Vol.1, No.3, 125-134 (2011)
opyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJPM/
Open Journal of Preventive Medicine
Spatial analysis of tuberculosis in four main ethnic
communities in Taiwan during 2005 to 2009
Pui-Jen Tsai
Center for General Education, Aletheia University, New Taipei, Taiwan; puijentsai@gmail.com
Received 5 September 2011; revised 16 October 2011; accepted 25 October 2011.
The aim of the pres e nt s tu dy was to assess sp a -
tial features of tuberculosis prevalence and
their relationships with four main ethnic com-
munities in Taiwan. Methods of spatial analysis
were clustering pattern determination (such as
global version of Moran’s test and local version
of Gi*(d) statistic), using logistic regression cal-
culations to identify spatial distributions over a
contiguous five years and identify significant
similarities, discriminant analysis to classify va-
riables, and geographically weighted regression
(GWR) to determine the strength of relation-
ships between tuberculosis prevalence and eth-
nic variables in spatial features. Tuberculosis
demonstrated decreasing trends in prevalence
in both genders during 2005 to 2009. All results
of the global Moran’s tests indicated spatial he-
terogeneity and clusters in the plain and moun-
tainous Aboriginal townships. The Gi*(d) statis-
tic calculated z-score outcomes, categorized as
clusters or non-clusters, at at 5% significance
level. According to the stepwise Wilks’ lambda
discriminant analysis, in the Aborigines and
Hoklo communities townships with clusters of
tuberculosis cases differentiated from town-
ships without cluster cases, to a greater extent
than in the other communities. In the GWR mo-
dels, the explanatory variables demonstrated
significant and positive signs of parameter es-
timates in clusters occurring in plain and moun-
tainous aboriginal townships. The explanatory
variables of both the Hoklo and Hakka commu-
nities demonstrated significant, but negative,
signs of parameter estimates. The Mainlander
community did not significantly associate with
cluster patterns of tuberculosis in Taiwan. Re-
sults indicated that locations of high tuberculo-
sis prevalence closely related to areas contain-
ing higher proportions of the Aboriginal c o mm u -
nity in Taiwan. This information is relevant for
assessment of spatial risk factors, which, in
turn, can facilitate the planning of the most ad-
vantageous types of health care policies, and
im pl e m en t a ti o n of ef f e ct i ve h e al t h ca r e s e rv ices.
Keywords: Tuberculosis; Taiwane se Ethnicity;
Global Moran’s Test; Local Gi*(d) Statistic; Logistic
Regression; Discrimin ant Analysis; Geographic a lly
Weighted Regression
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the world’s principal in-
fectious diseases. In 2007, the World Health Organiza-
tion (WHO) estimated that more than nine million new
cases of TB occur globally, with more than half of these
new cases occurring in Asia (55%). Approximately 1.76
million people died of TB worldwide in 2007. In recent
years, with increasing numbers of cases of human im-
munodeficiency virus (HIV) and multidrug resistant
tuberculosis (MDR-TB), prevention of TB has posed a
significant challenge. TB is an infectious disease, caused
by mycobacteria of the M. tuberculosis complex (M.
tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. africanum, M. microti, M. ca-
nettii, M. caprae, M. pinnipedii). Transmission occurs
via exposure to tubercle bacilli in airborne droplet nuclei
produced by a person with infectious TB during cough-
ing, sneezing, singing, or talking. The infectiousness of
the person with TB, the susceptibility of those exposed,
the duration of exposure, the proximity to the source
case, and the efficiency of cabin ventilation are all fac-
tors which can influence the risk of infection. Suscepti-
bility to infection and disease increases in immunocom-
promised persons (such as human immunodeficiency
virus-infected persons) and infants and young children
(less than five years of age). When TB develops in the
human body, it does so in two stages: first, the individual
exposed to M. tuberculosis becomes infected, and sec-
ond, the infected individual develops the disease (active
TB). A small minority (<10%) of infected individuals
P.-J. Tsai / Open Journal of Preventive Medicine 1 (2011) 125-134
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJPM/
subsequently develop active disease and most of them do
so within five years. The risk of progression to active TB
disease is greatest within the first two years after infec-
tion. However, latent infection may persist for life [1,2].
