Open Journal of Statistics
Vol.1 No.2(2011), Article ID:6183,13 pages DOI:10.4236/ojs.2011.12014
Runs and Patterns in a Sequence of Markov Dependent Bivariate Trials
Department of Statistics, School of Mathematical Sciences, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, India
Received May 13, 2011; revised June 2, 2011; accepted June 8, 2011
Keywords: Markov Dependent Bivariate Trials, Conditional Probability Generating Function, Joint Distribution
In this paper we consider a sequence of Markov dependent bivariate trials whose each component results in an outcome success (0) and failure (1) i.e. we have a sequence of
valued Markov dependent bivariate trials. By using the method of conditional probability generating func-tions (pgfs), we derive the pgf of joint distribution of
where for
de-notes the number of occurrences of i-runs of length
in the first component and
denotes the number of occurrences of i-runs of length
in the second component of Markov dependent bivariate trials. Further we consider two patterns
of lengths
respectively and obtain the pgf of joint distribution of
using method of conditional probability generating functions where
denotes the number of occurrences of pattern
of length
in the first (second) n components of bivariate trials. An algorithm is developed to evaluate the exact probability distributions of the vector random variables from their derived probability generating functions. Further some waiting time distributions are studied using the joint distribution of runs.
1. Introduction
The distributions of several run statistics are used in various areas such as reliability theory, testing of statistical hypothesis, DNA sequencing, psychology [1], start up demonstration tests [2] etc. There are various counting schemes of runs. Some of the most popular counting schemes of runs are non-overlapping success runs of length [3], overlapping success runs of length
[4], success runs of length at least
- overlapping success runs of length
[5], success runs of exact length
The probability distribution of various run statistics associated with the above counting schemes have been studied extensively in the literature in different situations such as independent Bernoulli trials (BT), non-identical BT, Markov dependent BT (MBT), higher order MBT, binary sequence of order, multi-state trials etc. But very little work is found on the distribution theory of run statistics in case of bivariate trials which has applications in different areas such as start up demonstration tests with regard to simultaneous start ups of two equipment, reliability theory of two dimensional consecutive
out of
-Lattice system etc as specified by [7]. [7] have studied the distribution of sooner and later waiting time problems for runs in Markov dependent bivariate trials by giving system of linear equations of the conditional pgfs of the waiting times. The distribution of number of occurrences of runs in the two components of bivariate sequence of trials and their joint distributions are still unknown to the literature.
Consider a sequence of
-valued trials where
is set of all possible outcomes of trials under study. The simple pattern
is composed of specified sequence of
states i.e.
. The number of occurrences of patterns can be counted according to the non-overlapping or overlapping counting scheme. The non-overlapping counting scheme starts recounting of the pattern immediately after the occurrence of the pattern while the overlapping counting scheme of patterns allows an overlap of prespecified fixed length in the successive occurrences of patterns.
Recently the study of distributions of different statistics based on patterns has become a focus area for many researchers due to its wide applicability area. Distribution of, the waiting time for the
occurrence of pattern
of length
in the sequence of multistate trials is studied by [1,8,9]. [10] considered the sequence
generated by Polya’s urn scheme and study the waiting time distribution of
Joint distribution of number of occurrences of pattern of length
and pattern
of length
Markov dependent multi-state trials is studied by [11]. [12] considered a sequence
- dimensional i.i.d. Random column vectors whose entries are
-valued i.i.d. random variables and obtain the waiting time distribution of two dimensional patterns with general shape. The general method, which is an extension of method of conditional pgfs, is used to study these distributions by [12].
Even though the distribution of waiting time of the pattern of general shape in the sequence of multi-variate trials with i.i.d. components has been done, the joint distribution of number of occurrences of patterns in the sequence of
component of the
-variate trials
is still unknown. Here we derive the pgf of joint distribution of number of occurrences of runs in both the components of the bivariate trials and generalize this study to the distribution of number of occurrences of patterns in both components of the bivariate trials.
