J. Software Engineering & Applications, 2009, 2: 96-102
doi:10.4236/jsea.2009.22014 Published Online July 2009 (www.SciRP.org/journal/jsea)
Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSEA
Adaptive Motion Segmentation for Changing
Yepeng Guan1,2
1School of Communication and Information Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China; 2Key Laboratory of Advanced Dis-
plays and System Application, Ministry of Education, 149 Yanchang Rd., Shanghai, China.
Email: ypguan@shu.edu.cn
Received December 25th, 2008; revised April 12th, 2009; accepted May 4th, 2009.
Segmentation of moving objects efficiently from video sequence is very important for many applications. Background
subtraction is a common method typically used to segment moving objects in image sequences taken from a statistic
camera. Some existing algorithms cannot adapt to changing circumstances and require manual calibration in terms of
specification of parameters or some hypotheses for changing background. An adaptive motion segmentation method is
developed according to motion variation and chromatic characteristics, which prevents undesired corruption of the
background model and does not consid er the adaptation coefficient. RGB co lor space is selected in stead of introdu cing
complex color models to segment moving objects and suppress shadows. A color ratio for 4-connected neighbors of a
pixel and multi-scale wavelet transformation are combined to suppress shadows. The mentioned approach is
scene-independent and high correct segmentation. It ha s been shown that th e approach is robust and efficient to detect
moving objects by experiments.
Keywords: Motion Segmentat ion, Background Update, Background Subtracti on, Motion Variation, Shadow Suppression
1. Introduction
Moving objects segmentation is an important topic in co-
mputer vision applications, including video conferences,
vehicle tracking, and three-dimensional object identifica-
tion, and has been actively investigated in recent years
[1]. The most widely adopted approach for moving ob-
ject segmentation with a fixed camera is based on back-
ground subtraction. A background (called as background
model also) is computed and evolved frame by frame.
A reliable background model has to account for back-
ground at each time instant. Mistake in labeling fore-
ground and background points could cause wrong update
of the background model. A particularly critical situation
occurs whenever moving objects stop for a long time and
become a part of the background. When these objects
start again, a ghost is detected in the area where they
stopped. This will persist for all the following frames,
preventing the area to be updated in the background for-
In addition, moving object segmentation is easily af-
fected by shadow problem. Researchers try to select an
optimal color space for shadow eliminating among a set
of color spaces, such as HSV, YCrCb, XY Z , L*a*b*,
L*u*v*,C1C2C3, l1l2l3, normalized rgb and so on, how-
ever, it remains open-ended how important is the appro-
priate color space, and which color space is the most
effective [2]. Many approaches in literature have been
developed so far. Some existing methods require manual
calibration in terms of the specification of parameters
which are related to the environment and the lighting
conditions or make some hypotheses.
An approach to adaptive background updating and
shadow suppressing is developed. RGB color space is
selected instead of introducing complex color models to
segment moving objects. Motion evaluation is intro-
duced to prevent giving erroneous segmentation in those
corresponding with an un-updated background model. A
color ratio and multi-scale wavelet transformation are
combined to suppress shadows. The main contribution of
the proposal is that the developed approach is scene-
independent and automatic background updating ac-
cording to motion variations caused by moving objects.
The second contribution is that when segmenting motion
objects it does not require any complex supervised train-
ing or manual calibration in terms of the specification of
parameters or makes any hypotheses. Experimental re-
sults from indoor and outdoor environments have shown
*Tel: +86 21 56331967; Fax: +86 21 56336908.
Adaptive Motion Segmentation for Changing Background 97
the developed approach is efficient and flexible during
segmenting moving objects and suppressing shadows in
The remainder paper is organized as follows. Section 2
briefly reviews some related previous works. In the next
section, background model update would be discussed.
Shadow suppression is described in Section 4. Experi-
mental results from indoor and outdoor environments are
given in Section 5 and followed by conclusions in Sec-
tion 6.
