Vol.2, No.3, 248-261 (2011)
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Agricultural Scienc es
Virtual water: an effective mechanism for integrated
water resources management
Alaa El-Sadek
Associate Professor, College of Postgraduate Studies, Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain;
Corresponding Author: alaasa@agu.edu.bh, alaa_elsadek@yahoo.com
Received 4 January 2011; revised 21 March 2011; accepted 7 June 2011.
In regions, which suffer from water shortage or
potential water shortage like the Middle East,
water policies and different mitigation measures
are formulated. With the increasing population
and increasing demand for food and drinking
water with the f ixed suppl y of water, the demand
management policies have been introduced.
Vi rtual Water has been adop ted as a n alterna tive
or potential alternative water resource. In the
application of the Integrated Water Resources
Management (IWRM), virtual water has to be
considered as a resource of water. In this paper,
the practical value of the virtual water concept
as well as the possibility of the application of
the concept in the regional and national level
are discussed. The paper emphasizes on the
application of virtual water in agriculture prod-
ucts and virtual water trade of these products.
This research concluded that, there is a possi-
bility for the application of the virtual water
concept on the national level taking into ac-
count water endow ments, and other natural and
social economic conditions. The virtual water
strategy seeks ways to consciously and effi-
ciently utilize the internal and external water
resources to alleviate water scarcity. This,
however, by no means implies that importing
food is the only response the water scarce
countries and regions should and can take.
Other measures concerning the supply and
demand sides of water management are im-
perative. The argument here is that the virtual
water strategy should be an integral component
in the whole package of integrated water re-
sources management.
Keywords: Virtual Water; IWRM; Global; Regional;
Local; Strategy; Policy Option
The uneven spatial distribution of water resources in
the global level has created regions where water is
scarce and regions where water is abundant. With regard
to water demand, there are regions of low demand and
others of high demand [1]. Unfortunately, there is no
positive relation between supply and demand. Virtual
water is economically invisible and politically silent [2].
This had made it possible in the past for water scarce
countries to cope with the water deficit by importing
food without cultivating a policy discourse of national
water scarcity. Since the term virtual water explicitly
came to the light in the mid 1990s, it has drawn a grow-
ing attention among policy makers, scientific communi-
ties, and the general public. In regions, which suffer
from water shortage or potential water shortage like the
Middle East, water policies and different mitigation
measures are formulated [3].
Hoekstra [4] stated that there are three levels for deci-
sions and improvements that can be taken. The first level
is the user level where increasing user’s awareness, ap-
plying water pricing and water saving technology would
lead to improve in local water use efficiency. The second
is the river basin level. In this level, evaluation of the
value of water for different alternative uses has to be
done in order to reallocate water in an economically ef-
ficient way and hence improve water allocation effi-
ciency. The third level is the global level. The applica-
tion of virtual water trade between water scarce and wa-
ter abundant regions can achieve improvements in the
global water use efficiency [5]. Many advances and im-
provements have been achieved in the first level, but in
the second level although the concept is highly adopted
but there is a great gap between the adoption of the con-
cept and its application. The situation is even worse in
the third level. The following paragraphs review and
discuss the concept and application of virtual water as an
instrument for improving global water use efficiency.
A. El-Sadek / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 248-261
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Virtual water is defined as water ‘embodied’in a pro-
duct, not in real sense, but in virtual sense. It refers to
the water needed for the production of the product [4].
The term virtual refers to the fact that at the end water
that was used to produce the product is not contained in
the final product. Virtual water has also been called
‘embedded water’ or ‘exogenous water’, the latter refer-
ring to the fact that import of virtual water into a country
means using water that is exogenous to the importing
country. Exogenous water is thus to be added to a coun-
try’s ‘indigenous water’ [6]. If it comes to a more precise
quantitative definition, principally two different ap-
proaches have been proposed and applied so far. In one
approach, the virtual water content is defined as the
volume of water that was in reality used to produce the
product. This will depend on the production conditions,
including place and time of production and water use
efficiency. Producing one kilogram of grain in an arid
country for instance can require two or three times more
water than producing the same amount in a humid coun-
try. In the second approach, one takes a user rather than
a producer perspective, and defines the virtual water
content of a product as the amount of water that would
have been required to produce the product at the place
where the product is needed. This definition is particu-
larly relevant if one poses the question: how much water
do we save if we import a product instead of producing
it ourselves? One main concept which is closely related
to ‘virtual water’ is the ‘water footprint’. ‘Water foot-
print’ of an individual, business or nation is defined as
the total volume of fresh water that is used to produce
the foods and services consumed by the individual,
business or nation. A water footprint is generally ex-
pressed in terms of the volume of water use per year [4].
