Journal of Information Security, 2011, 2, 195-201
doi:10.4236/jis.2011.24019 Published Online October 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
Tanimoto Based Similarity Measure for Intrusion
Detection System
Alok Sharma, Sunil Pranit Lal*
Faculty of Science, Technology and Environment, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji
E-mail: *
Received September 2, 2011; revised September 21, 2011; accepted October 4, 2011
In this paper we introduced Tanimoto based similarity measure for host-based intrusions using binary feature
set for training and classification. The k-nearest neighbor (kNN) classifier has been utilized to classify a
given process as either normal or attack. The experimentation is conducted on DARPA-1998 database for
intrusion detection and compared with other existing techniques. The introduced similarity measure shows
promising results by achieving less false positive rate at 100% detection rate.
Keywords: Intrusion Detection, kNN Classifier, Similarity Measure, Anomaly Detection, Tanimoto
Similarity Measure
1. Introduction
Intrusion detection is an important area in the field of
computers and security, and in the recent years it has
generated considerable interest in the research commu-
nity. The intrusion detection system (IDS) can be subdi-
vided into two main categories namely, signature-based
detection and behavior-based detection. In this paper we
focus on behavior-based detection which is also known
as anomaly detection. An important feature of anomaly
detection is that it can detect unknown attacks. Behavior
modeling can be done by either modeling the user-be-
havior or process. The system call data is one of the most
common types of data used for modeling process behav-
ior. Host-based anomaly detection systems mostly focus
on system call sequences with the assumption that a ma-
licious activity results in an abnormal trace. Such data
can be collected by logging the system calls using oper-
ating system utilities e.g. Linux strace or Solaris Basic
Security Module (BSM). In this framework, it is as-
sumed that the normal behavior can be profiled by a set
of patterns of sequence of system calls. Any deviation
from the normal pattern is termed as intrusion in this
framework. An intrusion detection system needs to learn
the normal behavior patterns from the previously col-
lected data and this is normally accomplished by data
mining or machine learning techniques. The problem of
intrusion detection thus boils down to a supervised clas-
sification problem to identify anomalous sequences,
which are measurably different from the normal behavior.
The system call sequences of normal instances are used
as the training set. Though anomaly-based IDS can de-
tect unknown attacks, it suffers from having unaccept-
able false-positive rate [1]. This is because of the fact
that it is hard to perfectly model a normal behavior.
Unlike the traditional pattern recognition approach for
classification, the aim in the present context is not only
to achieve high accuracy rate but also to minimize the
false positive rate. In recent years, a lot of research ac-
tivities in anomaly detection focus on learning process
behaviors and building the profiles with system call se-
quences as data sources.
Various machine learning techniques such as Support
Vector Machines [2] and Neural Network [3] have been
proposed for designing intelligent intrusion detection
systems. Interested readers are directed to Tsai et al. [4]
for a comprehensive overview on this subject. In this
paper we use the kNN classification scheme [5-7] as an
efficient means for intrusion detection. In carrying out
the classification, it is a common practice to use features
represented as frequency of system calls observed. While
this approach has produced outstanding results [7], we
are more interested in reducing the computational cost
associated with classification task. Instead of represent-
ing features as frequency, which involves repetitive
counting, we only consider absence or presence of a sys-
tem call and represent it as a single bit of data. Needless
to say binary representation consumes less storage space
compared to integer representation. To this end, we pro-
pose a Tanimoto binary similarity measure, and empiri-
cally evaluate and compare its performance. To the best
of authors’ knowledge the result is better than other bi-
nary similarity schemes for intrusion detection reported
in literature.
2. A Brief Description of the Preceding
In this section we briefly describe the research work on
behavior-based intrusion detection procedures. Denning
[8] did a pioneering work on behavior-based intrusion
detection. In this approach profiles of subjects are learnt
and statistical methods are used to compute deviations
from the normal behavior. Lane and Brodly [9] propose
another approach for capturing a user’s behavior. A da-
tabase of sequences of UNIX commands that normally a
user issues, is maintained for each user. Any new com-
mand sequence is compared with this database using a
similarity measure. Forrest et al. [10,11] introduce a sim-
ple anomaly detection method based on monitoring the
system calls invoked by active and privileged processes.