2. Related Works
Many works have been put forward in literature for mo-
ving objects detection. Background subtraction based
moving objects in the scene are detected by the differ-
ence between the current frame and the background
model. When the deviation is greater than some critical
value, the pixel is considered as foreground (moving
object) [3]. The most simple background model is the
previous frame. The difference between the observed
frame and the previous frame is thresholded to determine
which pixel is background and which pixel is the fore-
ground. Another way to model the background is to take
the mean, median, or minimum and maximum values of
the previous N pixel [4]. It needs to keep track of the
pixel value history. To avoid this problem a first order
recursive filter is used to update the background model
[5]. It easily causes ‘tailing’ or ‘ghosting’. A particularly
critical situation occurs whenever the moving object
stopped for a long time and became a part of the back-
ground. When these objects start again, a ghost is de-
tected in the area where they stopped [6]. This will per-
sist for all the following frames, preventing the area to be
updated in the background image forever [7]. One
method is by modeling each pixel as unimodal Gaussian
distribution [8]. It fails to model background pixels that
are subject to repetitive motions which have multiple
background colors. To overcome these difficulties, a
parametric background modeling is done by modeling
each background pixel value as a mixture Gaussian dis-
tribution [9,10]. The parametric background model still
lacks flexibility when dealing with non-static back-
grounds, a highly flexible non-parametric technique is
proposed for estimating background probabilities from
recent samples over time using Kernel density estimation
[11]. False detections due to fluctuating backgrounds are
still not covered in the algorithm until now. Codebook
technique is a different approach proposed for the back-
ground subtraction in [12]. One of drawbacks is that the
algorithm cannot adapt to changing circumstance when
the environment was not present in the training phase.
Moving objects that stop moving and should be adopted
into the background will get difficulties in the algorithm.
Shadows cause serious problems while segmenting
moving objects, due to the misclassification of shadow-
points as a foreground. Many works have been devel-
oped to suppress shadow [1,2,6,13,14,15,16,17,19,21,22].
By shadow suppression, the major problem is how to
distinguish moving cast shadows from moving object
points [15]. Cucchiara et al. [6] defined a shadow mask
for each point resulting from motion segmentation.
However, it often makes additional assumptions such as
small changes in hue and saturation, necessary a prior
knowledge of the bands of the changes in the value
channel. Moreover choice of some parameters is less
straightforward and for now is done empirically. Tatter-
sall et al. [16] proposed adaptive shadow identification
through automatic parameter estimation based on the
above method. The single variable parameter is only
used. However, much additional assumptions must be
made also in [16]. Salvador et al. [17] proposed invariant
color features to detect cast shadows through using
chrominance color components. It is found that several
assumptions are needed regarding the reflecting surfaces
and the lightings. In outdoor scene, shadows will have a
blue color cast due to the sky, while the lighting regions
have a yellow cast (sunlight), hence the chrominance
color values corresponding to the same surface point
may be significantly different in shadow and sunlit re-
gions [18]. Cavallaro et al. [19] proposed the normalized
rgb space to detect shadows. It is known that the practi-
cal application of normalized rgb suffers from a problem
inherent to the noise at low intensities which would re-
sult in unstable chromatic components [20]. Texture
analysis can be potentially effective in solving the prob-
lem. Heikkila et al. [21] proposed a texture-based me-
thod for modeling the background and detecting moving
objects from a video sequence. Each pixel is modeled as
a group of adaptive local binary pattern histograms that
are calculated over a circular region around the pixel.
Because of the huge amount of different combinations, it
must be done more or less empirically to find a good set
of parameter values. Spagnolo et al. [22] proposed a ra-
tio-based algorithm to detect shadows with an empiri-
cally assigned ratio threshold. This ratio-based algorithm
considering the ratio between only two adjacent pixels
considerably shortens the computation time, but it easily
misclassifies shadows as objects, because ratio magni-
tude of shadows may have a similar magnitude value.
3. Background Model Update
The main idea of the proposed approach is to update pix-
els according to motion variations caused by moving
objects, which has been proven to be more reliable and
less sensitive to noise.
Assuming the background model Bt+1(x, y) at t+1 time,
extract possible moving regions P based on background
subtraction (seen from Figure 1(c)). According to the
fact that the variation of sensible motion target in the
scene can be found out from the sequence, the difference
Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSEA
98 Adaptive Motion Segmentation for Changing Background
Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSEA
region P1 may be incorrect (seen from Figure 2(e)). In
order to overcome the problem, chromatic information is
used to further extract moving region P2 from P1 accord-
ing to moving objects with the same chromatic in P1 as in
R (seen from Figure 2(f)). According to the mentioned
above, the background model is updated as follows,
between the two adjacent frames is used to extract mov-
ing regions R (seen from Figure 1(d)). Extract moving
object regions P1 from the regions P according to mov-
ing objects with the same connective characteristic as
regions R (seen from Figure 1(e)).
