Optics and Photonics Journal, 2011, 1, 15-23
doi:10.4236/opj.2011.12004 Published Online June 2011 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/opj/)
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OPJ
Scanning of the Sun and Other Celestial Bodies with Help
of Gravitation Spectroscopy
Kristina Zubow1, Anatolij Zubow2, Viktor Anatolievich Zubow2*
1Department of Research and Development, AIST Handels-und Consulting GmbH, Groß Gievitz, Germany
2Department of Computer Science, Humboldt University Berlin, Johann von Neumann Haus, Berlin, Germany
E-mail: zubow@informatik.hu-berlin.de, aist@zubow.de
Received March 11, 2011; revised April 10, 2011; accepted April 22, 2011
The resonance interaction of weak gravitation radiation (WGR) from agarose hydrogel with the gravitation
radiation (GR) caused by celestial bodies (Sun, Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury and Moon) has been investigated
by the Zubow gravitation mass spectroscopy (ZGMS). The absorption of WGR by the Sun was found to
change at the moment when the Sun appears in the slide plane of gravitation proton resonance (SPGPR,
plane going through the Earth rotating axis and the sample place on the Earth surface). There were analyzed
the signals of the gravitation Sun (GS), Mercury and Moon. GS contains signals of the corona, nucleus and
sub-nucleus. Here the nature of the last one is near to the matter of “naked” protons in hydrogen bonds (HB)
of the sensor with which it interacts. The proton model as analogous to the black hole has been proved ex-
perimentally. The sub-nucleus was concluded to be of quarks’ nature but the nucleus of neutrons’ one. The
GR velocity in the sun system has been determined experimentally additionally, the influence of gas giants
(GG) on it. At the moment of Sun and GG opposition the GR velocity was 2 - 8 times higher than that one of
the light. GG reduced the GR velocity in the direction of the Sun. The role of the Earth as a gravitation mir-
ror has been supported. Six gravitation resonator signals from Moon gravitation shots (gravitation laser) were
analyzed. The GR of planets was observed to influence the energy of water cluster ensembles.
Keywords: Sun Nucleus, Quarks, Gravitation, SPGPR, Structure, Properties, Molecular Cluster, Super Light
1. Introduction
Even in the early nineties of the last century a group of
Russian scientists under the head of professor Lavrenti-
jev found out that a photo sensor as well as micro-or-
ganisms already react to celestial bodies, still before they
appear visibly. The reasons for these phenomena weren’t
explained [1-4] and they were ignored by the scientific
society, additionally. Using the Zubow gravitation mass
spectrometer (ZGMS, earlier called as flicker noise spec-
troscopy) it is possible to analyze the gravitation radia-
tion (GR) of celestial bodies in the far space and to re-
cord the GR velocity [5,6].
To understand better the structure and properties of
Sun GR (directed from celestial bodies to the Sun [6,7])
GR was scanned with the help of ZGMS which was the
aim of the present work.
2. Experim Entally
Agarose hydrogel (97 wt% water) modeling the bioma-
trix, was chosen as investigation objects (ZGMS-sensors).
Here the ZGMS-sensor was placed into the liquids the
measuring procedure of ZGMS was given in the publica-
tions [8-11]. The masses of molecular clusters and their
frequencies were calculated according to the Zubow
equation [11] using the Zubow constant 6.4 × 10–15 N/m.
The long-range order in the ZGMS-sensors at the mo-
lecular cluster level was analyzed during the period when
the celestial bodies appeared in SPGPR [5] in North
Germany (53˚38N and 12˚35E). The ZGMS-sensors
were placed into an earthed iron box that was protected
from noises, heat and mechanical fields at most. The box
itself was in a building far from industrial centers and
anthropogeneous noise sources. To understand the
method some curves, that reflect the GR energy flow
(sum of cleaned signals), are given in [6]. Molecular
mass clusters (nuclei concentrations) in the ZGMS-sen-
sors were found to be formed in energy clusters of sta-
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OPJ
of stationary gravitation waves of the space and they
reflect the state of the gravitation field in the sample
space. The gravitation energy flow of celestial bodies
resonates with WGR of protons in the sensor which shall
be recorded. The algorithm for the signal extraction is
given in [10]. To find the correct celestial bodies’ posi-
tion the program ZET 9 (www.astrozet.net) was applied.
