Int. J. Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2011, 4, 523-543
doi:10.4236/ijcns.2011.48064 Published Online August 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
Designing an Agent-Based Intrusion Detection System for
Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks: Robust, Fault
Tolerant and Dynamic Reconfigurable
Hossein Jadidoleslamy
Department of Information Te chn ol o gy , Anzali International Branch, The University of Guilan , Rasht, Iran
Received May 26, 2011; revised June 22, 2011; accepted August 8, 2011
Protecting networks against different types of attacks is one of most important posed issue into the network
and information security domains. This problem on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), in attention to their
special properties, has more importance. Now, there are some of proposed solutions to protect Wireless Sen-
sor Networks (WSNs) against different types of intrusions; but no one of them has a comprehensive view to
this problem and they are usually designed in single-purpose; but, the proposed design in this paper has been
a comprehensive view to this issue by presenting a complete architecture of Intrusion Detection System
(IDS). The main contribution of this architecture is its modularity and flexibility; i.e. it is designed and ap-
plicable, in four steps on intrusion detection process, consistent to the application domain and its required
security level. Focus of this paper is on the heterogeneous WSNs and network-based IDS, by designing and
deploying the Wireless Sensor Network wide level Intrusion Detection System (WSNIDS) on the base sta-
tion (sink). Finally, this paper has been designed a questionnaire to verify its idea, by using the acquired re-
sults from analyzing the questionnaires.
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Security, Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Modular, Attack,
Process, Detection, Response, Tracking
1. Introduction
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are homogeneous or
heterogeneous systems consist of many small devices,
called sensor nodes, that monitoring different environ-
ments in cooperativ e [1,2]; i.e. sensor nodes cooperate to
each other and combine their local data to reach a global
view of the operational environment; they also can oper-
ate autonomously. In WSNs there are two other compo-
nents, called “aggregation points” and “sink or base sta-
tion” (i.e. the WSNIDS’s deployment location), which
have more powerful resources and capabilities than nor-
mal sensor nodes [1]. As show n in Figure 1, ag gregatio n
points collect information from their nearby sensor nodes,
aggregate and forward them to the base station to process
gathered data [11]. Factors such as wireless, unsafe, un-
protected and shared nature of communication channel,
un-trusted and broadcast transmission media, deploy-
ment in hostile and open environments, automated and
unattended nature and limited resources, make WSNs
vulnerable and susceptible to many types of attacks [1];
therefore, in attending to the WSNs’ constraints, their
requirements and unusable traditional network security
techniques on WSNs, security is a vital and complex
requirement for these networks [2,3]. Also, the defen-
sive-security mechanism that can guarantee the normal
functionalities of these networks must be consistent to
the WSNs’ autonomous mechanisms. This paper is fol-
lowing a complete security mechanism to cover and es-
tablish different basic security dimensions of WSNs, like
confidentiality, integrity, availability and authenticity.
Our proposal is adding an another defensive line, called
Intrusion Detection System (IDS), as a new defen-
sive-security layer to the WSNs’ security infrastructure;
which it can detects unsafe activities and unauthorized
access; also, when attacks occurred, even new attacks
such as anomalies, it can notify by different warnings
and perform some actions (mainly predefined actions).
Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is discussing
and solving the intrusion detection problem on WSNs.
Figure 1. WSNs’ communication architecture.
This paper is focused on following topics:
An overview of WSNs and their security;
Discussing Intrusion Detection System (IDS) as a
new aggressive-defensive security layer for WSNs;
Suggestion a comprehensive, modular and centralized
Intrusion Detecti on Syst em for WSNs (the WSNIDS).
This paper makes us enable to identify the existent
security challenges in WSNs and we can almost solve the
intrusion detection problem on these networks; besides,
we also can detect and manage WSNs’ attacks and react
to them, appropriate to attacks’ nature. The rest of this
paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 an overview
of WSNs and their different security dimensions are pre-
sented; Section 3 is mainly focused on IDS, it’s impor-
tance and different dimensions, and IDS’s required
properties for WSNs; Section 4 considers the intrusion
detection issue on WSNs, including design challenges
and IDS’s requirements in these networks; Section 5 will
describe architecture of the proposed Intrusion Detection
System for WSNs (WSNIDS); Section 6 prepares a
questionnaire to verifying the proposed system; it also
expressed the reached results from analyzing question-
naires; Section 7 is presented conclusion; and finally
future works, are dra wn in Se ct i on 8.
2. An Overview of WSNs
Sensor is a tiny device which detects and measures value
of physical parameters or an event occurrence; then, it
converts that value to electrical signal; finally, if neces-
sary, it actuates to the event by using electrical actuators
[1,24]. Major features of WSNs are:
Infrastructure-less [1,2,25];
No public address, often (data-centric network) [2,5];
Consists of many (hundreds or thousands) tiny sensor
nodes [4,10] (small size, low-cost and low-power);
High-density of nodes distribution [6,25];
Insecure radio links;
Different communication models [1,2,8], including:
hierarchical/distributed WSNs; or homogenous/hete-
rogeneous WS Ns;
Limited resources of sensor nodes [2,3,7] (radio com-
munication, bandwidth, energy, memory and proc-
essing capabilities) [5,6,9];
Having decision making capability to react to the
events, including: automated structure (local decision
making), semi-automated (decision making by base-
station) and combinational (clustering structure);
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
Main application domains of WSNs are: monitoring
and tracking (as shown in following figure, Figure
2(a)); therefore, some of the most common applica-
tions of these networks are: military, medical, envi-
ronmental monitoring, industrial, infrastructure pro-
tection, disaster detection and recovery, agriculture,
intelligent build ings, transportation and space d iscov-
ery (as shown in Figure 2(b)).
In continue of this section, it will be presented an out-
line of different aspects of WSNs, such as their charac-
teristics, architectures, vulnerabilities and security di-
2.1. WSNs Characteristics
A WSN is a homogenous or heterogeneous network con-
sisting of hundreds or thousands tiny sensor nodes to
monitor and gather real-time information from opera-
tional environment [2,7,24]. Common functionalities
sensor nodes are broadcasting and multicasting, routing,
Figure 2. WSN’s applications.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
forwarding and route maintenance. The sensor's compo-
nents are: sensor unit, processing unit, memory unit,
power supply unit and wireless radio transceiver; these
units are communicating to each other, as shown in Fig-
ure 3. Some of most important properties of WSNs are:
Wireless and weak connections [1,3,8];
Low reliability of sensor nodes;
Dynamic topology and self-organization [2,4,24];
Ad-hoc based networks and hop-by-hop communica-
tions (multi-hop routing);
Hostile nature of operational environment [2,5,9];
Autonomous sensor nodes (local view and independ-
ent decision making capability);
Cooperation of sensor nodes and other WSNs’ com-
ponents to each others (global view);
Broadcast-nature of communications between sensor
nodes [3,7];
Ease of extendibility (scalable);
Direct interaction with physical environment [1,6];
Single-purpose and application-oriented networks;
Autom ati c [10] and no n -interrupt ed operatio ns [6];
Management the communications between mobile
nodes [24];
Hardware lim i tati ons of se nsor no des [ 1, 2, 7] .