When the object moves slowly in situ, the extracted
(, )(, ),arg( ,)
(, )
(, ),
xyB xyifXORPPT
Bxy Bxy otherwise
(, ),( , )PconnectR PPchrom PR
In (1), It+1 is a current frame at t+1 time, “” repre-
sents updating, Connect (R, P) represents selecting a
region with the same connective characteristic as R from
P, chrom (P1, R) represents selecting a region with the
same chromatic information in R as in P1, XOR is a logi-
cal exclusive-or operator, T is a threshold value.
The proposed background update approach reveals
some advantages. Firstly it smoothes and reduces the
effects of noise in the image since sudden variations of a
single pixel are not included in the background model.
Secondly it does not consider the adaptation coefficient
or the learning rate used in the existing literatures. Fi-
nally it does not depend on static or moving objects in
the image. In order to demonstrate the last point, some
results of two sequences where lena walks, and she bend-
s in two scenes from http://www.tele.ucl.ac.be/~gaitanis/
results/Human_Action_Video_Database/2Feet/ are given
in Figures 1 and 2, respectively.
Figure 1. Lena walks in the scene and the extracted results. (a) First frame in the sequence. (b) The 25th frame. (c) Segmenta-
tion based on subtraction of (a) and (b). (d) Segmentation based on difference between the 24th and 25th frames. (e) Ex-
tracted object region by connectivity. (f) Extracted object region by chromatic consistency. (g) Detected varied background
region. (h) Extracted final foreground re gion
Figure 2. Lena bends in situ and the ex tracted results. (a) First frame in the sequence. (b) The 25th frame. (c) Segmentation
based on subtraction of (a) and (b). (d) Segmentation based on difference between the 24th and 25th frames. (e) Extracted
object region by connectivity. (f) Extr acte d objec t region by chromatic c onsistenc y. (g) Detec ted varie d backgr ound re gion. (h)
Extracted final foreground region
Adaptive Motion Segmentation for Changing Background 99
In the second example, some existing algorithms in
the literature are difficult to correctly extract moving
objects. In Figures 1 and 2, the ghosts are removed since
their connective pixels do not contain any frame-differe-
nce pixels. From Figures 1(g) and 2(g), one can see that
some varied background pixels are detected in the region
no matter how lena walks or bends in situ. The results
obtained with the approach show correct foreground
segmentation and effective background updating from
Figures 1 (h) and 2(h). It highlights that the aperture
problem resulting from the adjacent frame-difference is
overcome by combining region connectivity and the
chromatic consistency.
4. Shadow Suppression
Since RGB color camera system is one of the most pop-
ular color spaces, and all colors are seen as a variable
combination of the three primaries in the RGB color
space, RGB color space is selected to eliminate shadows
in the paper. Before segmenting image, start by applying
a smoothing operator both to the background image B(x,
y) and the current frame F(x, y).
Calculate a color ratio difference between B(x, y) and
F(x, y) for 4-connected neighbors of a pixel and for all
three color components as:
(, )(, )
(,, ,)(1,1,,1,2,3,4)
(,) (,)
Ixy Ixy
pxyij ijijn
Ixiyj Ixiyj
 
  (3)
where (, )
xy is the intensity of F(x, y) for the kth
color component at location (x, y), (,
xiy j
the intensity of its neighbor color components; )
is the intensity of B(x, y) for the kth color component at
location (x, y), and (,
xiy j is the intensity of its
neighbor color components.
Since moving shadow makes the region covered by
itself darker than the background and it has similar
chromaticity, a suitable threshold Th is applied to the
color ratio difference (3) to obtain a candidate fore-
ground region as:
(, )
SPx y
(, )0
nif pTh
SPx yotherwise
If the distortion distribution of is assumed to be a
Gaussian one, we can threshold the distortion by n
where n
is a standard deviation of . However, it
is found from experiments that the distribution of is
not a Gaussian one, but is has a very sharp peak at zero.