3. Results and Discussion
In Figure 1, the ZGMS scanning results of the Sun and
Mercury at the moment when they appeared in SPGPR
are shown.
As visible N achieved exstreme values at moments
when visible and gravitation signals of Sun and Mercury
appeared in SPGPR. That agreed with the two-component
GR structure: main gravitation wave and ripple, caused
by the main wave. Here the ripple spread with light ve-
locity [12].
To discuss the signal character in the area of gravitation
Sun in detail a higher ZGMS resolution has been applied
(Figure 2). According to Figure 2 the Sun GR was found
to be heterogeneously and to be represented by a group of
signals. Regarding the geometric parameters the visual and
gravitation Sun discs were assumed to be the same. On the
left and right side from the main signal there was observed
a group of more weak signals. To understand the nature of
these signals we analyzed the average molecular mass
(MGMS) which is a more sensitive characteristic for the
cluster ensemble up to 3 million Dalton (Figure 3).
12:00:00 12:03:36 12:07:12 12:10:48 12:14:24 12:18:00 12:21:36 12:25:12 12:28:48
11 мин
8 мин
Гравитационны й
(rip ple )
(ri pp le)
Grav. Mercury
Grav. Sun
Vis. Mercury
Vis. Sun
8 min
11 min
Figure 1. Reaction of the number of water cluster kinds (N) in agarose hydrogel on GR of Sun and Mercury at their appear-
ance in SPGPR. Distance to Sun 1.49 × 108 km, to Mercury 2.02 × 108 km. For a cluster mass ensemble up to 3 million Dalton.
12:10:57 12:11:18 12:11:4012:12:01 12:12:23 12:12:45 12:13:06
Figure 2. Signal structure in the area of the gravitation Sun (Figure 1). Scanning step of 2 s. The center of the gravitation Sun
in SPGPR is marked with .
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OPJ
Figure 3. The change of the average molecular mass of water clusters in hydrogel at the time when signals of the gravitation
Sun appeared (Figure 1). The spectrum (Figure 2) was analyzed in 2 second and 0.5 second steps.
12 3
282100 ??
III 13
282,100 km
Figure 4. Model of the gravitation Sun disc, that appeared in SPGPR (white vertical line) and scanned the events in the time
diapasons I, II and III (Figure 3). The horizontal arrow means the SPGPR movement. The black, grey and white discs were
ascribed to the gravitation Sun, the Sun nucleus and the Sun sub-nucleus (2), accordingly.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OPJ
The MGMS value reflects the effective interaction of clu-
sters with their surroundings [6,7], that is realized by hy-
drogen bonds (HB, regarding to Pauling “naked” protons
[13]). This interaction is shown in Figure 4 at the moment
when the gravitation Sun appeared in SPGPR (see Figure
3 too). A 50 times higher MGMS is an indication for clus-
ters’ individualization, decreasing their interaction with
surroundings by intercluster HB, which disappeared prac-
tically completely at the moment 1 (diapason II). The pro-
tons of HB were dissolved in the physical vacuum and they
left the sensor room in the direction to Sun [6,7,14]. How-
ever the moment 1 cannot be ascribed to the center of the
gravitation Sun, at a higher resolution of 0.5 s it as well as
the moment 3 became an accompanying function of the
moment 2 which for its part became the central one. The
position of the moments 1 and 3 to the moment 2 is nearly
symmetrically being an evidence for a layer structure of the
Sun nucleus (onion structure), possibly.
A better understanding of the three diapasons is easier
when models shall be used (Figure 4).
The intercluster HB protons were dissolved most
strongly in the diapason II [6,7] (Figure 3) where three
signals were observed here. These signals could be an
indication to at least one sub-center (2). The size of the
center (1 + 2 + 3) and sub-center (2) can be calculated
roughly by applying the scanning times of the gravitation
Sun. They were found to amount to 26 and 4 seconds or
282 100 and 43 400 km, accordingly.
Now we shall return to Figure 3. The signals of the dia-
pasons I and III seem to be of the same nature and they
could be caused by energy fluctuations inside the nucleus.