2.2. Different Types of WSNs’ Architectures
As shown in following figure (Figure 4), on WSNs’ ar-
chitecture, there are components such as sensor nodes
(motes that are sensing data), aggregation points, sink
[1,2], network manager, security manager, and user in-
terface [8,10]. These components participate to each oth-
ers to the WSN operates, correctly. Figure 4 shows dif-
ferent kinds of WSN’s architectures; as follows:
2.2.1. Direct Communication Architecture
Each sensor nodes communicates to the sink, directly
[9]. Thus, this architecture is not appropriate for wide
WSNs; i.e. it is not scalable.
2.2.2. Multi -hop and Peer-to-Peer Architecture
Sensor nodes have routing capability [8];
Figure 3. Architecture of sensor node.
Figure 4. Different types of WSNs’ architectures: (a) Direct
communication architecture; (b) Multi-hop and peer-to-
peer architecture; (c) Multi-hop based on clustering archi-
tecture; (d) Multi-hop, clustering and dynamic cluster-
heads architecture.
This architecture is not scalable [10]; because sensor
nodes which place nearby to the sink, they are using
for packets r outing between other nodes and the sink ,
usually; therefore, if the WSN be widespread, traffic
of such nodes will increase; consequently, their en-
ergy will be waste, consumed and finished; so they go
out of the WSN, in fast.
2.2.3. Multi-hop Based on Clustering Architecture
Sensor nodes make a clustering structure [9,10];
Choosing a cluster-head for any cluster [8]; each
cluster-head can communicate to the sink, directly;
thus, each clusters’ nodes send their gathered data to
the corresponding cluster-head;
Problem: most communication operations are doing
by cluster-heads; thus, th eir energy will be consumed,
reduced and wasted, sooner than other nodes (if the
cluster-heads be had weak capabilities or on ho-
mogenous WS Ns);
Solution: changing the role of cluster-head between
corresponding cluster nodes, dynamically; or using
from strong and heterogeneous cluster-heads.
2.2.4. Multi-hop, Clustering and Dynamic
Cluster-Heads Architecture
This architecture solves the weakness of previous
architecture by dynamically change the role of clus-
ter-head among co rresponding cluster’s nodes.
2.3. Vulnerabilities and Challenges of WSNs
WSNs are vulnerable against many kinds of attacks;
some of the most common reasons are:
Theft [1,2] (reengineering and replicating) [3,25];
Limited capabilities and resources [2,3] (DoS attacks
risks, constraint in using encryption);
Random deployment [5] (hard pre-configuration);
Deployment on open/dynamic/hostile environments
[2,6] (physical access, capture and node destruction);
Insider attackers;
Inapplicable traditional network’s common security
techniques [2,3] (due to limited resources, deploying
on open environments and direct interaction to phy-
sical environment);
Requirement to redesigning security architectures and
Unreliable communications [2] (connectionless packet-
based routing unreliable transfer, channel’s broad-
cast nature conflicts, multi-hop routing and net-
work congestion and node processing Latency);
Vulnerability against eavesdropping (since using uni-
que communication frequency into the WSN);
Unattended nature and operation [1,2,25];
Dynamic topology and self-organization [1,25];
Sensor nodes’ selfishness [2,7];
Requiring to forwarding and routing sensed informa-
tion to a shared destin ation, called sink;
Existence redundancy in gathered traffic;
Fault tolerant [1,7];
Cost of sensor nodes’ development and their produc-
tion [2,24];
Size and precisi on o f se nsor nodes.
2.4. Security in WSNs
As WSNs’ application areas are growing, intrusion tech-
niques in these networks also are increasing; there are
many methods to disrupt these networks and every day,
new techniques are representing to destruct WSNs [1,2].
Besides, in attending to the vital WSNs’ vulnerability
against many types of attacks [3,8] and necessity of data
accuracy and network health and fault tolerant, confiden-
tial and sensitive applications of WSNs, security is a
vital requirement in these networks and it must be estab-
lished according to their constraints to can solve security
problems and weaknesses of these networks. Also, there
are three security key points on WSNs, including system
(integrity, availability), source (authentication, authori-
zation) and data (integrity, confidentiality). Thus, secu-
rity in WSNs is an important, critical issue, necessity and
vital requirement, due to:
Correctness of network functionality [1,2];
Unusable typical networks protocols [2,5];
Limited resources and un-trusted sensor nodes [1,4];
Requiring trusted center for key management, to au-
thenticate nodes to each others, preventing from ex-
istent attacks and selfishness [1,6,9] and extending
collaboration [2];
Broadcast and wireless nature of transmission media
Sensor nodes deploy on hostile environments [1,7,24]
(unsafe physic a l l y );
Unattended nature and operation of WSNs [1,2,10];
Some of most important dimensions of WSNs have
been shown in follow ing figure (Figures 5(a) and (b))
by star spangled (starry boxes). As Figure 5(a) shows,
Figure 5. Security in WSNs.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
in this paper we have emphasize on goals, obstacles
and constraints of WSNs’ security aspects. Also,
Figure 5(b) is showing which this paper has been
emphasized on intrusion detection approach from the
security mechanisms (by star spangled).
3. Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
Intrusion, i.e. unauthorized access or login (to the system,
or the network or other resources) [23]; Intrusion is a set
of actions from internal or external of the network, which
violate security aspects (including integrity, conf idential-
ity, availability and authenticity) of a netwo rk’s resource
[16,19]. Intrusion detection is a process which detecting
contradictory activities with security policies to unau-
thorized access or performance reduction of a system or
network [23]; the purpose of intrusion detection process
is reviewing, controlling, analyzing and representing
reports from the system and network activities. Intrusion
Detection System (IDS), i.e.:
A hardware or software or combinational system,
with aggressive-defensive approach to protect infor-
mation, systems and networks [13,14];
Usable on host, network [20] and application levels;
For analyzing traffic, controlling communications and
ports, detecting attacks and occurrence vandalism, by
internal users or external attackers;
Concluding by using deterministic methods (based on
patterns of known attacks) or non-deterministic [14,
20] (to detecting new attacks and anomalies such as
determining thresholds);
Informing and warning to the security manager [13,
15,19] (sometimes disconnect suspicious communi-
cations and block malicious traffic);
Determining identity of attacker and tracking him/
There are three main functionalities for IDS, includ ing:
monitoring (evaluation), analyzing (detection) and react-
ing (reporting) [13,16] to the occurring attacks on com-
puter systems and networks. If IDS be configured, cor-
rectly; it can represent three types of events: primary
identification events (like stealthy scan and file content
manipulation), attacks (automatic/manual or local/remote)
and suspicious events.
3.1. IDS Categorization Based on Their
According to the Figure 6, Intrusion Detection Systems
(IDSs) attending to the information gathering source and
input data supplier, divide into three categories, as fol-
Figure 6. Different categorizations of IDSs.
3.1.1. Host-Based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS)
HIDS installs on a computer system [14,16]; it uses pro-
cessor and memory of that system and protects only the
hosting system [16,17]. It has an abnormal detector part
which using statistical methods to detect abnormal be-
havior of users in comparison to their behavioral records
[17,21]; also, it has an expert system part that detects the
security threats and describes the vulnerabilities of the
system, but independent from behavioral records of users;
of course, it uses a rules-base, too.
3.1.2. Netw or k-B ased Intrusion Detec tio n System
NIDS is a software process which installs on a special
hardware system [15,19]; in many cases, it operates as a
sniffer and controls passing packets and active commu-
nications, then it analyzes network traffic in sophisti-
cated, to find attacks [14,20,21]. NIDS can identify at-
tacks, on network level; thus, it includes following steps:
Setting up the Network Interface Card (NIC) on pro-
miscuous mode and eavesdropping network traffic
Capturing the transmitting network packets [20];
Extracting requirement information and properties
from the network’s packets;
Analyzing properties and detecting statistical devia-
tion from normal behavior and known patterns (using
pattern matching);
Producing and logging proper events.
3.1.3. Di stributed Intr usion Detection System (DIDS )
Most important characteristics of DIDS are:
Combination of HIDS, NIDS and central manage-
ment system [18];
Sending the reports of distributed IDSs (HIDSs and
NIDSs) to the central management system;
Based on distributed and heterogeneous resources [14,
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
High complexity, variable specifications and agent-
In WSNs, most attackers are targeting routing layer,
since they can control passing information into the net-
work. Besides, WSNs mainly are based on sensor nodes’
reporting to the base station; so, disrupting and violating
from this process leads to success attacks. As a result, for
such networks, most proper architecture for IDS will be
NIDS. A NIDS using network's traffic as data source; it
eavesdrops and listens to the network traffic, captures
packets in real-time, then controls and tests them to de-
tect attacks.
3.2. IDS Classification Based on Detection
IDSs must be able to differentiate between normal and
abnormal activities, to detect malicious efforts, in real-
time. As Figure 6 shows, IDSs be partitioned into two
categories, based on data analysis and detection method
[13,16]. In following sections, they will be considered.
3.2.1. Anom aly Detection S y stems
Anomaly Detection Systems are focused on normal be-
havioral patterns [14,15]. According to the expert sys-
tems are not able to timous upda te patterns, we will need
automatic devices to extract new attacks’ patterns [15,16,
21]. It is possible to using some techniques such as
threshold detection (fully heuristic and static), statistical
criteria, act/rule-oriented criteria, clustering methods,
neural networks, expert systems, machine learning and
data mining, to detecting abnor mal behav iors [13 ,22]; for
example, measuring the changes in volume, direction and
pattern of communication traffic, can indicate and dif-
ferentiate attack traffic, easily. In this approach, it is pos-
sible to detecting n ew attacks and also internal attackers;
including following steps:
Identifying normal behaviors [15,21] (they have de-
terministic properties) and finding especial rules for
them (describing normal behaviors by automated
learning, usually);
Forming some views from normal behaviors of the
system, netwo r k, users and user groups;
o Behaviors that following these patterns normal
o Activities which have excessive deviation from
defined statistical values of these patterns ab-
normal behaviors and intrusion efforts.
The main key to detect abnormal behavior: com-
paring current traffic and predefined normal behaviors
Problem: how gathering a set of static criteria of
normal behaviors?
3.2.2. Signature-Based Detection Systems
This method is using deterministic scenarios, rules and
patterns of known attacks, which be defined by security
expert systems, to detect security threats and attacks [13,
22]; in this model, IDS gathers the properties of attacks
and abnormal behaviors and then, make an information
base by them [14,15,21]. Therefore, to using such sys-
tems, user should define and store the templates and re-
quirements actions for security threats. After pattern and
properties matching, IDS can re port the type of attack, in
precise. Thus, the main operation of these systems is
comparing observed behavior and known attacks’ pat-
terns to each other. Some of characteristics of this ap-
proach are:
Inability to identifying new attacks [15,16];
Requiring to a set of predefined patterns [13,22] (in-
cluding properties, rules and behaviors) of known at-
tacks into the IDS;
Necessity of adding new patterns of attacks to the
patterns’ set, manually and repeatedly.
The main key to detect misuse behavior: comparing
current traffic to predefined and pre-known attacks’ pat-
Problem: how detecting intrusions’ properties and
displaying them?
In attending to the surveys conducted, severe restric-
tions of resources on WSNs, especially memory, using of
such IDSs which requiring storing the patterns of attacks,
they are not usable or rather difficult to using on WSNs.
Proposed detection approach on the WSN is com-
binational method (specifications-based); i.e., based on
signature and based on anomaly. In this approach, at first,
defining manually some of deterministic properties and
thresholds of normal behavior for the system; thus, de-
viation of them, is anomaly. This system can be had two
types of policy-bases, including: Misuse-detection pol-
icy-base and An omaly-detection policy- base.
Proposed detection method is centralized; because
there is the WSNIDS on the sink (highest level of the
WSN) and it detects intrusions and makes decision about
attack occurrence on the sensor nodes.
3.3. IDS Categorization Based on Response
IDSs using events’ information and patterns analysis of
attacks to react them; including:
3.3.1. Direct Response
These responses prevent from the attackers' activities,
directly [13,16]; for example, session disconnection [19],
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
dynamic reconfiguration of the network, usin g Honeypot
and setting thresholds again.
