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Wireless Sensor Network, 2009, 1, 489-495 doi:10.4236/wsn.2009.15059 Published Online December 2009 ( Copyright © 2009 SciRes. WSN Robust Speech Endpoint Detection in Airplane Cockpit Voice Background Hongbing CHENG1, Ming LEI2, Guorong HUANG1, Yan XIA3 1College of Engineering, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an, China 2People’s Liberation Army 95340 Unit, Tianyang, China 3Air Force Equipment Research Academy, Beijing, China Email:, Received July 5, 2009; revised June 7, 2009; accepted June 24, 2009 Abstract A method of robust speech endpoint detection in airplane cockpit voice background is presented. Based on the analysis of background noise character, a complex Laplacian distribution model directly aiming at noisy speech is established. Then the likelihood ratio test based on binary hypothesis test is carried out. The deci- sion criterion of conventional maximum a posterior incorporating the inter-frame correlation leads to two separate thresholds. Speech endpoint detection decision is finally made depend on the previous frame and the observed spectrum, and the speech endpoint is searched based on the decision. Compared with the typical algorithms, the proposed method operates robust in the airplane cockpit voice background. Keywords: Complex Laplacian Model, Maximum A Posterior Criterion, Likelihood Ratio Test, Speech End- point Detection, Airplane Cockpit Voice 1. Introduction The information recorded by airplane cockpit voice re- corder is called cockpit voice for short. Cockpit voice background is non-human voice in cockpit voice. It will take significant effect to pick-up voice information of co- ckpit voice in understanding the station of pilot, investi- gating the fly accident and finding out causes of accident. Speech endpoint detection is the base of speech tone, and its purpose is to distinguish speech segment and non- speech segment in speech signal [1]. In the airplane communication system, voice background has many characteristics: excessive kinds, complex, non-calm, transient and broad frequency. It makes up of engine noise, air current voice when it is flying, activity voice of manipulated component, diversified switch voice, alarm voice and so on. Especially prophase of airplane wreck- ing, noise background energy is very strong. The signal- to-noise falls obviously [2]. How to distinguish speech signal and noise signal in cockpit voice background is still a difficulty. Many researchers put forward various algorithms, such as based on entropy [3–5], cepstral fea- ture [6–7], higher-order statistics [8], signal recursion analysis [9] etc., which are not ideal in the circumstance. Recently years, speech endpoint detection based on statistical model get effective evolvement [10–11], espe- cially the method based on Gaussian mixture model (GMM) [12], which establishes models of pure speech and noise respectively, and makes use of likelihood ratio test (LRT) and maximum probability criterion to judge the station of current frame, and exhibits preferable ve- racity. Because cockpit voice background has traits of abnormality and complexity, and has no prior informa- tion, it is impossible to establish statistical model of noise. Goodness-of-test (GOF) in literature [13] checkout that complex Laplacian model is better than traditional Gaussian model in any noise environment. This paper imports complex Laplacian distribute model to describe the whole speech which include noise. Aiming at the defect that traditional statistical model analysis every frame signal station distribution abso- lutely, it thought about interframe relativity sufficiently. Then, it gained two kinds of thresholds of speech station and non-speech station respectively. In the judge crite- rion, it will adjust threshold automatically depending on previous frame and the observed spectrum to judge the appear or non-appear speech station. So, it achieved co- ckpit voice background robust speech endpoint detection. 