The profile of normal behavior is built by enumerating
all fixed length of unique and contiguous system calls
that occur in the training data, and unmatched sequences
in actual detection are considered abnormal. A similar
approach is followed by Lee et al. [12], but they make
use of a rule learner RIPPER, to form the rules for clas-
sification. Lee and Stolfo [13] use data mining approach
to study a sample of system call data to characterize the
sequences contained in normal data by a small set of
rules. In monitoring and detection, the sequences violat-
ing those rules are treated as anomalies [14]. Warrender
et al. [15] propose Hidden Markov Model (HMM) me-
thod for modeling and evaluating invisible events based
on system calls. It is believed that the entire sequence of
system calls in a process need not exhibit intrusive be-
havior, but few subsequences of very small lengths may
possess the intrusive characteristics. Rawat et al [16]
showed using rough set technique that the intrusive be-
havior in a process is very localized. Sharma et al. [7]
introduce kernel based similarity measure for host-based
intrusions. They have used kNN classifier to classify a
process as either normal or abnormal.
Most of the IDSs that model the behavior of processes
in terms of subsequences, take fixed-length, contiguous
subsequences of system calls. One potential drawback of
this approach is that the size of the database that contains
fixed-length contiguous subsequences increases expo-
nentially with the length of the subsequences. Wespi et
al. [17] propose a variable length subsequence approach.
Asaka et al. [18] develop another approach based on the
discriminant method in which an optimal classification
surface is first learned from samples of the properly la-
beled normal and abnormal system call sequences. Wang
et al. [19] develop another Principle Component Analy-
sis based method for anomaly intrusion detection with
less computation efforts. Tandon and Chan [20] propose
to consider system calls arguments and other parameters,
along with the sequences of system calls. They make use
of the variant of a rule learner LERAD (Learning Rules
for Anomaly Detection).
In order to detect the deviation of anomalous system
call sequences from the normal set of sequences, Liao
and Vemuri [5] used a similarity measure based on the
frequencies of system calls used by a program (process),
rather than the temporal ordering. Their approach draws
an analogy between text categorization and intrusion
detection, such that each system call is treated as a word
and a set of system calls generated by a process as a
document. They used a ‘bag of system calls’ representa-
tion. Liao and Vemuri [5,21] adopted this representation
to profile the behavior according to the trace of each
process independently and a kNN method is used for
classification. In this method, each system call is treated
as a word and a collection of system calls during the
execution of a process is treated as a document. The sys-
tem call trace of a process is converted into a vector and
cosine similarity measure is used to calculate the similar-
ity among processes. In another study [22] by the same
group, the Robust Support Vector Machine (RSVM) is
applied to anomaly-based IDS. Recently, the emphasis of
this RSVM study is on exhibiting the effectiveness of the
method in the presence of noisy data. Rawat et al. [6]
propose anomaly-based IDS. A new similarity measure
called binary weighted cosine (BWC) is proposed and it
is shown that by kNN classifier with the new measure,
one can reduce the false positive rate substantially with-
out sacrificing the detection rate. The authors have
shown that by defining appropriate similarity measures,
the detection by simple kNN can be as efficient as the
sophisticated classification techniques like SVMs. Sharma
et al. [7] propose a very efficient anomaly based IDS.
They have introduced kernel based similarity measure
and showed that it can capture similarity at very accurate
level. They have used kNN as their classification scheme.
The success of any such classification is hinged on two
important aspects the similarity measure and the classi-
fication scheme.
3. Notations and Descriptions
In the remaining discussion S = {s1, s2, s3,, sm} de-
notes a set of unique system calls where m = |S| is the
number of system calls. The training set
is defined
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
,as a set of labeled sequences
where Zi is an input sequence of system calls or a
process, i is a corresponding class label denoting 0 for
“normal” label and 1 for “intrusion” label and S* is the
set of all finite strings of symbol of S. In this representa-
tion, the ordering information of adjacent system calls in
the input sequence is not considered to be significant and
only the frequency of each system call is preserved.
Given the data set
ii ii
ZcZS c
1} }
, the goal of the learning algorithm
is to find a classifier h: S* {0, 1} that maximizes de-
tection rate and minimizes false positive rate.
