. However, in addition to the different stressors
common to the general population, there have been no
studies on the effects that the perception itself of the
worsening of the disease (another stressor) has on this
worsening. Likewise, no studies been carried out to test
whether experiencing different stressors acts on some
target organ of the disease, thus produces its worsening
(joints, skin, etc.), or whether, on the contrary, it acts on
a general level by activating all the systems.
Therefore, the purposes of the present study were, on
one hand, to test what types of stressors are responsible
for the worsening in the clinical symptomatology of lupus
and, on the other, to find out what physical symptoms
are involved in this worsening. These were tested in a
group of patients that had already been evaluated and
classified according to the effect that the stress had on
their perception of the worsening of the disease [8].
2.1. Study Population
64 patients originally participated in this study, of which
6 were later rejected because they had mixed connective
tissue disease rather than lupus. Therefore, 58 lupus pa-
tients participated in the study, of which 50 were women
and 8 men. 45 met at least 4 American College of Rheu-
matology (ACR) [9] criteria for classification as suffer-
ing from Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), and 12
were suffering from Chronic Lupus Discoid (CLD), di-
agnosed by their clinical history and an anatomopa-
thological study. The mean age was 39.37 years (SD=9.72),
and the mean educational level was 10.7 years (SD=3.44),
which is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree. The mean
duration of the illness was 9.1 years (SD=6.38), the
mean index of organ damage was 0.9 (SD=1.06), and the
mean on the index of lupus activity was 1.73 (SD=3.2).
All of the participants were patients at the Systemic
Autoimmune Disease Unit at the University Hospital
“Virgen de las Nieves” in Granada, Spain. They all had
at least a minimum cultural background (they could at
least read and write), and none of them presented any
associated mental illness at the time of the study, al-
though there were two patients with psychiatric histories.
All of these patients gave their signed informed consent
to participate in this study. Of these 58 patients, we only
included the 43 patients for whom stress predicted a
worsening in the clinical symptomatology of lupus. These
subjects were classified into two groups: G1 with 31 pa-
tients whose increase in the clinical symptomatology of
the lupus was predicted by an increase in daily stressors
on the same day; and G2 with 12 patients whose increase
in the clinical symptomatology was predicted by an in-
crease in daily stressors the day before and the same day.
2.2. Information Collected
2.2.1. Daily Stress Inventory (DSI)
The translation and adaptation to the Spanish population
of the Brantley, Waggoner and Jones Daily Stress Inven-
tory (DSI) was carried out by Peralta-Ramírez [10]. For
this adaptation, they used the responses to a complete
version of the DSI given by a broad sample. They then
created a 20 item version comprised of some items that
remain identical (e.g., “I forgot something”), others that
are worded in a different way (e.g., “gave up an undesir-
able habit: eating too much, smoking, etc” for “gave up a
habit that was not good for him”), and others that grouped
various items from the DSI with related criteria (“Had
problems in his relationship with other people: was criti-
cized, ignored, interrupted when speaking…”). This in-
strument measures stressful daily events and the degree of
stress produced by each of them in the last 24 hours. It
contains 20 items that are categorized from 0 to 6, de-
pending on the degree of stress they have caused, keeping
in mind that 0 is no stress experienced and 6 means the
event caused panic. The instrument’s reliability coefficient
is 0.82, the Cronbach alpha coefficient is 0.88, and its
discriminated validity is 74.86% correct classification.
Therefore, the instrument presents high validity for
detecting change [10]. The items related to this instrument
are included in Table 1.
M. I. Peralta-Ramírez et al. / HEALTH 1 (2009) 313-319
SciRes Copyright © 2009 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 1. Items from the DSI and the SLI.
I1. Had problems at work, with a specific activity
I2. Did not organize his or her time well
I3. Had problems in his or her relationships with other people (was criticized, ignored, and interrupted when speaking...)