Here the nucleus' surface has to be understood as a diffuse
and unstable one, however. Processes that take place in the
nucleus (diapason II) precede in the diapasons I and III too,
with a certain probability. Analogous processes that take
place inside the nucleus (diapason II) were supported to
proceed in the Sun sub-center (2) too. To be explained with
that there is a resonance interaction between the HB pro-
tons of the sensor and the sub-center matter, which could
be an indication that both of the same nature. Then, ac-
cording to [15] and to this conclusion one can imagine the
matter of the Sun sub-center as condensed quarks-gluon
matter. The process of the quarks’ condensation to new
protons in the Sun sub-center is characterized by an exo-
thermic effect that is sufficient for the thermonuclear syn-
thesis of helium [14]. The fluctuation processes in the nu-
cleus have to be understood as the result of fluctuation dy-
namics of gravitation flows caused by a fast changing con-
stellation of celestial bodies as well as by events in the far
space. Thus, the nucleus of the gravitation Sun was con-
cluded to consist of neutrons (1 and 3, Figure 4). This
proves sufficiently the position of quark stars as an inter-
mediate stage from neutron stars to black holes [16].
As it was shown earlier the gravitation velocity was in-
fluenced by the constellation of celestial bodies from the
far space e. g. galaxies and their centers regarding to the
Sun [5]. If the light velocity from the Sun to the Earth
would be taken for the velocities' calibrations then it should
be possible to calculate the velocity of the main gravitation
wave in the near space applying, for instance, Earth, Sun
and gaseous giants. For it, the time characteristics of the
gravitation Sun and the influence of gaseous giants on it
shall be used. In Figure 5 it shall be shown how the energy
of water cluster ensembles in agarose hydrogel behaves
when the Sun and gaseous giants appear in SPGPR. Here
the gaseous giants and the Sun almost lie on a line in oppo-
sition to each other: Sun- Earth-Jupiter-Uranus. As visible
water cluster ensembles in the hydrogel sensor lose energy
at appearance of celestial bodies in SPGPR which has to be
understood as gravitation energy drain from the sensor
space to giant mass concentrations in the near space [6,7].
These effects were characterized as endothermic ones and
they support the suggested model to the HB proton dissolu-
tion in physical vacuum, therefore [14].
As shown in Figure 5 gaseous giants influence the GR
velocity. Depending on the position of the observer and
of other surrounding mass concentrations the GR veloc-
ity seems to change permanently in the space, therefore.
Large mass concentrations in the near space were ob-
served to destroy the main gravitation flow leading to the
appearance of new GR with different velocities. Super
light velocities of GR were calculated in dependence of
the opposition angle of the gaseous giants Jupiter and
Uranus (Figure 6). As visible in Figure 6 the curse of
the curve can be described as a parable with a minimum
at an angle, that doesn't correspond to 180° (opposition
of the Sun and planets). The minimum is shifted a little
to smaller angles (175-176°) explained with that the
gaseous planets, the Earth and the Sun don't lie on a line.
We observed that at destroyed planets' oppositions the
GR velocity was highly increased e. g. at conjugation.
The generation of GR by celestial bodies has to be un-
derstood as a process in which gravitation lasers release the
energy that was accumulated by these celestial bodies. Af-
ter modeling this process the Earth was found to see as a
large gyroscope (Figure 7) and the atomic nuclei of the
Earth as elemental gyroscopes. Here in the non-exited state,
the elemental gyroscopes rotate around the own axes, that
are perpendicular to the rotation axis of the Earth. On the
other side, the model of the rotating proton being analo-
gous to the modern black hole model describes the forma-
tion of three to four stationary waves (quarks, Figure 7)
where the quarks’ number depends on the rotation velocity
of the stationary wave inside the proton [6]. The formation
of stationary waves in rotating isotropic liquids is already
known well [17-19], that permits to understand quarks as
virtual particles or perhaps better as energy clusters.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OPJ
Figure 5. The influence of celestial bodies on the energy of a water cluster ensemble in agarose hydrogel (97 wt% water, clus-
ter ensemble mass up to 3 million Dalton). Distance to the Sun 1.00173, to Jupiter 3.96499 and to Uranus 19.09932 a.u.