3.3.2. Indirect Response
These kinds of responses do no t prevent from the attack-
ers' activities, directly [13,14,16]; like: sh unning, logging,
notifying [20] through cell phone, email and message to
SNMP console [14,15].
The proposed response approach for the WSNIDS
is using combinational method; i.e. active and passive
responses by each others, depending on conditions and
attacks’ nature; thus, the type of response be determining
based on attacks' severity and their damages level. Also,
responses can be as a part of policies; i.e. we can define
and store responses into the Info-bases such as Policy-
base, manually.
4. Intrusion Detection on Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSNs)
Intrusion detection in WSNs has many challenges,
mainly due to lack or weak of resources [5,13]. Besides,
the existent methods and protocols of traditional net-
works can not be enforced to the WSN, directly; because
they need to the resources which attending to the WSNs’
limitations and constraints are inaccessible. In general,
WSNs are application-oriented [10,12]; i.e. they are de-
signed as cover the very special properties according to
the target application domain. Intrusion detection process
is supposing that the behavior of normal system is dif-
ferentiating than the behavior of attacked system. There
are several possible and different configurations for WSNs;
so, it is difficult to define normal and expected behavior;
since the proposed IDS should have been different char-
acteristics on different application domains.
Non-existence the unique structure for WSNs, leads to
non-existence unique IDS and requiring different IDSs;
so, requiring to a modular and comprehensive IDS [14,
4.1. Main Challenges in Designing IDS for WSNs
There are a lot of challenges in designing IDS for WSNs;
as follows described:
Designing efficient software to install on the sensor
nodes and the sink, to saving existent energy con-
sumption; as a result, leading to increase the WSN’s
Limited resources [1,5,9,13];
Unreliable sensor nodes;
Application-oriented networks [8];
Requiring to the monitoring, detecting, decision mak-
ing and responding to the intrusions, in real-time;
then leading to minimum damages;
It is difficult to time synchronizing nodes into the
WSNs; so, it is difficult to using protocols that are
rely on time synchronization;
Databases challenges: the volume of sensed data;
storage medium; supporting different queries from
sensor nodes and the sink; data indexing; high-fre-
quency of data freshness;
4.2. The Basis Requirements of IDS on WSNs
In this section, the paper be described the basis require-
ments of IDS for WSNs; i.e. it wants to discuss the basis
requirements of an IDS, which it has to provide for
WSNs. Attacker can load the malicious software to trig-
ger an internal attack, in attending to the special proper-
ties of these networks such as limited communication
and processing resources, low radio range and other
weakness of sensor nodes [8,12]. So, it is necessary
which a WSNs’ IDS has been following features:
Localize auditing: IDS of WSNs should operate by
using local and minor auditing data;
Accurate management of resources: IDS for WSNs
has to consume minimum dose of nodes’ and other
network’s resources (light-weight IDS). Besides,
wireless networks do not have stable connections;
also, the WSN’s equipments and resources such as
bandwidth and power, are limited.
Some of necessities are: non-enforcing extra load to
the WSN, efficiency and monitoring the health state of
Error management, health state monitoring and secu-
rity management: the WSNIDS can not suppose that
any single node is fully secure (supposition: no node
is secure); because sensor nodes are compromising
easily and disclosure information.
Accurate and comprehensive monitoring: data gath-
ering and analyzing them at some of specific location
(for example, the sink).
Some of necessities are: non-enforcing extra load to
the special components such as sensor nodes, using de-
tection mechanism, audit trial, warning dependence, dis-
tributed and collective response at the level of the whole
Robustness and fault tolerant: the WSNIDS must be
robust and resistant against attacks [13,15]. Compro-
mising one or more sensor node and controlling them
or compromising the WSNIDS, should not able at-
tackers to remove an authorized node from the WSN
or prevent from detecting malicious node.
Some of necessities are: error management, keeping
configuration information and security management.
Secure and under-control inter-modules (internal parts
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
of IDSs) and inter-components (between the WSN’s
components) data communications and interactions;
Reaction and tracking capabilities;
Ease of use (such as standard interfaces);
4.3. Intrusion Detection Approaches on WSNs
There are two major approaches for intrusion detection
in this domain, as follows:
Centralized approach: for applicatio ns with accessib le
nodes and possible to manag e them, in centralize [14,
16]; but, this kind of architecture threats the entire
system security;
Distributed approach: in this approach, it is possible
to have one IDS per each sensor node; so, sensor
node usually makes decision autonomously about
sensor node level’s attacks (mainly, physical attacks);
also, there is one IDS per each cluster of nodes; in
this case, cluster-heads usually make decisions auto-
nomously and independently about their associated
and co-cluster sensor nodes; in some cases about
boundary nodes, they cooperate to each others for in-
trusion detection; so, they take decisions, coopera-
tively. Thus, they using a cooperative mechanism to
take proper decisions and then, they combine the lo-
cal view of neighboring cluster-heads to each other.
In clustering method, all cluster-heads that place in
the radio range of a node, can surveillance on that
node, to identify malicious nodes accurately by using
the majority rule; even though chaining destruction.
The proposed approach is centralized; i.e. there is a
comprehensive IDS on highest level of the WSN’s archi-
tecture which it be installed and deployed on the powerful
sink, calling the WSNIDS. It makes decision about oc-
curred intrusions on the sensor nodes, autonomously and
5. Architecture of the Proposed Intrusion
Detection System for WSNs: WSNIDS
(Wireless Sensor Network Wide Level
Intrusion Detection System)
The WSNIDS place on the highest level of the WSN’s
architecture; i.e. it installs and deploys on the heteroge-
neous sink and management part. As Figure 7 shows,
this is a comprehensive IDS which has some of complete
Info-bases including a series of comprehensive and inte-
grated policy-bases along with some agents to distin-
guishing attacks and an omalies. Also, the hosting system
and deployment location of the WSNIDS is a powerful
system which has high software and hardware capabili-
In this section, we would like to discuss about required
agents in designing IDS for WSNs and their properties.
In the proposed architecture, it is possible to classify
agents into four categories; which each phase have some
of independent agent (according to the Figure 7). Each
agent is a set of functionality and internal capabilities of
a logical processing unit; also, it is a component of IDS
that participate into the intrusion detection process; in-
Phase 1: monitoring, collecting raw data and pre-
processing mechanisms (auditing and filtering);
o Filtering: filters are software modules that process,
aggregate and store incoming data to the IDS. Ex-
tracting data from the packets and store into a
o Capture traffic and preprocessing: in this step, the
messages are eavesdropped and gathered; then
important information1 be filtered and stored for
next analyzing.