Taiwan has engaged in TB prevention for more than
50 years. For nearly a decade, both the incidence and
death rates of TB in Taiwan have gradually declined, yet
it remains a prominent infectious disease with the largest
number of annual confirmed cases and deaths among all
notifiable infectious diseases. According to the Taiwan
Tuberculosis Control Report (2009), during each year
from to 2005 to 2008 the tuberculosis incidence was
16,472 (72.5 per 100,000 population), 15,378 (67.4 per
100,000 population), 14,480 (63.2 per 100,000 popula-
tion), and 14,265 (62.0 per population), respectively.
Overall, the incidence decreased by 14.5%. The inci-
dence rates of all forms of TB and smear-positive TB in
males were two to three times higher than in females in
2007. Irrespective of gender, incidence rates increased
with age. The numbers of deaths caused by TB cause
during each year from 2005 to 2008 were 970 (4.3 per
100,000 population), 832 (3.6 per 100,000 population),
783 (3.4 per 100,000 population), and 762 (3.3 per
100,000 population), respectively. Overall, mortalities
decreased by 23.3%.However, the decline in the number
of new TB cases in Taiwan was less significant than
declines occurring in the U.S., Japan, and Singapore [2].
In a 12 month cohort study in 2006 the treatment suc-
cess rate of all forms of new TB cases was 70.4%, and
the death rate was 18.6%. Of all regions, Central Tai-
wan had the highest treatment success rate (72.8%),
while the Eastern area had the lowest (63.0%). Accord-
ing to the number of smear-positive TB cases in 2006
and the treatment outcomes of 12 months cohort study,
the 2009 WHO Tuberculosis Annual Report described
the global success rate as 84.3% (for the 2006 cohort),
achieving the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of
85% designated by the WHO. In Taiwan, the treatment
success rate of smear-positive cases in a 12 month co-
hort study was 67%. This value was higher than the rates
observed in Japan (53%) and the U.S. (64%), but lower
than in Singapore (84%), and did not achieve the WHO
assigned target [2].
A number of reports have documented that habitation
in mountain aboriginal townships and age of 65 years
are two factors which closely associate with the inci-
dence and prevalence of tuberculosis in Taiwan [3-7].
However, research on healthcare problems associated
with tuberculosis in Taiwanese ethnic people is limited.
The present study employs methods of spatial analysis of
areal data to determine spatial features related to tuber-
culosis and the four major Taiwanese communities.
2.1. Study Area
The study was conducted within the main island of
Taiwan (excluding all islets), which, in 2008, comprised
more than 23 million inhabitants living in an area of
36,000 km2. A total of 349 local administrative govern-
ment areas, including five main urban areas, two second-
dary urban areas, 162 rural townships, and 54 plain and
mountainous aboriginal townships, were assessed (Fig-
ure 1). According to a bulletin from the Ministry of In-
terior, issued in 2002, urban areas are regions having at
least one metropolitan centre and can include neigh-
bouring cities and townships which share socioeconomic
activities. Main urban areas are defined as those with a
population larger than one million; specifically, Taipei-
Keelung, Kaohsiung, Taichung-Changhua, JhongliTao-
yuan, and Tainan. Secondary urban areas are defined as
those with a residential population ranging from 0.3 to 1
million (Hsinchu and Chiayi) [8].
2.2. Data Collection and Management
The Taiwan National Health Insurance (NHI) program
was initiated in 1995. The coverage rate of the program
increased from 92.41% in 1995 to more than 96.16% in
2000, and then further increased to 98% after the inclu-
sion of active military forces in 2001. At the beginning
of 2004, NHI data related to medical care, such as the
leading causes of death, were reclassified and reproc-
essed in relation to smaller units or areas (for example,
precincts or townships rather than the country as a
Figure 1. Map of urban regions and aboriginal townships in
the study area. Map of the study area divided into 349 admin-
istrative districts including 7 urban regions and an integrated
area of 54 plain and mountainous aboriginal townships.
P.-J. Tsai / Open Journal of Preventive Medicine 1 (2011) 125-134
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJPM/
whole). Regional data from the statistical analysis sys-
tem (SAS) program are announced publicly by the NHI
in regular annual reports (for example, NHI, 2005-2009).