Gravitation velocity: main gravitation wave 1.15 × 109 m/s (gravitation Sun 1), gravitation ripple 3 × 108 m/s (visible Sun,
light velocity), gravitation Sun 2 (GR inhibited by Jupiter) 2.06 × 108 m/s and gravitation Sun 3 (GR inhibited by Uranus and
partially by Jupiter) 1.77 × 108 m/s. The ZGMS device was calibrated according to the evaporation energy of water at 298 K
(2.45 × 106 kJ/m3) at which the water cluster structure is destroyed completely.
Figure 6. The influence of the opposition angle (α˚) of Jupiter, Uranus and Sun on the ratio of the gravitation velocity (v) to
the light velocity (с) (Figure 5). The results were obtained at oppositions of the Sun to gaseous giants (Neptune, Jupiter, Ura-
nus) as well as at conjugation of Sun – Saturn between August 6th 2009 and September 29th 2010.
In this model, the protons were regarded as analogous
to a “black hole” [20]. Here protons absorbed the gravi-
tation energy from the surrounding physical vacuums
after this the energy was partially concentrated and re-
leased as an energy jet [6,7]. The process strongly de-
pended on the surroundings of the Earth and the process
balance could be shifted to stronger oscillator ensembles
e. g. to celestial bodies being larger than the Earth [5].
Thus, all Earth protons were activated by the rotation
of the Earth where one part of the gravitation energy was
released in the direction of the centrifugal force, this ef-
fect was observed at rotation of simple bodies too [21].
The second part of the gravitation energy was directed to
the Earth axis and concentrated there (right model in
Figure 7). With the help of this model the existence of a
gravitation laser was concluded to be possible, in princi-
ple. Here for the gravitation energy supply of the laser
the energy concentrated near the Earth axis as well as
that one arose by the resonance interaction of sensor
WGR with GR of celestial bodies in SPGPR was used. If
this model is right, then gravitation laser shots have to be
expected. That means we have to find experimentally
signals (modes) of a gravitation resonator being typical
for all laser radiations [22]. In one of our earlier works
such a gravitation shot we recorded and described [23].
It should be reasonably that the GR release shall be
highly increased when SPGPR hits a celestial body that
appears also in the ecliptic, e.g. Jupiter, Uranus or Sun
(Figure 5). Here WGR of the sensor is either weakened
strongly or reinforced depending on the resonance be-
tween sensor nuclei and larger cluster dimensions of the
Earth and celestial bodies in SPGPR.
The signals of the gravitation Sun (Figure 3) can be
considered as gravitation resonator modes too though the
gravitation shot isn’t only straight but it also can be di-
verted by celestial bodies e.g. Moon. In Figure 8 the
modes of a moon gravitation shot through the Earth
(gravitation mirror) directed to the Sun on September
18th 2010 are given. As shown the signal of the gravita-
tion Sun appears eight minutes earlier in SPGPR than
that one of the visible Sun. By comparing the data of the
Figures 5 (gravitation energy drain) and 8 with the exo-
170 172174 176 178180 182
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OPJ
Figure 7. Structure models for exited and non-excited protons and approximate orientation of proton axes to the Earth axis
(right side). The energy clusters as stationary waves rotating around the proton center (axis) are shown as colored drops. The
right model discusses the Earth as a large gyroscope and the protons as elemental ones. The gravitation energy flows are
marked with blue arrows and blue points.
thermic processes of the gravitation energy pumping in
the sensor space the double planet Earth–Moon was
found to act as a single gravitation energy donor for the
Sun. Here the gravitation energy flow from the Moon is
first directed to the Earth (gravitation mirror [24]) and
then to the Sun. In this case the Moon was near to the
ecliptic plain (2˚ 17 min) in which the most important
gravitation events inside the sun system proceed. The
energy of the modes coming from the gravitation reso-
nator Moon (I-VI. Figure 8) was too weak to destroy the
long-range order in water of the sensor explained with
that the gravitation shot hits the sample only partially.