Phase 2: processing, analyzing, rule-enforcement and
intrusion detection : in this step, the existent rules in to
the policy-bases are imposed to the stored data. Each
input according to a trial of special rules for any type
of message, have been assessed: if a message match-
ed and detected as a malicious message, the failure
counter increases one. Now, that message has been
dropped and no another rule will be enforced it; be-
cause the WSNs have severe limited resources. This
strategy is reducing the detection latency, too (there is
trade off between accuracy, processing cost and run
time). Rules are enforcing to the stored data, in order
of their complexity. After the message is controlled
per all of rules and it not be matched by no one, that
message be accepted (once the first match occurred,
another rules do not consider, due to savings re-
sources such as power, energy and time);
Phase 3: decision making and responding techniques;
Phase 4: logging, tracking and forensic analysis.
Figure 7 represents the basic architecture of the
WSNIDS in form of existent main modules and proce-
dures into the system (WSNIDS); this system is per-
forming many activities, such as: distinguishing the re-
ferral traffic from sensor nodes, full processing, analyz-
ing and detecting, logging, performing associated and
appropriate responses, tracking and forensic analysis
(according to the Figu r e 7 and Figure 8).
5.1. Agents of First Phase of Intrusion Detection
The purpose of this phase is monitoring, gathering, pre-
1Including fields of packets that can be used in rule-enforcement phase;
thus, it leads to the less consumption/waste of the memory and less
rocessing time; then, leads to energy consumption.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
Figure 7. The basis architecture of the WSNIDS (intrusion detection process in the WSNIDS).
Figure 8. The WSNIDS work flow.
processing and centralized management of data. This
package collects and analyzes the intrusion detection
data. Thus, the first phase means primary analysis and
detection attack or anomaly (parsing, reduction and re-
fining gathered data; then, produce and send events
through sensed-info router to next step). In attending to
the Figure 9, the existent agents into this phase are:
Detector: data collection; this agent depending on to
the application domain and special properties of the
WSN, monitors and logs especial events.
o Using as data pre-processor, processor and filter
(data reduction an d ref ining);
o There are different types of detectors into the
WSNIDS, due to listen and eavesdropping differ-
ent types of data;
o Detectors are intelligent analyzers which collect-
ing important information about host and network
and they are producing events for analyzing,
processing and responding. They are at the lowest
level of the proposed system, but they are ears and
eyes of the WSNIDS;
o The complexity of this agnt is based on its design e
Figure 9. The first phase of intrusion dete c t ion pr oc e ss by WSNIDS: data gathering and preproce ssing.
and independent from the proposed architecture;
detectors are independent agents for monitoring
and presenting standard reports like according to
the ECA (Event or Sensed-data, Conditions, Ac-
tions or Responses) model format;
o Detector is a package consist of some different
modules to monitoring ports, log files and existent
information into the WSNIDS; also, there are dif-
ferent types of detectors in attention to the opera-
tional environment and data types which should
be gathered (such as pressure, temperature, speed).
Some of its components are: reduction and refiner;
Converter: format converter interface; by using this
module, it is possible to almost integrate each detec-
tor to this system.
o Using of third-party detectors (converting the data
to the format of the WSNIDS);
o It is possible to integrate converter with detector;
but it is better that they be as two independent and
isolated components;
o This module produces events which they are input
of next step; i.e. they send for processing;
o Using as controller (trigger/stop/reconfiguration
Graphical user interfaces (GUI).
o Displaying reports and graphs to the user.
IDS and Hosting-system Health Monitor (IHHM):
monitoring the health states and systemic parameters
(such as CPU usage, Disk utilizatio n, Virtual memory
and active processes) of the WSNIDS and its hosting
system, periodically; since making sure from the sta-
bility of the network an d host has special importance.
The performance of the WSNIDS is depending on to
the state of its hosting system. So it is required a
dedicated agent to monitoring the activities of the
host. This module evaluates the health-state of the
hosting system and information in always and de-
pends on to the state of that system, create the sys-
tem’s health information; then, it analyzes the risk of
malicious activity and system state and in attending to
it, it presents and proposed some of pre-defined ac-
Sensed-info-logger (SIL): logging all of input data.
o Logging controller: controlling such as the vol-
ume/size of logged data.
Sensed-Info Router (SIR): a module which listen to
one or many ports; it is always alive state; SIR into
the monitoring and preprocessing process operates
and participates as a router and logging components
(routing, logging routed/malicious/preprocessed events
and agents’ states); besides, if necessary, it activates
other agents (if they be inactivated).
o Fault tolerant IDS: SIR is a process that receives
events from whole detectors, verified them and
then, routed them to their destination. So, events
that come from detectors and converters are cate-
gorized into two classifications; logging require-
ments and reporting anomalies; SIR is ablating to
take deterministic actions, independent from other
components; so, it allows to the WSNIDS that be
fault tolerant;
o Another important attribution of the SIR is agent
authorization which this attributes blocks the
events that try to establish a connection to it.
Buffer and its controller.
5.2. Agents of Second Phase of Intrusion
Detection Process
The second phase is included agents for detection based
on agent and policy; this phase produce events that be
used as input data of next step; i.e. decision making and
responding. According to the Figure 10, the existent
agents into this ph ase are:
Detection Engine (DE) m od ul e ,
o analyzer and parser;
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
Figure 10. The second phase of intrusion dete ction pr ocess by WSNIDS: analyzing and intrusion detection.
o processor and matcher;
o Audit trial agent (ATA).
Converter: intermediate of format conversion; this
module provides integrating possible of almost any
third-party detection engine (TPDE) with the
o It is possible to merge converter with detection
engine; but it is better that they be separated from
each other and be as two independent and isolated
o Role playing as data processing (reducing the re-
ceived data to next step);
o Role playing as controller (trigger/stop/reconfigu-
ration of third-p arty detection engine).
Graphical user interfaces (GUI).
o Displaying reports and graphs to the user.
Processed-info logger (PIL): logging the whole of
processed data .
Logging controller.