The value of virtual water as an alternative water re-
source is very crucial basically for water scarce coun-
Nowadays the Arab region is facing serious chal-
lenges arising from the implications of economic devel-
opment. Perhaps one of the most critical challenges is
the drastically decreasing per capita water availability in
most of the Arab states. Policy development in the re-
gion failed to keep up with the accelerated changes in its
socioeconomic context. This paper concerned with in-
vestigating the feasibility of one “policy option” that has
often stirred conflicting opinions and sometimes accused
of leading to insecurity. The concept of ‘virtual water’
has been introduced by Tony Allan in the early nineties
[7,8]. It took nearly a decade to get global recognition of
the importance of the concept for achieving regional and
global water security. The first international meeting on
the subject was held in December 2002 in Delft, the
Netherlands. A special session was devoted to the issue
of virtual water trade at both the Third and Fourth World
Water Forums [4]. The concern is with the possibility of
using the concept as a planning tool and to present issues
that need to be tackled before considering virtual water
trade as a policy option. The “virtual water” content of a
product, as often defined, is the volume of water used to
produce the product, measured at the place where the
product was actually produced (production site specific
definition). The virtual water content of a product can
also be defined as the volume of water that would have
been required to produce the product in the place where
the product is consumed (consumption site specific defi-
nition) [9].
It is often noted that net import of virtual water in a
water-scarce nation can relieve the pressure on a nation’s
own water resources, and that Virtual water can be seen
as an alternative source of water [4]. It is of no doubt
that using this additional source can be an instrument in
planning and managing water resources. Thus virtual
water trade is an existing fact and it won't be feasible to
argue whether or not countries should trade virtual water
in the form of food products. This is what referred to as
“conscious choice” in virtual water trade [10]. The ar-
gument is often entirely focused on optimizing the ongo-
ing trade for the benefit of the trading states. This is
where skepticism comes; which countries should benefit
from virtual water trade? Can water poor nations benefit
from the element of choice (i.e. can they choose what
and who to trade with)? As long as trade is at stake, how
can developing countries benefit from virtual water trade
when their trade infrastructure is not up to the required
Virtual water trade between or within nations can be
seen as an alternative to real, inter-basin water transfers.
Renault [11] notes that the issue of optimal production is
not only a matter of wisely choosing the locations of
production, but also a matter of proper timing of produc-
tion. One can try to overcome periods of water shortage
by creating artificial water reservoirs, but – as an alterna-
tive – one can also store water in its virtual form, e.g. by
food storage. This can be a more efficient and more en-
vironmentally friendly way of bridging dry periods than
building large dams for temporary water storage. The
strength of the virtual water concept is that it embraces
the whole water management in a country or basin and
allows for a deeper understanding of water use through
for example diet description or broader optimization of
water allocation between different water uses by incor-
A. El-Sadek / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 248-261
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
porating access to external water resources through vir-
tual water trade [10]. This presents the concept as a prac-
tical policy tool that can be extended to detailed analysis
of water resources management; as well as; environ-
mental, agricultural, and trade policies. Until now many
of these policy issues have been solved empirically by
common sense food policies and strategies in many Arab
countries. Some of these countries like Jordan have
made policy choices to reduce or abandon exports or
local production of water intensive crops and replace
them by imports or higher return crops to allow optimi-
zation of water use.
Issues related to virtual water trade were clearly out-
lined in several reports [4,10]. These issues fall into the
following categories: food security, environment con-
servation, employment and poverty, geopolitics, pricing
and subsidies, investment in trade infrastructure, and diet
change. It is thus important to investigate these issues
before we jump to conclusions about the suitability of
virtual water trade as a policy option. This paper is pri-
marily concerned with investigating the prevailing wa-
ter/food situation in the Arab states and possibility of
using “Virtual Water Trade” as a remedy policy. The
investigation includes outlining water and food security
facts and figures, in addition to policy measures under-
taken to overcome any insecurities; followed by an as-
sessment of potential water savings in some Arab states
in the event of considering virtual water as a policy op-
The virtual water concept has basically two major
types of practical use.
3.1. Virtual Water Trade as an Instrument to
Achieve Water Security and Efficient
Water Use
Net import of virtual water in a water-scarce nation
can relieve the pressure on the nation’s own water re-
sources. Virtual water can be seen as an alternative
source of water. Using this additional source can be an
instrument to achieve regional water security. More
firmly stated, and this is the political argument that has
been put forward by Tony Allan from the beginning of
the virtual water debate, virtual water trade can be an
instrument in solving geopolitical problems and even
prevent wars over water [12,13]. Next to the political
dimension, there is the economic dimension, equally
stressed by Allan [14-16]. The economic argument be-
hind virtual water trade is that, according to international
trade theory, nations should export products in which
they possess a relative or comparative advantage in pro-
duction, while they should import products in which
they possess a comparative disadvantage [17].
Hoekstra and Hung [18,19] argue that while pricing
and technology can be means to increase local water use
efficiency and reallocating water at basin scale to its
higher-value alternative uses a means to increase water
allocation efficiencyvirtual water trade between na-
tions can be an instrument to increase ‘global water use
efficiency’. From an economic point of view it makes
sense to produce the water-intensive products demanded
in this world in those places where water is most abun-
dantly available. In those places water is cheaper, there
are smaller negative externalities to water use, and often
less water is needed per unit of product. Virtual water
trade from a nation where water productivity is relatively
high to a nation where water productivity is relatively
low implies that globally real water savings are made.
Virtual water trade between or within nations can be
seen as an alternative to real, inter-basin water transfers.
