Vol.1, No.3, 231-238 (2009)
Copyright © 2009 http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Openly accessible at
Detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in patients with
lung carcinoma by real-time fluorescent quantitative-PCR
approach before and after chemotherapy
Ming-Jian Ge1, Qing-Chen Wu1, Mei Wang2, Li Li1, Xiao-Long Zhao1, Qiao-Min Huang1,
Liang-Bin Li1
1Department of Thoracic Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China
2Department of Clinical Laboratory, the First Affiliated Hospital, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China
Received 18 September 2009; revised 9 October 2009; accepted 10 October 2009.
Circulating tumour cells (CTCs) are referred to the
tumour cells that disseminated from the primary
tumour and survive in circulating during the pro-
ceeding of tumour growth. As surgical treatment
evolves and local control has improved, the failure
of cancer treatment has largely remained the re-
sult of systemic metastasis. Selection of patients
most likely to benefit from adjuvant strategies
remains problematic. In order to develop a new
standard of curative effect, this study was de-
signed to track the number of CTCs in patients
with lung cancer during chemotherapy. Methods:
Samples of peripheral blood was taken from each
lung cancer patients (n=32) on the day before
chemotherapy as well as the third week after the
chemotherapy cycle. The samples were subjected
to real-time fluorescent quantitative reverse-tran-
scriptase polymerase chain reaction (fqRT-PCR).
Meanwhile the tumour size was determined by
chest X-ray or computed tomograghy. Results
Compared to that of pre-chemotherapy, the ex-
pression level of cytokeratin (CK) 19 in the pa-
tients significantly declined after chemotherapy
(t=4.659,P=0.000). The level of CK19 mRNA in pa-
tients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) was
higher than that of patients with non-small cell
lung cancer (NSCLC) (t=1.944, P=0.061). The de-
crease of CK19 mRNA level correlated well with
the type during the treatment. Relatively the de-
crease of SCLC is more obvious (t=6.073,P=0.000).
The variation of CK19 mRNA level before and after
chemotherapy was positively related to the dis-
parity of tumour burden (r=0.593). There was also
a significant association between the type (NSCLC
vs. SCLC) and the change of tumour size (t=3.686,
P=0.001).The positive rate before chemotherapy
was 71.9% (23/32), while that after chemotherapy
was 37.5% (12/32), indicating that 11 patients con-
verted into negative after chemotherapy. Of the 16
patients which were in -stage, 11 cases were po-
sitive (11/16,68.8%). Surprisingly, of the remaining
16 patients which were / stage, 12 cases were
regarded as positive according to the criteria
(12/6,75%). Conclusions: The real-time flu- ores-
cent quantitative-PCR approach is useful for mea-
suring the relative number of CTCs in a patients’
peripheral blood to monitor the effectiveness of
treatment, and for designing more comprehensive
and reasonable therapeutic regimes at earlier
dates for patients. The treatment response can be
immediately assessed by serial quantitation of
CTCs after chemotherapy, and therefore this
method highlights an alternative approach to
rapidly access the patient’s response to treatment.
Keywords: Lung Neoplasm; Blood; Polymerase
Chain Reaction; Cytokeratin; Messenger RNA;
Traditionally clinical response criteria for solid tumors
were defined according to the change of the mass during
therapy; briefly, complete response (CR) is defined as
complete disappearance of all measurable and available
clinical evidence of cancer; partial response (PR) is de-
fined as at least a 50% reduction in the size of all meas-
urable tumour areas, progressive disease (PD) is defined
as an increase of = or 25% (compared to baseline or
best response) in the size of all measurable tumour areas;
And stable disease (SD) is defined as neither sufficient
shrinkage to qualify for PR nor sufficient increase to
qualify for PD. If the mass was resected, how do we as-
Supported by grant from the Natural Science Foundation in China
M.J. Ge et al. / HEALTH 1 (2009) 231-238
SciRes Copyright © 2009 http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/Openly accessible at
Table 1. Clinicopathological featurse and CK19 mRNA expression in peripheral blood before and after chemotherapy for patients with
lung cancer.