Processed-Info Router (PIR): routing the processed
information (to sending them to the next steps and
other agents into the current phase); always alive state;
this module cooperate in detection process as a router
and logging devices (logging and routing of routed
events, agents’ states, malicious events and processed
events); besides routing, if necessary, it activates
other agents (if they be inactivate).
o Fault tolerant IDS: PIR is a process which re-
ceives events from all of detection engines, veri-
fied them and then, route them to their destin ation
(next step and other agents of current phase). So
the received events are into two categories: inter-
nal events (that come from the current step com-
ponents) and external events (they come from de-
tectors and converters; they are including two
types: logging requirements and reporting anoma-
lies). PIR able to take deterministic actions, inde-
pendent from other agents; thus, it allows to the
WSNIDS that be fault tolerant;
o Another important property of the PIR is agent
authorization; this property blocked the events
that come from malicious agents which try to es-
tablish a direct communication to this module.
Buffer and its controller;
5.3. Agents of Third Phase of Intrusion Detection
In this phase, processed events receive from the PIR and
they will be considered. Each even t verifies and sends to
compare with existent policies into the policy-base. If a
match found, conditions be evaluated; a right condition,
it will trigger one or many actions; then, these actions
forward to the response router. Now, events will be for-
warded to the response server and be logged the activi-
ties of responders. This phase mainly dealing to the
info-bases of processed events and taken actions by them
and using the information of previous step; in attending
to the following figure (Figure 11), the existent agents
into this step are:
Collector: this module gathers the ideas of corre-
sponding WSN’s components (such as sensor nodes)
and enforcing decision making techniques such as
majority rule.
Responders: this agents are responding to the events;
in other words, they trigger actions (in real-time).
Response server (RS): processing triggered actions by
responders. The actions that RS will trigger are:
sending variety notifications, reconfiguration (fire-
wall, IDS or its hosting-system), dropping, logging,
trigger/stop services or in worst state, system shut-
o RS is controlling the independent agents that trig-
ger these responses. RS listen to the events that
come from PIR to process them. RS has a dedi-
cated agent-base; including information such as
properties and address of responders;
o Responder base or response-agent profile-base (if
necessary, separated from RS): containing infor-
mation about responder’s agents’ location; it is a
profile of responder’s agents;
o Registering and controlling responders.
Graphical user interfaces (GUI).
o Displaying reports and graphs to the user.
Dynamic Re-Config Agents (DRCA): if into the pre-
vious step be detected that the health of the WSNIDS
or its hosting system has a trouble, this agent recon-
figure and setting up them, again (such as updating
Response logger (RL): logging total of responded
incoming events and tak en responses to them.
Logging controller.
Response router (RR): always alive state; this module
participate into the intrusion detection process by en-
Figure 11. The third phase of intrusion detec t ion process by WSNIDS: decision making and r e sponding.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
forcement decision making techniques, reacting and
operating as a router and logger (routing and logging
responses, agents’ states, malicious events and proc-
essed events) and as an agent authorization (it allows
renders to be trigger and react); besides routing, it ac-
tivates other agents (if necessary and they be inacti-
o Fault tolerant IDS: RR is a process which receives
responses from RS, verified them and then, route
them to their destination (next step and associated
responder’s agents). So the received events are
into two categories: internal events (that come
from the current step modules) and external events
(they come from previous step). The PIR is able to
take deterministic actions, independent from other
agents; thus, it allows to the IDS that be fault tol-
o Another important functionality of the PIR is
agent authorization; this property blocked the
events that come from malicious agents which try
to be intruded and established a direct communi-
cation to this module.
Decision-info logger (DIL): logging the whole of
taken decisions.
Logging controller.
Buffer and its controller.
5.4. Agents of Forth Phase of Intrusion Detection
According to the Figure 12, some of most important
existent agents in this phase are:
Logger: logging incoming data, processed data, deci-
sions, responses and other information;
Logging controller;
Log Router (LR);
Logs analyzer: some agents to analyze the log files of
previous steps and then, extracting the required in-
formation to tracking;
Tracker: this module can have more agents; for ex-
ample, based on attack’s nature;
Graphical user interfaces (GUI);
o Displaying reports and graphs to the user.
5.5. Types of Information Resources into the
Proposed System
This phase is focused on logical data storage and differ-
ent information resources (Info-bases) of the suggested
system; according to the Figure 13, different types of
required Info-bases into the intrusion detection process
by the proposed system are:
Policy bases: bases of rules which using to analyzing
and intrusion detection; containing information such
as policies (including events/data + conditions + re-
sponses/actions); it is includ ing some relation al tables
such as responses table (including associated re-
sponses to key of each policy into the patterns table)
and patterns table (table’s fields are: source-node,
current-node, previous-hop, next-hop, message-type,
destination-node, data); types of policy bases are:
Sensed info-base: the base of primary data, events
and gathered auditing data to filtering and preproc-
essing; for example, system’s log files and network
Response/responder-base: including relational tables
which they have fields such as agent-name, agent-id
and hosting-system id;
Config-info base: this base is containing information
about normal setting and configuring the IDSs and
their hosting systems; this information is using to re-
configuring and re-setting failure systems (if neces-
sary); these information are using by IHHM module;
tracking and forensic analysis information-base: in-
cluding data to analyzing logs and then, tracking at-
Figure 12. The forth phase of intrusion detection process by WSNIDS: logging and tracking.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
Figure 13. Different types of Info-bases into the proposed
intrusion detection system.
Policy bases of the sink:
o WSNIDS-based misuse detection policy-base:
containing patterns of known attacks to detecting
based on signa ture;
o WSNIDS-based anomaly detection policy-base:
including patterns of normal traffic to detecting
Following figure (Figure 14) is showing the data flow
into the WSNIDS, in more detailed. As shown Figure 7,
Figure 8 and Figure 14, the WSNIDS is based on ana-
lyzing auditing data, detecting malicious traffic and con-
cluding the WSN’s behaviors. The taken approach in the
WSNIDS has following features:
Using an agent and policy-based platform.
There are four different layers, including: acquisition
and preprocessing traffic layer, processing and ana-
lyzing layer, decision making and responding layer,
tracking and forensic analysis layer; also, it has a u ser
interface in different layers.
5.6. The Main Properties of the WSNIDS
The suggested system has following features:
Modularity and high-flexibility; i.e. possibility to
adding new plugins such as third-party detectors and
third-party detection engines;
Dynamic reconfigurable, fault tolerant and robust-
Safety against unauthorized access;
Ease of extensibility;
Efficiency, high performance, optimal energy con-
sumption and increase the WSN lifetime and its sta-
Independence and autonomous phases and their
agents; they have dependency to each others.