This is for instance very relevant for China, where major
real water transfer schemes (from the south to the north
of China) are being considered. Also in the Southern
African region, virtual water trade is a realistic, sustain-
able and more environmentally friendly alternative to
real water transfer schemes [20]. With two Asian exam-
ples, Nakayama [21] points out that application of the
idea of virtual water trade could seriously impact on the
management practice of international river basins. Ren-
ault [11] notes that the issue of optimal production is not
only a matter of wisely choosing the locations of pro-
duction, but also a matter of proper timing of production.
One can try to overcome periods of water shortage by
creating artificial water reservoirs, but as an alternative
one can also store water in its virtual form, e.g. by food
storage. This can be a more efficient and more environ-
mentally friendly way of bridging dry periods than
building large dams for temporary water storage [4].
3.2. Water Footprints: Making the Link
between Consumption Patterns and the
Impacts on Water
The second practical use of the virtual water concept
lies in the fact that the virtual water content of a product
tells something about the environmental impact of con-
suming this product. Knowing the virtual water content
of products creates awareness of the water volumes
needed to produce the various goods, thus providing an
idea of which goods impact most on the water system
and where water savings could be achieved. Hoekstra
and Hung [18] have introduced the concept of the water
footprint, being the cumulative virtual water content of
all goods and services consumed by one individual or by
A. El-Sadek / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 248-261
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
the individuals of one country. In analogy of the eco-
logical footprint [22,23], the water footprint can be a
strong tool to show people their impact on the natural
resources [4,24,25]
Hoekestra [4] argues that the assessment process of
the virtual water content of a product is not an easy task.
This is because of the many factors that influence the
amount of water used or consumed in a production
process. He also enumerated some factors that should at
least be considered and provided together with the esti-
The place and period (e.g. which year, which sea-
son) of production.
The point of measurement. In case of irrigated crop
production, the question is for instance whether one
measures water use at the point of water withdrawal or at
the field level.
The production method and associated efficiency of
water use. A relevant question is whether water wasted is
included in the estimate.
The method of attributing water inputs into inter-
mediate products to the virtual water content of the final
Considering the various studies available, little con-
vergence exists with respect to the general approach
taken. Some studies take virtual water content of a
product at the production site, other studies consider the
hypothetical virtual water content if the product would
have been produced at the place where the product is
actually consumed. The studies also differ with respect
to the point of measurement: some measure at field level,
others account for the losses between water withdrawal
and application. Zimmer and Renault [26] divided the
products with respect to their virtual water content into
different categories. These categories are primary prod-
ucts (crops), processed products (such as sugar, vegeta-
ble oil and alcoholic beverages), transformed products
(including animal products), by-products (such as cotton
seeds), multiple products (e.g. coconut trees) and low or
non-water consumptive products (e.g. sea fish). Hoek-
estra and Hung [27] studied the quantification of virtual
water trade flows between nations in the period 1995-
1999. The approach they followed was to multiply crop
trade flows (ton/year) by their associated virtual water
content (m3/ton). Figure 1 illustrates the methodology
they used to calculate the global virtual water trade. The
following discussion illustrates the role of virtual water
as an instrument for water resources management on the
global, regional and local levels.
Figure 1. Steps in the calculation of global virtual water trade.·
Theoretically, the virtual water strategy is a vital solu-
tion for water resources problems. Since the main ad-
vantage of the virtual water strategy is its redistributive
effect on the global level in the form of the international
trade of goods and services, this requires a fair and reli-
able system of international trade. Warner [28] catego-
rized the problems of virtual water strategy into two
perspectives: the security and vulnerability perspectives.
He argues that virtual water may promote the state of
carelessness. This means that because of the invisible
nature of the virtual water strategy, policy makers con-
sider it as a secret reserve. So they are not tempted to do
any long term oriented plans. Since virtual water bails
them out in the short run. Long term plans require in-
vestments in technology, social ingenuity and democracy
to facilitate a transition to a demand management strat-
egy or reallocation of the resource among users rather
than dependence on trade flow. Warner also argues that
the importation of cheap grains is like creating food
‘reservoir’ giving the state a monopoly on the food mar-
ket, allowing it to create a client base in the major cities
distributing food in exchange for political allegiance.
Thus the security of the recipient states was enhanced, as
well as the allegiance of those states to American foreign
goals. This allegiance brings a degree of political de-
pendency some would denounce as neo-colonial.
Vulnerability approach in disaster studies claimed that
economical and political power differentials lead to un-
equal distribution of vulnerability within global and do-
A. El-Sadek / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 248-261
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
mestic systems, in turn bringing about the social, politi-
cal and economic exclusion of the poor and powerless
[28]. This vulnerability comes form the increased inter-
dependency of the poor on the powerful states. Also the
global food trade is exposed to global market price fluc-
tuations and shocks. Meanwhile in USA and Europe (the
biggest producers), agriculture is heavily subsidized at
several stages of the production process, lands, inputs,
transport, marketing, export and transport. Those who
pay subsidies may stop paying and hence raising the
world price.