Tumour size (cm2) CK19 mRNA*
Patient Gender
/Age Type Stage
Before After Before After
1 F/54 ADC 8.4 1.6 6.03 4.26
2 M/59 SCLC 19.8 9.6 5.19 4.05
3 F/48 SCLC 5.2 3.4 5.61 4.09
4 M/62 SCC 10.1 9.8 4.04 4.40
5 M/63 ADC 35.3 26.7 4.23 3.81
6 M/67 SCLC 34.4 15.8 4.86 2.28
7 M/68 SCC 5.2 3.4 4.22 3.40
8 M/60 SCC 8.3 6.4 3.51 4.30
9 F/53 ADC 5.1 5.0 3.62 3.78
10 M/58 ADC 9.3 8.7 3.55 3.50
11 M/45 ADC 19.6 12.6 4.60 3.89
12 M/63 SCC 22.5 10.4 6.15 4.75
13 M/62 SCC 14.4 8.7 3.31 3.29
14 M/49 SCC 36.1 33.2 3.93 3.73
15 F/54 ADC 42.6 33.6 5.90 4.74
16 F/47 SCLC 10.5 0.0 5.72 3.29
17 M/52 SCC 19.3 18.0 6.78 5.71
18 M/62 SCC 3.6 3.4 4.12 4.71
19 M/39 SCLC 60.8 11.9 5.99 3.98
20 M/33 SCC 16.5 17.2 5.06 5.08
21 F/50 SCC 10.9 11.8 4.64 4.26
22 M/60 SCLC 7.3 0.0 4.94 2.86
23 M/56 SCC 10.9 12.5 5.06 5.02
24 F/66 SCC 7.8 3.1 5.14 3.99
25 F/45 SCC 15.1 13.9 4.25 4.16
26 M/62 SCC 2.97 2.32 3.44 3.57
27 M/61 SCC 3.6 2.9 3.65 3.85
28 M/63 SCLC 11.9 2.9 5.41 3.30
29 M/47 SCLC 17.5 6.3 4.55 3.29
30 M/66 ADC 13.2 11.3 4.44 3.70
31 M/61 ADC 8.4 8.7 6.10 6.05
32 M/60 ADC 9.6 5.1 3.86 3.73
Abbreviation: F, female; M, male; ADC, adenocarcinoma; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma; SCLC, small cell lung cancer.
* The values of results were expressed as log10CK19 mRNA copies per millilitre serum.
sess efficacy of the treatmental strategy?
Clinical cancer care and study depends on accurately
staging the extent of disease to assess prognosis and de-
termine efficacy of treatment regimens. Staging criteria
for most solid tumours with which general surgeons
areconcerned are based on the tumour node metastasis
(TNM) system. But current approaches are limited in
adequately identifying individual patients who are at high
risk for future relapse and have the need for a more ag-
gressive therapy. This is mainly due to inaccuracy in the
identification of early stage metastasis. Furthermore the
diagnosis tools for therapy monitoring are restricted to
imaging techniques and the measurement of protein se-
rum markers. Whereas imaging techniques suffer in
general from their resolution of about 0.5 cm, the clinical
usefulness of tumour markers is questionable, leading to a
M.J. Ge et al. / HEALTH 1 (2009) 231-238
SciRes Copyright © 2009 http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/Openly accessible at
progressive reduction of their use in clinical practice
Since even small tumours already show dissemination
of cells, their disclosure has been considered as a tool to
improve early cancer detection. In addition to the ‘tumour
marker’ function of CTCs, these cells remain in the
lymphatic/systemic circulation after surgical removal of
the primary tumour and are responsible for the later re-
currence of the disease. Consequently this undetected cell
dissemination by conventional measures is of relevance
for cancer progression and has been already demonstrated
to be of prognostic impact in several malignancies [7-12].
CTCs are referred to the tumour cells that disseminated
from the primary tumour and survive in circulating during
the proceeding of tumour growth. There are no symptoms,
and current clinical procedures (i.e. radiography and
routine pathological examination) often fail to identify
the foci. Generally most of these cells are dormant (i.e. no
proliferation or a balance between cell growth and death).
If the host suffers from trauma or immunological im-
pairment, dormant tumour cells will proliferate continu-
ally and growth into a mass focus eventually. Therefore,
the detection of CTCs is important for evaluating the
prognosis and tailoring therapeutic strategy [13].
As surgical treatment evolves and local control has
improved, the failure of cancer treatment has largely
remained the result of systemic metastasis. There is
therefore much reason to develop effective adjuvant sys-
temic therapy. Identification of patients most likely to
benefit from adjuvant strategies remains problematic.
