Vol.3, No.8, 518-523 (2011)
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Influence of the period between onset of IgA
nephropathy and medical intervention on renal
Keiko Okazaki, Yusuke Suzuki, Takashi Kobayashi, Fumiko Kodama, Satoshi Horikoshi,
Yasuhiko Tomino*
Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan;
*Corresponding Author: yasu@juntendo.ac.jp
Received 12 May 2011; revised 8 July 2011; accepted 28 July 2011.
Background. The clinical course of IgA neph-
ropathy (IgAN) is highly variable. In order to
verify the necessity of early medical interven-
tion in IgAN patients, the present study inves-
tigated the clinical impact of the duration be-
tween disease onset and first medical interven-
tion on renal prognosis. Methods. We enrolled
57 patients diagnosed with IgAN on the basis of
biopsy performed at our hospital. The medical
records of these patients were traceable to the
last 10 years, during which they had not un-
dergone dialysis or treatment at any other hos-
pital. On the basis of histological assessmen t of
prognosis, these patients were classified ac-
cording to the Japanese guidelines into the fol-
lowing groups: groups I, good progn osis; gr oup
II, relatively good prognosis; group III, relatively
poor prognosis; and group IV, poor prognosis.
We investigated the correlation between the
duration of disease onset and the first consul-
tation with a nephrologist and the rate of in-
crease in serum creatinine ov er a 10 year period.
In addition to the abovementioned patients, 6
patients with IgAN who underwent dialysis with-
in the 10 y ears were separately ev aluated. These
patients came under the poor prognosis cate-
gory; i.e., they belonged to group IV. Results.
The duration between disease onset and medi-
cal consultation was significantly longer in
younger patients or in those w ith asymptomatic
proteinuria at onset when compared to that in
older patients or in those with other urinary
abnormalities. There was a significant correla-
tion between this duration and renal prognosis,
particularly in group III patients. Although the
duration between onset and consultation was
not correlated to the serum creatinine level at
the time of first medical intervention, urinary
protein level among group IV patients at the
time of first consultation was significantly higher
in patients with dialysis than that in those with-
out dialysis. Conclusions. Early medical inter-
vention may lead to a better renal prognosis,
particularly in group III patients, who form a
major portion of the IgAN population. It there-
fore appears that early diagnostic screening
and subsequent intervention are important for a
good prognosis in IgAN patients.
Keywords: IgA Nephropathy; Medical Intervention;
Diagnosis; Prognosis
The number of patients with end stage renal disease
(ESRD) requiring renal replacement therapy continues to
increase worldwide. At the end of 2008, the number of
patients with ESRD in Japan had risen to 282,622 [1].
This number continues to increase by approximately 7%
every year [2]. The increase in the number of such pa-
tients presents serious problems, not only for public
health, but also in terms of socioeconomic issues. The
concept of chronic kidney disease (CKD) has therefore
attracted considerable recent attention, and it has been
reported that CKD is one of the most important risk fac-
tors for not only ESRD, but also for cardiovascular dis-
ease [3,4]. Immediate measures for the prevention of
CKD are therefore required.
Until 1996, chronic glomerulonephritis was the most
frequent primary renal disease leading to ESRD in Japan.
Although a transition was noted in the main cause of
ESRD, which changed to diabetic nephropathy from
chronic glomerulonephritis after 1998, 24.0% newly
developed ESRD cases in 2007 were a result of chronic
K. Okazaki et al. / Health 3 (2011) 518-523
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
glomerulonephritis [1]. In particular, IgA nephropathy
(IgAN) is the leading cause of primary glomerulonephri-
tis in Japan.
In Japan, approximately 70% IgAN patients are iden-
tified by abnormalities detected in annual urinalysis car-
ried out at schools or offices [5]. Because most patients
are asymptomatic, doctors may not be consulted for a
long time even after abnormalities are detected in the
urinalysis. In fact, in 1995 a Joint Committee of the Spe-
cial Study Group on Progressive Glomerular Disease,
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan, reported
an average of more than 3 years as the time period be-
tween estimated onset and first consultation and subse-
quent diagnosis of IgAN by renal biopsy [6].