In this paper we consider the sequence of
-valued Markov dependent bivariate trials. In Section 2, we obtain the pgf of joint distribution of number of occurrences of
-runs of length
in first components and
-runs of length
in the second components of the bivariate trials
. We study this joint distribution of runs under the non-overlapping counting scheme of runs by using the method of conditional pgfs. Further in section 3, we study the joint distribution of number of occurrences of pattern
of length
in the first component and number of occurrences of pattern
of length
in the second component of bivariate trials. In Section 4, we develop an algorithm to evaluate the exact probability distributions of the random variables under study. As an application of the derived joint distributions, in Section 5, we obtain distributions of several waiting times associated with the runs and patterns in bivariate trials. In Section 6 we present some numerical work based on distribution of runs and patterns. Finally in Section 7, we discuss an application and generalization of the studied distributions.
2. The Joint Distribution of Number of Occurrences of Runs
Let. Consider the sequence
-valued Markov dependent bivariate trials with the transition probabilities,
and the initial probabilities
Let be the number of
-runs (
= 0,1) of length
trials associated with the first (second) component of bivariate trials (i.e. number of
-runs in
. In this section we derive the joint distribution of
Let be the pgf of distribution of
. Assume that for a non-negative integer
, we have observed until
(i.e. we have observed). We define
as pgf of conditional distribution of number of
-runs of length
and number of
-runs of length
given that we have observed
and currently have
-run of length
in first component and
-runs of length
in the second component of bivariate trials is observed,
We define for
Now by assuming, we have,
Also we have,
Conditioning on the first trial we have the following system of recurrent relation of conditional pgfs for.
Conditioning on the next trial from each stage, we have the following system of recurrent relations of conditional pgfs for and
Thus we have recurrent relations of conditional pgfs for
and these can be written as,
and is a square matrix of size
. Each row of this matrix corresponds to corresponding element of
and its elements are the coefficients of elements of
For, we have,
where is the column vector with all the elements equal to 1.
Using (2.3) recurrently for, we have,
Hence from (2.1) and (2.4) we get the pgf of distribution of as,
where is the first column of identity matrix of order
3. The Joint Distribution of Number of Occurrences of Patterns
Let and
be two patterns of lengths
respectively where
. We consider the non-overlapping counting scheme of patterns in which to count the number of occurrences of pattern
in a given sequence of
trials, one has to restart counting from scratch each time the pattern
occurs. Let
denotes the number of non-overlapping occurrences of patterns
in the first component of
bivariate trials (i.e. in
) and
denotes the number of non-overlapping occurrences of patterns
in the second component of
bivariate trials (i.e. in
). Consider the random vector
. In this section we obtain the pgf of joint distribution of
using method of conditional pgfs.
Let pgf of joint distribution of be
. Assume that for a non-negative integer
, we have observed until
trial i.e.
. For
, we define, the following conditional pgfs.
Let be pgf of conditional distribution of number of occurrences of patterns
and number of occurrences of pattern
of bivariate trials given that currently (i.e. at
trial) we have observed none of the subpatterns of
, where
Similarly let, be pgf of conditional distribution of number of occurrences of patterns
and patterns
of bivariate trials given that at
trial we have observed the sub-pattern of length
in the first component and none of the sub pattern of
is observed in the second component of bivariate trials and
Let be pgf of conditional distribution of number of occurrences of patterns
and patterns
of bivariate trials given that at
trial we have observed none of the sub-pattern of
in the first component and a sub pattern of the length
in the second component of bivariate trials is observed and
Also let as pgf of conditional distribution of number of occurrences of pattern
and pattern
of bivariate trials given that at
trial we have observed the sub-pattern of length
in the first component and a sub pattern of the length
in the second component of bivariate trials and
For, we assume that at
trial, the sub-pattern of length
is observed in the first component of bivariate trials. If we condition on the next trial as
i.e. the sub-pattern of length
observed at
trial breaks at
trial then to check whether any sub-pattern of
of length
has occurred, we define the indicator function
Similarly we have indicator function as,
Assuming, we have,
We also have,
Now for each (
denotes the number of trials remaining to observe) we condition on the next trial to obtain the recurrent relations of conditional pgfs as follows.
Similarly we have recurrent relations of the conditional pgfs for
as follows.
The recurrent relations of the conditional pgfs for
are as follows.