With the aim of aiding the development of a new standard
of curative effect, this study was designed to track the
number of CTCs in patients with lung cancer during
2.1. Clinical Data
After obtaining informed consent, samples of 5ml pe-
ripheral blood(PB) were taken from each lung cancer
patient (n=32) on the day before chemotherapy as well as
the third week after the chemotherapy cycle. Meanwhile
the tumour size (cm2) was determined by chest X-ray or
computed tomography. The control population consisted
of healthy individuals who had no any evidence of solid
tumours or haematological malignancy (n=20).
All the cases were diagnosed for the first time and re-
ceived the first cycle of chemotherapy. They had never
received any other treatment (e.g. surgery or radiother-
apy). Each patient with SCLC included in this study re-
ceived the first cycle of chemotherapy consisting of eto-
poside 100mg/m2 per day on day(s) 1 to 3, cisplatin 50
mg/ m2 per day on day1. For patients with NSCLC, the
first cycle of chemotherapeutic strategy was composed by
mitomycin 10mg/m2 per day on day 1 and 8, vindesine
(VDS) 3mg/m2 per day on day 1 and cisplatin 80mg/m2
per day on day1.
The study population consisted of 32 patients with
histologically documented lung cancer. Staging proce-
dures included chest radiograph, bronchoscope, thoracic
computed tomography, sonography, bone scintigraphy
and biopsy of distant lesion (e.g. lymph node). The
clinicopathological features of the lung cancer patients
were summarized in Table1.
2.2. Procedure
2.2.1. RNA Isolation
The peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNs) were
separated with Ficoll-Paque solution. As outlined by
manufacturer, the RNA was Isolated from PBMNs by
using Trizol reagent (Invitrogen). The concentration of
total RNA was quantitated by using UV spectropho-
tometer (Parmacia-Bitech). The integrity of extracted
RNA was verified by migration by gel electrophoresis.
2.2.2. CDNA Synthesis
Total RNA was denatured at 70 for 5min. Reverse tran-
scriptase reaction was carried out in 18µl 1×reverse tran-
scriptase buffer [50mM Tris-HCL(PH8.3), 75 mM KCL and
3mM MgCL2] with 0.5 mM deoxynucleotide triphosphates,
1µl of RNasin, and 200 units of Moloney murine leukaemia
virus reverse transcriptase(Promega). CDNA were synthesis
at 37 for 30min.
2.2.3. Primer/Probe Design
For the development of suitable combinations of Taqman
primers and probe, the Primer Express software (PE Ap-
plied Biosystems) was used. The resulting primer pair
produces a 202-bp fragment. Sequences (from 5’ to 3’) of
CK19 were as follow: upper primer GCA GAA CCG
AGT GTG TC. The Taqman probe was labelled at the 5’
end with the reporter dye molecular FAM (emission
wavelength 518nm) and at the 3’ end of the probe was
additionally phosphorylated to prevent extension during
PCR. The sequence of the probe is TGG TTC ACC AGC
CGG ACT GAA. The primer-probe set was selected so
that the primers were positioned over an intron-exon
junction, and were designed to differentiate between the
highly homologous pseudogenes.
2.2.4. Taqman PCR Reaction
PCR was conducted in 43µl 1× PCR buffer [10mM
Tris-HCL (PH8.4), 50mM KCL, and 1.5mM MgCL2]
with 0.2 mM deoxynucleotide triphosphates, 5 µl of
cDNAs, 2 units of Taq DNA polymerase (Promega), 0.4
µM of sense and antisense primers for CK19 respec-
tively. The optimised thermal profile was initiated with 5
min denaturation at 95, followed by 35 cycles of 95
for 30seconds, 62 for 20 seconds, and 72 for 20
seconds, and a final extension at 72 for 10 min. LC-5
M.J. Ge et al. / HEALTH 1 (2009) 231-238
SciRes Copyright © 2009 http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Openly accessible at
RNA standards and multiple water blanks were analysed
in parallel with blood samples in each set of PCRs. All
reactions were performed in the ABI Prism 7000 Se-
quence Detection System.