I4. Has not slept soundly
I5. Forgot something
I6. Felt or feared being ill
I7. Had some small accident
I8. Thought about the future
I9 Played a sport or game poorly
I10. Did something he or she did not want to do
I11. Lost something or couldn’t find something he or she was looking for
I12. Bad weather affected him or her
I13. Challenged someone in authority
I14. Heard bad news
I15. Something related to his or her personal appearance affected him or her
I16. Was faced with a feared situation or object
I17. Worried about other people’s problems
I18. Barely escaped something dangerous
I19. Gave up a habit that was not good for him or her
I20. Had economic problems
S1. Loss of appetite
S2. Joint pain
S3. General malaise
S4. Fatigue
S5. Skin rash
S6. Abdominal symptoms
S7. Difficulty breathing
2.2.2. SLE Symptoms Inventory (LSI)
This inventory was elaborated by the group of medical
specialists in the Systemic Autoimmune Disease Unit of
the Internal Medicine Service at the University Hospital
“Virgen de las Nieves” in Granada [11]. It refers to 8
symptoms suggestive of SLE activity, namely loss of appe-
tite, joint pain, general malaise, fever, tiredness or fatigue,
skin rash, difficulty breathing and abdominal symptoms.
These items are categorized from 1 to 10 according to the
degree of intensity of these symptoms on that day. This
inventory was designed to evaluate the subjective symp-
toms of large groups of SLE patients in clinical studies.
We tested its internal consistency, as well as its concor-
dance with physician reports and serological indicators
M. I. Peralta-Ramírez et al. / HEALTH 1 (2009) 313-319
SciRes Copyright © 2009 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 2. Factors that relate certain items of stress with lupus symptoms on the same day in G1 and G2 (lag=0)
and stress and symptoms the next day G2 (lag=1).
G1 (lag 0) G2 (lag 0) G2 (lag 1)
Ítems Factor
Items Factor
Items Factor
S3 0.829 0.08 0.214 S1 0.876 -0.141 S4 0.853 0.159
S4 0.805 0.05 0.253 S4 0.843 0.225 S7 0.843 0.224
S2 0.687 0.02 0.242 S7 0.837 0.201 S3 0.841 0.156
S1 0.618 -0.02 0.123 S3 0.823 0.228 S1 0.838 -0.024
I6 0.591 0.131 -0.13 S2 0.809 0.259 S2 0.270 0.190
I3 0.127
0.711 0.08 I1 0.759 0.170 I2 0.691 0.133
I13 -0.07
0.671 0.03 I2 0.756 -0.003 I4 0.646 0.480
S6 0.336
0.505 0.173 I4 0.713 0.354 I1 0.629 0.362
I15 0.112 0.15
0.807 I6 0.661 0.267 S6 0.588 0.180
S5 0.311 -0.02
0.789 S6 0.555 0.233 I6 0.551 0.413
I12 0.298
0.695 I12 0.235
S5 0.527
0.662 I8 0.416
I8 0.486
0.606 I17 0.193
I17 0.272
0.532 S5 0.514
I15 0.407
Self-rating 5.973 2.102 1.396 9.313 1.588 8.861 1.581
% Variance 22.123 7.785 5.175 34.493 5.881 32.819 5.858
of disease activity. This instrument shows a high internal
consistency of the LSI, with a Cronbach alpha of 0.862.
Furthermore, a contingency analyses shows agreement
between the medical report and the patient self-report on
the same day for each of the lupus symptoms included
in the LSI (difficulty breathing (p<0.004), joint pain
(p<0.001), loss of appetite (p<0.003), general malaise
(p<0.005), fatigue (p<0.005) and skin rash (p<0.018)).
This agreement is not found on the abdominal symptoms
(LSI). On the other hand, we found differences between
the LSI scores of the patients with high serological ac-
tivity and those of the patients with low serological ac-
tivity (χ2(1)=5.302; p<0.021), with the former presenting
higher scores than the latter. The LSI is a highly reliable
and valid instrument for evaluating the subjective symp-
toms of the disease as well as their fluctuations. The
items related to this instrument are included in Table 1 too.
The SLE Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI) and Sys-
temic Lupus International Collaborating Clin-ics/American
College of Rheumatology (SLICC/ACR) Damage was
evaluated in the prior study but the data were not in-
cluded in this study [8].
M. I. Peralta-Ramírez et al. / HEALTH 1 (2009) 313-319
SciRes Copyright © 2009 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 3. Summary of the relationship between the different stressors and lupus symptom.