Powerful detection process (since there is the
WSNIDS on the sink, proper policies and rules and
comprehensive Info-bases);
Figure 14. The WSNIDS data flow.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
The WSNIDS is based on age nt and p ol i cy ;
It allows to use authentication and authorization
mechanisms for different phases of the WSNIDS; for
example, SIR to the PIR, to establishing secure
communications between different phases (and their
agents) and preventing from intrusion of unauthorized
Providing information to tracking attackers (support-
ing forensic analysis, detecting and finding attackers
on cyber space for preventing from electronic
The performance of the proposed model is depending
on response time (time consumed to search and find-
ing appropriate pattern for query matching into the
Info-bases like policy-base; i.e. the used matching
Shared activities of the WSNIDS’s agents: Some of
common operations of agents in different intrusion
detection phases are:
o Authorization: to preventing from intrusion of
unauthorized agents;
o Authentication: to preventing from intrusion of
unauthorized agents;
o Routing;
o Logging.
Fault tolerant and dynamic reconfigur ation:
o Using backup network equipments, such as sensor
nodes; i.e. there are some backup sensor nodes;
o Using backup agents into the WSNIDS;
o Predicting the location deployment of back up
sensor nodes in the WSN;
o Existing dynamic reconfiguration agents for the
WSNIDS and its hosting system;
o Updating resources and Info-bases in manual or
automatic; for example, by using new patterns of
attacks, or dynamic and manual/automatic change
of thresholds, but in attending to the current con-
ditions of the WSN; or changing the notification
or warning type once an event occurred;
Security considerations:
o The WSNIDS protection (monitoring the health
state of the WSNIDS and its hosting system, con-
tinuously) and stability of hosting system of the
o This architecture is dependence to the network
data flow;
o There is logging capab ilities.
6. Result
This paper has been designed a questionnaire to verify
the proposed system. The prepared questionnaire is in-
cluding some questions about different aspects and prop-
erties of the WSNIDS; it also discusses the high-level
and general requirements of IDSs, which focused on
IDSs' performance and functionality. The properties and
their associated questions are classified into 6 categories,
including: processing and managing properties, opera-
tional, output, technical and finally, special and high-
level properties. The questionnaire is presented to some
of experts in WSN and IDS areas (almost 50 people).
Then, the acquired result has been analyzed and evalu-
ated in form of following tables and figure.
6.1. Pre-processing and Processing Properties
As Table 1 is showing, the proposed architecture sup-
ports different dimensions of IDSs’ processing properties.
For example, the WSNIDS’s monitoring level is almost
96 percent; i.e. it covers the WSN’s components such as
sensor nodes, almost completely. Also, the extendibility
capability of the WSNIDS is about 82.7 percent. Beside s,
the WSNIDS has dynamic re-configurability capability
about 66.9 percent. It is evaluated the WSNIDS is in-
cluding the properties of processing and managing cate-
gory about 81.87 percent, in average.
6.2. Operational Properties
Table 2 is representing the different aspects of the
WSNIDS’s operational requirements. According to the
following table, the WSNIDS supports real-time detec-
tion property almost 80.6 percent. Also, it has the con-
tent-based (body of a packet) detection and context based
Table 1. Processing properties of the WSNIDS.
Functional properties Non-functional properties
No. Question Yes No In percentage (0 - 100) : Total average
1 Monitoring level - 96
2 Extendibility and flexibility - 82.7
3 Dynamic re-configurabil ity capability - 66.9
Average (percentage) - 81.87
Table 2. Operational properties of the WSNIDS.
Functional propertiesNon-functional properties
No. Question Yes No In percentage (0 - 100) : Total average
1 Gathering intrusion detection and vulnerability data in real-time
and non real-time - 80.6
2 Content-based detec tion capability - 89.4
3 Context-based detec tion capability - 55.7
4 Supporting multiple platforms and multiple OS Yes -
5 Automatic reaction to the intrusions Yes -
Average (percentage) - 75.23
(header of a packet) detection capabilities abou t 89.4 and
55.7 percent, in order. The proposed system is inde-
pendent of used platform and Operating System (OS); in
other words, it is supporting multiple platforms and mul-
tiple OS. The suggested system reacts to the attacks,
automatically. Finally, the WSNIDS is included the
properties of this IDSs’ requirement category about
75.23 percent, in total.
6.3. Output Requirements
Following table (Table 3) shows the WSNIDS has dif-
ferent characteristics in output requirement area, includ-
ing: it can make attackers profile, security profile and
system profile; of course, by attending and using the
logged information and data flow into th e WSN.
6.4. Technical Requirements
Table 4 is representing and questioning the WSNIDS's
technical properties. For example, ease of implementa-
tion of the proposed system is evaluated about 85 percent;
the WSNIDS has fault tolerant, scalability and robust-
ness capabilities, each one almost 74, 92.5 and 64.2 per-
cent, in order. Besides, the WSNIDS is an efficient sys-
tem; since it does not enforce extra load to the WSN re-
-sources and its normal functionalities. As a result, the
proposed architecture supports different properties of this
IDSs’ requirement category about 78.48 percent, in av-
6.5. Special and High-Level Properties of the
Following table (Table 5) represents and considers the
required especial and high-level properties of the
WSNIDS. As the acquired result of the questionnaires
shows, the proposed system has modular and flexible
architecture. The WSNIDS is included centralized man-
agement on the WSN resources (such as info-bases) and
its components. This system is included minimize re-
sources property; i.e. It has attention to the minimize
resources property, in the design phase and it tries to
consume energy, in appropriate. This architecture sup-
ports accurate management of resources, non-enforcing
extra load to the WSN and monitoring the health state of
the WSNIDS and its hosting system. The proposed sys-
tem is a secure architecture; i.e. it is resistant and robust
against attacks. The WSNIDS has centralized control on
inter-components data communications and interactions
from the sink, by user. This system can detect chaining
attacks by using powerful detection process and audit
trial mechanisms (about 64.8 percent). The WSNIDS is
evaluated as an optimal system in energy consumption;
since, it is attending to the energy consumption in de-
signing step (almost 75.6 percent). The strength of detec-
tion process on the proposed system is evaluated about
89 percent (because there is strong and big info-bases
and hierarchical detection process). The WSNIDS has
attention to taking back-up designs; i. e. it supports the
back-up components and performs operations such as
buffering. The WSNIDS’s efficiency and its functional-
ity are depending on to the network data flow; its de-
pendability is evaluated almost 87.5 percent. The sug-
gested architecture is consistent to the centralized and
autonomous operations in WSNs; its consistency is eva-
luated about 88.2 percent. The proposed system is pro-
viding the possibility of updating and configuring net-
work components from a central control location; i.e. it is
possible to configure sensor nodes from the sink (i.e.
deployment location of the WSNIDS). Ease of updating
and integrating new capabilities and new functionalities
to the proposed system is almost 85.5 percent. It is also
possible to update the WSNIDS and its operational using,
simultaneously. As a result, the WSNIDS is included
ifferent properties of this IDSs’ requirement category d
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
Table 3. Output properties of the WSNIDS.