The vector-space model of Information Retrieval (IR)
is also often used to represent the set of processes. A
process is depicted as a binary vector to represent the
occurrences of system call. The value 1 represents the
occurrences of a system call in a process and its absence
is represented by 0. Thus we define Zbi the binary repre-
sentation of Zi, where the entries of Zbi is 1, if the corre-
sponding system call is present, and 0, otherwise.
4. Tanimoto Similarity Measure
The concept of Tanimoto coefficient [23], is presented
here for binary similarity. It is an extension of Jacquard
coefficient, which is a binary similarity measure. Given
two vectors of binary features, Zbi and, Zbj the binary
Tanimoto coefficient is represented as
BT(), )ij
iji j
Zb Zb
bZb,ZZ (TZ
where is the Euclidean norm.
|| ||
The Jacquard and Tanimoto coefficients have been ex-
tensively applied in several fields ranging from studying
the diversity of species in ecosystem [24], to measuring
similarity between chemical compounds [25]. In this
paper we experiment using Tanimoto coefficient to
measure the similarity between processes represented as
binary features.
5. Binary Tanimoto Weighted Cosine
(BTWC) Similarity Measure
In order to define BTWC similarity measure, we first
define cosine similarity measure [5]. The cosine similar-
ity measure λ(Zi, Zj) between any two processes i
Zj is defined as follows.
Z)(,) |||| . ||||
sSim ZZZCo (2)
The motive behind multiplying binary Tanimoto and
CosSim is that CosSim(Zi, Zj) measures the similarity
based on the frequency and binary Tanimoto is the
weight associated with i
and Zj. In other words, bi-
nary Tanimoto tunes the similarity score CosSim(Zi, Zj)
according to the number of similar and dissimilar system
calls between the two processes. The BTWC similarity
measure can be given as
BTWC(,)(,) (,)
iji jij
Therefore, the similarity measure BTWC takes fre-
quency and the number of common system calls into
consideration while calculating similarity between two
6. K-Nearest Neighbors with the Similarity
The kNN classifier is a generalized form of NN classifier.
In this approach the behavior of a new process is classi-
fied by collecting the majority of k closest training proc-
esses. The average of these majority k measures is com-
puted which is compared with the threshold value to de-
termine if the process is normal or attack. The pseudo
code of kNN procedure with similarity measure is as
Let the training set X has n processes such that j
. Let P be any new process.
for j = 1 to n
j = similarity_measure(P,
smk = find_top_k(smj);
avg = average(smk);
if avg > threshold
P = ‘normal’
P = ‘attack’
7. An Illustration
In this section, we analyze the proposed scheme with the
help of an example. To illustrate, consider two training
processes Z1 and Z2 associated with 10 unique system
call . Let also consider a test process
to measure
the similarity with the training processes. The processes
and the unique system call set are defined as fol-
{auditon, chdir, close, creat, kill, login,
mkdir, stat, su, sysinfo}
1{login, stat, stat, stat, stat, auditon,
auditon, auditon, auditon}
1In place of similarity_measure, equation 1 or 3 will be used.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
2{login, close, su, sysinfo, stat, chdir,
chdir, mkdir, creat, kill}
{login, auditon, auditon, stat, mkdir,
close, close, creat, kill}
To find the similarity between a test and train proc-
esses, we observe that there are only three common sys-
tem calls between
and 1
. However, there are six
common system calls between
and 2
. This in-
ferred that there is more similarity between
and 2
Therefore, hypothetically 21
Si,Sim)m()( ,
Z, where
is any similarity measure function. Computing the
similarity score between these processes using ,
binary Tanimoto and BTWC similarity measures, we get,
(,) 0.6276CosSim ZZ
BT( ,)0.4286ZZ
BTWC( ,)0.2690ZZ
( ,)0.5604CosSim ZZ
BT( ,)0.6000ZZ
BTWC( ,)0.3363ZZ
According to similarity measure,
is more
similar to 1
than to 2
, since 1
2. However, this contradicts with the hy-
pothesis. On the other hand, using binary Tanimoto and
BTWC similarity measures, Z appeared to be more simi-
lar to
(, )CosSZ Zim
(,CosSim Z
than to 1
, since 21
BT( ,)(,)BT
and 21
BTWC( ,)BTWC( ,)
ZZZ. The similarity scores
measured by binary Tanimoto and BTWC validate the
hypothesis. Therefore, it is more likely that by using
these two techniques, better results for intrusion detec-
tion problem can be achieved.