According to Ignatiev [24] the mass of the gravitation
mirror amounts to 3.8 × 10–3 of the Earth mass or 2.27 ×
1022 kg (for an average density of 5520 kg/m3) and its
volume - to 4.1 × 1018 m3. Using a simple calculation we
have shown that a paraboloid is a concave mirror formed
by the earth crust of an average thickness of 33 km and
the earth surface А = πD2, where D = 12,742 km. Then
the calculated mirror mass (hemisphere) was found to be
equal to 33Adx106/2 = 4.6 × 1022 kg and the mass of the
paraboloid amounts to 2.3 × 1022 kg [25]. The accor-
dance of our results with those found by Ignatiev is an
indication for the correctness of the proposed models
(Figure 7).
As we have described in [23] gravitation shots are able
to destroy computer networks and even to cause aircraft
crashes. A picture of the Patomski crater in Siberia could
be an example for a highly concentrated gravitation shot
(http://www.panoramio.com/user/55934 6/tags/patomski
First the structure of a gravitation shot at the time when
the Moon appears in the ecliptic shall be discussed. The
number of water cluster kinds in agarose hydrogel at the
appearance of the Moon in SPGPR and in the ecliptic of
the sun system is given in Figure 9. At the moment when
the satellite enters the ecliptic plane the sample protons
resonate with those of the Moon and Sun attended with a
highly decreased number of water cluster kinds in agarose
hydrogel. It has to be mentioned that at this time the larg-
est volcano on the Java Island and two volcanoes on
Kamchatka were strongly active furthermore; strong
earthquakes and tsunami in the Indonesian region (Java
area) took place. Under the influence of the Moon the liq-
uid magma seems to rise until the earth surface what
therefore leads to an overheating of water in underground
reservoirs [6] and connected with that to these catastro-
phes. The character of signals on the curve with 2 sec-
onds’ resolution is typical for a laser irradiation that can be
understood as resonance modes of a gravitation resonator.
?? ????????????
? ????? ???????,
??? ?????
??????? ??????? ?
??????? ??????
?????? ???????
energy release
model of a proton,
polar star
rotating energy
clusters (quarks) as
stationary waves
exited proton
model of a proton,
rotating energy
clusters (quarks) as
stationary waves
energy release
model of a proton,
side view
polar star
exited proton
model of a proton,
view of above
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OPJ
Figure 8. Gravitation shot from the Moon (geocentric latitude 2˚ 17 min) directed to the sensor (agarose hydrogel). Water
cluster ensemble up to 3 million Dalton. I-VI modes of the gravitation resonator.
4. Conclusions
The Sun was found to absorb the gravitation radiation of
planets surrounding it. The structure of the gravitation
radiation was represented by two flows: 1) the main
gravitation flow directed to the Sun and spreading out
with a super-light velocity, 2) traces of the main gravita-
tion wave as ripples with light velocity propagation. The
Sun shall be recorded by two signals, first by the signal
from the gravitation Sun and second by that one from the
visible Sun. The gravitation Sun is characterized by a
multiple layer structure: corona, nucleus and sub-nucleus.
The matter in the sub-nucleus is in resonance with that
one in protons of hydrogen bonds of water in agarose
hydrogel indicating that they are of similar nature
(quarks-gluon matter).
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. OPJ
4:55:12 4:56:384:58:05 4:59:315:00:58 5:02:24 5:03:505:05:17 5:06:435:08:10 5:09:36
5:01:41 5:01:58 5:02:15 5:02:33 5:02:50 5:03:07 5:03:24 5:03:42
48 s
14 s
2 min
Figure 9. Change of the number of water cluster kinds in agarose hydrogel at the appearance of the Moon in SPGPR and in
the ecliptic (geocentric latitude 0˚ 0 min). The modes of the gravitation resonator are marked with horizontal brackets.
The thermonuclear synthesis in the Sun is a secondary
reaction obtaining energy from proton condensation in
the sub-nucleus.
The gravitation radiation velocity in the space perma-
nently changes depending on the observation position
and on the constellation of mass concentrations regarding
to the observer.
The absorption of gravitation energy by the Sun can be
reinforced by celestial bodies and achieve a level of
gravitation shots with catastrophic consequences.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Aist Handels-
und Consulting GmbH for financial support, the group of
astrophysicists of professor Vasiljev S. A. (Greece) and
professor Smirnov V. N. (Russia) for the fruitful discus-
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