Follwing the onset of IgAN, approximately 5% - 10%
patients develop ESRD within 5 years and approxima-
tely 30% develop the disease within 15 - 20 years [5,7,8].
Conversely, approximately 60% patients do not develop
ESRD. Notably, some of these patients achieve sponta-
neous natural remission or maintain a clinically stable
condition without any treatment [8,9]. Owing to the va-
riable clinical course of IgAN, specific indications for
medical intervention have not been established.
The present study aimed to verify the necessity of
early medical intervention in IgAN patients and to iden-
tify the patients requiring immediate medical interven-
tion by retrospectively evaluating the influence of the
duration from onset to first medical intervention on renal
prognosis. These findings may provide guidance in es-
tablishing a standard management strategy, both clini-
cally and socially, for IgAN.
2.1. Stud y Design
We first investigated the correlation between renal
prognosis and the period between estimated onset and
first medical intervention. We defined the estimated on-
set as the time point of detection of the first abnormality
in urinalysis, or when macrohematuria first appeared.
The first consultation with a nephrologist at our hospital
was considered the first medical intervention. The rate of
increase in serum creatinine over a 10 year period was
calculated as follows: Cr = [S Cr (after 10 years) [S
Cr] (at first consultation)] / S Cr (at first consulta-
tion). The correlations among the duration from onset to
first intervention, sex, age at onset, and urinalysis ab-
normalities at onset were also examined.
2.2. Patients
The main study group comprised 57 patients diag-
nosed with IgAN on the basis of renal biopsy between
1990 and 2002 at Juntendo University Hospital. The me-
dical records of these patients were traceable for 10
years after the first medical examination; in addition,
these patients had not undergone dialysis during this
period. Patients who had been treated with antiplatelet
and/or anticoagulant agents, angiotensin converting en-
zyme inhibitors (ACE I), angiotensin II receptor block-
ers (ARB), or adrenocortical steroids in other hospitals
were excluded from the study. Patients who had experi-
enced events causing aggravation of the disease, such as
pregnancy, in the 10 year follow-up period were also
In addition, 6 patients with IgAN who had undergone
dialysis therapy during the 10 year follow-up period
were evaluated separately.
2.3. Data Collection
Patient data were obtained by reviewing medical re-
cords at our hospital. The data collected included sex,
age at estimated onset and at first visit to our hospital,
urinary abnormalities at onset, and the period between
onset and first hospital visit. The therapeutic modality
for each patient in the 10 year follow-up period was re-
viewed. The histological prognostic groups (groups I-IV)
were formed according to the clinical guidelines for
IgAN revised by the Joint Committee of the Special
Study Group on Progressive Glomerular Disease, Minis-
try of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan, in 2002 [10]:
good prognosis (group I), relatively good prognosis
(group II), relatively poor prognosis (group III), and
poor prognosis (group IV) (Table 1).
2.4. Statistical Analysis
All data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation.
In this study, statistical analysis was performed by Stat
View (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Pearson’s correla-
tion coefficient analysis was used to examine the rela-
tionship between the duration from onset to first medical
intervention and renal prognosis, as well as between the
duration from onset to first medical intervention and age
at onset. Fisher’s PLSD test was used to compare the
durations from onset to first hospital visit between the
four histological groups, and also between the urinalysis
groups. The Mann–Whitney U test was also used to
compare the mean duration between males and females.
P values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
3. Results
3.1. Patient Characteristics
The characteristics of the 57 patients (34 males and 23
females; mean age at estimated onset, 27.91 ± 10.48
K. Okazaki et al. / Health 3 (2011) 518-523
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 1. Histological prognostic stage (clinical guidelines for IgA nephropathy in Japan, 2nd version).
