Advances in Pure Mathematics
Vol.3 No.3(2013), Article ID:31464,6 pages DOI:10.4236/apm.2013.33054
Torsion Pairs in Triangulated Categories
College of Applied Sciences, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
Copyright © 2013 Chunyan Fan, Hailou Yao. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Received February 28, 2013; March 30, 2013; accepted April 26, 2013
Keywords: d-Ext-Projectivity (d-Ext-Injectivity); Torsion Pairs; -Mutation; Triangulated Category
We study the properties of torsion pairs in triangulated category by introducing the notions of d-Ext-projectivity and d-Ext-injectivity. In terms of -mutation of torsion pairs, we investigate the properties of torsion pairs in triangulated category under some conditions on subcategories and in.
1. Introduction
The notion of torsion theory (torsion pairs) in abelian categories was introduced by Dickson in 1966. Torsion theory plays an important role in the investigation of an abelian category. An abelian category is naturally embedded in a triangulated category like the bounded derived category. The analogous definition of torsion pairs in triangulated category is closely related to the notion of a t-structure. Beilinson, Bernstein and Deligne [1] introduce the definition of a t-structure in a triangulated category.The t-structure is a pair of full subcategories such that setting and
, satisfying:
; any object
is included in a triangle
where, and. In [2], Beligiannis and Reiten studied the torsion theory on pretriangulated, triangulated and stable categories. They discussed the connection between torsion theories in abelian and derived categories and indicated the relationship with tilting theory, they point out that the torsion pairs in triangulated category and t-structures essentially coincide. In 1987, Gorodentsev and Rudakov [3] made use of mutation when they classified the exceptional vector bundles on where is a projective space. Mutation can be regarded as a categorical realization of Coxeter or braid groups. In [4] and [5], Fomin and Zelevinsky introduced cluster algebras, these algebras give an algebraic and combinational framework for the positivity and canonical basis of quantum groups, which enjoy important combinational properties given in terms of the mutation for skew symmetric matrices. Cluster categories were introduced in [6], in which the mutation of cluster tilting objects was introduced. Recently, Geiss, Leclerc and Schroer [7] applied mutation to study rigid modules over preprojective algebras and the coordinate rings of maximal unipotent subgroups of semisimple Lie groups. Later Iyama and Yoshino [8] introduced the mutation of n-cluster tilting subcategories based on approximation theory. Recently, Zhou and Zhu [9] studied the notion of -mutation of torsion pairs in triangulated categories, and they proved that the -mutation of torsion pairs in triangulated categories is a torsion pair.They also studied its geometric meaning when the triangulated categories are the cluster categories of type or.
In this paper, we study the torsion pairs in triangulated categories and their properties in terms of -mutation pair. In a fixed triangulated category, we give the definition of torsion pairs in and study their properties with the notion of subcategory (resp.) whose objects are d-Ext-projective (resp. d-Extinjective). Under reasonable conditions on subcategories and of, we study the properties of torsion pairs in triangulated category in terms of - mutation pair.
2. Preliminaries
Through this paper, let be a triangulated category. We introduce some basic notions which will be used. Let and be subcategories of. We put
We denote by the collection of objects in consisting of all such with the triangle
where By the octahedralaxiom, we have.
Definition 2.1 We call a pair of subcategories of a torsion pair if and
In this case, we can see that and.
Let be a morphism, we call a right approximation of [10] if and
is exact as functors on. We call a contravariantly finite subcategory of if any has a right - approximation. Dually, for a morphism , we call a left -approximation of if and
is exact. We call a covariantly finite subcategory ofif any has a left -approximation.
Let be a subcategory of, we call -monic (resp. -epic) if
) is exact.
3. Torsion Pairs in Triangulated Categories
In this section, we introduce -cluster tilting torsion pairs, rigid torsion pairs and maximal rigid torsion pairs in a triangulated category, and study the properties of these torsion pairs.
Definition 3.1 Let be an extension-closed subcategory of. An object is called a d-Extprojective object of if for all . The d-Ext-injective objects ofare defined dually. An object is called a d-Ext-injective object of if for all. The subcategory of consisting of d-Ext-projective (or d-Ext-injective) objects inis denoted by (respectively).
Definition 3.2 Let and be subcategories of the triangulated category.
1) The pair is called a -cluster tilting torsion pair if is a torsion pair and satisfies the property: is functorially finite in and if and only if for all [11].
2) The pair is called a rigid torsion pair if is a torsion pair and for all [12].
3) The pair is called a maximal rigid torsion pair provided that is a torsion pair, is a rigid subcategory and satisfies the property:
if for any and all, then. In this case, the subcategory is called a maximal rigid subcategory [13].
Corollary 3.3 A pair is a maximal rigid torsion pair if and only if for all and for any rigid object in, we have
for all.
Proof: Now supposing is a maximal rigid torsion pair, by the definition we have
for all. It implies for all. For any rigid object in, take a triangle
where. Then we have the triangle
It follows that for all .
Conversely, suppose is a torsion pair with for all and
for any rigid object while
, then is rigid. If there exists an object in such that for any and all. Then is rigid. It follows that there is a triangle
Then the above triangle splits. This implies that
for, i.e.,. is maximal rigid.
Corollary 3.4 A pair is a -cluster tilting torsion pair if and only if is functorially finite and for all.