The concept of virtual water mainly views water as a
global commodity [29]. To consider virtual water as a
solution for water resources scarcity on the regional
level, an answer to the question “is there enough water
on this planet for a future global population double its
present side?” must be found. In his argument, Allan [13]
asserts that the answer is controversial and needs much
more research to determine water availability on the
global scale. In the demand side, which is completely
related to the population growth? The precision of the
estimates of the global population varies by over 50%. In
this uncertain domain there is space for numerous pes-
simists and optimists to spin counter interpretations. The
International Food Policy Research Institute identifies
low, medium and high scenarios for population. These
predict respectively 7.7 billion, 9.4 billion and 11.1 bil-
lion for the global population by 2200. Allan [13] men-
tioned that the global hydrological system is evidently in
surplus as it is able to meet the most demanding element
of global water demand, the global consumption for food.
Assuming a medium consumption scenario of 1500
cm/capita/year, global freshwater needs are about 8.25
bm3/year. So a consumption of this level is well within
the estimates of global freshwater availability. But he
argues about the future position and he asserts that there
is certainty neither about volumes of freshwater avail-
able nor about the capacity to use it effectively. In these
circumstances there is evidence to support arguments of
both optimists and pessimists. Allan [13] concluded that
the world's water and food futures are uncertain but not
seriously insecure. Many studies have been conducted to
estimate the global virtual water trade. Tables 1-3 are
adopted from Hoekstra [4]. The global virtual water
trade is given in Figure 2 while Tab le 4 shows the con-
tinental virtual water movement.
In the regional level, the Arab’s hydrological system is
Table 1. Assessment of global virtual water trade between
nations (periods 1995-1999) according to the IHE study.
Global virtual water trade (from perspective
of exporting countries)
Vo l um e
associated with crop trade 695 67
associated with trade of livestock
and livestock products 245 23
associated with trade of industrial
products 100 10
Total 1040
Table 2. Assessment of global virtual water trade between
nations (in 2000) according to the WWC-FAO study.
Global virtual water trade (from per-
spective of importing countries)
Vo l um e
associated with trade of
vegetal products 795 60
associated with trade of
animal products 180 13
associated with trade of meat 173 13
associated with trade of fish
and sea food 192 14
Total 1340
Table 3. Assessment of global virtual water trade between
nations (in 2000) according to the Japanese study.
Global virtual water trade (from
perspective of exporting countries)
associated with trade of cereals
associated with trade of soybean
associated with trade of meat
Total 683
Global virtual water trade (from
perspective of importing countries) Volume (bm3/yr) Percentage
associated with trade of cereals
associated with trade of soybean
associated with trade of meat
Total 1138
Table 4. Continental virtual water movement
Exporter virtual
water (km3) Importer virtual
water (km3)
North America
East Asia
Central America
North West Africa
Middle East
West Europe
South America
West Europe
East Asia
Middle East
North West Africa
East Asia
South East Asia
Middle East
definitely less and less able to meet the rising demands
being placed upon it. Allan argues that the insecurity of
the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) not just from
its poor water resources endowment. The water endow-
ent is a significant factor, but much more important is m
A. El-Sadek / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 248-261
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
Figure 2. Global virtual water trade.
the capacity of its agriculture sectors, its governments
and international institutions to adapt to the resource
scarcity and to take measures to find and mobilize sub-
stitutes. Allan stated that, “the pattern of trade indicates
that the MENA virtual water imports vastly exceed ex-
ports. By the mid-1980s MENA grain and flour imports
had risen rapidly from about seven million tones per
year in the early 1970s to over 40 million tones by the
mid-1980s. This volume was equivalent to about 20 per
cent of the regions total freshwater use by the late twen-
tieth century. At the 1000 cubic meters of water per tone
of grain estimate of water content the regional imports of
virtual water by the mid-1980s were equivalent to the
annual flow of the Nile into the Egyptian agricultural
sector. The demographic trends of the region point to a
doubling of population by about 2030. Taking into ac-
count possible improvements in water productivity in
MENA agriculture the need to import water intensive
staple food commodities will remain. It is likely that the
imports of virtual water will increase four or five-fold by
Openly accessible at
7.1. Agriculture and Food Production in the
Arab States
Population growth in the Arab countries is the major
factor for the increase in food consumption; such growth
has almost doubled between 1970 and 1990; and the
projections for the future growth are even more alarm-
ing. The population growth rate is among the highest is
the world. In addition, the economic development and
the change in aspirations and standard of living due to
the oil revenues in the last few decades lead to a very
high percentage of immigration to the Arab oil rich
countries. The total population is expected to continue
increasing and to reach 450 million by 2030.
The high rate of population growth in the region
caused food security fears to loom large in public policy
discussions in Arab region [30,31]. Food security may be
analyzed for units at different conceptual levels: regions,
countries, households, and individuals. Much analysis of
the topic has focused on the macro level: food produc-
tion in the region as a whole (and most of its countries)
falls far short of food requirements, making it necessary
for most countries to turn to imports for a large share of
domestic food consumption. As a result, the ability of
most countries to maintain national food security de-
pends on import capacity.