The initial concentration of every sample could be
achieved according to the standard curves gained previ-
ously. In this study, the values of results were expressed
as log10CK19mRNA copies per millilitre serum. All reac-
tions were performed in the ABI Prism 7000 Sequence
Detection System (Perkin-Elmer Applied Biosystems),
which detects the signal from the fluorogenic probe dur-
ing PCR. The 7000 system has a built-in thermal cycler
and a laser directed via fiber optical cables to each of the
96 sample wells. A charge-coupled device camera col-
lects the emission from each sample and the data are
analysed automatically. The software accompanying the
7000 system calculates cycle threshold (Ct) and deter-
mines the starting copy number in the samples.
2.2.5. Spiking Experiment Using LC-5 Cells
LC-5 cells (a squamous cell line of lung cancer) from a
monolayer culture were harvested with trypsin-EDTA
(Sigma), washed in cold PBS and resuspended. Cell
densities were evaluated using a counting chamber and
viability by trypan blue staining (Sigma). Densities were
adapted to a total of 106 cells in 2 ml diehypyrocarbon-
ate-treated water. To simulate the presence of lung cancer
cells in the circulation of lung cancer patients, total RNA
was first extracted from 107 PBMNs from healthy sub-
jects and 106 LC-5 cells. Aliquots of total RNA from 106
PBMNs were mixed with LC-5 total RNA, corresponding
to 1,10,102,103,104 and 105 LC-5 cells. As for the negative
control, only RNA extracted from 106 PBMNs was used.
The RNA mixtures were then subject to fqRT-PCR for
construction of the calibration curves and receiver op-
erator characteristic (ROC) curves. Each sample was
measured in triplicate.
2.3. Statistical Analysis
The results were analysed with statistical software SPSS10.0
for Windows. The statistical assays included paired samples
t test, independent samples t test and bivariate correlate
analysis, with P0.05 indicating significance. The method
used to calculate the appropriate sample size in the study
was similar to that used to paired measurement data. Sup-
pose if Typeerror is 0.05,the sample sizes for both pre-
and post-chemotherapeutical group were thirty, respectively.
The weighted sample size i.e. thirty-two, calculated by the
proposed method, preserved the power (1-β) above 0.9.
3.1. Evaluation of the CK19 Diagnostic Test
To rigorously define the value of the real time RT-PCR
1 - Specificity
Figure 1. ROC curve of CK19 diagnostic test. ROC curve analysis
is based on a plot of sensitivity as a function of 1-specificity. The
area under the curve in this study was 0.965, indicating high accu-
racy. In this study, the upper value of the confidence interval of the
median of the volunteer group was considered as the cut-off value,
which is 4.120.Under this standard, the sensitivity of the diagnostic
test was 90%, and the specificity was 84%.
Figure 2. Standard curve for LC-5cell line dilutions. The graph
shows the Ct value versus the log of the number of CK19 mRNA,
measured in triplicate. The standard curve shows 4 orders of
linear dynamic range.
analysis for the detection of CTCs, we performed a ROC
curve analysis using SPSS 10.0 for windows software. ROC
curve analysis is based on a plot of sensitivity as a function of
1-specificity. The area under the ROC curve in this study was
0.965 (95% confidence interval:0.9161.014) (Figure 1).
In order to define the criteria to identify true positiv-
ity,the upper value of the confidence interval of the median
of the volunteer group was considered as the cut-off value,
M.J. Ge et al. / HEALTH 1 (2009) 231-238
SciRes Copyright © 2009 http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Openly accessible at
which is 4.120. Under this standard, the sensitivity of the
diagnostic test was 90%, and the specificity was 84%.
The reproducibility of the technique was established
with the Ct value obtained for each dilution (105108) of
the standard curve in different assays and within an assay:
the intraassay and interassay CVs of the threshold cycle
were 2.2 and 6.5%, respectively, on average.
Standard curve and amplification plots are showed in
Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively.
3.2. Comparison of CK19 Mrna Level in PB
Before and after Chemotherapy
Compared to that of pre-chemotherapy, the expression
level of CK19 in peripheral blood significantly declined
post-chemotherapeutically (4.7323±0.9698 vs. 3.9864 ±
0.8309, t=4.659, P=0.000. Paired Samples T Test).
3.3. The Relationship Between CK19
MRNA Level in PB and Classic
Clinocopathological Features
The level of CK19 mRNA in patients with SCLC was
higher than that of patients with NSCLC (5.2853±0.4880
vs. 4.5480±1.0263, t=1.944, P=0.061, Independent Sam-
ples T Test, Figure 4). Nevertheless, there was no link
between value and other clinicopathological parameters
such as stage, gender and age etc. (P0.05).