The above system of recurrent relations of conditional pgfs
can be written as follows.
where is column vector with all its elements 1 and
is column vector with its elements as follows.
From (3.1) we get,
where is first column of identity matrix of order
The recurrent use of (3.3) gives the pgf of as follows.
4. Exact distribution of
We note that the pgf of is a particular case of pgf of
. Hence we develop an algorithm to obtain the exact probability distribution of
which can further beapplied to obtain the exact probability distribution of
from its pgf.
Observe that the pgf of joint distribution of as obtained in (2.5) in general involves matrix polynomial
of order n where
Hence the joint probability distribution can be obtained by expanding the polynomial with respect to,
That is,
Exact formula to obtain the coefficient matrix is quiet tedious since multiplication of matrices is not commutative operation. But the interesting recurrent relations are found between these coefficient matrices. Let
be the coefficient matrix of
in the expansion of matrix polynomial
and for
, let
. The following Lemma gives the recurrent relations of the coefficient matrices of
Lemma 4.1 Let be the coefficient matrix of
in the expansion of the matrix polynomial
satisfies the following recurrent relation.
. Here
is the
row of the identity matrix of order 2.
Proof Obviously for, we have,
where O is the null matrix of same order as that of A.
For, observe that
satisfies (4.2).
Assume that Equation (4.2) is true for some.
Hence we have,
Hence we get the required proof of the lemma.
Theorem 4.1 The exact probability distribution of is given by,
where is the coefficient matrix of
in expansion of matrix polynomial
and it satisfies (4.2)
Proof The proof follows by applying the Lemma 4.1 to matrix polynomial involved in the pgf of distribution of
in (2.5).
Remark 4.1 The expected number of failure-runs of length in first components of
Markov dependent bivariate trials is given by,
On simplifying this expression, we have,
5. Waiting Time Distributions Related to Runs and Patterns
The exact probability distribution of from its pgf given in (2.5) can be expressed as,
The components of the above expression can be interpreted as follows.
Similarly for,
so that
The above interpretation is useful for deriving different waiting time distributions.
Let be the event that failure-run of length
occur for the first time in the
component of the Markov dependent bivariate trials and
be the event that success-run of length
occur for the first time in the
component of the Markov dependent bivariate trials
Let be the waiting time for sooner occurring event between
. To obtain the distribution of sooner waiting time we define the following random variables.
: The waiting time for sooner occurring event between
given that
is the sooner event (i.e.
-run of length
component of bivariate trials is the sooner event)
: The waiting time for the first occurrence of
-run of length
in the
component of the bivariate trials
: The waiting time until the occurrence of both events
- run of length
in the first component and
-run of length
in the second component of the bivariate trials occur simultaneously).
Then we have,
be the pgf of
respectively. In the next sub-section we obtain the sooner waiting time distribution.
5.1. Sooner Waiting Time Distribution
The probability that 0-run of length (i.e. event
) occurs for the first time at
trial given that none of the events
has occurred until
can be written as follows.
Hence pgf of can be given as,
Similarly the probability that 1-run of length (i.e. event
) occurs for the first time at
trial given that none of the events
has occurred until
can be written as follows.
Hence pgf of is,
Similarly and
is given by,
and pgf of is,
Now the probability that both events and
occurs simultaneously for the first time at
can be written as follows.
In general,
Also pgf of is,
Hence from (5.4), the exact probability distribution of random variable is given by,
The pgf of is given by,
Here we note that it is quiet difficult to study the later waiting time distribution between,
, particularly when one is interested in studying the waiting time distribution for the later occurring event between more than two events. For the waiting time distribution of later occurring event between any two runs in the components of the bivariate trials or for the two patterns in the two components of bivariate trials the theory can be developed in general. For this we refer [13] who derive the waiting time distribution of later occurring event between the two events
is the event that
-run of length
occurs for the first time in the sequence of higher order Markov dependent BT. [13] use the joint distribution of number of occurrences of 1-runs (i.e. success-runs) of length
and the number of occurrences of 0-runs (i.e. failure runs) of length
5.2. Waiting Time Distribution for Runs
Let be the waiting time for the
occurrence of
-run of length
for the
component of bivariate trials,
. We obtain the distribution of
using distribution of
number of occurrences of
-run of length
for the
component of
bivariate trials
. The pgf
of joint distribution of
as obtained in (2.5) is as follows.