Agriculture policies
In the past 20 years the Arab countries were aiming to
achieve greater food self-sufficiency and accordingly the
majority of Arab countries provided generous subsidies
to the agricultural sector. Given the arid climate of these
countries, production can only be increased by increas-
ing the area of land under irrigation, by improving irriga-
tion efficiency, or a combination of the two. Agricultural
subsidies are given in several forms, for wells, canals,
A. El-Sadek / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 248-261
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
fuel, and other inputs, price support programs, trade pro-
tection in some countries, and lack of controls on
groundwater extraction or charges. These subsidies in-
creased the irrigated areas drastically and are contribut-
ing to the depletion of aquifers. Besides, these subsidies
distort costs and revenues, and many of the agricultural
activities in the Arab countries are financially profitable
only because of Government subsidies and incentives.
Subsidization is often adopted to encourage agricultural
practices for environmental, economic and cultural rea-
sons; however, in countries with water shortage mostly
cultural reasons are the drivers for subsidization. Al-
though agriculture consumes about 80% - 90% of the
available water in most Arab countries, it contributes for
less than 10% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in most
of the countries.
The employment in the agricultural sector as a propor-
tion of total employment in 2003 ranged from 1 percent
in Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar to 58 percent in Sudan.
Nevertheless, subsidization has played a role in increas-
ing agriculture water use efficiency in many Arab states,
and is thus justified as a water demand management
tool; an example is Egypt’s Irrigation Improvement Pro-
7.2. Water Resources in the Arab Region
The Arab world draws its water resources from rain-
water; rivers and underground water sheets as well as
sources that are non-conventional (desalinated water and
treated waste water). The quantities that can be obtained
from these sources differ widely from one country to
another and from one location to another within a single
country; rainfall is inexistent in some countries and
heavy in others, for example (over one thousand billion
cubic meters per year in Sudan). Countries such as Su-
dan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Morocco
have large and small rivers but other Arab countries have
neither rivers nor lakes. Where water resources are rare
and financial resources permit the abundant water found
underground is exploited (the East Al Jazira underground
sheet covering 1.6 million sq. km. and the Nubian un-
derground sheet covering 2 million sq. km.). Other non-
conventional sources are being promoted, with the result
that the Arab countries are in the forefront of the devel-
opment of water desalination techniques, producing over
5 million cubic meters a day, that is, over 70% of world
7.3. Water Demand and the Need for
Sustainability Measures
The progressing developments and water policies in
the Arab countries resulted in the current difficult water
shortage situation. The huge amounts of water used for
irrigated agriculture are leading to abstracting large
amounts of the nonrenewable “fossil” groundwater. This
creates real threats for the sustainability in the whole
region. In order to restore and/or improve this imbalance,
focus should be given mainly to reductions of demands
from the agricultural sector, and also to create additional
sources of water to reduce groundwater abstractions.
Achieving these objectives needs considerable efforts to
reform both water and agricultural policies and also sig-
nificant cost to enhance the capacity of wastewater
treatment as a safe and reliable source of water for irri-
The need for water and agriculture policy re-
It is vital that a number of steps be taken to economize
on water consumption and protect water resources from
over-abstraction and pollution. Policy reforms will need
to focus on both supply and demand management as-
pects of water management. The water management
mission will have to consider guaranteeing consistent
supply (infrastructure: dams, reservoirs, water re-use,
and non-conventional methods: e.g. desalination); priori-
tizing water use (drinking water versus irrigation), as
well as, managing, allocating and monitoring water use
(e.g. legal/technical regulations and pricing).
Agricultural policies in the Arab countries also need to
be reformulated to serve the purpose of increasing effi-
ciency and conserve the already depleted water re-
sources. Often agricultural policy reform aims to: con-
serve water resources; preserve water quality; and im-
prove crop water productivity. The notion of “more crop
per drop” has been adopted by several Arab states as part
of a general recognition of the importance of rationaliz-
ing water use. It is however being called upon by re-
searchers and scholars to adopt the notion of “more live-
lihood per drop” which puts water resources in the con-
text of the greater goal of any national policy which is
“securing better livelihood”. Targeting this ultimate goal
one can argue that agriculture policy reforms should
consider limiting subsidies to technologies which pro-
mote water conservation; whether the focus is on devel-
oping salt-tolerant and drought-resistant crops or on us-
ing more efficient irrigation techniques. In addition,
other policy aspects that can have an even greater impact
in a short period are related to promoting a market-
oriented policy through the cultivation of crops with
high water productivity and low-water content; and thus
import crops with high water content (virtual water).
The choice here is whether to increase integration with
the global market or to focus on regional integration
A. El-Sadek / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 248-261
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
7.4. Virtual Water Trade in the Arab Region
Having established the need for policy reform in water
consuming activities, and by outlining some of the issues
related to virtual water trade, it is important to investi-
gate the options provided by the virtual water trade con-
cept and the suitability of such options to the Arab re-
gion. Local planning and regional collaboration incorpo-
rating the notion of virtual water trade could result in: 1)
exchange of goods, 2) diversification of crops, or 3) crop
replacement actions for any country.
Virtual water policy dimensions
More often than not, scholars in the Arab region con-
tradict the political argument that has been put forward
by Tony Allan from the beginning of the virtual water
debate, that virtual water trade can be an instrument in
solving geopolitical problems and even prevent wars
over water [12,13]. The contradiction is simply based on
the perception that food exporting countries are mostly
western countries, and the relationship between the Arab
states and western countries is dominated by skepticism
and fear of domination. Thus, looking at the bigger pic-
ture it is perceived by the Arab states that by depending
on food imports they are giving in to foreign domination.