These reports provide an accurate and reliable data
source to researchers for investigation of health care
issues in Taiwan [9-13]. The data were collected from
contractual medical care institutions, which, in the pre-
sent study, are institutions where the NHI covers pre-
scription medicinal costs and treatment at outpatient
clinics. Such facilities accumulate detailed databases of
medical costs for inpatient care. The numbers of outpa-
tient cases were classified in relation to disease codes, as
defined in the 1975 edition of “The International Classi-
fication of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modifica-
tion” (hereafter, ICD 9 CM), 2005-2007 and “The Tenth
Revision of the International Statistical Classification of
Diseases and Related Health Problems” (hereafter, ICD
10 CM), 2008-2009. Criteria for refining the data were
first established. However, for calculating medical costs
and numbers of visits, the disease code of the first group
(main diagnosis code) was used as the cause of disease.
Selected data were not included in the final statistical
data set, such as cases where patients suffered from dis-
eases which defied code classification, or had mis-
matched ID numbers. Disease codes were classified ac-
cording to gender and age. Cases sharing the same ID
numbers, despite having different diseases, were counted
as separate incidences.
Medical care data obtained from the NHI, 2005-2009
reports were examined, and the prevalence rates of tu-
berculosis (ICD 02, according to ICD 9 CM standards in
2005-2007 and the disease code of tuberculosis A15-
A19, classified by ICD 10 CM in 2008-2009) were cal-
culated. The Ministry of the Interior provided the demo-
graphic information (the mid-year population of each
township) [8]. The age-adjusted standard prevalence
rates were calculated with a direct adjustment using the
world population in 2000 as the standard population [14].
The age-adjusted standard prevalence rates during 2005-
2009 were calculated according to which of the five year
prevalence rates were weighted by persons each year and
(or) by persons each gender. The results provided tuber-
culosis prevalence rates for males and females in the
whole of Taiwan and in each township in the study area,
and these were consequently applied to spatial autocor-
relation analysis.
The percentages of the four major Taiwanese ethnic
communities in each township were obtained from an
official report of the Council for Hakka Affairs (2004)
[15]. According to self-reports in official governmental
statistics, Han Chinese constitute 98% of Taiwan’s po-
pulation, while Taiwanese Aborigines constitute the re-
maining 2%. The composite category of “Taiwanese
people” is often reputed to include a significant popula-
tion of at least four constituent ethnic groups: the Hoklo
(73.3%), the Hakka (13.5%), the Mainlander (8%), and
the Taiwanese Aborigines (1.9%) [15]. Figure 2 maps
the proportions of ethnic communities in populations of
each of the 349 townships.
2.3. Global Moran’s I Statistic
The global spatial autocorrelation statistical method
was used to evaluate correlation between neighbouring
observations, and to identify patterns and levels of spa-
tial clustering in neighbouring districts [16]. The Moran’s
I statistic, similar to the Pearson correlation coefficient
[17], is calculated using:
ux u
 (1)
where N is the number of districts and wij is the element
in the spatial weight matrix corresponding to the obser-
vation pair i, j. xi and xj are observations for areas i and j
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 2. Maps of population percentages of four Taiwanese
ethnic communities in the study area. (a) Hoklo community. (b)
Hakka community. (c) Mainlander community. (d) Aboriginal
P.-J. Tsai / Open Journal of Preventive Medicine 1 (2011) 125-134
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJPM/
with mean u and
S (2)
Since the weights are row-standardized and 1
the first step in the spatial autocorrelation analysis was
to construct a spatial weight matrix which contained
information about the neighbourhood structure for each
location. Adjacency was defined as immediately neigh-
boring administrative districts, inclusive of the district
itself. Non-neighbouring administrative districts were
assigned a weight of zero.
Spatial contiguity for polygons is the property of
sharing a common boundary or vertex. Contiguity analy-
sis is an important method for assessing unusual features
in the connectivity distribution [18,19]. The Queen’s
measure of contiguity can be utilized to make up for
spatial contiguity by incorporating both the Rook and
Bishop relationships into a single measure [19].
The administrative districts considered in this study
were highly irregular in both shape and size. Tsai et al.