2. Speech Endpoint Detection Based on GMM and LRT Recently years, speech endpoint detection based on GMM 12] gets effective evolvement [14], which establishes [ H. B. CHENG ET AL. 490 Figure 1. The speech endpoint detection algorithm flow chart based on GMM and LRT. models of pure speech and noise respectively, and makes use of LRT and maximum probability criterion to judge the station of current frame, and exhibits preferable ve- racity. The algorithm flow chart based on GMM and LRT is showed in Figure 1. 2.1. Mathematical Describing of Statistical Models Hidden Markov models (HMM), as a statistical model of speech signal, can describe the produce process of speech signal accurately. The method of speech endpoint detection based on statical models makes use of LRT to differentiate the speech frame and non-speech frame. Figure 2 shows the analysis platform of speech endpoint detection based on speech or non-speech transfer model [10] of every station. where, H0: non-speech station in cockpit voice; H1: speech station in cockpit voice; ai,j: transfer probability from i to j, , (| ijtj ti apqHqH 1 ) , i,j=0 or 1; () jt bO: the probability when the output of t frame cockpit voice is j station, ()( |) j ttt bpqHOO j t ; t O: the L dimension station vector of the t short time amplitude. The way of distinguish speech frame and non-speech is to estimate the station qt of t frame short time ampli- tude on the condition of . The com- pute formula of conditional probability density is: 0: 0 {,,} t OOO 0: (| ) tt pq O 0,0 a 0,1 a 1,0 a 1,1 a 0 () t bO 1 () t bO 0 H 1 H Figure 2. Speech/non-speech transfer model. 0: 0:0:0: (|)( ,)/( )( ,) tttt ttt pqp qpp q OOO O (1) Applying one rank Markov chain recursion formula, the combine probability of Formula (1) can be showed as: 0: (, tt pqO) ) 1 0:10: 11 (,)(| )(|)(, t ttttttt t q p qpqqpqpq OOO ) (2) 0: (, tt p qO usually called as forward probability aj, t, combining ai,j with () j t bO: ,0,0,11,1, () () jtj jttj jtt abab 1 OO (3) Finally, we can get station qt through likelihood ratio threshold 1,0, / tt Rt : 0 1 t t t HR Threshold qHR Threshold (4) For example, if we can ascertain observed that signal qt is in station H1, comparatively, qt is speech frame. 2.2. The Computation of Probability Density Function Based on GMM In Formula (3), The computation of bj(Ot) take signifi- cant effect in the precision of endpoint detection. It is more flexible and more applicable to use the method based on GMM of log-mail spectrum than to use the method based on prior and posterior signal-to-noise, so that the precision of estimate of bj(Ot) will be higher. 2 1,,, ,2 10,, ,, () 1 ()exp2 2 L ktl jkl jt jk kljkl jkl O b O (5) where, ,jk is the k mixture weight of gauss distribu- tion of GMM; is the Lth element of ; ,tl Ot O,, j kl is the average of ; ,tl O2 ,, j kl is the variance of . In this method, if we know the average vector of whisht speech GMM, pure speech GMM and noise, we can figure ,tl O Copyright © 2009 SciRes. WSN H. B. CHENG ET AL.491 out real time noise GMM and GMM with noise through log-add composition [15] (LAC), so we can gain () j t bO )) l . LAC showed as: ,,,,,, ,,, log(1 exp( jklS jklNlSjk (6) where ,,,Sjkl is the average of whisht (j=0) or speech (j=1) GMM in log-mail spectrum, ,Nl is the average of noise. In the method, we can establish whisht and pure speech GMM by training pure speech. The average of noise (,Nl ) can be estimated one by one frame by using parallel nonlinear KF. The noise GMM and GMM with noise will update timely with ,Nl . The traditional likelihood estimation is gained by for- ward estimating with present and past parameter. The value of t+1,…,T is still the important factor of time se- quence estimate. Processing likelihood estimate with the future frame is backward estimate. The definition of backward estimate is: 0:0: 1: (,)(,)( | TttttT t pqpqpq OOO) )q (7) Similar with Formula (2), conditional probability is showed as: 1 1: 1 11 2: (|)(|) (|)( | t tT ttt q tt tT pqpqq pqp O OO 1 ) t q (8) 1: (| tT t p O ,jt has usually called forward probability , combining with : ,ij a() jt bO ,,0010,1,1111, () ()1 j titt it t ab ab OO tt pq (9) Usually, backward estimate begin from terminal of tested signal, but in the test of endpoint, the terminal is unknown. So we introduce back modularize estimation. It is begin from T=t+b, where b is a constant. When b=0, backward estimate equal to does not process. We can conclude from the definition of the Forward- Backward (F-B) algorithm that: 0: (, t H) O ,, j tjt . We can gain likelihood ratio Rt by applying likelihood ratio test. 1, 1, 0: 1 0:00, 0, (, ) (, ) tt Tt t Ttt t pO qH RpO qH (10) Finally, substituting Rt in Formula (4), we get the sta- tion value qt of speech endpoint detection. 