The difference of CK19 mRNA level correlated well
with the type during the treatment. Relatively the dispar-
ity of SCLC is more obvious (1.8924 vs. 0.3637, t=6.073,
P=0.000, Independent Samples T Test). However, there
was no relationship between the difference of CK19
mRNA level and other parameters such as stage, gender
and age etc. (P0.05). The variation of CK19 mRNA
level before and after chemotherapy was positively re-
lated to the disparity of tumour burden (r=0.593, P=0.000,
Bivariate Correlation Analysis). There was also a sig-
nificant association between the type (NSCLC vs. SCLC)
and the difference of tumour size (3.0525 vs. 14.6875,
t=3.686, P=0.001, Independent Samples T Test). Figure 5
showed the difference of tumour volumes of different
types of tumour before and after treatment.
3.4. The Positive Rate of CK19 Gene
Expressive Level before and
after Chemotherapy
The upper value (4.120) of confidence interval of the
median (3.6647) of the healthy volunteer group was con-
sidered as the cut-off value. If lgCK194.120, the case
would be classified as a positive one. The positive rate
before chemotherapy was 71.9% (23/32), while that after
chemotherapy was 37.5% (12/32), indicating that 11
patients converted into negative after chemotherapy. Of
the 16 patients who were in -stage,11 cases were posi-
tive(11/16,68.8%). Surprisingly, of the remaining 16
patients who were / stage,12 cases were regarded as
Figure 3. Typical amplification plot. The graph of the increment
of fluorescence reporter signal(ΔRn) versus cycle number
during PCR shows three stages: baseline, exponential phase, and
plateau. The Ct value is calculated by determining the point at
which the fluorescence exceeds an arbitrary threshold limit. For
each reaction tube, the fluorescence signal of the reporter dye
is divided by the fluorescence signal of the passive reference dye,
to obtain a ratio defined as the normalized reporter signal (Rn).
ΔRn represents the normalized reporter signal (Rn) minus the
baseline signal.
Pathological Type
Figure 4. The comparison of CK19 mRNA in PB of patients
with SCLC and NSCLC before chemotherapy.
positive according to the criteria (12/16,75%).
Since traditional RT-PCR technology is at best semi-
-quantitative, it has been difficult to differentiate between
baseline level of gene expression in normal tissues and
increased level of gene expression associated with cancer,
rising the concerning for false-positive results. In this
study, the real time PCR was exploited to investigate the
possibility of using easily accessible body fluids as a
source for CTCs detection enabling longitudinal obser-
vation of the disease, therapy monitoring and initial di-
M.J. Ge et al. / HEALTH 1 (2009) 231-238
SciRes Copyright © 2009 http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Openly accessible at
824824N =
Pathological Type
Variation of CK19 mRNA or Mass Volume
lgpre cklg po stck
Figure 5. The comparison of CK19 mRNA in PB and tumour
volumes of patients with SCLC and NSCLC before and after
In this study, we could detect low level of CK19 ex-
pression in healthy volunteers, suggesting low expression
in non-malignant cells in peripheral blood. In order to
define criteria to identify true positivity, we have taken
this observation into account in the calculation of the
median and 95% CI of the median (i.e. the upper limit for
normal expression) of the volunteer group. In order to
define criteria to identify true positivity, the upper value
of the confidence interval of the median of the volunteer
group was considered as the “cut-off” value. Therefore,
the specificity of CK19 analysis could be restored by the
use of a quantitative assay with subtraction of background
transcription. The possibility of obtaining quantitative
information represents a milestone in the identification of
subtle changes in the expression profiles and numbers of
circulating tumour cells. The real-time PCR method of-
fers several advantages over other current quantitative
PCR methods [14].
The study demonstrated that, comparing with that of
pre-chemotherapy, the expression level of CK19 in PB of
patients with lung cancer declined dramatically after
chemotherapy (P=0.000). We believed that, due to anti-
cancer drugs, the number of cancer cells shedding from
primary tumour decrease greatly. Furthermore, these
drugs could directly kill cancer cells in the circulation.