(2009) demonstrated that the most appropriate method
for quantifying the spatial weights matrix for analysis of
connectivity is the first order queen polygon continuity
method [7]. The spatial weights/connectivity matrices
were utilized in local Gi*(d) calculations.
2.4. Local Gi*(d) Statistic
The local Gi*(d) statistic (local G-statistic) is used to
determine the statistical significance of local clusters,
and to evaluate the spatial extent of these clusters
[20,21]. The local G-statistic is useful for identifying
individual members of local clusters by determining the
spatial dependence and relative magnitudes between an
observation and neighboring observations [22]. The lo-
cal G-statistic can be written as follows [20,23,24]:
(), for all
jijj i
wdx Wx
Gd j
nS W
where x is a measure of the prevalence rate of tuberculo-
sis within a given polygon (each administrative district),
wij is a spatial weight which defines neighbouring ad-
ministrative districts j to i, Wi is the sum of the weights
wij, 1j
, ,
Developing the spatial weight wij is the first step to
calculating Gi*(d). The spatial weight matrix includes wij
= 1. In the present study, adjacency was defined using a
first order queen polygon continuity weight file which
had been constructed based on the districts which share
common boundaries and vertices.
Non-neighbouring administrative districts were as-
signed a weight of zero. The neighbours of an adminis-
trative district were defined as those with which the ad-
ministrative district shares a boundary. This formed a
simple 0/1 matrix; 1 indicated that the municipalities
share a common border or vertex, 0 otherwise [23,25].
The local G-statistic included the value in the calcula-
tion at i. Assuming that G
i*(d) is approximately nor-
mally distributed [20], the output of Gi*(d) can be cal-
culated as a standard normal variant with an associated
probability from the z-score distribution [26]. Clusters
with a 95% significance level from a two-tailed normal
distribution indicated significant spatial clustering, but
only positively significant clusters (z-score values grea-
ter than +1.96) were mapped.
2.5. To Determine Space-Time Similarities
Using Logistic Regression Model
Similarities between spatial distribution patterns for a
time course during 2005 to 2009 were determined using
logistic regression model. The binary response indicated
if there was significant autocorrelation between admin-
istrative districts or areas. If the absolute value of the
z-score of the local G-statistics was larger than 1.96 this
indicated higher correlation; lower correlation if other-
wise. Year was considered an explanatory variable in the
logistic regression model. Thus, the model could be ex-
pressed as:
PrHigher correlation
log PrLower correlationYear
where 0
and 1
are the logistic regression coeffi-
cients of the model. Pr (Higher correlation) and Pr
(Lower correlation) denote the “Higher” and “Lower”
correlation probabilities, respectively.
2.6. Discriminant Analysis
Discriminant analysis is useful for determining which
variables discriminate between two or more groups,
building a predictive model of group membership based
on observed characteristics of each case [27]. It provides
a multiple regression equation(s) and those variables
which contribute most to the discrimination of group
membership are the ones with the largest standardized
coefficients. Discrimination analysis is less flexible than
regression because it requires the explanatory variables
to be normally distributed without equal variance within
each group [28]. Using the discriminant analysis, Tai-
wanese ethnic variables could be identified in the study
area. A stepwise Wilks’ lamda discriminant analysis was
applied to compare tuberculosis prevalence (2005 to
2009) within the townships of Gi*(d) test’s clusters to
those classified as non-clustered relative to four Tai-
P.-J. Tsai / Open Journal of Preventive Medicine 1 (2011) 125-134
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJPM/
wanese ethnic factors. Clusters were assigned the num-
ber 2 if the absolute value of the z-score of the local
G-statistics was larger than 1.96; non-clusters the num-
ber 1 if otherwise.
2.7. Geographically Weighted Regression
GWR is an extension of the traditional standard re-
gression framework which allows local, rather than
global, parameters to be estimated [29]. It is a type of
local statistic which can produce a set of local parameter
estimates demonstrating how a relationship varies over
space, and then allows examination of the spatial pattern
of the local estimates to gain some understanding of
possible hidden causes for this pattern [30]. In contrast, a
traditional regression method, such as ordinary least
squares (OLS), is a type of global statistic which as-
sumes the relationship under study is constant over space,
so the parameter is estimated to be the same for the en-
tire study area.