Functional properties Non-functional properties
No. Question Yes No In percentage (0 - 100) : Total average
1 Making attackers profile Yes -
2 Providing security profile Yes -
3 representing the system profile Yes -
Average (percentage) - -
Table 4. Technical properties of the WSNIDS.
Functional properties Non-functional properties
No. Question Yes No In percentage (0 - 100) : Total average
1 Ease of implementation - 85
2 Fault tolerant capability - 74
3 Scalability - 92.5
4 Robustness - 64.2
5 Safety (against unauthorized access) - 76.7
6 Enforcing extra load to the WSN No -
Average (percentage) - 78.48
almost 80.86 percent, in total.
7. Conclusions
The purpose of this paper is considering intrusion detec-
tion issue on WSNs and designing an Intrusio n Detection
System (IDS) for these networks (the WSNIDS), of
course by attending to their constraints. The suggested
system depends on situations, the WSN’s application
area, the requirement security level and other things such
as its cost, can be used and implemented in four phases;
including: monitoring and pre-processing, processing
and analyzing, decision making and responding and fi-
nally, logging and tracking. The main attributions of the
suggested architecture are as following:
Major properties of the WSNIDS: based on agent and
policy, independent and autonomous agents, strong
and comprehensive info-bases, dynamically recon-
figurable, scalable, component-based and modular,
high-flexibility and network-based architecture;
Robustness and fault tolerant design;
Ease of extensibility;
Detection method:
o Combinational (i.e. based on signature and anom-
o Centralized (by the WSNIDS on sink);
Decision making approach: combinational;
o About each sensor nodes, the WSNIDS makes de-
cision, independently and autonomously;
o About anomaly occurrence, the WSNIDS and if
necessary, human agents make final decision, co-
Response method : combinational; i.e. active response
and passive response, depend on conditions and at-
tack’s natur e ;
Fast and real-time detection process and response:
reducing the response time by using caching and
buffering techniques to preventing from scrolling the
entire file for a repeated event or using better mecha-
nisms for query in policy-bases; besides, the WSNIDS
is very near to at tacker (one-ho p dist ance);
Matching and multi-agent detection process to de-
tecting attacks along with low error rate;
The heterogeneous WSN;
Consistent with automatic, autonomous and inde-
pendent mechanisms of WSNs;
Possibility of centralized management on the WSN,
systems and their resources;
Focused on routing layer;
According to the Table 1, Table 2, Table 4 and Ta-
ble 5, following table (Table 6) is representing inte-
grated average values of different IDSs’ requirement
According to the Table 6, following figure (Figure
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. IJCNS
Table 5. Special and high-level properties of the WSNIDS.
Functional properties Non-functional properties
No. Question Yes No In percentage (0 - 100) : Total average
1 Modular and flexible a rchitecture Yes -
2 Centralized management on the WS N Yes -
3 Minimize resources property - 66.3
4 Accurate management of resources and monitoring the health
state of the WSNIDS and its hosting system Yes -
5 The WSNIDS security - 67.5
6 Centralized control on inter-components data communications Yes -
7 Ability to detecting chaining attacks - 64.8
8 Attending to the energy consumption - 75.6
9 Strength of detection process - 89
10 Possibility to taking back - up designs Yes -
11 The WSN data flow dependability - 87.5
12 Consistency to the centralized and autonomous operations of
the WSN - 88.2
13 Existing different contr ol locations Yes -
14 Ease of updating - 85.5
15 Possibility to updating the WSNIDS and its operational using,
simultaneously Yes -
Average (percentage) 80.86
Table 6. Total average value of different properties category.
No. Properties class Total average value (in percentage)
1 Preprocessing, processing and managing properties 81.87
2 Operational properties 75.23
3 Technical properties 78.48
4 Special and high-level properties 80.86
Average value (in percentage) 79.11
15) is formed. Figure 15 is showing the sum average
values of different IDSs’ properties categories; in
other words, the WSNIDS supports different catego-
ries of IDSs’ required properties (as Figure 15 shows);
As above figure shows, the processing and managing
properties of the suggested system has been assessed
almost 81.87 percent, in average; i.e. the WSNIDS
supports different aspects of this requirement cate-
gory about 81.87 percent. Also, the supported opera-
tional and technical properties by the proposed archi-
tecture have been evaluated about 75.23 and 78.48
percent, in order. The proposed system is included
especial and high-level required properties of IDSs
almost 80.86 percent, in general. As a result, the pro-
posed system is included different IDSs’ requirement
categories almost 79.11 percent, in total average.
In summarize, the posed system in this paper is a com-
prehensive model which has some main properties such
as robustness, scalability, extensibility and incremental
matching along with environment changes and its new
conditions. Also, the WSNIDS is focused on integrating
the accessible tools in security area of computer net-
works (like IDSs, logging, tracking and forensic analysis
systems). This architecture is a distributed model for
intrusion detection on WSNs. It is hoped to this research
able us to improving the security level of WSNs.
Total average
Category of properties
Sum average values of different IDSs' properties categories
Processing category81.87
Operational category75.23
Technical category78.48
Special and High-level80.86
Total Average79.11
Figure 15. The sum average values of different require-
ments categories of IDSs.
8. Future Works
Some of research areas in this domain to improve and
extend the capabilities o f the proposed model are:
Approaches to improving response scheduling, prior-
ity responses and having more control on response
production mechanism;
Methods for providing higher level of security, fault
tolerant and robustness for suggested architecture;
Preparing more detailed information about system
activities for forensic analysis;
Efficient data management;
Developing user friendly interfaces which allow dy-
namic reconfiguration of systems and representing
the activities of these systems, in graphical;
Methods for minimal and optimization energy con-
sumption and net w ork delay in WSNs;
Approaches for data aggre gation in WS Ns;
Key management mechanisms on WSNs;
Techniques for using of mobile nodes in WSNs;
Approaches to extending the proposed architecture
(in different dimensions such as security);
Implementing the WSNIDS.
Work in this area always is growing and as the WSNs
are changing, and their utility, performance and applica-
tion are increasing, the security threats also are increas-
ing; so, architectures and IDSs to protecting WSNs against
different types of attacks will be required, more and
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