Next to the political dimension, there is the economic
dimension, equally stressed by Allan [14-16]. The eco-
nomic argument behind virtual water trade is that, ac-
cording to international trade theory, nations should ex-
port products in which they possess a relative or com-
parative advantage in production, while they should im-
port products in which they possess a comparative dis-
advantage [17]. Hoekstra and Hung [18,19] argue that
virtual water trade between nations can be an instrument
to increase ‘global water use efficiency’. From an eco-
nomic point of view it makes sense to produce the water-
intensive products demanded in this world in those
places where water is most abundantly available. In
those places water is cheaper, there are smaller negative
externalities to water use, and often less water is needed
per unit of product. Virtual water trade from a nation
where water productivity is relatively high to a nation
where water productivity is relatively low implies that
globally real water savings are made.
However, a major source of skepticism is whether or
not a fair and secure trade with water-abundant nations
can be sustained in an ever changing trade environment.
An advantage for the Arab countries is that they export
enough to earn the foreign exchange required to pur-
chase the food imports they need. The second issue per-
tains to the level of the economic base i.e. whether the
economy of the country is well developed and diversi-
fied to take the decision of reallocating water from cere-
als, which provide subsistence living to large sections of
rural population, to a more economically rewarding wa-
ter use.
Regional cooperation on this subject is of paramount
importance as it would allow countries of the region to
assess and analyze the situation on a broader basis, tak-
ing into consideration common strategic issues. It would
further alleviate many of the political and economic con-
cerns. Eyes have been often directed to Sudan as the
potential food basket for the Arab states due to the abun-
dance of water resources and arable lands there. How-
ever, political instability is a barrier to taking advantage
of such a golden opportunity.
Aside from the economic and political aspects of vir-
tual water trade; growing one’s food (i.e. feeding one-
self) has other important aspects; the cultural and social
aspects are of major influence on the decision whether or
not to grow a certain crop, furthermore culture interferes
with the whole acceptance of the notion of virtual water
The need for cultural change
In general, as Mahmoud Abu-Zeid [32], former presi-
dent of the World Water Council notes: “The cultural and
socio-economic values of water are still a very elusive
subject. Several learned meetings stressed the economic
value of water, while others stressed its social and cul-
tural values. The importance of one or the other will
vary from one society to another and from time to time,
depending on the specific historical background, cultural
heritage, extent of fresh water availability and the socio-
economic conditions of the concerned region. Develop-
ing a unified approach is required, with clearly defined
associated conditions and limitations for its applicability,
which should accommodate the diversity of the world’s
regions [32]. Changing people’s habits and the way they
use and perceive water is a challenge that involves
changing deep-rooted attitudes held by individuals, insti-
tutions, water professionals and civil society organiza-
tions. Social change of this kind can be brought about by
the application of appropriate tools [33]. Hoekstra [34]
investigated four cultural perspectives of appreciating
water which represent the four ways of life described as
the hierarchist, egalitarian, individualist and fatalist.
These perspectives are presented herein from the aspect
of water trade.
In the context of virtual water trade the different cul-
tural perspectives have different attitudes that range from
perceiving water trade as only possible for the rich peo-
ple in power and do not benefit the poor (the fatalists); to
perceiving water as an economic good that should be
managed as such, and thus free trade is the ultimate solu-
tion to carry water and water-intensive products to the
demand areas (the individualists). On the Other hand, the
hierarchists regard scarcity as a supply problem; where
inter-basin or international trade of water is a possible
A. El-Sadek / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 248-261
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way of improving the allocation of water, but it is seen
as an issue to be regulated by governments rather than
by free enterprise, due to the public character of water.
Whereas, egalitarians consider water trade in any form
undesirable, because water is seen as public property.
Importing or exporting water-intensive products (trade in
virtual water) is undesirable as well. Instead countries
should strive for water and food self-sufficiency through
demand management.
In the previous, it has been demonstrated that many of
the current controversies among water researchers and
policy makers can be explained from the existence of
different cultural perspectives. These perspectives differ
in their underlying basic values, beliefs and assumptions.
Hoekstra [34] stressed that current scientific knowledge
does not provide sufficient argument in favor of one par-
ticular perspective. One reason is that uncertainties about
the various interactions between man and the environ-
ment are still very large, leaving room for different in-
terpretations of the available data. Another reason is that
most of the water problems of today are not merely
technical but strongly value-laden. Therefore it would be
advisable to create a culture mixture when studying the
feasibility of virtual water trade as a policy option in the
Arab region. Such a cultural mixture is needed when
considering other policies concerning water planning
and use. In addition, this mixture would create a balance
between the interests of the different groups of a society
and insure a lasting “sustainable” planning strategy.