2.3. Procedure
During the first week, the patients were recruited by the
internist at the outpatient clinic for autoimmune diseases.
At the routine check-up, the patient was given informa-
tion about this study on the effects of stress and lupus
and invited to participate (90% agreed). If the patient
agreed, he or she was given an appointment for the first
session. In the first session, the study was explained in
detail, and subjects were asked to sign the consent form
(99% accepted). The subjects who accepted underwent
the following: 1) a clinical interview was carried out to
find out basic data like age, educational level and diverse
emotional problems occurring in his or her life; 2) the
SLEDAI and SLICC/ACR were evaluated; 3) they were
given 30 copies of the DSI and 30 copies of the LSI.
Furthermore, every 15 days they were contacted by tele-
phone in order to resolve any doubts about completing
the questionnaires, and they were encouraged to con-
tinue to fill them out. They were informed that they
would have to complete the DSI and LSI at the end of
the day every day for six months (This was done by all
the patients, except three who left the evaluation early).
Each month, they were provided with 31 IEC question-
naires and 31 LSI questionnaires, personally if they lived
in Granada or by mail if they lived outside of Granada.
Furthermore, every 15 days they were telephoned in order
to resolve any doubts about completing the questionnaires,
and they were encouraged to continue to fill them out.
2.4. Statistical Analyses
In a previous study published in the Journal
Psychosomatic Medicine [8], 3 groups were used: G1:
patients whose increase in the clinical symptomatology
of the lupus was predicted by an increase in daily
stressors on the same day (lag=0); G2: patients whose
increase in the clinical symptomatology was predicted
by an increase in daily stressors the day before and the
same day (lag=0,1); G3: patients for whom daily stress
did not predict any increase in the self-reported clinical
symptomatology of the lupus. In the present study, data
from two of the groups (G1, G2) were used for statistical
Secondly, with the objective of testing what types of
G1 G2
Factors that relate certain items of stress with
lupus symptoms on the same day and
Factors that relate certain items of stress
with lupus symptoms on the same day
and self-rating.
Factors that relate certain items of
stress with lupus symptoms the next
day and self-rating.
Factor 1: 5.973
*Felt or feared being ill
General malaise
Joint pain
Loss of appetite
Factor 2: 2.102
*Had problems in his/her relationships
with other people.
*Challenged someone in authority
Abdominal symptoms
Factor 3: 1.396
*Something related to his/her personal
appearance affected him/her.
Skin rash
Factor 1: 9.313
*Did not organize his/her time well
*Has not slept soundly
*Had problems at work
*Felt or feared being ill
Loss of appetite
Difficulty breathing
General malaise
Joint pain
Abdominal symptoms
Factor 2: 1.588
*Bad weather affected him/her
*Thought about the future
*Worried about other people’s prob-
Skin rash
Factor 1: 8.61
* Did not organize his/her time
* Has not slept soundly
* Had problems at work
* Felt or feared being ill
Difficulty breathing
General malaise
Loss of appetite
Joint pain
Abdominal symptoms
Factor 2: 1.581
* Bad weather affected him/her
* Thought about the future
* Worried about other people’s
* Something related to his/her
personal appearance affected
Skin rash
M. I. Peralta-Ramírez et al. / HEALTH 1 (2009) 313-319
SciRes Copyright © 2009 Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
stressors are related to the worsening of the lupus symp-
tomatology itself, the two established groups were used,
and 3 factorial analyses were performed. Principal compo-
nent analysis was used as a factor extraction method. To
determine the number of factors to be extracted, a cut-off
point was established of specific values superior to one.
A factor rotation using the Varimax method was per-
formed to strengthen the grouping of the variables
around the associated factor. The registers noted in the
rotated factors matrix represent the weights of the vari-
ables in relation to each factor, and they receive the
name of factor charges. As this is an orthogonal rotation,
its interval oscillates between -1 and 1. The first two
factorial analyses were carried out with the scores on
each of the items from the DSI and the scores on each of
the items from the SLI for each of the groups, in other
words, one factorial analysis per group (G1, G2). Later,
based on results from the previous study [8], which
showed that in some patients a worsening occurs in the
clinical symptomatology of the lupus due to the effect of
the stress from the previous day (G2), we moved the
time series related to the items from the SLI question-
naire one square up with regard to the items on the DSI
questionnaire, so that the items on one day of stress
would be matched with the items on the lupus symptoms
the next day (SLI). After this shift, a factorial analysis
was performed using Varimax rotation with the scores on
the items from the DSI and the scores on the items from
the SLI; logically, this was only done for group G2.