Grade Mesangial proliferation
and increased matrix
Glomerulosclerosis, crescent
formation or adhesion to
Bowman’s capsule
Changes of
blood vessels
I: Good prognosis slight - - - -
II: Relatibly good prognosis slight <10% - - -
III: Relatively poor prognosis moderate, diffuse 10% - 30% slight slight mild sclerosis
IV: Poor prognosis severe, diffuse 30%< + + hyperplasia,
between the four histological groups (group I, 104.5 ±
125.4 months; group II, 53.6 ± 50.6 months; group III,
80.0 ± 108.4 months; and group IV, 59.4 ± 70.6 months).
A significant correlation between the duration until
medical intervention and renal prognosis was observed
only in group III (r = 0.55, P = 0.004) (Figure 2).
years) are summarized in Table 2. The mean age at onset
was significantly higher in male patients than that in
female patients (31.79 ± 11.10 vs. 22.17 ± 6.09 years) (P
= 0.0004). As shown in Table 2, the onset of disease in
most patients was incidentally detected by abnormal
findings in routine annual urinalysis. Of the 57 patients,
56 were classified histologically into group I (n = 4),
group II (n = 14), group III (n = 25), and group IV (n -
3.3. Factors for Early Consultation with a
The mean duration from estimated onset to the first
medical intervention was 74.62 ± 99.78 months in males
and 60.87 ± 70.15 months in females (P = 0.57). As
shown in Figure 3, there was a significant correlation
between the duration until medical intervention and age
at onset (r = 0.3, P = 0.050). The duration from onset to
first medical intervention was significantly longer in
patients with asymptomatic proteinuria as the initial uri-
nalysis abnormality compared to that in patients with
other abnormalities such as asymptomatic hematuria (P
= 0.01) or asymptomatic hematuria and proteinuria (P =
0.003) (Figure 4).
3.2. Correlation between the Duration from
Onset to First Medical Intervention and
Renal Prognosis
There was a significant correlation between the dura-
tion from estimated onset to first medical intervention
and renal prognosis over the 10 year follow-up period (r
= 0.42, P = 0.0011) (Figure 1). There was no significant
difference in duration from estimated onset to renal biopsy
Table 2. Patients characteristics.
Male:female 34:23
Average age at onset
(years old)
27.91 ± 10.48 (10 – 57)
(male : 31.79 ± 11.1, female: 22.17 ± 6.1)
Urinary abnormality
at the onset
Chance proteinuria/hematuria 26
Chance proteinuria 16
Chance hematuria 11
Macrohematuria 3
Other 1
Reason for first
consultation with a
Chance proteinuria/hematuria 30
Chance proteinuria 8
Chance hematuria 6
Macrohematuria 6
Edema 2
Others 5
Average age at first
medical intervention
(years old)
33.67 ± 11.17 (16 – 61)
(male: 37.94 ± 11.4, female : 27.35 ± 7.3)
prognostic st ag es
Group I 4 (7.1%)
Group II 14 (25.0%)
Group III 25 (44.6%)
Group IV 13 (23.2%)
Unknown 1(1.8%)
3.4. Treatment s in Each Group Classified o n
the Basis of Histological Prognostic
The treatment regimes in each histological group are
Figure 1. Significant correlation between the duration from
onset to the first medical intervention and rate of increase in
serum creatinine levels over the 10 year follow-up period.
Openly accessible at
K. Okazaki et al. / Health 3 (2011) 518-523
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Figure 2. Correlation between the duration from onset to the first medical intervention and the rate
of increase in serum creatinine levels over 10 years in patients grouped according to histological
prognostic criteria. A significant correlation is observed in group III (c) (r = 0.55, P = 0.004), but not
in groups I (a) (P = 0.54), II (b) (P = 0.26), and IV (d) (P = 0.29).