Water savings by virtual water trade
The most straightforward effect of virtual water is
about water savings for the country or the region that
imports food products. The savings are directly the result
of the quantity of imports multiplied by the local virtual
water values according to the equation below [9]:
Water savings (m3) = Impo rt (ton) × VWVconsmp. site (1)
where VWVconsmp.site = Virtual water value per crop
(m3/ton) if produced at the point of consumption
In the case of Arab countries, and since all crops are
grown by irrigation, the water savings attained by crop
importing are always real. Whereas other countries that
have some rain fed agriculture might not benefit from
the calculated water savings as it might not be possible
to put the saved rainwater to other use. Thus in ex-
tremely dry countries like Arab countries, one can as-
sume that importing food will save water that otherwise
would be needed to irrigate crops. Therefore the value
VWVconsmp. site could be calculated as:
VWVconsmp. site = IWR/Y irrigated (2)
VWVconsmp. site = VW value of irrigated crop (m3/ton)
IWR = Irrigation water requirements (m3/ha)
Y = Crop yield under irrigated circumstances (ton/ha)
The irrigation requirements are calculated on a decade
basis by calculating potential crop evapotranspiration
minus effective rainfall.
For example, there is a trend of increase in water con-
sumption in producing primary crops in the Gulf Coop-
eration Council (GCC) countries (cereals, fruits, and
vegetables), during the period from 1980-2003 the GCC
countries have consumed substantial amounts of water.
Virtual water value of irrigated crops are taken on aver-
age basis for these countries from the footprints tables
(cereals: 2500 m3/ton, fruits: 3000 m3/ton, vegetables:
2900 m3/ton).
Figure 3 shows the virtual water import in the Arab
countries while the virtual water import embodied in the
food import (cereal, oil and sugar) to the Arab region is
shown in Figure 4.
Egypt as one state of the Arab region shares as well as
water scarcity problem the political characteristics of the
region. In his analysis of the different water policies,
Allan [16] identifies three policies for managing water
resources with different ranking aspects. The ranking or
priority of the policies depends on the viewer, outsider
professionals or insiders governments (politicians). The
policies are as follows:
1) Achieving improved water use efficiency by im-
plementing measures of productive efficiency to im-
prove returns to water at farm level and irrigation level
and also by urban and drainage reuse.
2) Applying principles of demand management to im-
prove allocative efficiency and returns to water. This is
done at farm level by raising water efficient crops, inter-
sectoral re-allocation and international re-allocation.
3) Achieving strategic water security. By securing
supplies of “virtual water” by international regional co-
operation in the international food trade.
The above ranking is the one adopted by politicians
and governments. The reverse of that ranking with the
virtual water policy on the top is the one adopted by ex-
ternal professionals (outsiders) who are concerned
mainly by the economy and the environment in contrast
to politicians whose main interest is the political stabil-
Some criticisms on virtual water are also worth noting.
The most common ones are that the poor countries can-
not afford virtual water import and virtual water import
makes the receiving country dependent upon the interna-
tional market [2]. These criticisms have been often
voiced loudly at international meetings, workshops and
n other national and international occasions. The criti- o
A. El-Sadek / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 248-261
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Figure 3. Virtual water import in the Arab countries.
Figure 4. Virtual water import embodied in the food import (cereal, oil and sugar) to the Arab region.
cisms may be understandable, but do not quite touch the
point. Virtual water by its origin describes the fact that
many water scarce countries are importing (although
often unconsciously) a large portion of their food which
has effectively and silently reduced the domestic water
demand for food production that otherwise would be
needed. The situation implies that when water is in ab-
solute scarcity, virtual water import is necessary.
Water, an indispensable commodity for life of all be-
ings and for the development and well being of human
societies, has a finite nature of availability at global,
regional and national territorial theaters. The need for it,
at individual and national levels is not as finite, but is
rather ever-increasing prompted by improved techno-
logical deliveries and uses; by improved incomes that
enhanced better living standards, and by the net growth
in the levels of population at national levels. Coupled
with management challenges at individual, national and
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regional levels, the water challenges have become seri-
ous and at times insurmountable if faced in absence of
cooperation at national, regional and, indeed, interna-
tional levels [6].
One of the major indicators of the scale of the water
deficit of water scarce countries is the level of its food
imports. The reason food imports are such a strong indi-
cator of water deficit is that the water required to grow
food is what an economist would refer to as the domi-
nant consumptive use of water. The use is dominant
whether viewed from the point of view of the individual
citizen or the national economy. Water used in the agri-
cultural sector exceeds by ten times the water used by
the industrial and municipal sectors combined [14]. The
main challenge facing Egyptian national development is
limited water resources. Water is the main factor, which
determines the type, size and location of any economic
activity. Egypt is a very arid country, where the average
annual rainfall seldom exceeds 200 mm along the north-
ern coast. The rainfall declines very rapidly from the
coastline to the inland areas, and becomes almost nil
south of Cairo. This meager rainfall occurs in the winter
in the form of scattered showers, and cannot be de-
pended upon for extensive agricultural production. Thus,
reliable availability of irrigation water is a necessary
condition for agricultural development. In Egypt, about
85% of the water resources are consumed in the agricul-
ture sector. It is thus important to investigate these issues
before jumping to conclusions about the suitability of
virtual water trade as a policy option. This section is
primarily concerned with investigating the prevailing
water/food situation in Egypt. The investigation includes
outlining water and food security facts and figures, as
well as policy measures undertaken to meet the chal-
8.1. Water Resources in Egypt
The main and almost exclusive source of surface wa-
ter in Egypt is the River Nile. The 1959 agreement be-
tween Egypt and Sudan was based on the average flow
of the Nile during the period 1900-1959. The average
annual flow at Aswan during that period was 84 billion
m3. The average annual evaporation and other losses in
Lake Nasser were estimated as 10 billion m3, leaving a
net usable annual flow of 74 billion m3. Under the 1959
treaty, 55.5 billion m3 were allocated to Egypt and 18.5
billion m3 to the Sudan. The High Aswan Dam was con-
structed in 1968 to assure the long-term availability of
water for both countries. Its lake has a live storage ca-
pacity of 130 billion m3. The annual discharges from the
High Dam Lake during the period 1968 to 2000 are 67.6
billion m3 [35].