3.1. Factorial Analyses of Daily Stressors
and Lupic Symptoms the Same Day
Two factorial analyses were performed, one for each
group’s “stressor-symptoms relationship” (see Tables 2
and 3). In the factorial analyses of G1, three factors were
found that related stressors with symptomatology, and
they explained 35.1% of the data variance. The main
factor related four of the seven most common symptoms
in lupus with the stressor “felt ill”. The second factor
seems to relate stressors that involve interpersonal rela-
tionships with stomach discomfort, and the third factor
relates skin rashes with the stressor “his or her personal
appearance affected him or her”.
In the factorial analyses of G2, two factors were found
that related stressors with symptomatology, and they
explained 40.4% of the variability of the data. The main
factor seems to relate 6 of the 7 lupic symptoms with
stressors closely related to work-related stress and per-
ception of the disease. In the second factor, stressors like
worry about others’ problems, thinking about the future
and bad weather are related to skin rashes.
3.2. Factorial Analyses Performed with the
Daily Stressors and the Lupic
Symptoms of the Next Day
The factorial analyses of G2 showed two factors that
related daily stressors with lupic symptomatology, and
they explained 38.7% of the variability of the data. Fac-
tor 1 related six of the seven lupic symptoms with stressors
of a work-related nature and perception of a worsening
of the disease. Furthermore, the second factor related
skin rashes with stressors like “bad weather affected him
or her”, “he or she thought about the future”, “he or she
worried about others’ problems” and “his or her personal
appearance affected him or her” (see Tables 2 and 3).
After performing the factorial analyses between the
items on the daily stress questionnaire and the items on
the inventory of clinical symptoms of lupus, the classi-
fication established of the different effects of stress on
the lupus symptoms (G1, G2) [8] is validated, as there is
a consistent correlation between the different stressors
and the lupic symptoms. Specifically, we can see how
the patients’ clinical symptomatology worsens on the
same day, the majority of the lupic symptoms are related
to the stressor “he or she felt ill”, just as in another factor
personal appearance (as a stressor) and skin rashes (as a
symptom) were related. On the other hand, the results
found with the patients whose symptomatology wors-
ened the same day and the day after the stressful situa-
tion (G2) show that the same factors are found at two
moments in time when the factorials were performed
(stress and symptoms the same day, and stress and
symptoms the next day). Here we found two factors.
One factor relates six of the seven symptoms most char-
acteristic of lupus with stressors of a work-related nature,
such as “does not organize time well”, “problems at
work”, etc., and health stressors like “feeling ill”. The
second factor relates stressors of a psychosocial nature,
like worrying about others’ problems or the future, etc.,
with the symptom of skin rashes.
As we can see, in the patients from G1, it seems more
likely that the stressor “he or she felt ill” would be
caused by the perceived symptoms than that this would
be the causal agent of these symptoms. The same thing
occurs with factor 3 for this group where the skin rashes
are related to the stressor “his or her personal appearance
bothered him or her”. Finally, in the other factor we found
different stressors are related to only one isolated item
from the lupus symptom inventory (stomach discomfort),
so that we can rule this out as being representative of the
lupic symptoms. Instead, we would consider it more as a
physical consequence of the stress in general.
The data found in G2 were very interesting, as they
M. I. Peralta-Ramírez et al. / HEALTH 1 (2009) 313-319
SciRes Copyright © 2009 http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
[2] Adams, S.J., Dammers, P.M., Saia, T.L., et al. (1994)
Stress, depression and anxiety predict average symptom
severity and daily symptom fluctuation in systemic lupus
erythematosus. J Behav. Med., 17, 459-477.
show a clear relationship between the different work and
health stressors and six of the seven symptoms associ-
ated with lupus. Likewise, the skin rashes are not related,
as they were in the former group, with personal appear-
ance, but rather with stressors regarding interpersonal
relationships and worry about the future. It is noteworthy
that in the group in which the worsening of the symp-
toms of the disease is predicted by the stress the day
before, when we performed the factorial analyses with
the stress data and the symptoms of the following day,
the same factors remained and with similar self-ratings.