Figure 3. Significant correlation between duration from on-
set to the first medical intervention and age at onset (r =
0.3, P = 0.05).
summarized in Table 3. Of the 57 patients, 54 were
treated with antiplatelet agents, 12 with anticoagulants
(group II, n = 1; group III, n = 7; and group IV, n = 4),
37 with an ACE I or ARB (group I,n = 2; group II, n = 7;
group III, n = 18; and group IV, n = 10), and 6 with
adrenocortical steroids (group II, n = 1; group III, n = 3;
and group IV, n = 2). Three patients underwent tonsil-
lectomy (1 patient each from groups I, III, and IV). Only
2 patients in group I did not receive any treatment over
the 10 year follow-up period. The number of patients
treated with anticoagulants in group II was less than that
in groups III and IV.
Figure 4. Comparison of the duration from onset to the
first medical intervention among groups classified by uri-
nalysis abnormalities at onset. Patients with asymptomatic
proteinuria visited a nephrologist after a longer period from
onset than did those with asymptomatic hematuria (P = 0.01)
or asymptomatic hematuria and proteinuria (P = 0.003).
3.5. Analysis of Dialysis Cases
All 6 patients (4 males and 2 females) who had under-
gone dialysis within the 10 year follow-up period were
classified histologically into Group IV. In this group,
there was no significant difference in the duration from
estimated onset to the first medical intervention between
dialysis (104.0 ± 110.4 months) and nondialysis patients
K. Okazaki et al. / Health 3 (2011) 518-523
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 3. Treatments in each group classified by histological prognostic criteria.
Group I (N = 4) Group II (N = 14) Group III (N = 25) Group IV (N = 13)
Average period from estimated onset to start of
medicatio n (months) 138.3 ± 136.2 60.3 ± 51.9 84.5 ± 108.7 65.3 ± 72.0
Average period from first consultation to start of
medicatio n (months) 3.0 ± 2.7 3.9 ± 4.2 4.4 ± 6.7 6.3 ± 7.5
Antiplatelet 2 (50.0%) 14 (100%) 25 (100%) 12 (100%)
Anticoagulant 0 1 (7.1%) 7 (28%) 4 (30.7%)
ACEI or ARB 2 (50.0%) 7 (50%) 18 (72%) 10 (76.9%)
Adrenocort ical steroids 0 1(7.1%) 3 (12%) 2 (15.3%)
Tonsillectomy 1 (25.0%) 0 1 (4%) 1 (7.7%)
(59.0 ± 70.6 months). Serum creatinine level at first me-
dical intervention was also not significantly different be-
tween dialysis (1.25 ± 0.63 mg/dl) and non- dialysis pa-
tients (0.96 ± 0.34 mg/dl). However, urinary protein lev-
els at first consultation were significantly higher in the
dialysis patients (3.0 ± 2.5 g/day) than those in nondia-
lysis patients (1.3 ± 1.3 g/day) (P = 0.05).
IgAN is a disease with poor prognosis. Approximately
40% patients with IgAN develop ESRD within 20 years
of observation. However, 60% patients do not develop
ESRD, with some achieving natural remission [8,9]. It is
therefore important to evaluate the necessity of medical
intervention in patients with IgAN, a condition charac-
terized as CKD.
In general, patients in histological groups III and IV
require long-term treatment, while patients in groups I
and II do not. Therefore, patients in the latter 2 groups
tend to withdraw from treatment within 10 years. In the
current study, we enrolled only those patients whose
medical records could be traced for longer than 10 years;
therefore, the proportion of patients with seriously im-
paired renal function would be higher. In fact, the pro-
portion of patients in groups III and IV in our study was
slightly greater than that reported in the Japanese popu-
lation of IgAN patients [6] (group I, 7.1 vs. 24.4%;
group II, 25 vs. 33.2%; group III, 44.6 vs. 32.8%; group
IV, 23.2 vs. 10.0%). As a result, the data from this pa-
tient group with a marginally worse prognosis may not
be representative of the overall IgAN patient population.