In order to see the application of kNN classifier with
binary Tanimoto and BTWC similarity measures, let us
assume a third training process 3
, such that BT( ,
3 and 2
)0.5ZBTWC( ,)ZZ 0.3
. Suppose the thre-
shold for binary Tanimoto is BT 0.58
and for BTWC
is BTWC 0.32
. If the classification procedure to label a
into either as attack or normal is conducted
by comparing the highest similarity score then by binary
Tanimoto the process will be classified as normal since,
BT( ,)ZZ0.6
 and by BTWC it will also be
classified as normal since, 2
WC (,)0ZZ .3 3 6 3
. This could give statistically unstable results as
the classification is dominated by a single training proc-
ess (with the highest similarity score). A better classifi-
cation scheme would be to evaluate the average of top
scores to arrive to the labeling of processes. If
then for binary Tanimoto using kNN classifier the aver-
age of top 2 similarity scores would be BT
. This
means that the process
is now classified as an attack
since, BT
. In a similar way, process
will be
classified as an attack for BTWC using kNN classifier
since, BTWC
. Therefore binary Tanimoto
and BTWC similarity measures with kNN classifier are
expected to give statistically stable results by comparing
the average similarity measure of top processes.
8. Experimentation
In order to perform experimentation we use BSM audit
logs from the 1998 DARPA data [26] for training and
testing of our algorithm. This is the same data set used in
previous research efforts [5-7] and thus it enables us
compare the results. There are 50 unique system calls in
the training data. All the 50 system calls are shown in
Table 1.
In this dataset about 2000 normal sessions reported in
the four days of data and the training data set consists of
606 unique processes. There are 412 normal sessions on
the fifth day and we extract 5285 normal processes from
these sessions. We use these 5285 normal processes as
testing data. In order to test the detection capability of
our method, we considered 54 intrusive sessions as test
data. Table 2 lists these attacks. A number in the begin-
ning of the name denotes the week and day followed by
the name of the session (attack).
Table 1. List of 50 unique system calls.
access, audit, auditon, chdir, chmod, chown, close, creat, ex-
ecve, exit, fchdir, fchown, fcntl, fork, fork1, getaudit, getmsg,
ioctl, kill, link, login, logout, lstat, memcntl, mkdir, mmap,
munmap, oldnice, oldsetgid, oldsetuid, oldutime, open, path-
donf, pipe, putmsg, readlink, rename, rmdir, setaudit, setegid,
seteuid, setgroups, setpgrp, setrlimit, stat, statvfs, su, sysinfo,
unlink, vfork
Table 2. List of 54 attacks used in test data.
1.1_it_ffb clear, 1.1_it_format_clear, 2.2_it_ipsweep,
2.5_it_ftpwrite, 2.5_it_ftpwrite_test, 3.1_it_ffb_clear,
3.3_it_ftpwrite, 3.3_it_ftpwrite_test, 3.4_it_warez,
3.5_it_warezmaster, 4.1_it_080520warezclient,
4.2_it_080511warezclient, 4.2_it_153736spy,
4.2_it_153736spy_test, 4.2_it_153812spy,
4.4_it_080514warezclient, 4.4_it_080514warezclient_test,
4.4_it_175320warezclient, 4.4_it_180326warezclient,
4.4_it_180955warezclient, 4.4_it_181945warezclient,
4.5_it_092212ffb, 4.5_it_141011loadmodule,
4.5_it_162228loadmodule, 4.5_it_174726loadmodule,
4.5_it_format, 5.1_it_141020ffb, 5.1_it_174729ffb_exec,
5.1_it_format, 5.2_it_144308eject_clear,
5.2_it_163909eject_clear, 5.3_it_eject_steal, 5.5_it_eject,
5.5_it_fdformat, 5.5_it_fdformat_chmod, 6.4_it_090647ffb,
6.4_it_093203eject, 6.4_it_095046eject, 6.4_it_100014eject,
6.4_it_122156eject, 6.4_it_144331ffb, test.1.2_format,
test.1.2_format2, test.1.3_eject, test.1.3_httptunnel,
test.1.4_eject, test.2.1_111516ffb, test.2.1_format,
test.2.2_xsnoop, test.2.3_ps, test.2.3_ps_b, test.2.5_ftpwrite,
test.2.4_eject_a, test.2.2_format1
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
An intrusive session is said to be detected if any of the
processes associated with this session is classified as
abnormal. Thus detection rate is defined as the number
of intrusive sessions detected, divided by the total num-
ber of intrusive sessions. We perform the experiments
with .
