Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics
Vol.04 No.01(2016), Article ID:63066,9 pages
The Tikhonov Regularization Method in Hilbert Scales for Determining the Unknown Source for the Modified Helmholtz Equation
Lei You, Zhi Li, Juang Huang, Aihua Du
College of Science, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, China
Copyright © 2016 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
Received 9 December 2015; accepted 23 January 2016; published 27 January 2016
In this paper, we consider an unknown source problem for the modified Helmholtz equation. The Tikhonov regularization method in Hilbert scales is extended to deal with ill-posedness of the problem. An a priori strategy and an a posteriori choice rule have been present to obtain the regularization parameter and corresponding error estimates have been obtained. The smoothness parameter and the a priori bound of exact solution are not needed for the a posteriori choice rule. Numerical results are presented to show the stability and effectiveness of the method.
Ill-Posed Problem, Unknown Source, Regularization Method, Discrepancy Principle in Hilbert Scales
1. Introduction
A variety of important problems in science and engineering involve the solution to the modified Helmholtz equation, e.g., in implicit marching schemes for the heat equation, in Debye-Huckel theory, and in the linearization of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation [1] - [5] . In this paper, we consider the following problem of determining an unknown source which depends only on one variable for the modified Helmholtz equation [6] :
where is the unknown source and
is the supplementary condition and the constant
is the wave number. Our purpose is to identify the source term
from the input data
. This
problem is called the inverse source problem. In practice, the data at are often obtained on the basis of reading of physical instrument. So only a perturbed data
can be obtained. We assume that the exact and measured data satisfy
where denotes the noise level,
denotes the
Inverse source problems arise in many branches of science and engineering, e.g., heat conduction, crack identification electromagnetic theory, geophysical prospecting and pollutant detection. The main difficulty of these problems is that they are ill-posed (the solution, if it exists, does not depend continuously on the data). Thus, the numerical simulation is very difficult and some special regularization is required. Many papers have presented the mathematical analysis and efficient algorithms of these problems. The uniqueness and conditional stability results for these problems can be found in [7] - [12] . Some numerical reconstruction schemes can be found in [13] - [23] .
Up to now, only a few papers for identifying the unknown source on the modified Helmholtz equation have been reported. In [1] , an integral equation method has been proposed and a simplified Tikhonov regularization has been presented in [6] . In this paper, we will use the Tikhonov regularization method to solve the problem (1). Unlike the one in [6] , a different Tikhonov functional will be used and we show that the regularization parameter can be chosen by a discrepancy principle in Hilbert scales which is proposed by Neubauer [24] and better convergence rates have been obtained. Moreover, the smoothness parameter of the exact solution is not needed for the new method.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we will give the method to construct approximate solution. The choices of the regularization parameter and corresponding convergence results will be found in Section 3. Some numerical results are given in Section 4 to show the effectiveness of the new method.
2. The Tikhonov Regularization Method
Let, it is well known that
is an orthonormal basis in
, i.e.,
where is the Kronecher symbol. So for any
, we can write
, where
It is easy to derive a solution of problem (1) by the method of separation of variables [6]
Note that the exact data must decay faster than the rate
. As for the measured data function
is only in
, we cannot expect that it possess such a decay property. So some special regularization methods are required. In the following, we apply the Tikhonov regularization method in Hilbert scales to reconstruct a new function
from the perturbed data
will be used as an approximation of f. It is well known that for any ill-posed problems an a priori bound assumption for the exact solution is needed and necessary. In this paper, we assume the following a priori bound holds:
where is a constant and
denotes a slightly different norm from the one in [25] which is defined by:
We let be the minimizer of the Tikhonov functional
where is a regularization parameter and q is a positive real number. The real number
is going to occur throughout this paper and will be denoted by
If we let, then we can derive that
So we have
Which means that
Then the approximate solution can be given as
Lemma 1. For any, we have
Lemma 2. [26] For, we have
Lemma 3.
where is the unique minimizer of (10) with g instead of
The proposition follows by applying (16) with b replaced by.
Lemma 4.
Proof. With the representation
and Lemma 1, we have
3. The Choices of Regularization Parameter a and Convergence Results
In this section, we consider the choices of the regularization parameter. An a priori strategy and an a posteriori choice rule will be given. Under each choice of the regularization parameter, the convergence estimate can be obtained.
3.1. The a Priori Choice Rule
we can obtain the following theorem.
Theorem 5. If (2) holds and (7) holds with,
is defined by (14) and (23), then
Proof. With Lemma 3, Lemma 4 and (23) we obtain
Moreover, by using Hölder inequality, we have
Formulae (8) implies that
The assertion of the Lemma follows from (25)-(27).
3.2. The a Posteriori Choice Rule
For any, we define
It is apparent that the function is continuous and strictly increasing on
So we can get the following lemma
Lemma 6. Let g, and
satisfy (2) and
for some. Then there is a unique
such that
In the following, we denote the unique determined in (31) by
. In the next lemma, we consider the behavior of
Lemma 7. Let g, and
satisfy (2) and (30) for
a) Let
then from Lemma 1
The rest follows from a).
Theorem 8. Suppose that the conditions (2) and (30) hold, the condition (7) hold with,
is defined by (14) and (31), then
Proof. By using the triangle inequality we know
So, in terms of Equations (17), (19) and (33), we have
From (26),
Combining (41) and (42), we obtain
The assertion of the theorem follows from (27).
4. Numerical Tests
In this section, we present some numerical tests to check the effectiveness of the method. The discretization knots are. We first get the datum
representing values of
, and then obtain the perturbation datum
as following
where are generated by Function
in Matlab. Because the error satisfies the uniform distribution in this paper, so we let
in practical computing. The relative errors are measured by the weighted -norms defined as follows:
All tests are computed by using Matlab and we will also compare the method (M1) with the method in [6] (M2, notate the approximate function as). The perturbed data are given by
where are generated by function
in Matlab.
Example [6] It is easy to see that the function and the function
are the exact solutions of the problem (1) for any natural number n. In these cases, the condition (7) hold for any
. So we have
. Firstly, we exhibit influence of various p and N on ac- curacy of numerical solution. The relative errors
have been shown in Table 1 with
and fixed
. We can see that when N increases and
decreases, the relative errors become smaller and when q increases, the rates of convergence become larger.
In Table 2, we give a numerical comparison between M1 and M2 with fixed,
. The relative errors are given in Table 2, we can see that the results of M1 are much better than M2.
5. Conclusion
We have proposed a new method to identify the unknown source in the modified Helmholtz equation. Theoretical analysis as well as experience from computations indicates that the proposed method works well.
Table 1. Relative errors for various p and N with.
Table 2. Comparison of M1 and M2.
The project is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11201085).
Cite this paper
LeiYou,ZhiLi,JuangHuang,AihuaDu, (2016) The Tikhonov Regularization Method in Hilbert Scales for Determining the Unknown Source for the Modified Helmholtz Equation. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics,04,140-148. doi: 10.4236/jamp.2016.41017
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