Journal of Modern Physics
Vol.06 No.02(2015), Article ID:54195,7 pages
Cell Gas Free Energy as an Approximation of the Continuous Model
Vira A. Boluh1, Alexei L. Rebenko2
1Faculty of Mathematics, Zhytomyr, Ukraine
2Institute of Mathematics, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine
Copyright © 2015 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
Received 1 February 2015; accepted 15 February 2015; published 25 February 2015
A continuous infinite system of point particles interacting via two-body strong superstable potential is considered in the framework of cell gas (CG) model of classical statistical mechanics. We consider free energy of this model as an approximation of the correspondent value of the continuous system. It converges to the free energy of the conventional continuous gas if the parameter of approximation for any values of an inverse temperature
and volume per particle
Strong Superstable Potential, Quasi-Lattice Approximation, Cell Gas
1. Introduction
One of the most important mathematical problem of statistical mechanics is description of the gas-liquid phase transition within the framework of standard model of 2-partical Lenarda-Johnson type intermolecular interaction. The presence of phase transition at some temperature (
is the Boltzmann constant,
is inverse temperature in units of inverse energy) means that at
in some interval of change of density
, pressure
does not depend on density or a specific volume of
(see, for example [1] ). Taking into account the well-known thermodynamics formulas it means that free energy of the system depends on specific volume
linearly in the indicated interval of change of density. This result was obtained as early as the end of 60th for the lattice gas model in the articles of F. A. Berezin and Ya. G. Sinai [2] for unpositive potentials and R. L. Dobrushin [3] for more general potentials of interaction.
However, the lattice gas is some kind of “toy” model which is very far from the real continuous system. The model of cell-type gas, which actually is the model of the continuous system of point particles and differs from the standard model of gas only by determination of the phase (configuration) space, was offered in recent work [4] of one of the authors of this article.
Cell gas in is a continuous gas but its space of configurations is arranged so that for a given partition
into elementary hiper-cubes
with a rib
there is no more then one point particle in each cell (cube). These particles move in
and interact via two-body strong superstable potential
. According to the results of articles [5] [6] and [7] the correlation functions and the pressure of cell gas system tend to the corresponding values of conventional continuous gas at
. Within the framework of the grand canonical ensemble this result followed from a convenient representation of the corresponding quantities by Poisson integrals on the configuration space of the system. In this short paper we establish a similar result for the free energy of the system. This result requires more hard work as the corresponding representation in the canonical ensemble less convenient for mathematical calculations.
Why do we need this result? In the article [4] it was shown that it was possible to introduce an approximation of the interaction potential in such a way that the cell gas model grows into the model of the lattice gas on the lattice, and at
both models coincide with a model which describes the continuous statistical system. Therefore we consider the result of this article as the first modest step to realization of the Dobrushin’s way [3] to solve the phase transition problem in continuum.
2. Notations and Main Results
2.1. Configuration Space
Let be a
-dimensional Euclidean space. The set of positions
of identical point particles is considered to be a locally finite subset in
and the set of all such subsets creates the configuration space:
where denotes the cardinality of the set
denote the systems of all bounded Borel sets in
. We also need to define the space of finite configurations
By we denote the corresponding
-algebra on
. For the given intensity measure
(in this context
is Lebesgue measure on
) and any
the product measure
can be considered as a measure on
and hence as a measure on
through the map
Define the Lebesgue-Poisson measure on
by the formula:
The restriction of to
we also denote by
. For more detailed structure of the configuration spaces
and measures on them see e.g. [8] (see also latest review [9] ).
Let be arbitrary. Following [10] for each
we define an elementary cube with an edge
and a center
We will write instead of
, if a cube
is considered to be arbitrary and there is no reason to emphasize that it is centered at the concrete point
. Let
be the partition of
into cubes
. Without loss of generality we consider
in the form of a large cube and only that
and subsets
which are union of cubes
and corresponding partition:
Then for any which is a union of cubes
Definition 2.1. Infinite system of point particles in with given partition
and configuration space
is called cell gas system of particles.
For detail structure of this model see [4] .
2.2. Definition of the System
We consider a general type of two-body interaction potential, where
satisfies the following properties.
(A): Assumption on the interaction potential. Potential is continuous on
and there exist
, and
such that:
The potentials of this type are strong superstable.
Definition 2.2. Interaction is called strong superstable (SSS), if there exist, and constants
, and
such that for any
and any
an interaction energy of parti- cles satisfy the following inequality:
Remark 2.1. Superstable interactions were introduced by D. Ruelle (see [11] or [12] , Ch. 3.2.9 and [10] ). Y. M. Park (see [14] ) was the first, who used the condition (12) with for the proof of bounds for exponent of local number operator of quantum systems of interacting Bose gas. We have changed the definition of strong superstability including the case
, but with the constants which depends on parameter
(see, e.g., [13] [4] ). SSS potentials include all interaction potentials which are nonintegrable in the initial point.