In particular pgf of marginal distribution of is obtained by setting
in the pgf
and is as follows.
Let pgf of be
. Then pgf of
in (5.7) can be expressed in a simplified form as follows.
where and
The exact probability distribution of can be obtained from Lemma 4.1 as follows.
where is the coefficient matrix of
in the matrix polynomial
and in general for
satisfies the recurrent relation
where is the null matrix of order same as matrix
. The probability in (5.8) can be written as follows.
The above components of can be interpreted as follows.
Now we have,
Using the pgf of and interpretations in (5.9) we have,
Particularly when, we have,
The pgf of is given by,
and formula for exact probability is
Similarly waiting time distributions of,
can be obtained.
6. Numerical Study
In this section we present the numerical study based on the joint distribution of patterns in the sequence of bivariate trials. We consider the sequence
-valued Markov dependent bivariate trials with
with transition probabilities as follows.
Let and
. The joint distribution of
is evaluated numerically for
using the algorithm given in Theorem 4.1. The evaluated joint pmf of
is described in the following Table 1.
7. Application and Extension
[14] introduced the two-dimensional engineering system consisting of a grid of components arranged in
-rows and
-columns. The system and its components can be either in working or failed state. The system fails if and only if a grid of size
components fails. Particularly, for
, we can formulate the states of the components in this system as a sequence of
independent bivariate trials. We assume that the
component in a column is in state 1 if it is in failed state and in state 0 otherwise. For
we define,
The reliability of consecutive--out-of-
F-Lattice system can now be obtained simply by using the joint distribution of asP(consecutive-
: F-Lattice system works) =
is 1-run of length
in the first component and
is 1-run of length
in the second component of the bivariate trials.
Extending the concept of bivariate trials to multivariate trials, the joint distributions of number of occurrences of patterns of length
in the
component of
-variate trials can be used to get the reliability of general two-dimensional consecutive-
: F-Lattice system.
Table 1. Distribution of.
The pgf of joint distribution of
, the number of occurrences of patterns
of length
in the
component of
-variate trials obtained in general by using the method of conditional pgfs is of form,
Extending the Lemma 4.1 for the pgf in (7.1) exact joint probability distribution of can be obtained.
The above study of runs and patterns can be extended in another direction by generalizing the sequence of Markov dependent bivariate trials to the sequence of Markov dependent multivariate trials. In the following, we discuss briefly the method of deriving the joint distribution of where
denotes the number of occurrences of two dimensional patterns of rectangular shape
in the sequence of Markov dependent multivariate trials.
so that. Consider the sequence of
-valued Markov dependent trials
. Let the transition probabilities of these Markov dependent trials
and initial probabilities be.
Consider the two dimensional pattern of rectangular shape, where
. Let
be the number of occurrences of patterns
in n trials
. We obtain the joint distribution of
using the method for deriving joint distribution of number of occurrences of patterns
in the sequence of multi-state trials as done by [11]. For this consider the following transformation of sequence of
-variate sequence of
-valued Markov dependent trials
to the univariate sequence of Markov dependent trials
Define the function such that
. Hence
. Each
can be treated as a
-digit binary number. The function
converts this
-digit binary number into a unique equivalent decimal number in
Now corresponding to the -variate sequence of
-valued Markov dependent trials
, we have the univariate sequence of
-valued Markov dependent trials
. The transition probabilities for the sequence of trials
and for the converted sequence of trials
are related as follows.
where and
. Convert the pattern
into a pattern
. Now the original problem of studying the joint distribution of
in the sequence of
-valued Markov dependent trials
reduces to the problem of studying distribution of
for the sequence of
-valued Markov dependent trials
. [15] obtain the joint distribution of number of occurrences of
of length
, while [11] obtain the joint distribution of number of occurrences of patterns in the sequence of
-valued Markov dependent trials using the method of conditional pgfs. The related waiting time distributions can also be studied following the same process as in Section 5 in the case of Markov dependent multivariate trials.
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