These data do make it possible to state that certain
stressors of a work and interpersonal nature produce
worsening in the lupic symptomatology perceived the
same day and the day after experiencing the stress.
[3] Wekking, E.M., Vingerhoets, A.J., Van Dam, A.P., et al.
(1991) Daily stressors and systemic lupus erythematosus:
A longitudinal analyses-first findings. Psychother Psy-
chosom, 55,108-113.
[4] Schubert, C., Lampe, A., Rumpold, G., et al. (1999) Daily
psychosocial stressors interfere with the dynamics of
urine neopterin in a patient with systemic lupus erythe-
matosus: An integrative single-case study. Pychosom
Med, 61, 876-882.
[5] Da costa, D., Dobkin, P., Pinard, L., et al. (1999) The role
of stress in functional disability among women with sys-
temic lupus erythematosus: A prospective study. Arthritis
Care and Research, 12, 112-119.
The results found coincide, on one hand, with those
obtained by other researchers [4,6,7], where the psycho-
social stressors were related to the worsening in lupus
activity. However, we were able to relate different types
of stressors with certain specific symptoms of lupus,
finding a great effect of the stressors related to work
overload and to the perception of the illness itself. Fur-
thermore, we went one step further in which we can de-
fine what types of stressors are related to a certain sym-
ptomatology. One piece of data which stands out is that
skin rashes are not associated with other lupic symptoms
in their relationship with the stressors. Instead, they are
related to interpersonal relationship stressors.
[6] Schubert, C., Lampe, A., Geser, W., et al. (2003) Daily
psychosocial stressors and cyclic response patterns in
urine cortisol and neopterin in a patient with systemic
lupus erythematosus. Psyc ho neuroendocrinolog y , 28,
[7] Pawlak, C., Witte, T., Heiken, H., et al. (2003) Flares in
patients with systemic lupus erythematosus is associated
with daily psychological stress. Psychother Psychosom,
72, 159-165.
[8] Peralta-Ramirez, M.I., Jimenez-Alonso, J., Godoy-Garcia,
J.F., and Perez-Garcia, M. (2004) The effects of daily
stress and stressful life events on the clinical symptoma-
tology of patients with lupus erythematosus. Psychosom
Med., 66, 788-94.
In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of
certain stressors in approaching stress in patients with
lupus. Knowing which stressors are most related to the
worsening of the symptoms provides us with guidelines
for action and intervention in the diverse psychological
therapies that are being conducted with the objective of
providing lupus patients with psychological strategies
for controlling stress and other related emotional vari-
ables [12-14]. Furthermore, the results obtained are an
important tool for the medical specialist who works with
these patients, as he or she can provide information of a
preventative nature to patients, emphasizing the impor-
tance of avoiding work overload and controlling any
possible interpersonal conflicts. Finally, the results found
in this study corroborate the results found in the previous
study published in Psychosomatic Medicine [8].
[9] Tan, E.M., Cohen, A.S., Fries, J.F., Masi, A.T., McShane,
D.J., Rothfield, N.F., Schaller, J.G., Talal, N., and Win-
chester, R.J. (1982) The revised criteria for the classifica-
tion of systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum,
25, 1271-7.
[10] Peralta, M.I., López, F., Godoy, J.F., Godoy, D., Sánchez,
M.B., and Pérez, M. (2002) Validación de la detección de
cambio del inventario de estrés cotidiano. Psicología
Conductual, 10, 343-354.
[11] Peralta-Ramírez, M.I., Verdejo García, A., Muñoz, M.A.,
Sabio Sánchez, J.M., Jiménez-Alonso, J., and Pérez García,
M. (2007) Lupus symptoms inventory (LSI): Develop-
ment and validation of a self-evaluation inventory of the
subjective symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus.
Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings,
[12] Greco, C.M., Rudy, T.E., and Manzi, S. (2004) Effects of
a stress-reduction program on psychological function,
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support is gratefully acknowledged from the National Spanish ‘‘I+D’’
Projects SEJ2007-61857.
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