One of the most popular example which is used in molecular physics is Lenard-Jonson potential:
where constants. In this article we consider the potentials of this type. The typical behavior of such potentials is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. The typical behavior of the potentials. (14)
Remark 2.2. For the potentials which are considered in this article (see (9)-(11)) the corresponding con- stants and
have the following form:
See for the proof [13] .
2.3. Partition Functions, Free Energy and Pressure
The main physical characteristics of the system are determined by thermodynamic potentials that associated with small and grand partition functions by the following formulas: 1) free energy
where limit is done in such a way that volume per particle,
, and small partition function
2) pressure
where is activity of the system and
The correspondent values for cell gas model are defined by the same formulas but with help of partition functions(see Definition 2.1):
Remark 2.3. The product of functions in definition of statistical sums
limits configuration space of the system of point particles to the
(see def. (2.7)). However, the system is continuous as particles are arranged in all points of the space
, but at the same time their joint position are defined only in
Now, we can formulate the main result of the paper.
Theorem 1 Suppose that the interaction potential satisfies the assumptions A (see (9), (10)). Then there exists some
, such that for all
there exist the limit
for any. The function
is monotone nondecreasing concave continuous function of
Theorem 2 Suppose that the interaction potential satisfies the assumptions A (see (9), (10)). Then for any
there exists
such that:
holds for all positive and
3. The Proof of the Main Results
The proof of the Theorem 2.1 is the same as the corresponding proof of such theorem for in [15] . The only remark to the proof is that the construction of auxiliary partitions into cubes in [15] should be agreed with the partition
To prove the Theorem 2.2 we insert the unite
, into the expression (18) for small partition function. Then
Separating the first term of the expansion which corresponds to the value we can rewrite (30) in the form:
The Equation (31) gives:
To estimate the second term in (33) we split the energy in every term of the sum in (32):
and use SSS inequality (12). Then
We denote the integral in (32) (after estimating (37)) by the letter and rewrite an expression for
in the following form
Every set in is an union of
. There are at least two variables from the configuration
in every cube
. Denote the number of variables that are in cubes
by the letters
. It is clear that
. Among all
terms which appear in the right side of (39)) does not vanish only those terms in which the integration is performed with respect to the variables
over region
and with respect
to the variables over region
. Due to the symmetry of the integrand with
respect to permutations of variables the number of terms in
which correspond to a fixed
. In the same way every integral over
one can represent as a sum of integrals over cubes
. Next, we take into account that the variables
can be placed into
cubes so that each cube
has exactly
variables by
ways. As a result we have:
To estimate the ratio of the partition functions in (40) we use the following lemma.
Lemma 1 Suppose that the interaction potential satisfies the assumptions A (see (9), (10)). Then there exists constant
such that
for any,
and sufficiently large cube
Proof. Let us fix some and sufficiently large cube
in such a way that
. Following Dobrushin and Minlos [16] we introduce an auxiliary potential
with any (see (10)). The proof of the lemma follows from the estimate of ratio of configuration integral
(see also [16] , Lemma
with. To prove (43) write
in the following form:
. Define the region
and chose the sufficiently large and
sufficiently small to satisfy the following inequality:
Then, taking into account that for
we obtain:
Holder’s inequality to (49) with respect to probability measure gives:
Using the property (9) and definition (42) we have:
Using this inequality and taking into account that and (46) we get (43) with
Taking into account that we have:
with. □
Now, the proof of the Theorem 2 follows from the trivial estimates of the combinatorial sums in (40). Let for simplicity in SSS assumption (12). From the condition
, one can obtain that
. So, we have:
It is clear from the Equations (15), (16), (38) that
so, this gives the proof of the main result. □
4. Conclusion
The main result of the article is presented by the Theorem 2.2. It proves that all thermodynamics properties of the infinite system which is defined by phase space (2.1) and interaction potential (2.9) - (2.11) can be described by the cell gas model, phase space and thermodynamics descriptions which are determined by the formulas (2.7), (2.22) - (2.25). In other words, this model approximates the statistical continuous system of interacting point particles up to any preassigned accuracy. It is needed to mark another surprising fact that the set is subset of measure zero in
with respect to Poisson measure (see Proposition 3.1 in [4] ).
We thank the referee for valuable remarks which improved the original version. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Ukrainian Scientific Project “Investigation of the spectral characteristics and critical behavior of complex systems of mathematical physics” (2011-2015).
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