However, a positive correlation between renal prognosis
and the duration from estimated onset to the first medi-
cal intervention was demonstrated in these patients as
well. Subgroup analysis also revealed that this signifi-
cant correlation was observed only in histological group
III, emphasizing that early medical intervention may
lead to an improved renal prognosis for a majority of
patients with IgAN.
On the other hand, there was no difference in the du-
ration until medical intervention between nondialysis
and dialysis patients in Group IV. This finding suggests
that early medical intervention may have little influence
on the prognosis of patients with severe renal impair-
ment, which is reflected by higher levels of urinary pro-
tein at the time of first intervention. However, even in
group IV, 68% patients (13/19) survived without dialysis
over the 10 year follow-up period, indicating the impor-
tance of early medical intervention. Accordingly, our
present analysis highlighted that early medical interven-
tion may be more important for patients in histological
groups III and IV. However, in order to identify these
patients with a histologically poor prognosis, early scree-
ning and subsequent renal biopsy are required. Urinaly-
sis is one of the best methods for early screening of
CKDs such as IgAN [11]. In Japan, under the auspices
of local governments and the Ministry of Health, Labor
and Welfare, a dipstick urine examination has been avai-
lable annually for all school children since 1973, for all
working adults since 1972, and for all residents older
than 40 years of age since 1982 [12]. The Japanese
screening system has certainly contributed to the preven-
tion of CKD progression. However, the 2nd screening
session for patients with hematuria and/or proteinuria
depends on each school or company. The majority of
patients with mild to moderate hematuria and/or pro-
teinuria are followed-up by school or company doctors.
Only when progression or continuing abnormalities in
urinalysis are detected, do these doctors refer the pa-
tients to a nephrologist. This is a major reason why the
mean period from estimated onset to first medical inter-
vention was greater than 6 years in our study. Several
reports concerning the effects and outcome of this scree-
ning are available. For example, the positive rates of
proteinuria (0.4% - 4.9%) and hematuria (1.2% - 21.2%)
in subjects measured by dipstick screening are extremely
high according to one such report [13], suggesting that
false positive patients may also be included. This fact
may also partially influence the delay in initiating medi-
cal consultation.
K. Okazaki et al. / Health 3 (2011) 518-523
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
The present study demonstrated that asymptomatic pa-
tients with proteinuria at onset visited the hospital after a
longer period from onset. As macrohematuria is a strong
motivation for consultation, one reason for this delay
may be that patients with asymptomatic hematuria at
initial urinalysis had macrohematuria more frequently
than patients with asymptomatic proteinuria alone. In
fact, all 6 patients, who first consulted a doctor because
of macrohematuria, did not have asymptomatic protein-
uria at onset. However, in the present study, patients with
macrohematuria accounted for only 10.5% of the study
group, and the number of other patients with macr-
ohematuria may be limited. Accordingly, in addition to
the present screening system, disease-specific methods
are required, at least for IgAN. There are several candi-
dates that may serve as clinical diagnostic markers of
IgAN. For example, more than 75% patients can bepre-
dicted to have IgAN when they have 3 or more of the
following 4 clinical markers: 1) more than five red blood
cells in the urinary sediment, 2) persistent proteinuria
(urinary protein level of more than 0.3 g/day), 3) serum
IgA levels of more than 315 mg/dl, and 4) serum IgA/C3
ratio of 3.01 [14,15]. It has been reported that increased
production of aberrantly glycosylated polymeric IgA1
may be involved in the pathogenesis of IgAN. Therefore,
measurement of serum and urinary alactose-deficient
IgA1 levels is a potential noninvasive test for diagnosis
of IgAN [16].
In conclusion, this study demonstrated that early me-
dical intervention by a nephrologist may improve renal
prognosis, particularly in histological group III patients
and a portion of group IV patients, both of whom form
the major population of IgAN. Therefore, early screen-
ing and subsequent early pathological diagnosis is needed
in all IgAN patients in order to provide early medical
intervention. Because IgAN is a major cause of CKD,
early diagnosis and intervention in patients with this
disease is important from a socioeconomic perspective.
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