The standard deviation of is used to select the thre-
shold Th, and (4) can be rewritten as:
(, )0
if p
SPx yotherwise
The value of color ratio mentioned above may not
uniquely highlight the property of a particular material,
and there may be instable for particular values. To obtain
a robust segmentation result, the results from the color
ratio and multi-scale wavelet transformation method
proposed in [23] are combined.
5. Experimental Results
To confirm the effectiveness of the above proposed
method, we have conducted experiments with different
indoor and outdoor video sequences.
Figure 3. Detected foregrounds for indoor circumstances. The first c olumn is the first frame of the sequence s, the second col-
umn is the current frames (67#, and 300#, from top to bottom, respectively), and the third column is the detected foreground
masks with light grey pixels superimposed on the original image
Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSEA
100 Adaptive Motion Segmentation for Changing Background
Figure 4. Detected foregrounds in outdoor circumstances. The first column is the first frame of the sequences, the second
column is the current frames (69#, and 84#, from top to bottom, respectively), and the third column is the detected fore-
ground masks with light grey pixels supe r imposed on the original image
In the experiments, the threshold T used in (1) is cho-
sen as 100, which represents the minimum number of
expected background updating in consecutive frames.
The threshold T can be chosen lower in which more
background pixels can be updated. The selection of
lower T means more time to process background updat-
ing and some noises may drift into updating. The back-
ground reference image used is the first frame of se-
quence no matter objects enter the field of view before
captured or not.
The sequences with different indoor conditions in-
cluding the MPEG-4 test sequence Hall Monitor, aton
project test sequence intelligent room from http://cvrr.
ucsd.edu/aton/shadow have been used to test the devel-
oped algorithm. Some results are given in Figure 3.
In Figure 3, the results obtained by the developed ap-
proach are quite good, considering that the contrast be-
tween the object and background is very low.
In order to test the proposed approach further in out-
door conditions, the sequences with different outdoor
conditions including campus and highway from the
ATON project are used. The choice of such different
scenes is made to emphasize the reliability and robust-
ness of the proposed approach in outdoor circumstances.
Some results are shown in Figure 4.
In Figure 4, the results show the robustness of the
proposed algorithm to cope with different outdoor cir-
The above results show qualitative information about
the effectiveness of the developed approach. It is neces-
sary to quantitatively evaluate the performance of the
method with a ground-truth.
The main goal of the proposed method is not accurate
detection or discrimination of shadow pixels, but the
improvement of moving object detection because accu-
rate object detection is crucial for further applications.
The performance of moving object detection is measured
in term of correct segmentation rate (csr) and false seg-
mentation rate (fsr) as:
csr fsr
where TP (true positive) is the number of correctly de-
tected foreground pixels, GT (ground-truth) is the
ground-truth for the foreground, FP (false positive) is the
number of background falsely marked as foreground
pixels, FN (false negative) is the number of foreground
pixels falsely classified as background ones.
Using the csr and fsr measurements, the total correct
segmentation will have 100% by csr while the total
agreement with the ground-truth will have 0% by fsr.
The available sequence intelligent room and its ground-
truth data are available from http://cvrr.ucsd.edu/aton/
shadow. In our work, two recent proposed methods in-
cluding the invariant color features (ICF) proposed in [17]
and the ratio map (RM) developed in [22] are quantita-
tively evaluated together, and the results are shown in
Figure 5 for a comparison.
The symbols in the legend of Figure 5 refer to object
extraction results: ICF [17], RM [22], and the proposed
method. The mean values of csr corresponding to the
plots of Figure 5 are the following: RM 0.84, ICF 0.86,
proposed 0.98. The mean values of fsr are the following:
RM 3.42, ICF 4.11, proposed 1.61.The proposed method
outperforms the investigated methods with the best ob-
ject detection over time.
6. Conclusions
This paper has presented an approach to adaptive motion
segmentation and shadow suppression. The ghosts are
detected and removed by the developed background up-
date function, which prevents undesired corruption of the
background model and does not consider the adaptation
coefficient or the learning rate used in the literature. By
Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSEA
Adaptive Motion Segmentation for Changing Background 101
Figure 5. Comparison of video object segmentation rate for the test sequence intelligent room
comparison, it has been shown that the proposed method
outperforms the investigated methods and is robust and
efficient to detect moving objects during coping with
different indoor or outdoor circumstances.
7. Acknowledgements
This work in part is supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60872117).
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