The level of CK19 mRNA in PB of patients with SCLC
was higher than that of NSCLC (P=0.061). After one
cycle of chemotherapy, the dropping of CK19 mRNA
level in SCLC was much more obvious than that of
NSCLC (P=0.000). The phenomena could be due to two
group’s different sensitivity to chemotherapy, coordinat-
ing with previous studies. The traditional standard for
evaluating the curative effect of solid tumour depends on
the variation of the mass size. It belongs to magnificent
criterion. In clinical practise, in order to develop more
accurate standard, other factors such as cytology and
molecular ones should be taken into account. To improve
the current staging and effect of tumours, oncologists are
striving for new norm. This study showed that the dif-
ference in expression level of CK19 in PB was correlated
well with the variation of tumour size during chemo-
therapy, indicating that it could be considered as a brand
new criterion regarding assessing the result of therapy.
Blood can be sampled throughout the course of the dis-
ease and its collection is a minimally invasive procedure.
The permanent access to CTCs enables follow up studies
to be done to forecast prognostication of disease outcome,
therapy monitoring or drug targeting. For example, for
postoperative patients whose mass no longer exits, it
could be exploited to evaluate the animated therapeutic
It was interesting that we found there was no correla-
tion between the existence of CTCs and the traditional
TNM staging system. Why were only 11 patients not all
who were in stage positive in this study? We insisted
that this phenomenon could be due to intermittent shed-
ding of tumour cells in the circulation. This problem
should be overcome by sequential sampling, defined as
the analysis of multiple blood samples at different time
points. False-negative results could also be due to
down-regulation of the target gene by therapy (e.g. hor-
monal treatment) or to the presence of poorly differenti-
ated subclones that do not express the tissue-specific
marker being tested. For example, PSA mRNA expres-
sion was shown to be decreased by antiandrogen therapy
[15] and in poorly differentiated prostatic carcinoma [16].
The use of multiple markers will help diminish these
types of false negative. On the other hand, it was sur-
prising that, of the 16 patients who were on / stage,
12 cases were positive! We believe that many cancers
have systemic spread at an early stage of their develop-
ment. The presence of CTCs in PB should be incorporated
in the UICC staging nomenclature by including isolated
tumour cells (Mi) in the M-stage of the Tumour - Node -
Metastases classification. Patients with occult dissemi-
nation of viable tumour cells are not cured by surgery
alone and may benefit from additional adjuvant therapy
The permanent access to CTCs enables longitudinal
studies to monitor therapy outcome. This aspect is sub-
stantially improved by recent quantitative methods (e.g.
FQ-PCR) allowing the detection of changes in the quality
and number of tumour cells [18]. In contrast to solid
metastatic tumours, micrometastatic tumour cells are an
appropriate target for intravenously applied agents be-
cause macromolecular and immunocompetent effectors
cells should have access to the tumour cells. Because the
majority of micrometastatic tumour cells may be non-
proliferative (G0 phase), standard cytotoxic chemothera-
pies aimed at proliferating cells may be less effective,
M.J. Ge et al. / HEALTH 1 (2009) 231-238
SciRes Copyright © 2009 http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Openly accessible at
which might explain, in part, the failure of chemotherapy.
Thus, adjuvant therapies that are aimed at dividing and
quiescent cells, such as antibody-based therapies, are of
considerable interest [19].
Our study showed that quantitation of CTCs is possible
during the course of therapy. Because cancer cells express
different levels of CK19 mRNA, patients with higher
CK19 mRNA level do not necessarily have more CTCs in
peripheral blood than do patients with lower one. Nev-
ertheless, the real-time fluorescent quantitative-PCR ap-
proach is useful for measuring the relative number of
CTCs in a patients’ peripheral blood to monitor the ef-
fectiveness of treatment. In a limited number of patients,
we demonstrated that the relative number of CTCs cor-
related well with the tumour burden and therapeutic re-
sponse. This method highlights an alternative approach to
rapidly access the treatment response of patients. The
treatment response can be immediately assessed by serial
quantitation of CTCs after chemotherapy. This method
may, therefore, help to design more comprehensive and
reasonable therapeutic regimen at an earlier date for pa-
tients [20]. A large prospective study is needed to deter-
mine whether prognostic significance can be derived
from the presence of CTCs and whether this group of
patients might benefit from adjuvant treatment.
I extremely thank Dr Gaynor Bates, who works in Breast Cancer
Campaign in UK, for her suggestion concerning the revision for the
initial English draft of the study. I am indebted to all the members of the
Chongqing Lung Cancer Center who have cheerfully donated the sam-
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