3. The Establishing of Complex Laplacian Distribution Model Speech endpoint detection is processed one by one frame. Every frame includes M sampling. In generally, speech signal is thought as windless signal in short period (10~30ms). We can suppose that speech signal with noise is statistical irrelated complex Laplacian random course. We denote coefficient vector of discrete fourier transform (DFT) of M dimension noise speech with : ()tX 12 () [(),(),()()] T kM tXtXtXt XtX= If and k(R) Xk(I) X denote real part and imaginary part of k X respectively, the probability density distri- bution of and k(R) Xk(I) X , according to the Laplacian probability distribution, can be written as: k(R) k(R) xx 2 1 ( )exp{} X pX (11) k(I) k(I) xx 2 1 () exp{ X pX } (12) where, 2 x is the variance of k X . If the real part and imaginary part of k X are uncorrelated, the distribution density of k X can be written as: kk(R) k(I) k(R) k(I) 2 xx () ()() 2( ) 1exp{ } pX pXpX XX (13) 4. The Likelihood Ratio Test Based on Hypothesis Test Speech endpoint detection can be regarded as a binary hypothesis issue: 0 1 :()= :() Hspeech donotappeartt() =()+() H speech appearttt XN XNS where, H0 denote the situation of speech not appearing, Hl denote the situation of speech appearing, N(t) and S(t) denote DFT coefficient vector of background noise and pure speech respectively. The conditional probability density of noise under the situation of H and Hl can be written as: k(R) k(I) kn0 n,k n,k 2( ) 1 (H =H )exp{} XX pX (14) k(R) k(I) kn 1 n,k s,kn,ks,k 2( ) 1 (H=H )exp{} XX pX (15) We can receive likelihood test of hypothesis test by Formulas (14) and (15). Likelihood ratio of the kth frequency band can be denoted as: k Copyright © 2009 SciRes. WSN H. B. CHENG ET AL. 492 kn 1 k kn0 (H=H) (H=H) pX pX (16) Because the signal samples are uncorrelated and have the same distribution, the likeli- hood ratio of M dimension observed vector of two hy- pothesis is: k(1,2kX)M () (),, 1 1 0 0 2()(()/ ) 1 ()( ()( 1 1 kRkIknkknk M nkn k nkn MXX XX kk pHH pXHH PHH pXHH e X X 1 0 ) ) (17) where, k is the forward signal-to-noise, define as , , s k nk k , we assume that all the frequency vectors are uncorrelated. We can know from Formula (17) that n,k and k have great influence on the veracity of likelihood ratio test. The estimate of n,k of traditional speech endpoint detection updates in speech intermission time. The power spectrum changes when speech appears in cockpit voice background, where the impulse noise does not appear in other time. So, the estimation of noise power spectrum should be updated really both when speech appear and when speech do not appear. We adopt the method of long time power spectrum smooth to compute n,k [16]. From [16] we know that the estimation of the kth fourier transform coefficient variance is: 2 ,, ˆˆ (1)()(1)[()()] nn nknkk k ttENt Xt (18) where, is the estimation of , ˆ() nk t ,() nk t and n is the smooth coefficient. Considering the two situation of speech appearing and not appearing, the estimation of the noise power spectrum of current frame is: 2 2 00 2 11 [() ()] [() (),](()) [() (),](() kk kknn k kknn k EN tXt ENtX tHHPHHX t ENtX tHHPHHXt ) (19) where:2 0 [() (),]() kkn k ENtX tHHX t 2 2 1 2 2 , [() (),] ˆ() 1 ˆ ()()()( ˆˆ 1() 1() kkn k nk k kk EN tXt HH ttX tt )t The prior signal-to-noise k can be estimated, fol- lowing literature [17], as: 2 , ˆ(1) ˆˆ ()(1)[() 1] ˆ(1) k kSNRSNRk nk St t t where, , ,0 [] 0, xx Px others 2 k k n X is posterior signal-to-noise, is it’s estimation, ˆ() kt SNR is the weight of direct judge estimate, 2 ˆ(1) k St is the speech amplitude breadth of pre-frame which has esti- mated by using MMSE. We can gain likelihood estimate by substituting (18) and (20) in (7).We can judge whether speech appear or not based on traditional MAP criterion [18]. 