Open Access Library Journal
How to cite this paper: Taori, K., et al. (2014) Every Posterior Fossa Mass Is Not a TumorRare Case Report of Isolated In-
tracranial Infantile Myofibromatosis. Open Access Library Journal, 1: e670.
Every Posterior Fossa Mass Is Not a Tumor
Rare Case Report of Isolated Intracranial
Infantile Myofibromatosis
Kishor Taori, Mansi Jain*, Lalit Garg, Ajinky Patil, Jawhar Rathod, Rohit Khisti,
Amit Disawal, Ramesh Parate, Shyam Chhadi
Department of Radiodiagn osi s, Government Medical College, Nagpur, India
Email: *mansija inkmc4 @gmail .com
Received 4 April 2014; revised 14 May 2014; accepted 2 Ju ly 2014
Copyright © 2014 by authors and OALib.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
http://creativ ecommon icens es/by/4.0/
Infantile myofibromatosis is the most common fibrous disorder of infancy and early childhood. It
can present in three forms—solitary lesion, multicentric with visceral involvement and multi-cen-
teric without visceral involvement. Intracranial involvement is rare and when it occurs, it is gener-
ally extension of extracranial lesion into the intracranial compartment. Here we present a rare
case of isolated posterior fossa involvement presenting clinically as congenital facial palsy.
Infantile Myofibromatosis, Posterior Fossa, Congenital Facial Palsy
Subject Areas: Neu rol o g y, Radiology & Medical Imaging
1. Introduction
Post er ior fossa masses i n in fa nts are not a rare clinical entity. Clinical presentation can be variable depending on
the location and extent of involvement of this critical space. We should be aware of the fact that not every mass
in poaterior fossa is malignant. We report a rare case of infantile myofibro matosis i n a neo nate presenti ng with
congenital facial palsy due to po ster io r fo ssa mass. T his e nt i t y can p r esent in va ri o us lo ca tio ns l i ke s kin, musc le ,
bone , subcut aneous a nd visc era. I ntracranial i nvolve ment i s rare with o nly few ca ses of i solated posterior fossa
involvement reporte d in literature so far [1].
Final confir mation of this enti ty is by histopatho logical diagno sis with pro gnosis and treatment depending on
extent and location of involvement.
*Corresponding author.
K. Taori et al.
OALibJ | DOI:10.4236/oalib.1100670 2 July 2014 | Volume 1 |
2. Case Report
A 10 -day-old male neonate d elivered at term was bro ught to our hosp ital with co mplaints of co ngenital right fa -
cial plasy. There was no contributory ante natal history or known inherited familial disease. On initial physical
examination, neurological examination was normal. Neurosonogra m was done as screeni ng modality which re-
vealed well de fined hyperechoic lesion in posterior fossa on right side without any hydrocephalous or c ysti c e n-
cephlomalacic changes (Figure 1). CT head was performed to rule out the possibility of subdural hematoma. CT
head plain study (Figure 2) revealed hyperdense extraaxial mass lesion in right cerebellopontine angle with
punctate calcifications and erosion of pertrous temporal bone. There was no obstruction of the ventricular sys-
tem. Superficial cerebral venous sinuses were dilated and hyperdense. MRI study was advised for further char-
acterisation to rule out the possibility o f neplastic lesio n. On MRI there was a well defined extra-axial solid mass
lesion in posterior fossa with epicenter in right cerebello-pontine and medullary-pontine angle of approximate
size 3 × 3 × 2.4 c m in t ra ns ve r se AP and c ra nio-ca uda l axi s. It wa s het er o ge neo us l y i so i nt ens e on T 1 W , T2W &
FLAIR (Figure 3) with multiple interspersed tiny foci appearing hypointense on T2W and hyperintense on T1W.
On D if fusi o n weight ed i ma g i ng ( Figure 4) the lesion was isointese to brain Parenchyma. On p o st c ont ra s t st udy
(Figure 5) there was strong r el ati vel y homo genous en hancement. Medially the lesion was causing mass effect in
Figure 1. NSG reveals well defined hyperechoic lesion in poste-
rior fossa on right side.
(a) (b)
Figure 2. CT head palin reveals hyperdense extraaxial mass lesion in right cerebellopontine an-
gle with punctate calcifications and erosion of pertrous temporal bone.
K. Taori et al.
OALibJ | DOI:10.4236/oalib.1100670 3 July 2014 | Volume 1 |
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3. TIW, T2W and T2 FLAIR sequences reveal well defined extra-axial solid mass lesion in posterior fossa in right
cerebello-pontine and medullary-pontine angle which appears heterogeneously isointense on T1W, T2W & FLAIR and mul-
tiple interspersed tiny foci appearing hypointense on T2W and hyperintense on T1W. There is transjugular extension also
noted on coronal sections.
Figure 4. DWI sequ ence r eveals h yperin ten sity
s/o restrcited diffusion.