8.2. Food Production in Egypt
There are three estimates of the virtual water balance
in Egypt quoted from Hoekstra [4]; gross virtual water
import; gross virtual water export; and net virtual water
import. Also a time series for the import of the main
cereal crops are illustrated in Figures 5(a)-(f). As with
the increase in population in the future, the projected
water demand based on some models is about 92 billion
m3/ year. If the estimated total water resource availabil-
ity of about 70 billion m3/year and taking into considera-
tion that the 70 billion m3/year is the overall water
availability after applying the different measures such as
extensive drainage reuse and groundwater full utilization,
we can obviously see that the virtual water policy option
is pivotal and vital.
Different water management policies and strategies have
been applied in Arab over time. During the past water
abundant periods, supply management (construction of
dams, water distribution networks etc.) has been applied.
A review of the Virtual Water comparative advantages
and related concepts such as water footprints was con-
ducted. Issues related to the assessment of virtual water
content of commodities and studies on virtual water
trade in the global level were reviewed. The practical
value of the virtual water concept as well as the possibil-
ity of the application of the concept in the regional and
national level was also discussed. The paper emphasizes
on the application of virtual water in agriculture products
and virtual water trade of these products.
Politicians must be approached to get clear and very
well studied approaches about the practical application
of virtual water without their approval; and blessing wa-
ter concepts can not be achieved. There is a possibility
for the application of the virtual water concept on the
national level taking into account water endowments,
and other natural and social economic conditions. The
virtual water strategy seeks ways to consciously and
efficiently utilize the internal and external water re-
sources to alleviate water scarcity in Arab Region. This,
however, by no means implies that importing food is the
only response the water scarce countries and regions
should and can take. Other measures concerning the
supply and demand sides of water management are im-
perative. The argument here is that the virtual water
strategy should be an integral component in the whole
package of integrated water resources management. The
introduction of virtual water concept as a policy option
in Arab Region is still in need for extensive investiga-
tions, research, and feasibility evaluation. Nowadays,
rab countries are counted among those water-poor A
A. El-Sadek / Agricultural Sciences 2 (2011) 248-261
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/AS/
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 5. (a) Per Capita Food Supplies in Egypt, 1962-2000; (b) Production of Wheat and Maize in Egypt, 1962-2000;
(c)Wheat Imports to Egypt, 1962-2000; (d) Maize Imports to Egypt, 1962-2000; (e) Rice Exports from Egypt, 1962-2000;
(f) Cotton Exports from Egypt, 1962-2000.
countries. This situation is mainly due to its limited fresh
water resources and continuous increase in water re-
quirements. As a consequence, Arab Region relies more
and more on new technologies and appropriate policies
that support the implementation of the integrated water
resources management concept.
For Arab Region, it is not the problem of affordability
of applying the virtual water concept, but more the
problem of priority and independency related to food
security. For example, if limited resources of Arab Re-
gion were used as production input in high-value crops
such as horti-culture instead of low-value and water in-
tensive crops such as cotton or rice, it could increase the
value of the input water. Increasing the water used in
industry (textiles for example) would also increase the
output of water use since it produces manufactured
goods that are usually considered step forward on de-
velopment scale. In order to adopt the application of
virtual water concept in the national water resources
strategy of Arab countries, there is a need for a clear
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vision and understanding of its advantages and disad-
vantages according to the Arab conditions. Eventually,
there are many other aspects in the balance equation of
virtual water concept that limit its applicability in Arab
Region. The virtual water aspects need to be subject to
extensive research investigation, and analysis. Although
import of virtual water trade will relive the pressure on
the national water resources, including this new concept
as a policy option in Arab requires further research and
understanding of the impacts on the local social, eco-
nomic, environmental, cultural, natural, and political
situation. From the previous analysis it is important to
point out several points:
1) Food imports are ongoing and imperative for com-
pensating water resource deficiency in the Arab Region,
thus there is no point in opposing the concept of using
food imports as a complementary factor in the food se-
curity formula;
2) In short, the concept of virtual water is well founded,
provided countries have more transparent picture of its
comparative advantage and accordingly they can trans-
late it into a competitive advantage.
3) It is imperative that planners tackle the sources of
skepticism related to political, economic, and socio-
cultural dimensions of the virtual water trade through the
potential of regional integration before introducing it as
a policy option; and
Cultural and behavioral changes are necessary for
adapting to the current water scarce situation. Neverthe-
less, a cultural mix would benefit the study of virtual
water as a policy option to provide a holistic rather a
directed assessment of the issue.
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