An OLS model can be defined as follows:
 
where y is the response variable, β0 is the intercept, βi is
the parameter estimate (coefficient) for the explanatory
variable xi, p is the number of explanatory variables, and
ε is the error term.
The GWR model allows local, rather than global, pa-
rameters to be estimated for the study area, and the OLS
model can be rewritten as follows:
 
jji jjijj
yuv uvX
where uj and vj are the coordinates for each location j, β0
(uj,vj) is the intercept for location j, and βi (uj,vj) is the
local parameter estimate for the explanatory variable xi
at location j.
The weight assigned to each observation is based on a
distance decay function centered on observation i.
The estimator for the GWR model is similar to the
weighted least squares (WLS) global model, except that
the weights are conditioned on the location u relative to
the observations in the dataset, and hence change for
each location. The estimator takes the following form:
ˆ() ()()
W(u) is square matrix of weights relative to the posi-
tion u. A particular location can be indexed (uj,vj) in the
study area. XTW(u)X is the geographically weighted
variance-covariance matrix, and y is the vector of the
value of the response variable.
The W(u) matrix contains the geographical weights in
its leading diagonal and zero in its off-diagonal ele-
() 000
The distance decay function, which may take a variety
of forms, is modified by a bandwidth setting at which
distance the weight rapidly approaches zero. In the area
in which the present study was conducted, the sample
points raised from the polygon centroids were not regu-
larly placed but were clustered. A convenient way of
implementing the adaptive bandwidth specification is to
select a kernel which allows the same number of sample
points for estimations. The weight can be calculated us-
ing the specified kernel and setting the value for any
observation whose distance is greater than bandwidth to
zero. The bisquare function is as follows:
 
,1 ,
ijj ijj
wuvduv h (8)
where wi(uj,vj) is zero when di(vj,uj) > h. h is a quantity
known as the bandwidth. This is a near-Guassian func-
tion with the useful property of the weight being zero at
a finite distance.
The bandwidth was chosen by minimizing the akaike
information criterion (AIC) score, defined as, calculated
 
2loglog 2π
cc c
AICnnn ntrS
where tr(S) is the trace of the hat matrix. The AIC
method has the advantage of taking into account the fact
that the degrees of freedom may vary among models
centered on different observations. The optimal band-
width was determined by minimizing the corrected AIC,
as described in Fotheringham et al., 2002. GWR models
produce a set of local regression results, including local
parameter estimates and the local residuals, which can
all be mapped to demonstrate their spatial variability.
The Benjamini-Hochberg (B-H) procedure is manipu-
lated to control the false discovery rate, which modifies
the significance level for each separate test consistently.
In the present study, it was used as a solution to deter-
mine the significance of parameter estimates raised from
the GWR model. Thissen et al. (2002) reported a quick
and easy method for calculating the B-H procedure false
discovery rate using Microsoft Excel [31]. The B-H ap-
proach achieves control of the FDR by sequentially
comparing the observed p value for each of a family of
multiple test statistics, in order from largest to smallest,
P.-J. Tsai / Open Journal of Preventive Medicine 1 (2011) 125-134
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJPM/
to a list of computed B-H critical values [pB-H(i)]. The
critical value on the list is determined for each test sta-
tistic, indexed by i, by linear interpolation between α/2
(for the largest observed p value) to (α/2)/m, where m is
the family size (for the smallest of the p values). The last
value is the Bonferroni critical value, so the reason for
the gain in power of B-H relative to Bonferroni is clear;
In the B-H approach, only the smallest of the m observed
p values is compared to the Bonferroni critical value. All
of the other p values are calculated to less stringent cri-
teria [31]. The local parameter is estimated to be signify-
cant if the p value is less than the B-H critical value;
otherwise it is deemed non-significant.
Global Moran’s I statistic, local Gi*(d) statistic and
geographically weighted regression were employed and
mapped using ArcMap 9.3. SPSS12 was used to develop
logistic regression models for testing space-time simi-
larities and conducting discriminant analysis.
Table 1 summarizes the tuberculosis prevalence rates
In Taiwan during 2005 to 2009. Both genders demon-
strated declining trends in tuberculosis prevalence during
the evaluation period.