In Tables 3-6 we show Liao-Vemuri scheme [5],
BWC scheme [6], BTWC scheme and binary Tanimoto
scheme respectively for k = 5. In the tables, the first
column represents the threshold values used in the ex-
periments. The second column depicts the false positives
rates and the third column depicts the detection rate.
It can be seen from Table 3 that for Liao-Vemuri
scheme the false positive rate is very high (25.8%) at a
detection rate of 100%. It can be observed from Table 4
that BWC is a better technique than Liao-Vemuri as it
provides lesser false positive rate (4.65%) at a detection
rate of 100%. However, this false positive rate (4.65%)
still may not be acceptable. The BTWC scheme (Table 5)
gives better performance by getting false positive rate of
4.1% at 100% detection. Next, the binary Tanimoto
scheme performs the best by giving 3.7% false positive
rate at a detection rate of 100%. Table 7 summarizes the
results obtained in Tables 3-6. It can be seen the binary
Table 3. Liao-vemuri scheme.
Threshold False Positive Rate Detection Rate
0.52 0.0000 0.3519
0.89 0.0009 0.7593
0.99 0.0096 0.9630
0.995 0.2575 1.0000
Table 4. Binary weighted cosine scheme.
Threshold False Positive Rate Detection Rate
0.52 0.0000 0.3704
0.86 0.0095 0.9444
0.90 0.0238 0.9815
0.90099 0.0465 1.0000
Table 5. BTWC scheme.
Threshold False Positive Rate Detection Rate
0.52 0.0000 0.3704
0.86 0.0348 0.9630
0.88 0.0401 0.9630
0.889 0.0411 1.0000
Table 6. Binary tanimoto scheme.
Threshold False Positive Rate Detection Rate
0.52 0.0000 0.3519
0.86 0.0312 0.9630
0.92 0.0369 0.9630
0.9219 0.0369 1.0000
Table 7. Summary: false positive rate at 100% detection
rate for all the schemes.
Method False Positive Rate Detection Rate
Liao-Vemuri 25.75% 100.0%
BWC 4.7% 100.0%
BTWC 4.1% 100.0%
Binary Tanimoto 3.7% 100.0%
Tanimoto scheme is better than other schemes. The ad-
vantage of this scheme is that it utilizes only binary data
which has lesser computing and managing requirements.
The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is
also depicted in Figure 1. It provides a comparison be-
tween the techniques. The ROC curve is a graph between
the attack detection rate and false positive rate. It can be
seen in the figure that binary Tanimoto converges to
100% detection rate faster than other three schemes. The
curve of BTWC scheme is better than binary Tanimoto
for smaller values of false positive rate. However, it con-
verges slower to 100% detection rate than binary Tani-
moto scheme. Nonetheless, the benchmark is to obtain
lowest false positive rate at 100% detection rate and the
proposed schemes are outperforming other similarity
9. Conclusions
The Tanimoto based similarity measure schemes have
been introduced in this work. It was observed that these
schemes produced better results than other techniques.
The best result obtained by Tanimoto scheme was 3.7%
at the detection rate of 100%. To the best of the authors’
knowledge the performance of the proposed technique is
better than any previously documented result using bi-
nary similarity measure in the area of intrusion detection.
Figure 1. ROC curve for Liao-vemuri, BWC, binary tani-
moto and BTWC schemes.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JIS
It is worth highlighting that a binary representation of
features captures less detailed information about a proc-
ess compared with features represented as frequency.
Even with this limitation, we obtained good results, which
gives validity to our proposed approach.
10. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank the reviewers and the
Editor for providing constructive comments about the
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