Proof: By the definition, if we have
for allthen we obtain. On the other hand,
for all, it implys, i.e,. So.
Conversely, we only need to prove that if and only if for all. Supposing, we have
. Now, if forwe have that, since
. This implies.
Proposition 3.5 Let be a rigid torsion pairthen, for all
. Moreover, is covariantly finite in and is contravariantly finite in.
Proof: Let, we have that
for if and only if. Then if and only if
. For, let,
if and only if
. Since, we have that
if and only if, i.e., if and only if.
Now we prove that is covariantly finite in.
Since is a torsion pair, we have that
is a torsion pair for. For any object, take a triangle
where. Then we have a triangle
When, then
. Applying functor to the triangle above, we obtain
. Since, we have
. Then is a left -approximation of. Thus is covariantly finite in.
When, we have that. For any, take a triangle
where and. Then we have the triangle
Since is extension-closed, we obtain that
, and hence. It is easy to see that is covariantly finite in.
Finally, we prove is contravariantly finite in. In case, we have
Since is a torsion pair, for any, there exists a triangle
where and. Since and is closed under extensions, we have, and hence. It follows that is a right approximation of, and then is contravariantly finite in.
In case, we have
for and. Take a triangle
where and. Since and
for any and, we have that. Hence
, i.e., is a right -approximation of. It means that is contravariantly finite in.
Corollary 3.6 is a rigid torsion pair if and only if.
Proof: By proposition 3.5, we have that
. Since
for all if and only if for, hence in this case,.
Corollary 3.7 Let be a maximal rigid subcategory of, then 1) Every object is d-Ext-projective (or d-Extinjective) in.
2) An object is d-Ext-projective in if and only if.
Proof: 1) By Corollary 3.6, , (a) holds.
2) For any object
if and only if.
4. Torsion Pairs in
Let be a triangulated category and a subcategory of satisfying. For a subcategory of, put. Then consists of all such that there exists a triangle
with and a left -approximation.
Dually, for a subcategory of, put
Then consists of all such that there exists a triangle with and a right -approximation.
We call a pair of subcategories of a - mutation pair [5] if and .
Let be a subcategory of, we assume:
1) is extension closed;
2) forms a -mutation pair.
In the rest of this section, we assume that has a serre functor. We put We call a subcategory of an -subcategory of if it satisfies.
For an integer, we call a subcategory of if for.
Now we assume that is a functorially finite subcategory of and
It was proved in [8] that forms a triangulated category. The shift in is defined as follows: for any object, consider the left -approximation, and extend it to a triangle
where and. The is defined as the shift of in.
Then triangles in are defined as the complex
in, where and are the images of maps under the quotient functor respectively.
In the following, denotes the subcategory of consisting of objects, for the subcategory
Lemma 4.1 [8] For any and, there exists a triangle
in with and with being -epic.
Lemma 4.2 If is a torsion pair for
Proof: Noting that for. Sincewe have, and then
or. Therefore
. Sincewe have that
. Thus we have
Lemma 4.3 Let X and be two objects in. Then for if and only if
Proof: By Lemma 4.1, we have an exact sequence
where and is a right -approximation. Since
, we have
and for. Then if and only if for.
Theorem 4.4 Let be a subcategory of satisfying. Then is a torsion pair with in for if and only if is a torsion pair with in for
Proof: Noting that is a triangulated category with shift functor, we suppose that is a torsion pair. It follows from Lemma 4.2 that
. By Lemma 4.3, we have
for. For any, there is a triangle
where and as is a torsion pair in. Since all of are in, there is a triangle
in. Therefore,. Hence is a torsion pair in.
Conversely, we suppose is a torsion pair for. By Lemma 4.3, we have
for. For anythere is a triangle in:
where and for by Lemma 4.3. Then there is a triangle
in such that in. Hence in up to direct summands of. Thus is a subcategory of. Since there is a triangle in for any:
where and, we have
Therefore is a torsion pair in for .
Finally, we have.
Corollary 4.5 Let be a subcategory of satisfying, then we have the following:
1) is a rigid torsion pair in for if and only if is a rigid torsion pair in for.
2) is a -cluster tilting torsion pair in
for if and only if is a n-cluster tilting torsion pair in for.
3) is a maximal rigid torsion pair in
for if and only if is a maximal rigid torsion pair for.
Proof: 1) By Corollary 3.6, we only need to prove
if and only if. By Theorem 4.4 we have.
2) It follows from Theorem 4.9 in [8] that we have a one-one correspondence between -cluster tilting subcategories of containing and -cluster tilting subcategories of.
3) It is obvious that if and only if
for. Assume that,
while for any rigid object in. For any rigid object in, we have that is also rigid in. Then there is a triangle
in , where and. Thus there is a triangle
in with. Therefore,
It follows from Corollary 3.3 that is a maximal rigid torsion pair in for.
Conversely, while for any rigid object in. For any rigid object in, there is a triangle
in, where and. Applying
to this triangle we obtain that is a rigid object for. Then is a rigid object in for. And thus there is a triangle
in, where. Then there is a triangle
in such that is isomorphic to up to direct summands in. Since for
, it is easy to see that is closed under extensions for.
Therefore and then
by. So we have that
is a maximal rigid torsion pair in for
5. Acknowledgement
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10971172, 11271119) and the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing (Grant No. 1122002).
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