Table 2 summarizes the global autocorrelation statis-
tical findings for tuberculosis in Taiwan during each of
the five years from 2005 to 2009. All the results of the
global Moran’s tests are statistically significant (z-scores
greater than 1.96) and indicate spatial heterogeneity.
Table 1. Prevalence of tuberculosis according to gender in
Taiwan during 2005 to 2009.
Year Male* Female*
2005 373.8 206.6
2006 351.3 192.6
2007 296.1 163.6
2008 247.2 136
2009 223.4 125.6
*indicates the prevalence per 100,000 people.
Table 2. Global autocorrelation analysis of tuberculosis in
Taiwan during 2005 to 2009.
Year Moran’s Index Z(I)
2005 0.59 18.7
2006 0.59 18.97
2007 0.58 18.68
2008 0.51 17.02
2009 0.54 17.5
Z(I): a value greater than 1.96 is considered statistically significant.
Figure 3 displays the spatial clusters (hot spots) for
tuberculosis in Taiwan in each of the five years from
2005 to 2009, obtained using the local Gi*(d) statistic.
The z-score outcomes calculated by the Gi*(d) statistic
are categorized as clusters or non-clusters at a 5% sig-
nificance level. Clusters are located in the plain and
mountainous Aboriginal townships.
Table 3 displays the result from the logistic regres-
sion model, used to determine the similarity of spatial
patterns of tuberculosis during 2005 to 2009. This result
indicates the acceptance of the null hypothesis (a p value
greater than 0.05) and that all cases of tuberculosis re-
lated to spatial patterns are similar within a contiguous
five years period (2005 to 2009). Therefore, the preva-
lence rates of TB in each township, as weighted by pro-
portions of the population per year (during 2005 to
2009), were used to fit the GWR models.
Table 4 displays the ethnic variables remaining after
the discriminant analysis, their coefficients, eigenvalue,
grouping accuracy, and the numbers of clusters of town-
ships with and without clusters of tuberculosis cases.
(a) (b) (c)
Gi*: Z scores
1.96 - 2.58
2.58 - 3.31
(d) (e)
Figure 3. Spatial clusters (hotspots) of tuberculosis in Taiwan
during 2005 to 2009. (a): 2005. (b): 2006. (c): 2007. (d): 2008.
(e): 2009.
Table 3. Space-time similarities of tuberculosis in Taiwan
during 2005 to 2009.
Disease p value Description
Tuberculosis 0.279 similarity
A p value lower than 1.96 is considered statistically non-significant and
indicates similarity over a contiguous five year period.
P.-J. Tsai / Open Journal of Preventive Medicine 1 (2011) 125-134
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJPM/
According to the results of the step-wise Wilks’ lambda
discriminant analysis, in the Aboriginal and Hoklo com-
munities, townships with clusters of tuberculosis cases
differentiated from those without clusters of tuberculosis
cases, to a greater extent than in other communities.
Figures 4 to 7 present maps of parameter estimates,
the significant determination of the false discovery rate,
and local R2, in which tuberculosis figures fit the GWR
models with the explanatory variables of the Hoklo, the
Hakka, the Mainlander, and the Aboriginal communities,
respectively. In the GWR models, the explanatory vari-
ables of the Aborigines displayed significant and positive
Table 4. Taiwanese ethnic communities following discriminant analysis.
Year Variable Classification function coefficient Eigen value Clusters/non-clusters Grouping accuracy
2005-2009 Hoklo –0.09 0.861 42/307 46.24%
Aborigines 0.054
Constant 0.177
Taiwanese ethnic communities, their coefficients, eigenvalue, the number of census townships with and without tuberculosis clusters, and grouping accuracy.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4. Results of the GWR model for tuberculosis and percentage of the Hoklo community. (a) shows the parameter estimate. (b)
shows the false discovery rate. (c) shows the local R square.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5. Results of the GWR model for tuberculosis and percentage of the Hakka community. (a) shows the parameter estimate. (b)
shows the false discovery rate. (c) shows the local R square.
Openly accessible at
P.-J. Tsai / Open Journal of Preventive Medicine 1 (2011) 125-134
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJPM/
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6. Results of the GWR model for tuberculosis and percentage of the Mainlander community. (a) shows the parameter esti-
mate. (b) shows the false discovery rate. (c) shows the local R square.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 7. Results of the GWR model for tuberculosis and percentage of the Aboriginal community. (a) shows the parameter estimate.