5. The Judge Criterion Based on Conditional MAP The decision-making of speech endpoint detection based on traditional MAP criterion is: 1 0 1 0 () 1 () H n nH pH H PH H X X (21) where, Hn denote the nth frame right hypothesis. Ac- cording to Bayesian formula, the criterion of likelihood ratio is: 1 0 10 01 () ( ()( H nn nn H pHH pH H PHH PHH X X ) ) (22) However, the speech appear model H1 include speech do not appear model H0. It causes the computing of like- lihood ratio partial to H 1 [10]. In order to make up the difference, the Formula (22) is adjusted as: 1 0 10 01 () () 1 ()() H nn nn H pHH pH H PHH PHH X X , (23) The speech endpoint detection of interframe has strong relativity. The probability of that speech frame’s next frame turns into speech frame is very large. The relativ- ity was validated by FSM [11]. The paper combined the relativity of interframe with MAP criterion. It is different from traditional forward probability ( n PH X). The present observed value and the decision-making of pre-frame were used for comput- ing forward probability. It was denoted as 1 (, nn PH H X) , and the decision-making verification of speech endpoint detection decision-making was adjusted: 1 0 11 01 (,) 0,1 (,) H nni nni H pH HHHi PH HHH X X (24) P t (20) where, α is threshold. The estimation of likelihood ratio becomes: Copyright © 2009 SciRes. WSN H. B. CHENG ET AL.493 1 0 11 01 01 11 (,) (,) () ,0, () nni nni H nni nni H pHHH H PHHH H pHH HHi PHH HH X X 1 (25) In the actual cockpit voice, because of the lack of prior information, distributed parameters, 11 (, nn ) i p HHH H X and 01 (, nn PHHH H X) i , have not been estimated, and the distributed parameters of current frame were decided by the current observed value. So it was predi- gested as: 1 (,)( 0,1, 0,1. njn inj pHHHH PHH ij XX), (26) Formula (25) is changed to: 1 0 1 0 01 11 () () () ,0, () n n H nni nni H pHH PHH pHH HHi PHH HH X X 1 (27) Its form of log is: 1 0 1 0 01 11 () log () () log, 0,1 () n n H nni i nni H pHH PHH pHH HHi PHH HH X X (28) The Formula (27) or (28) is the judge criterion of speech endpoint detection. i is the threshold. When preframe is speech frame, 1 will be regarded as the threshold of the current frame. When preframe is non- speech frame, 0 will be regarded as the threshold of the current frame. Multiple thresholds can provide more freedom and can enhance the robusticity of speech end- point detection. Considering the relativity of interframe, parameter distribution has the trait as follows: 010 011 11 0111 ()( ()( nn nn nn nn pHH HHpHH HH PHH HHPHH HH ) ) (29) It indicates that the probability of nonspeech frame’s next frame become nonspeech frame is large. When the preframe is nonspeech frame, 0 is larger than 1 . It is all the same for speech frame. 6. Experimentation In order to test the validity of the paper’s algorithm, the cockpit voice background sound of airplane normal sta- tion and wrecked station have been picked up respec- tively, and two teams experimentation of speech end- point detection based on GMM and the paper’s algorithm have been done. 6.1. The Establishment of Experimentation In environment of lab, we record 200 sentences of 6 persons (3 men and 3 women) to form storage of pure speech and training GMM. The test group makes up of other 40 sentences. Because cockpit voice background sound is complex, excessive, so its bandwidth is broad (150Hz-6800Hz), and its signal is not calm and is tran- sient. Different kind airplanes have different cockpit voice background sounds. Its characteristics are different from F16 noise provided by group NOISEX-2. So that, the cockpit voice background sound used in simulation test was recorded in the real environment. Its sample frequency is 16KHz and quantitative change bite is 16 and single channel is format wave. We can get airplane normal station and wrecked station speech with noise group by adjusting breadth of pure speech and adding it to cockpit voice background sound. The extracting of character is showed in Table 1. When training GMM, the GMM parameter with 25 characteristic vector (12 rank mail cepstral coefficient and its differential coefficient, short time power differen- tial coefficient) was gained by using the expectation- maximization (EM) algorithm. The smooth coefficient n , the weight SNR for judging forward signal-to-noise estimation and the known threshold ηi based on preframe should be chosen carefully to ensure the robusticity. 