Figure 5. Post contrast T1W shows homogenously
strong enhancement.
form of displacement and compression of the right cerebellar hemisp her e , p o ns, me d ulla & 4 t h ve ntr ic le witho ut
any e/o hydrocephalous in present scan. There was compression of the sigmoid sinus with venous sinuses and
deep cortical veins appearing hyperintense on T1W possibly due to stasis with adequate contrast opacification
on post-contrast T1 3D sequences. Inferiorly there was widening of the jugular foramen with transjuglar exten-
sion extra-cranially.
K. Taori et al.
OALibJ | DOI:10.4236/oalib.1100670 4 July 2014 | Volume 1 |
We gave the possibility of infantile myofibroma of posterior fossa as most likely diagnosis over other more
common lesio ns in this locati on like primitive neuroectodrmal tumor and a typical ter atoid rhab doid tumor. I m-
aging fe at ur e s fa vo urin g the po ssi bi lity was iso i nt e nsi t y of the l esi o n to b r ai n pa r enc hyma o n d iffus i o n we i ght ed
sequence. Skeletal survey and ultrasonography of abdomen was done which did not reveal any significant ab-
nor malit y.
The mass in our case possibly arose from the lateral dural margin directly invaded the right sigmoid sinus and
eroded the petrous temporal bone. The MR images confirmed the obliteration of the sigmoid sinus and enlarge-
ment of the jugular foramen. Supra-tentorial brain parenchyma showed normal gray-white matter.
Patient was referred to neurosurgery where biopsy was performed and specimen was pathlogically conrfimed
to be consistent with imaging diagnosis of infantile myofibroma revealing whorls of spindle shaped cells of
myofibrob lastic origin. Subtotal r esection was performe d. Care was t aken no t to avo id damage to the lower cra-
nial nerves, and resection was not extended into the carotid sheath or internal jugular vein.
Follo w-up i maging (Figure 6) at 3 months after resection revealed significant reductio n in size of the lesio n,
consi stent wi t h the natural history of this rare entity.
3. Discussion
Infantile myofibromatosis which is the most common fibrous disorder of infancy and early childhood was first
described by Stout in 1954 [2]. It is more commonly seen in males. However, exact incidence is not known due
to variable and unpredictable natural course of the disease. It is a disease with variable prognosis depending on
type and extent of involvement. It can present in three forms-solitary lesion, multicentric lesions with visceral
involvement and multicenteric lesions without visceral involvement. Multicenteric lesions can occur in skin,
musc le, bone, subcutaneous tissue and viscera. More the visceral involvement worse is the outcome. The com-
mon sites with visceral i nvolv e ment were lu ng, hear t, gastr ointes tinal tar ct, p ancreas a nd liver . Ho wever, lesio ns
have rarely been noted in intracranial compartment which are usually due to extension of the extracranial proc-
ess [3]. They are typically seen arising from dura and less frequently may show intrapaenchymal or spine in-
volve me nt.
The etiology of infantile fibromatosis is unknown so far. However, effects of maternal estrogen and familial
association have been hypothesized [4].
Radiological studies are not characteristic due to variable appearances but it is very important in assessing the
extent of the disease [5]. It usually appears as enhancing extra axial lesion with calci fications. It does not s how
restriction on diffusion weighted imaging in contrast due to highly cellular tumors like atypical terato id rhabdo id
tumor and primitive neuroectodermal tumors. Since the condition is not commonly known it may mimic ma lig-
nant tumors. Definite diagnosis depends on histology.
The current is unique due to isolated posterior fossa involvement with minimal transjugular extension. Al-
Figure 6 . Follow-up plain CT head reveals significant
reduction in size of lesion with post operative changes.
K. Taori et al.
OALibJ | DOI:10.4236/oalib.1100670 5 July 2014 | Volume 1 |
though it is rare clinical entity, it should be considered in differential diagnosis of intracranial space occupying
Treatment algorithm is still indefinite. Surgical excision is advocated by some as primary treatment regimen
for all types of disease. However, spontaneous regression has been reported. Others advocate routine follow up
with surgical excision of lesions which adversely affect vital function. In our case, the lesion was causing focal
neuro lo gica l deficit due to its critical location in form of facial palsy. Hence, subtotal excision was performed.
Recurrence rate is high in excised lesions reaching upto 10% - 31% according to literature. Chemotherapeutic
agents ha ve been shown by some gro ups to be effective in life threatening co mplications and unresectable dis-
eases [4].
To conclude we report a case of isolated posterior fossa infantile myofibromatosis. Though a rare entity, it
should be considered in the differential of posterior fossa lesions in infancy especially when confined to the ex-
traaxial compartment.
We would like to acknowledge the work of Suresh Dhakate, MD, Anand Hatgaonkar, MD in prepara tion of this
case report.
Conflict s of Interest
There is no conflict in author or acknowledged persons.
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