(b) shows the false discovery rate. (c) shows the local R square.
signs of parameter estimates in clusters of plain and
mountainous aboriginal townships. The explanatory vari-
ables of the Hoklo and Hakka communities displayed
significant, but negative, signs of parameter estimates.
The Mainlander community did not signifycantly asso-
ciate with the cluster patterns of tuberculosis in Taiwan.
Discriminant analysis is a technique used to determine
which variables discriminate between two or more groups,
building a predictive model of group membership based
on observed characteristics of each case [27,32]. It pro-
vides a multiple regression equation(s) and those vari-
ables which contribute most to the discrimination of
group membership are the ones with the largest stan-
dardized coefficients.
Stepwise discriminant analysis, like its parallel multi-
ple regression, provides a method of determining the
best set of explanatory variables. Used in an exploratory
situation it can identify those variables from a larger
number of studied variables. In the present study, the
stepwise Wilks’ lambda discriminant analysis differenti-
ated townships with clusters of tuberculosis cases from
those without cluster cases. The results indicated that, in
P.-J. Tsai / Open Journal of Preventive Medicine 1 (2011) 125-134
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/OJPM/
the Aboriginal and Hoklo communities, townships with
clusters of tuberculosis cases differentiated from those
without cluster cases to a greater extent than in other
communities. However, this analysis could only provide
the best set of explanatory variables in global version.
GWR is a local version of spatial regression which
generates parameters disaggregated by the spatial units
of analysis. This allows the assessment of spatial
heterogeneity in the estimated relationships between the
response and explanatory variables. In the global model,
it is usual to test whether the parameter (referred to as
the coefficient) estimates significantly differ from zero.
This can be accomplished with a t-test, in which the
output provides the t statistics and their associated p
values. A parameter may have a value estimated as little
more than zero; therefore associated with a variable
whose variation does not contribute to the model. The
model excludes variables with non-significant parameter
estimates. In the GWR, one set of parameters associates
with each regression point, as well as one set of standard
errors, therefore potentially hundreds or thousands of
tests would be required to determine if parameters are
locally significant. Parameter estimates for variables
close to zero often have a tendency for spatial clustering,
indicating that in these parts of the study area, changes
in this variable do not influence changes in the response
variable [33]. The Benjamini-Hochberg (1995) False
Discovery Rate (FDR) procedure represents solution for
GWR, modifying the significance level for each separate
test in a consistent manner [33,34]. According to data
from the Center for Disease Control in Taiwan, there is a
four-fold higher incidence of tuberculosis in aboriginal
portions of the population than in people of Han Chinese
ethnicity (Hans), consistingof Hoklo, Hakka and Main-
lander communities [4]. Analysts have assigned blame to
environmental factors, including hygiene, income, and
social behavior (such as alcoholism) for the prevalence
of tuberculosis in aboriginal populations. Genetic varia-
tions in NRAMP 1 may also affect susceptibility to and
increase the risk of tuberculosis in Taiwanese aborigi-
nals [35]. GWR models provide more detailed analyses
which can estimate relationships between the response
and explanatory variables in local version. The present
study’s findings support the results obtained in previous
The present study employed methods of spatial analy-
sis to evaluate the strength of relations between spatial
distribution of tuberculosis and Taiwanese ethnic com-
munities. Spatial autocorrelation calculations, space-time
similarities determined by logistic regression models,
variables differentiated by discriminant analysis, and
geographically weighted regression (GWR) determined
the strength of relations between the prevalence of tu-
berculosis and ethnic variables in spatial features. This is
relevant to the assessment of spatial risk factors, which,
in turn, can facilitate the planning of the most advanta-
geous types of health care policies, and implementation
of effective health care services. The study findings in-
dicate that the locations of higher tuberculosis preva-
lence closely relate to areas with higher proportions of
Aboriginal communities in Taiwan.
The author wishes to thank Taiwan’s Department of Health for pro-
viding the National Health Insurance and Centers for Disease Control
databases, and the Council for Hakka Affairs for providing Taiwanese
ethnicity statistics.
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