6.2. The Result of Experiment We define that is the ratio that the speech frame is detected as the speech frame correctly and is the ratio that the nonspeech frame is detected as the speech frame. The performance of the two algorithms is de- picted by the ROC curve which denote the relation of and . Figure 3 shows a real example of speech endpoint detection. Its last time is 1s. Figure 4 and Fig- ure 5 show the ROC curve, which is the cockpit voice background speech endpoint detection of airplane normal station and wrecked station, of the two algorithms. d P f P d Pf P In Figure 3, the broken line of pure speech graph is the manual mark place of speech begin point. When the air- Table 1. the condition of character extracting. Sample frequency 16kHz Quantitative change bite 16bite Advance add quantity 1-0.97z-1 Length of frame 20ms Moving of frame 10ms Function of window Hamming Copyright © 2009 SciRes. WSN H. B. CHENG ET AL. Copyright © 2009 SciRes. WSN 494 Figure 3. A real example of speech endpoint detection. Figure 4. The ROC curve of airplane normal station Figure 5. The ROC curve of airplane wrecked station. plane fly normally, the noise in cockpit primary is smooth engine noise and the quiver noise arosed by aero- sphere mussy flu. So the veracity of the speech endpoint detection result of the two algorithms almost the same. When the airplane was wrecked, the noise in cockpit is very intensive. The prior half part is the airplane speech alarm sound, the posterior half part is the alarm ring. There is strike sound of pilot pull switch in it. In the complex and nonsmooth background sound, speech was almost silenced. From Figure 3 we can see that the pa- per’s algorithm, modelling directly for speech with noise, robuster than GMM algorithm, modelling noise and speech respectively, and gets better effect of speech end- point detection. From Figure 4 we can see, when the airplane fly nor- mally, the ROC curve’s best work points of GMM and the paper’s algorithm are [0.180,0.885] and [0.135,0.920] respectively. Compared with GMM, The error warn probability and the detect probability of the paper’s algo- rithm reduce 25% and increase 4% respectively. The cause of the phenomena is that the draw up precision of complex Laplacian transformation higher than that of GMM. Adding the application of the relativity of the interframe, his total precision is better than GMM. From Figure 4 we can see, when the airplane was wrecked, the speech endpoint detection algorithm of the paper is better than GMM obviously. The best work points of the two algorithms are [0.141,0.910] and [0.275,0.820] respec- H. B. CHENG ET AL.495 tively. Compared with GMM, The error warn probability and the detect probability of the paper’s algorithm reduce 49% and increase 10% respectively. The cause of the phenomena is that GMM modeling noise and speech respectively is not applicable for the environment of wrecked station. When the airplane was wrecked, there are many kinds of noise and they are transient, which is difficult to establish a universal model. Then, the paper’s algorithm models the total speech with noise directly and exhibits preferable robusticity. 7. Conclusions The speech endpoint detection of airplane cockpit voice background was put forward by the paper. The two teams’ experiment denotes that the algorithm can pre- serve preferable veracity and robusticity in the airplane normal station and wrecked station. 6. References [1] Y. M. Guo, Q. Fu, and Y. H. Yan, “Speech endpoint de- tection in complex noise environment [J],” Journal of Acoustics, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 549–554, 2006. [2] D. L. Cheng, C. J. Yi, H. Y. 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